Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 18

by Drew Sera

  As we pulled apart, Blake, Matt, and Gina were the first ones to come over and hug or shake our hands.

  There were so many people in the dungeon hall that witnessed us collaring Sydney. I couldn’t believe it. Anthony ended up sitting on the nearby spanking bench and had Sydney perched on his lap with arms protectively around her. Sydney clung to Anthony and with the way she was positioned on his lap, her breasts and pussy weren’t on display anymore, which made me feel better about her being on display.

  I worried that the shock of being naked in front of all the club members for so long was taking it’s toll. Plus, it was such an emotional evening. I knew that any club member that could see Sydney had been front row to gaze upon her scars and wounds. Even if she had been clothed in something sheer, for the most part her wounds would not have been so visible. For this, I was sorry for. Anthony was aware though and had her tucked up against his body as close as he could. I stood next to Sydney and wrapped one of my arms across her and Anthony’s shoulders as well wishers came up to speak briefly to us.

  Evan stuck his hand out in front of me and said our ceremony was wonderful. I had to bite back the first few things that came to mind when I saw him. After the incident with him at Blake’s Thanksgiving party, I didn’t really expect to see him. I shook his hand though and thanked him for being here. He said a few words to Anthony that I couldn’t hear and it was probably for the best right now. By that time Seth and Will were both waiting to say their “hellos.”

  Everyone waited their turn to say something to us. I really hadn’t expected such a turnout but everyone was so nice and positive. Everyone was respectful and kept their greeting quick and quiet and then moved on. Finally it was just us left in the stall. I rubbed my hands up and down Sydney’s arms to make sure she was doing okay. I couldn’t keep my eyes from our collar.

  “Baby, you’ll have to see yourself in a mirror. The collar is amazing on you.”

  “Colin and Anthony...Sirs...tonight has been so wonderful.” She was running her finger over the necklace and was smiling and then looked down at the play collar in her hands. “I never thought I’d ever be collard. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I promise not to let you down.”

  “This is your everyday collar, baby. You can wear it out and to bed. But when we come to the club, play collar goes on.”

  Her pupils got nice and big, and Anthony and I shared knowing looks.

  We headed upstairs to the bar area and found our usual couches that the five of us usually occupy. Sydney sat between Anthony and I and she was still gloriously naked. I wanted her to go see herself in the bathroom mirror, but Anthony pulled her closer to his body and gave me a weird look. When I raised my eyebrow at him he shook his head.

  “Feel her,” Anthony said to me in a hushed tone. I reached out and ran my hand up and down the soft skin of her arm. She was cold. Anthony had his arm around her waist and was rubbing on her skin to create warmth.

  Matt sensed something because he could tell that Anthony was preoccupied with something, and now I was becoming tense. He came over and sat on the coffee table in front of Sydney and looked at her for a few moments.

  “She’s cold,” Anthony quickly told Matt.

  “I bet your girl will warm up if both of you hold her.”

  Anthony and I both caught on. He and I weren’t very with it right now. Anthony and I were both still shirtless and we scooted closer to one another on the couch. Sydney stayed on Anthony’s lap and cuddled against his chest while I pulled her legs over to rest on my lap and stomach. I ran my hands up and down her legs. She smiled and reached her hand towards me and let them rest against my chest. I felt so loved in that moment and knew she’d be ok.

  Blake came over with Noah carrying a bunch of beverages and snacks. One of the snacks was a bowl of M&M’s. I smiled up at him and took the bowl from the tray.

  “Look, baby. Blake brought us candy.” She scooted up on Anthony’s lap and smiled. She started to reach for the candy, but Anthony held her hands still. “Open, baby.”

  Like a dream, she obeyed me. She opened her sweet mouth and I fed her M&M’s. Anthony was being funny and opened his mouth too and I tossed a few in the direction of his mouth. Sydney laughed and quickly confiscated a green one that bounced off his chin.

  “You guys all doing okay over here?” Blake is like the club’s dad sometimes. He suggested that if Anthony and I wanted to play with our newly collared girl, that we use one of the theme rooms.

  I agreed. No more dungeon for Sydney tonight.

  “Wanna take our collared kitten upstairs, Anth?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  The three of us headed towards the stairs when Blake called out to us that room one might be of interest to us. I turned to see a smile spread across his face before he headed over to Matt and Gina.

  Room one it was. All of the rooms upstairs are themed and many of them get rearranged often to keep things fresh. The metal sign on the door said “reserved”, and I noticed that the window to the room had the blinds pulled closed.

  We walked inside and instantly I was pleased. Blake knew what Sydney had been through and that she was still so new to the consensual BDSM lifestyle. So he knew not to bombard her tonight. For many Doms who collared their sub, the first place they took them in the club was usually the dungeon. Typically, it was a very rigorous play session. For Anthony, Sydney, and I, this bed was the best thing.

  “On the bed, sunshine.”

  “Kneel and part those sexy legs, baby.”


  Friday, December 13th


  I lay on the bed in a sweaty mess, unable to summon up the energy to move. Colin and I took pleasure from our fragile kitten tonight. We gave too, but boy did we take. He and I had been in each of her tantalizing holes this evening. I came more tonight than I’ve ever come in one play session. Although this was much more than just a play session.

  Sydney’s breathing had finally returned to normal and now she was very close to drifting off to sleep. I kept nudging her though because it was never a good idea to fall asleep so close to a heavy session. Our’s was emotionally heavy, and I was feeling the effects.

  I was still on the high of collaring our sweet girl, but my body was exhausted and I was quickly running down. Sydney was now asleep with her head resting on my abdomen but was facing away from me. Her hand was curled around my soft dick. It was very intimate. Before Sydney fell into my life, I had never experienced this kind of emotional intimacy. I liked the way it made me feel. I think I need it too. I let my hand rest on top of her shoulders and mindlessly stroked her soft skin as I pondered many things. This is what Matt’s been talking about for all of these years.

  Exhaustion had taken it’s toll on Colin and he was asleep too. He was positioned on the bed so that his head was resting on Sydney’s lower back and butt. His arm was draped over her, and I had made sure that the two of them were covered up.

  Colin and I worry about her body getting so chilled after sex. Matt and Chris say it’s just her body’s way of reacting to the endorphin rush. They think that over time she won’t get cold or it’ll lessen. But for now, she’s still getting used to consensual sex. Fucking Howard. I had to quickly push that thought out of my head so it didn’t ruin my mood.

  We had been in this room all evening and I glanced at my watch. 12:30 a.m. I didn’t want to move from this position and I think I could easily stay in it forever. But that wouldn’t be very responsible of me. We couldn’t let Sydney sleep much more, but I found it cruel to wake her up. She usually has nightmares and is so tired. We needed to get her home to our bed so we could care for her properly.

  “Col....Col, wake up.”

  It took some work, but the three of us managed to get dressed. Colin had Sydney’s hand in his and suddenly he pulled her body against his and tilted her chin up.

  “What, Col?” I asked him as I walked over to them.

  “She shivered.”

king cold again. She gets like this the second our connection gets broken. We went downstairs and found Matt and Blake at our couches. I was actually surprised to see that Matt and Gina were still here. Before we flopped down on the couch, Matt and Blake stood up.

  “Ready to go?” Matt asked us. Gina was going to drive their car and meet us at Colin’s and Matt was going to drive us. I was dead tried so I wasn’t complaining.

  Before we headed out, Blake cornered me and told me how proud he was of me. Maybe it was hearing that on top of the emotional night of collaring Sydney, but he damn near caused a lump in my throat. I had to look away from him as I nodded. Fucking Blake had to get all greeting card on me. He pulled my arm though so I couldn’t completely pull away.

  “No more hiding, Anthony. You wouldn’t let that girl of yours hide. Did me telling you that I was proud of you sting? Did I hit a nerve?” Blake stared pointedly at me.

  I nodded. I owed him an answer with my voice and not just nodding to hide. Practice what you preach, Anthony. Blake’s always been good to me, and he molded me to everything that I am.

  “Yeah, it hit a nerve. Tonight was incredible. I never thought I’d have a girl like Sydney and collar her. I’m feeling a little dazed over everything this evening, and then you say something like how proud you are of me. I’m on emotional overload right now.”

  “I wasn’t aware that was going to be a problem for you, son.”

  Fuck. As if his proud declaration wasn’t enough, he had to throw “son” into it. I stared at him unsure of what to do or say. He totally blindsided me with that.

  “Anthony, I’ve watched you grow into one of the best Doms I know. Sixteen, seventeen years ago you crossed the threshold of my club. You were lost, disconnected, and had so much pent up crap. But under that lay a Dominant with great potential. You needed guidance and were looking for an outlet. Your body screamed for it. You desired to feel that you were needed and made a difference. I saw potential in you and worried that without the right guidance, you might give up and never find what it was that you were looking for. You’re unselfish, and I’m proud of you for finally letting your guard down and letting Sydney and Colin in. You are a good man. And you’re the son that I never had.”

  “I had an incredible mentor. You saved me from suffering a long, lonely life where I didn’t think anyone gave a fuck about me.”

  “I think you know better now, and I’d say that you are surrounded by love and people who care about you. And mentor or not, if it wasn’t already in you, my words and guidance would have been white noise.”

  I nodded. Blake knew all those years ago that if he hadn’t intervened in my life at that time, that there’s a good chance I could have gone down a dark path. I zipped up my jacket and hugged Blake before pulling away from him to catch up to Colin, Matt, and Sydney.

  Colin and I both rode in the back seat with Sydney. She was ours. We held her on the way home, and Colin carried her inside. I saw Matt out to his car where Gina was waiting, and took care of locking up the doors and setting the house alarm.

  I grabbed a few bottles of water to take upstairs with me and found that Colin was sitting on the stairs with Sydney in his arms. His eyes were closed but he looked peaceful. So did Sydney. I looked at the two of them for a few moments. She looked so content in his arms, and she could truly let her guard down and trust us to protect her.

  “Hey,” I said while nudging Colin’s shoulder. “I can’t carry both of you upstairs.”

  The three of us got upstairs and undressed. Colin and I couldn’t take our eyes off her collar. Tonight was very emotional and I felt like my grip on my emotions were starting to slip away from me again. I was thinking about how Sydney was giving herself to Colin and I and trusted us. I had someone to love. Technically, I had two people to love and care for. Which is two times more than I ever thought I’d have.

  At some point in the night I woke up harder than cement. The clock said it wasn’t even 4:00 in the morning. Next to the alarm clock was the play collar. Sydney held onto it all the way home from Irons, and Colin finally pried it from her grip when she fell asleep. She was still asleep, but I had needs - dirty, filthy, depraved, sexual needs. I pushed myself up on my elbows and gazed at her body. She was curled up against Colin’s side, and her hand was on his chest with her fingers twisted in his chest hair. Colin’s hand was cupping one of her ass cheeks. The light from the bathroom made her ass glow in the night. And I wanted it and was going to take it.

  I took a few deep breaths to remind myself that I needed to go slow. Howard would wake her up in the middle of the night and would hurt her. She’d be groggy and unaware of what was going on until it was too late. He’d leave her scared, hurt, and alone.

  I didn’t want to scare her. I wasn’t going to do this. It’d scare her. I lay back down and let my eyes travel back down to her ass. My dick was so hard so I tugged on myself for a few minutes. It wasn’t making it better. Worse actually.

  Fuck it. I’m not Howard.

  I got up on my knees and gently shook Sydney’s shoulders while saying her name. She moved around a little bit and looked over her shoulder at me as my heart pounded in my chest. My heart calmed when I saw her sweet, sleepy smile and then heard her say, “Sir?”

  “Come here, sunshine. I need you. Now.”

  She stretched and rubbed her eyes as I found her sweet pussy with my fingers. I pushed a few finger tips inside to see if she was dry or moist. Much to my liking, I found moisture. Sydney smiled and let her hands rest palm up next to her ears on the pillow. Fuck me, I wanted to pin those arms down and fuck her hard. But I couldn’t do that to her. I had to have her now.

  “What do you say if you need to stop?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Colin’s right here too. I’m not going to hurt you…but I’m going to fuck your ass.”

  She continued to smile at me while I reached for the lube in the nightstand. I carried Sydney and the lube over to our sitting area and spread her throw on the ottoman. I positioned her on the ottoman so she was on her hands and knees with her face pressed on the blanket. I lubed my cock and positioned her hands so she held onto the legs of the ottoman.

  “Don’t let go, Sydney…red to stop.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  With that, I rubbed some lube on her tiny hole and pushed my cock inside. I pushed all the way in without slowing or pausing as she cooed and whimpered at my invasion. Her hands stayed put and I could feel her body tighten and tense. I put one hand on her chapped side and the other wrapped around to play with her nipple. I twisted and pulled that hard nipple until she moaned lightly.

  Sydney reacts well to a little pain. This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed it. Colin and I are going to have to explore this some, but carefully.

  She felt so good. I fucked her ass at a decent pace while staring at those sexy dimples that sat above her butt. I wasn’t being overly gentle, but I wasn’t being mean either. I was simply fucking her ass.

  Her constant moan almost put me in a trance and finally I let go of her side and reached around to play with her other nipple too. I pinched and tugged on them until she began to move with me. My hands moved down to her lower abdomen and I pulled her closer to me. Fuck, I was going to come. I held her close and pressed my hand against her pussy and grunted out my release. The ring of muscles in her ass gripped me as she tried to rub her wet pussy against my hand. She turned her head and buried it in the ottoman and took my load deep in her ass.

  I was empty and exhausted. Neither of us spoke. I felt like I just jumped off the treadmill after running a few miles. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and set my hand on her side gently. And that’s when I noticed she was shaking.

  “Sunshine,” I pulled out as gently as I could and pried her small hands off the ottoman legs and knelt down by her head. When she brought her head up and I was able to look into her eyes, she smiled at me and reached her arms out towards me, forcing me to smile
. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  I picked her up and headed to the bathroom to clean us up when Colin spoke from the bed.

  “That was hot.”

  I laughed out loud.

  “Guess we gave Colin a little show, sunshine.”

  Sydney bashfully smiled and I continued towards the bathroom and pushed the door open to the blinding light. I set Sydney down on the rug in front of the counter and found some cleansing wipes and took care of her first. Always, Sydney first. While I tended to her Colin stood in the doorway of the bathroom. After I was clean I carried her back to the bedroom and sat on one of the chairs and cuddled her in my arms. Colin brought over a clean throw and draped it over her then sat on the ottoman in front of us. He stroked her hair while her head was tucked under my chin.

  “So, baby, you got yourself a nice load in the middle of the night.”

  She giggled and laughed in my arms, and I loved how I felt. I ran the back of my hand over her necklace and thought about what an amazing night we had.


  Saturday, December 14th


  I was nervous and anxious. Matt and I stood in the great room talking with Anthony as we waited for our fragile kitten to appear. She had been held up in our bedroom and bathroom for a long time with Gina. Anthony and I were both ready and Matt congratulated Anthony for being dressed and ready before Sydney.

  Originally we were going to do bow ties and tuxedos, but the dress attire for the party changed from formal to dressy. I opted for a black suit, white shirt, and a red and silver tie. Anthony had on a perfectly cut black suit, white shirt, and gray tie. His tie had white specks in varying sizes all over it, and at the bottom there was a tiny Christmas tree sitting in the snow. Sydney loved his tie. Anthony never wore a Christmas tie but knowing how Sydney is about Christmas trees promoted him to find one. This one was Anthony. Holiday, but stylish. His suits always were tailored perfectly. He just bought suits off the rack but you’d think they were tailored for his specific body. He tells me that it’s all about finding the right cut.


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