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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 22

by Drew Sera

  “She was amazing, Col. She trusted me to restrain her and know that I wouldn’t hurt her.” He turned to look at me. “I had her hands on this glass over her head. And she submitted to me. Trusted me.”

  Last night was incredible and the progress of what the two of them did was monumental. I was still reeling in the memories of what was accomplished last night. So I’m sure that what Anthony was feeling now was huge.

  “When I heard her tell you that you and I own her body and heart, I was filled with so much happiness. I knew that she understood that even though she was giving us everything, that she would also be cared for unconditionally. Then I saw you restrain her hands, close to her wrists, it was unbelievable. She was beautiful leaning on the glass in her shoes. And naked.”

  “And with our collar.”

  I turned to look back at her sleeping soundly. No nightmares so far and Anthony was okay. He was just trying to process everything from last night. I knew that what he did with Sydney had a heavy emotional impact on him because of how he was acting afterwards. He probably still had some of those effects whirling around inside and just needed some time. I needed to keep a close eye on Sydney too. Anthony had her pinned to the window by her wrists and he was rougher than usual.

  I went back to bed and cuddled up against Sydney’s body. She was warm and soft. I closed my eyes to drift back off to sleep.

  I woke up again around 7:30 a.m. I stretched and rubbed my hand over her butt cheeks. Seeing how she submitted last night and trusted Anthony to restrain her made me wonder about other possibilities with her. Maybe there were things that I’ve written off because I feared that she wouldn’t be able to handle them. Bondage, erotic spankings, impact play. They might be possibilities but needed to be approached with caution.

  Anthony was awake and had her mostly in his arms. I know Sydney provided as much comfort to Anthony as he provided to her. He was finally letting his guard down and was accepting love.

  “I need to make good on a promise from last night, sunshine.”

  Sydney looked up at him and tilted her head sideways as she tried to recall what he might be referring to. He put his hands around her waist and turned her over so she was facing me. He propped one of her legs on top of me and put his fingers in his mouth.

  “You said I was taunting you last night about the fingering. But as I told you, it was a promise. One that I’m going to carry out now, sunshine.”

  Anthony moved his moistened fingers down to her pussy and began going to work. Sydney giggled and laughed for a few minutes and then the feelings of pleasure started taking over and the giggles turned into sweet, soft moans. It quickly made me hard and I guided her hand down to my hard cock and helped her stroke me.

  “No, Colin. No watching today. You’re playing an active part today.” Anthony got up on his knees and pulled Sydney up on her knees and held her body against his chest and abdomen with his arms wrapped protectively around her. “Sunshine, Master Colin didn’t get to play last night. Take his cock in your sweet mouth and give him some love.”

  Anthony helped Sydney position herself so when she leaned over me her mouth was aligned to take my cock in her mouth. I leaned back and put my hands behind my head and enjoyed every second of her mouth. Anthony was causing her to moan because he was now behind her fingering her. A screech fluttered from her mouth as she jumped. Instinctively I quickly reached out and put my hands on her upper arms and looked down to see what caused this reaction. Anthony was laughing and had his hands on her hips.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “His mouth tickled me and his scratchy face.”

  “My scratchy face? I’m a man, sunshine. I get facial hair growth everyday. And, if you’re not careful, I’m going to keep a day’s hair growth so that when I go down on you, you’ll remember it for days.” He kissed her butt cheek and then clamped his teeth down on it playfully. “Sunshine.”

  This of course caused more laughter and giggles and turned into Anthony and I wrestling around with her in the bed trying to make her laugh. He held her securely on his lap while I knelt in front of her and tickled her. Hearing her laugh uncontrollably is truly a gift. And as always with her laughter, Anthony and I always share a knowing glance. We are so lucky to have her. Once we settled down again, Sydney crawled over to me and took my cock in her hands.

  “Sorry about the interruption, Sir.”

  The sweet thing was worried that I hadn’t come. I frowned at her and stopped her before she lowered her head to my dick. I never wanted her to feel as though this was expected.

  “Baby, it’s okay. We had some fun this morning and I got to hear you laugh. You don’t need to finish.”

  She sat back on her knees and as her face fell; I realized my mistake. Howard told her repeatedly that she didn’t suck him off well enough and sometimes the asshole would burn her with cigarettes over what he deemed was poor oral performance or he’d slap her ears. With me telling her she didn’t need to finish caused everything that son of a bitch beat into her back into her head. I felt bad and I didn’t mean it as she was taking it. This was just some of the shit from Howard we needed to work out.

  Sydney’s demeanor changed instantly though. She sat back on the bed and looked downward at her hands. Her body was tight and she held herself still. I looked up at Anthony and he was staring at me. He didn’t look angry, but lost and unsure of what to do too. I wasn’t going to brush this to the side and pretend it wasn’t in our faces. We weren’t pushing things to the side and hope they go away or get better. We needed to deal with them as they came up. I sat up and she looked up at me with tears in those gorgeous blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Sir…I’m not…”

  I cut her off. I wasn’t going to listen to her spit out any shit that Howard planted in her head. I’ll be damned if she ever buys into a thing Howard beat into her physically or emotionally.

  “Stop, Sydney. Don’t tell me something that isn’t true.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks and Anthony’s arms came across to wipe her tears with his thumbs as I wrapped my arms around her small arms. When I began pulling her to my lap I met some resistance. I knew she wasn’t scared of me but she was trying to avoid comfort. Which, I won’t allow either. I could have let her retreat and given her the space she obviously wanted, but it wasn’t what she needed. I easily pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly against my body.

  “Sydney, shhh, it’s okay, baby. Baby, I don’t have to come every time we play. I don’t get angry if I don’t come. Hearing your laugh this morning, and having fun with Anthony and I meant more to me than coming. The sound of you being happy and playful is easily the best sound, and it outweighs me coming.”

  She sniffled in my arms and was calming down. I stroked her shoulder and tried to find the right words that I needed to say and she needed to hear.

  “Sydney, Howard filled your head with terrible things and lies over the course of many years. It’s only natural that you believe them. Anthony and I will unravel that mess he made, but please, please don’t confuse us with him. Okay, baby?”

  She nodded and curled up against me and placed her hands flat on her stomach. Anthony muscled his hand under hers and rest against her tummy. I reached up and touched our collar around her neck.

  “Sydney, Anthony and I didn’t collar you because you suck our dicks.” She smiled and laughed quietly and wiped her eyes. “I don’t want to hear you say that you’re sorry about something unless you’re truly sorry over something valid. I don’t want to hear an apology for anything that Howard told you. Do you understand me, baby? We’re going to stop his words from running around in your pretty little head.”

  She nodded at me and said that she understood. I felt bad about this morning and setting her off over something Howard told her. Fucking asshole. And like always, anytime there are tears or a smile and laugh is needed, Anthony was there.

  “To be honest, sunshine, I’d much rather hear
you laugh and giggle than hear Colin have an orgasm.”

  As Sydney covered her mouth trying to muffle her laughter, he actually made me laugh too. Anthony gently pulled Sydney’s hand away from her mouth so we could hear the sound of her laughter. Good, she was doing alright. If she could laugh, we were moving in the right direction.

  We all got up and put ourselves together as best as we could. Anthony went to take a shower first and suggested Sydney and I shower together. It wasn’t a very large shower so it wasn’t going to accommodate the three of us. I sat on the couch and held Sydney in my arms while Anthony got dressed. Sydney and I laughed when we saw Anthony after he was done getting ready. He looked as smooth and he always does. Except he had a “scratchy face” as Sydney calls it.

  While we waited to be seated in one of the restaurants for breakfast I had to tease Anthony back about the orgasm comment.

  “You know, you’re kind of loud too when you come.”

  Anthony looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. “I have no shame. Sydney likes it, don’t you sunshine?” Sydney’s cheeks grew red and she smiled and said that she loved hearing both of us. Anthony winked and nodded his head at her and then looked up at me. “Thank you, sunshine.”

  The three of us were really hungry by the time we ate. Once we ate we headed towards valet. I held Sydney’s hand as we waited for my car. I could see it. It was twenty yards away. But I still had to wait for it to be brought over. Anthony sat in the backseat with her on the way home. I didn’t want her to be without comfort today. Last night was intense and I didn’t want her dropping, especially after last night and then this morning. Her little head was probably just swimming right now. I’d keep a close eye on her today.

  We got home and I called Matt to see if he and Gina were still coming over this afternoon to watch the game. The Niners were on this afternoon and we rarely missed a game. Until then, Sydney needed a little extra TLC.

  By the time I got off the phone with Matt, Sydney had the shower running and was kneeling on the bathmat by the shower. Naked. Anthony had explained to Sydney that her necklace would be safe in the shower.

  “Beautiful, baby. In the shower.”

  Anthony looked exhausted and I started to second guess having Matt over for the game. Anthony had assured me that he wanted to watch the game though. I knew he wouldn’t tell me one thing only to mean another. I took his word for what it was. His word.

  I played with Sydney while I washed her. She was very responsive to my touch as usual however, I knew when too much is too much. And right now, she couldn’t handle much more. Last night was a lot and I could tell that it was taking it’s toll on her as well.

  I dried her off and put her in Anthony’s hands to help her dress. I couldn’t stand not shaving so while he helped her get dressed, I shaved. Anthony will sometimes bounce back and forth from a clean shaven face to keeping some facial hair on his chin or sometimes will keep that day of facial hair. I personally had to shave.

  When I walked out into the bedroom, Anthony was in the chair with Sydney curled up on his lap. He dressed her in jeans and a soft fitted red tee shirt. Sydney had mentioned that she was looking forward to the game too. Our fragile kitten was learning about football because of us. Anthony and I each had on our football jerseys and I went downstairs to get some snacks ready. I had ordered pizza and wings and they’d be delivered closer to game time.

  Blake was also coming over this afternoon to watch the game with us. Anthony and Sydney came downstairs and he stretched out on the chaise while Sydney came into the kitchen to help me take snacks to the great room.

  I had just set some plates and napkins on the counter when the doorbell chimed. I sent Sydney into the great room with the plates and napkins though while I headed to the door. I let Matt and Blake in and frowned when I didn’t see Gina.

  “Where’s Gina?”

  “Our neighbor got called to work unexpectedly and it was their weekend with their kids. So Gina volunteered to watch the two kids for the afternoon.” Matt and Blake walked with me into the kitchen and then Matt continued. “Why? Is everything okay?”

  I nodded and sat at the breakfast bar. We still had fifteen minutes before kick off so I filled Matt and Blake in on last night. They were eager for those details of Sydney letting Anthony restrain her hands. I think Matt may have been thinking that he’d never hear that she let us restrain her. After I told them about our evening, Matt kept looking around for Sydney. I’m sure it was big brother Dom wanting to check on her.

  “Is she doing okay today?” he asked. He knows first hand about the sub-drop and how well it can mask itself. I know he wants to help us prevent that from happening with Sydney.

  “She’s fine. She’s tired though, I think. And Anthony.”

  “Yeah I was going to ask you why Anthony looked like a zombie. But I guess that explains it,” Blake added.

  “Had a little set back this morning too.”

  Blake and Matt listened as I explained what happened this morning.

  “Remember, Col, Howard fucked with her head for seven years. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m going to ask you something personal but you don’t have to answer it. Trust me, I understand and won’t be offended.”

  I had a hard time not being sarcastic back to Matt. Did he seriously think there would ever be a chance that I’d possibly forget what Howard did to her head over seven years? I glanced in the direction of the great room and saw Sydney was still talking with Anthony and were looking over his football parlay card. I nodded at Matt to go ahead and ask.

  “Does she seem to shut off when going down on you guys?”

  I thought about it for a moment but shook my head. She doesn’t shut down and she didn’t seem scared or give any indication that she didn’t want to.

  “Anthony and I are very careful, Matt.”

  “I know you guys are. I was just wondering if maybe there is something else there.”

  Now I was kind of pissed.

  “Aside from probably hearing over and over in her head how terrible she is at blowing because a fucking monster told her constantly over the course of seven years? Oh yeah, and then when he didn’t come he beat her with his fucking belt and slap her in the head. He pinned her against the wall of her apartment, holds a lit cigarette inches from the skin on her neck and makes her tell him how bad she is and she deserves being beat and burned. No, I think that’s pretty much it, Matt.”

  My tone was sharp but hushed. I shut my eyes and looked up at the ceiling willing myself not to get upset over her past. I can’t change it.

  “I was hoping that Sydney might be able to talk to Gina some this afternoon, if she felt like she needed to. I think she’s doing okay, but I know that she gets along easily with Gina. Sub talk, you know?”

  “Yes, I know. I’ve been meaning to tell you that Gina really enjoys the company of Sydney. It’s been great for her to have someone else in the lifestyle to talk to and get out of the house with. Sydney has been good for my girl too.”

  I was happy to hear that. I know Matt has always hoped Gina would bond with another girl from Irons or something like that. We were a tight knit group: Matt, Anthony, Gina and I. And now Sydney. Anthony and I knew that if we weren’t immediately available that Matt would step in to help, and he knew Anthony or I would do the same to help Gina.

  As we continued to talk, Anthony walked in with pizza boxes and wings. Matt slapped him on the back and jostled him some.

  “Congrats on last night, Anth. Windows, huh?” Matt teased him about having Sydney up against the window.

  Blake shook Anthony’s shoulder playfully as he went back to the great room. Even though Blake was on his way to visit with Sydney, I still wanted to limit my time in the kitchen away from her. The three of us shared a quick laugh about Anthony and the windows in the hotel room and then went to settle in and watch the game. Blake was talking to Sydney about the collaring ceremony and had mentioned that when he collared his wife, he also used a var
iation of the rose ceremony. I had a glass case that had iron edges that I placed our tied up roses in. It was sitting on the table in the playroom. It was special for us.

  As we all sat down, I watched Sydney struggle with trying to decide where to sit. Finally she made her way over and sat on the floor between my legs and the chaise. While she was close to us and within touching distance, that wasn’t going to work. Anthony or I needed to touch and hold her. We needed it.

  Anthony took her plate out of her hand and set it on the coffee table. “No, sunshine. Not down there today. Up here with us. Col and I need to feel you. And you need to feel us.”

  She smiled and looked relieved. I wondered for a brief moment what would have happened if we hadn’t said anything to her. Would she have stayed down there in obvious discomfort and not say anything because she didn’t want to be a bother? Anthony and I have to keep on her about expressing her needs and wants. She’s too used to taking things as they came with little or no regard for her own feelings. She settled in between Anthony and I, and he handed her plate back to her and nodded at her food.

  “Eat, sunshine.” He winked at her, and she smiled and blushed.

  The four of us guys talked football through the game. Sydney didn’t talk too much during the game but would ask questions regarding the game during commercials. After the game, we talked more about the Christmas party last night and Blake’s upcoming charity party. We had a lot to do this week with finishing up Christmas shopping and getting ready for the cabin.

  Sydney went upstairs after the game to write in her journal some. I was pleased because this weekend had been full of progress and a little bump this morning and she needed to process it all. Once she went upstairs, Anthony started to withdraw more from the conversation. He hadn’t even heard Blake ask him if he was looking forward to auctioning off the rope session. Matt threw a toss pillow across the coffee table and hit him in the face.

  “Pay attention, Master Anthony.” Matt teased him but Anthony just looked pissed off. Anthony flung the pillow back and Matt asked him what was wrong as he caught it the pillow.


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