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Growth 0f Love (The Heirs 0f Orion Series Book 2)

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by D. Anne Paris

  She chopped another branch. "Well, I have some people asking me to sew them some things."

  Keith looked over at her. "I didn't know that you could sew."

  Jeri smiled back at him. "There are a lot of things you probably don't know about me."

  He took the cut branches to the trailer and held up his gloved hand and began to rattle off a list. "Your favorite dessert is chocolate cake with strawberry sauce, you love the color green, you desperately wanted to go to Hawaii on your honeymoon but your dumbass ex-husband convinced you it was too expensive so you settled for Vegas, you don't know how to swim... should I continue?"

  Her hand froze on a branch and she looked at him. "You remember all that?" Her voice choked in her throat.

  Keith walked up to her and stopped himself from getting too close. Any kind of spark would start the fire he had for her. He had to be careful. "Jeri, we've known each other for years. You're one of the closest friends I have next to Dean, do you honestly think I wasn't listening to you whenever we had a conversation?"


  A cell phone broke her thought and Keith swore under his breath as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "It's my mom. I haven't told her about Jennifer yet."

  "Take as long as you need," Jeri told him, turning back to prune the bush.

  There was a tone of disappointment in her voice. He desperately wanted to continue their conversation, but he needed to make sure his mother knew about Jennifer from him. If his mother called Jennifer he didn't know what Jennifer would have told her. If she lied to him about how long she was cheating she could lie to his mother and make his life even more difficult.

  He took off his gloves, threw them onto the tractor and pressed the answer button on his cell.

  "Hi, Mom." He began to walk towards the house.

  "Well, how did it go? I haven't heard from you in a few days, so I'm assuming she said yes," Donna Miller chirped over the phone.

  "Ah, actually no."

  "No? She said no?"

  Keith continued to walk to make sure he was out of Jeri's earshot. "It didn't really go that way."

  "Keith, you're talking in riddles here. Is Jennifer nearby? Do you want me to call you back?"

  "No, Mom." Now that he moved his stump ached. He needed to give it a rest for a bit while he talked to his mother. "We can talk now. I just need to sit down, give me a minute."

  "Keith, are you okay? Is your prosthesis acting up? I told you to go to that specialist..."

  "No, Mom, I was just working all day in the fields."

  Donna gasped. "Fields!? Are you with Jeri again? Is that why Jennifer said no? I told you to stop hanging around her!"

  Keith took a deep breath and released it as his mother went off on a tangent. His mother adored Jennifer and was excited to hear he was going to propose to her. 'She's the right one for you' she told him numerous times. Even though his mother never met Jeri, she told Keith she wasn't the one for him. To her Jeri was a poor farm girl who barely made ends meet and had no future career in anything worthwhile.

  Keith plopped down on the bench by the fire pit, removed the straps holding on his prosthesis and took his stump out. Relief flooded through him as he gently massaged it.

  "Keith? Are you even listening to me?"

  "I've heard enough, Mom. Look, I love you and I know that you always want what's best for me, but Jennifer was not and will not ever be the best for me. You want to know why I'm here helping Jeri? Because Jennifer was cheating on me and has been for a long time."

  "You don't know that..."

  "Mom, I caught her in our bed fucking Jake's brains out!"

  "Jake? Jeri's ex-husband?" Donna gasped. "So you think that by being with Jeri you're going to make everything even?"

  "No, I'm not with her. She's a friend." He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  "Keith, I may be older than you, but I'm not stupid. You're hurt right now and vulnerable and she's a pretty little thing who needs money..."

  "Stop it!" Keith snapped back a bit harder than he wanted to. "I have known Jeri for years. Not once has she ever asked me for money. She's an honest, hardworking woman and I'd gladly give my other foot to have her be mine!"

  "She's not right..."

  His temper erupted into a full-blown fire. "You know what, Mom, you kept saying Jennifer was right for me and I believed it. I believed it so much I was blinded by the fact she was screwing around behind my back!"

  "If you didn't hang around with Jeri so much..."

  "Mom, I honestly don't care what you think. If by some miracle I end up with Jeri then you're just going to have to learn to live with it."

  For the first time in years Keith hung up on his mother mid-sentence. He had the utmost respect for her and looked up to her numerous times. Donna had to raise him and Rose alone after her husband was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Instead of wallowing in sorrow and everyone's pity, she picked herself up and made sure both her kids had everything they needed and knew they were loved unconditionally by her. That was the reason she was so overprotective of them when they started dating.

  Keith stared at his phone, waiting for her to call back, and was surprised when she didn't. He didn't mean to be so harsh with her, but he’d had enough.

  The lawn tractor started up, which meant the trailer was full and Jeri would be bringing the cut branches to the hoop house. Keith gave his stump a final rub and put the prosthesis back on before walking over to the hoop house to help Jeri unload. Even with the soreness, he felt happier than he ever had.

  Chapter 5

  The couch was a welcome relief to his aching stump as he sat down after his shower. Even with the dull ache he loved the farm work. He’d actually accomplished something, which felt exhilarating.

  In the kitchen, Jeri softly hummed as she worked on some sort of savory goodness sending out a scent that permeated the living room, causing Keith's stomach to sound like a ravenous beast.

  Even with what little she had, Jeri could cook up the most unique and delicious meals he'd ever tasted.

  When he took off his prosthesis he pulled out his stump and messaged it. A little break tonight would help him be ready for tomorrow. As he massaged his leg he pulled out his phone and did a quick check. Sure enough, there were a couple missed calls and texts from Jennifer. He couldn't hit the delete button fast enough to get rid of them just like he did with his phone's background. He still had to go through the photos, but he'd do that another day.

  He pulled up his news app and skimmed through it. One article caught his eye. New York Vigilante brings mob boss to justice. The vigilante popped up in New York about a year ago and saved people in danger and occasionally would bring some high-ranking official or mobster to justice. No one knew who this person was, and no one could catch him. Keith was dying to know if he had powers, too. If so, did the vigilante know where his powers came from?

  Daniel, Anne's brother and a gifted computer genius, was still sorting through mounds and mounds of data on the so called "Orion" project. They were tipped onto this project because of Anne's psychotic stalker, Marshall Foss, who spilled to her they were the descendants of the men from it. Daniel did find some mention of it in some top secret files but nothing much. His thinking was the files were still not digitalized, and therefore he was digging to find where those old records were stored.

  The doorbell interrupted his thoughts. "I'll get it." He leaned down and strapped on his prosthesis and walked to the door.

  "I told you he was here!" a cheery voice screamed as he opened the door.

  Outside the door stood Anne, Missy, Christina, Elle, and Dean.

  Keith looked at all of them and smiled. "Well, hello to you, too."

  Anne smiled and hugged him, careful not to crush her protruding baby bump. "I had a hunch you'd be here," she said with a wink as she walked past him.

  "Um, okay." He moved to let the ladies aside and looked at Dean, conf

  "Ladies movie night," Dean told him, lifting two brown grocery bags. "Complete with wine and snacks."

  "Last I heard you weren't a lady," he said with a smirk.

  Dean gritted his teeth. "I'm here to fix Jeri's screen door and replace a window in her garage."

  "Convenient excuse." Keith took one of the bags from Dean and moved to let him inside. "I think you really want to watch a chick flick."

  Dean turned around and flipped him off before heading to the kitchen to greet Jeri. She turned around and hugged her brother before she headed to the living room.

  "Oh, my, I am so sorry!" Jeri ran out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a dishtowel. "I totally forgot tonight was movie night!"

  "We can cancel if you're busy," Christina offered as she glanced at Keith, who was helping Dean unpack the bags in the kitchen.

  "No, no, no! I look forward to this every month!" She looked at Anne's direction. "And it's so exciting that you're back. We need to catch up. Let me finish up in the kitchen and give Keith some dinner."

  The ladies all wore mischievous grins.

  "I'm sure he's hungry but not for dinner," Missy said quietly.

  Jeri felt her face turn a couple of shades of red. "Stop it. We're just friends," she whispered.

  "A friend who leaves his girlfriend a lot to come and help you with manual labor wants to be more than a friend," Christina told her as she plopped down on the couch.

  "He broke up with her."

  "What? When?" Elle squeaked as she practically jumped off the chair she sat down in.

  "I don't know. I just found out yesterday."

  "Did they break up because he was here too much?" Christina asked.

  "Christina!" they all snapped at her.

  "What? It's a legitimate question."

  "No, she cheated on him," Jeri told them as she leaned against Elle's chair.

  "That bitch!" Anne screamed.

  Elle turned to her cousin. "Shh!"

  Anne looked at all of them and stood her ground. "From what Dean told me she was a royal bitch to him from the beginning, so I think it's wonderful he finally got rid of her." She walked over and wrapped her arm around Jeri's shoulder.

  "You are so much better than she could ever be, and I know deep down inside he loves you, but he's afraid of showing it." She leaned her head towards the kitchen. A smile formed on her face. "And he is definitely a panty dropper!"

  All the ladies bobbed their heads. Jeri felt her face turn tomato red.

  "Ok, enough embarrassing Jeri. If you're still okay with us being here, then let’s break out the goodies!" Elle told her.

  Jeri smiled. "Yes, let's do it!"


  As soon as the door closed behind Dean and Keith, Missy paused the movie.

  "Okay, so we need to come up with a plan." She put the remote on the coffee table.

  "Plan for what?" Elle asked them took a sip of her juice.

  "Plan for our friend Jeri here to make Keith forget about any other woman but her!"

  Everyone grinned except Jeri.

  "Missy, I told you we're just..."

  Missy waved her hand. "Friends. Yeah, like any of us believe it."

  "But we are!" Jeri protested, grabbing another chip from the bowl.

  "Come on, Jeri. The look in his eyes whenever you walk into a room isn't 'Oh, there's my good friend.'" Anne chimed. She leaned back against the couch and munched on a mini quiche. Her hand rubbed her belly.

  "Yeah, it's more like 'What would she look like without those clothes?'." Christina walked over to the side table to refill her wine.

  If there are any sink holes in the area now would be the time for one to just swallow me up.

  Deep down, though, she couldn’t deny Keith was attractive and well-built. That sandy blond hair and icy blue eyes captivated her soul. Maybe they were so incredibly blue to keep the attention of those he interrogated. She felt her cheeks flush. What if he used his power on her? What if he asked her if she found him attractive? She wouldn't be able to lie to him. Then again, any woman would find him attractive.

  "Look, I agree that Keith is good-looking---"

  "Steaming!" Christina exclaimed and punctuated it with a sizzling sound.

  "But we're not right for each other. He just got out of a long term relationship with a woman he was going to propose to." She took a sip of her water. Usually she would have a glass of wine, but after last night she didn't need another headache tomorrow morning.

  "What?" The room erupted in a firestorm of questions.

  "When did he propose?"

  "Did she say yes and then he broke it off?"

  "Oh, he would have made a huge mistake!"

  They all looked at her for details.

  Jeri grabbed a napkin and wiped the grease from the chips off her hands. "Look, all I know is what he told me when I found the engagement ring."

  "You have the ring?" Missy leaned in, her highlighted chestnut hair wrapped around her scar-kissed face.

  Jeri shook her head. "I gave it back to him. It fell out of his pocket and when I picked it up he told me he was going to propose to her but now that's changed."

  "Could you imagine being married to someone who is screwing behind your back?" Elle took one of the carrots and dipped it in the ranch dip. "He got lucky."

  "Exactly!" Anne grabbed another mini quiche from the plate. "He is free from the bitch from hell and he needs a real woman to make him forget her."

  Real woman. That was something she definitely didn't feel she was. Not after all the fertility treatments and being told that she was permanently sterile. Her heart began to sag.

  "I appreciate all of your concern for me, but we really are fine as just friends." She took an empty bowl off the table and went back to the kitchen. "Has Daniel found anything else on the Orion project?" She hoped the change of topic would help end this uncomfortable conversation.

  "Nothing new yet, but he's still digging." Anne munched on the quiche.

  Christina held her wine glass and leaned against the kitchen doorway. "Don't think changing the topic is going to make this conversation go away, Jerilind."

  Jeri turned towards her and crossed her arms. "Nothing is going to change between us, Christina. Keith needs some time to get over this. He's raw and hurt. The last thing he needs right now is to be in a relationship with me." The ache in her heart began to throb as the sadness of her statement hit her. It would be so easy to cross that line to become more than friends. She missed the happiness of knowing there was someone who loved her, but she couldn't jump into this just because she wanted to. He had to want it, as well.

  "Maybe you should let him decide." Anne pushed herself up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. In the short time that Jeri got to know Anne she’d realized Anne wasn't a huge diva like Hollywood made her out to be. "Don't throw something away without giving it a chance. He knows everything about you, probably more than your own brothers do."

  "You deserve to be happy," Elle chimed in. "You are a great person and Keith would be stupid if he didn't date you."

  "More like a huge dick." Christina took another sip of her wine. " A good looking dick, but a dick."

  "And if he does say no to you I'll make him hit himself in the nuts!" Missy exclaimed. "Well, once my powers come back." She moved her hand absently to the scar on her face. Catching herself, she quickly moved it back to her pocket.

  The car accident she was in a few months ago had completed decimated her face. Still, it didn't diminish her rambunctious spirit and her ability to find the brightness in any situation.

  Jeri looked at her friends. She had to concede, otherwise they might resort to other measures to bring her and Keith together. Besides, life was all about chances. She took a chance with Jake, but it didn't work out. She took a chance on this farm, and so far it was working great. It was time again for her to take another chance.

  She lifted
her arms up in surrender. "All right! I will ask him on a date and see what he says." She dropped her arms and started to walk to the living room. "I guess this means I need to cancel my dating account."

  Christina nearly chocked on her wine. "Wait? What?"

  "No, no, no, no, no!" Missy yelled. "We need to see who was picked for you before you close that account!"

  "Oh, yes we do! Where's your computer?" Christina ran into the living room and looked around.

  Anne shook her head and looked back at Jeri. "Pay no attention to your desperate friends. You're making the right choice."

  "We really need to get Christina a date,” Elle told them as Missy and Christina took out Jeri's laptop and waved everyone to the living room.

  "And Missy just needs some more alone time with Evan," Anne added.

  "Come on! We have to see who this site matched Jeri up with!"

  They all headed back to the living room and Jeri logged into her account. The movie was completely forgotten, but the site proved to be more entertaining.

  Jeri laughed at a comment Missy made and looked out the window towards the garage. Her match was there. She just hoped he felt the same way about her.


  "You didn't feel like watching the latest feel-good movie of the year?" Dean laughed at Keith.

  "The only feel good movies I like to watch are the ones where the bad guy ends up dead."

  Dean shook his head. "I know exactly what you mean." He reached out to the old single pane window and measured the length.

  "Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here?"

  Keith leaned against Jeri's four door coupe and crossed his arms. "I needed to get away from Jennifer."

  Dean laughed and measured the height. "What did she do?"

  "She was fucking Jake's brain's out."

  The tape measure whipped back as Dean spun around. "Wait. What? Jake? As in Jeri's Jake?"

  Keith crossed his arms. "Yup. Came back to our apartment and she was riding him like a bull while his fiancée had her own fun with her."

  Dean's eyebrows shot up. "Wow." He rubbed his hand across his face. "Keith, I don't know what to say."


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