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A Country Miss in Hanover Square

Page 4

by Anne Herries

  He smiled oddly, for he knew his sister Anne had his best interests at heart. They had always been close and she under stood him, perhaps even better than he did himself. Besides, of late he had begun to feel it was time he settled down. Indeed, these days he was as happy with his dogs and horses at home in the country as cutting a dash in town. However, he had not met a lady he wished to marry. Most of the young ladies brought to London by their eager mothers were too naïve and often too timid for his taste. He knew that he would be bored by their company within months and that would be unfair to his wife. If he were to marry, it would be to a lady of spirit, someone who could retain his interest. He was not sure that romantic love existed, but it was certainly possible to admire and care for another. His mother had undoubtedly loved his father, and would never consider marrying again, though she might if she had wished. Harry felt that if he were to marry he would like to be loved in that way, though he knew that most of his friends had married for reasons other than love. Had he been satisfied with a marriage of convenience he might had wed a long time ago, but he was looking for some thing more.

  His eyes narrowed as he noticed that a steady queue of gentlemen were making their way to the side of the beautiful young lady in white. He watched her for a while. Something about her seemed familiar, but he could not think what. He was certain he had never met her before—and yet there was some thing. She had pretty manners and a nice smile, he observed, before turning away to join some friends in the card room. It was very unlikely that the newcomer would be any different to the other young ladies in the room.

  Harry rather thought that when he married, he would probably choose an older lady, perhaps a widow. An intelligent lady, who would fill his house with good company and give him an heir. It was all very well to hope for some thing more, but in the end he might be forced to marry for the sake of the family.

  ‘No, no, please, gentlemen, you must not fight over me!’ Susannah begged, her eyes bright with laughter as the two young bucks argued fiercely over the last dance on her card. ‘If you cannot agree which of you should have the dance, I shall promise it to neither of you.’

  ‘But it should be mine,’ Tom Roberts asserted. ‘I am sure I asked first.’

  ‘I am the elder by birth and there fore I should take precedence over this rascal,’ his twin Edgar replied, glaring at his brother. ‘You must dance with me, Miss Hampton.’

  ‘I believe this dance is promised to me, gentlemen.’ The new comer held out his hand with a touch of command that prompted Susannah to obey, even though she had not yet been introduced. However, she knew who he was, for she had remarked his progress through the room and asked Amelia.

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ she said, smiling up at the Marquis of Northaven as he led her out to join the throng of dancers. ‘It was good of you to rescue me.’

  ‘The Roberts twins are known for squabbling with each other,’ Northaven said. ‘Harmless enough, I dare say, but I thought you needed a little help. This is your first Season in town, I believe?’

  ‘My first dance,’ Susannah confided, her smile spark ling at him, because the evening had been far more exciting than she could ever have imagined. She had not sat out once, and the twins were not the first gentlemen to argue over her, in a friendly, teasing manner, of course. It was just good fun and she had thoroughly enjoyed being fussed over. The reality had far out weighed her dreams thus far. ‘I have had such a lovely time.’

  ‘Everyone speaks of you as the latest rage,’ Northaven said, amused by her honesty. She was very young and he was usually bored by innocence, but she had spirit and an art less ness that was amusing. ‘It all seems fresh and new for the moment, but you will be bored within a month.’

  ‘Oh, no, I couldn’t be,’ Susannah retorted. ‘We have been invited everywhere, to so many different affairs. I couldn’t possibly be bored in London.’

  ‘Do you not know that it is fashionable to be bored?’ Northaven lifted an eyebrow, his expression mocking.

  ‘Oh…’ Susannah laughed because she believed he was teasing her. ‘I fear that I must be un fashionable then, sir. I have not yet acquired town bronze and you must forgive my country manners—but I refuse to be bored when people have gone to so much trouble on my behalf. It would be rude and ungrateful.’

  ‘Then you will set a new fashion,’ he told her. ‘Since everyone approves of you, you can do no wrong.’

  Susannah looked at him un certainly as their dance ended. She was not quite sure what to think of him, because he was very different from most of the young gentlemen she had danced with that evening. He returned her to her mother and Amelia, bowed and took his leave. She was conscious of a feeling of disappointment. There was some thing slightly dangerous about the marquis, and she was not sure she had made an impression on him, though she found him intriguing. He was very handsome, like one of the heroes from her dreams.

  ‘Susannah…’ She became aware of her mother speaking. ‘This gentleman wishes to make your acquaintance. Lord Pendleton—my daughter, Susannah. Your father was a friend of Lord Pendleton’s father, my dear.’ Mrs Hampton smiled and moved away a few steps to talk to a lady who had caught her attention.

  Susannah turned to look at the gentleman her mother had just introduced. He was tall, though not quite as tall as Northaven, but in his way equally attractive. His hair was not as dark as the marquis’s, being a chestnut brown, and with a slight curl to it, his eyes a soft, melting brown. A little shock ran through her as she recognised him. He was the rude gentleman who had almost knocked her down in the lane. He was dressed very differently this evening, but she could not mistake those eyes, even though they were not flashing with temper. She felt hot inside as she wondered whether he would recognise her.

  ‘Sir.’ She inclined her head, but kept her eyes lowered. Her heart was racing for she hardly knew how to face him. She was almost sure that he had not recognised her and she hoped he would not. Their en counter had been so brief that he would surely have for got ten her. Her hand curled into itself, her heart beating faster. ‘I am pleased to meet you.’

  ‘It is your first visit to town, Miss Hampton?’

  ‘Yes—how did you know?’ Her heart raced. Had he recognised her as the girl he had met briefly in a country lane?

  Harry hesitated, frowned, then said, ‘I do not wish to seem interfering, Miss Hampton, but if I were you, I should not dance with Northaven too often.’ His gaze narrowed. ‘You know it is strange, but I have the oddest feeling that I have seen you somewhere quite recently.’

  ‘I doubt it, sir.’ Susannah’s heart caught with fright. What would he think if he realised where he had seen her? One word from a gentleman of his stature and she might be ruined! ‘Why do you warn me against Lord Northaven? He seems a perfect gentleman to me, sir.’

  ‘I do not fault his manners or his lineage,’ Harry told her. ‘I think perhaps he is not a suitable partner for an innocent and very pretty young lady.’

  Susannah had received so many compliments that evening that his words made little impression. She had been called beautiful, stunning, a nymph, an angel and many similar endearments. To be called pretty was not re mark able and, besides, she did not like his tone. Anyone would think he was her brother or her uncle! He was arrogant and opinionated—a bore.

  ‘I thank you for your concern, sir,’ she replied primly. ‘How ever, I believe I am quite safe here under the eyes of Mama and Miss Royston.’

  ‘Yes, I expect you are, as long as you take care to remain where they can see you,’ Harry said and hesitated. ‘Forgive me if I seemed to lecture you. It is not my place to do so—but I would never allow a niece of mine to associate with that gentleman.’

  ‘I am not your niece, sir.’

  ‘No, you are not. Forgive me. I have earned your displeasure. I spoke with good intent, but I should not have interfered,’ Harry said, then inclined his head to her and walked off.

  Susannah stared after him. His back was very straight and she
under stood that she had offended him. She had thought at first that he was one of the most attractive gentlemen she had met that evening—in her whole life!—but he was a stuffy bore. She did not think he could be much above thirty years, but he behaved as if he were old enough to be her father! He was certainly not the kind of man she was seeking as a husband. Her eyes searched the room for the man that had made the biggest impression on her that evening and found him.

  Northaven turned his head and glanced at her. For a moment his blue eyes met hers and her heart jerked, but then he looked at his com pan ion once more and smiled at some thing he was saying. Al most at once they left the room together. Susannah’s gaze followed him, her feelings showing a little too well on her face.

  ‘I could not help overhearing what Harry Pendleton said to you a moment ago,’ Amelia said, and Susannah glanced round at her. ‘It was not his place to say it, of course, but he is quite right, Susannah. Northaven is a rake and perhaps worse. He is received everywhere, but there has been some talk of late. I should not dream of trying to dictate to you, my dear, for there is nothing so annoying as being told not to do some thing—but if I were you, I should be careful of Northaven, at least until you know more of him. But please do not think that I mean to interfere, for I most certainly do not. That is some thing I abhor.’

  Susannah caught a look in her eyes that told her she was thinking of the way her own life had been when she was forced to live in her brother’s house. Once again she felt indignant that anyone should have made Amelia suffer so. She had been introduced to Amelia’s brother earlier that evening, but his stiff manner had not helped to change her opinion, nor the way he had looked at her, as if she were some thing the cat had brought in! He obviously thought that she was an adventuress, bent on taking what she could from his sister.

  ‘Oh…then, of course, I shall be very careful,’ Susannah replied. She did not wish to offend her kind hostess, though she had liked the marquis despite the warning. However, it was Lord Pendleton’s advice that rankled. It was just the same as that day he had almost knocked her down. Instead of apologising he had lost his temper—and now he was seeking to lecture her. Did he imagine that she was stupid? He had spoken to her as if she were still in the school room! She had no intention of becoming compromised by any of the gentlemen, several of whom had enquired if she would like to take the air. She was enjoying her success, but she had as yet no thoughts of marrying anyone and must there fore be careful not to do any thing that might seem too particular.

  Susannah still felt in her heart that the most exciting man she had met that evening was the Marquis of Northaven, yet it was Lord Pendleton who lingered in her mind long after she had said good night to Mama and Amelia and retired to bed. When she dreamed, annoyingly it was of Lord Pendleton, who had somehow acquired a schoolmaster’s hat and waved his cane at her, telling her to behave or he would punish her.

  How very ridiculous! In the morning her dreams vanished with the sight of the sunshine pouring in at her window and she rose, feeling refreshed and eager for the day to begin. She laughingly dismissed her annoyance of the previous evening. Life was too amusing to be disturbed by such a small thing for long. Lord Pendleton was rich and respected, but he did not fit her idea of a knight on a white horse. Besides, they had so many engagements, so many affairs to attend that she had no time to reflect on that particular gentleman.

  She was going shopping again that morning and she wanted to buy a bonnet she had seen in the milliner’s window a day or so earlier. Bonnets, pretty gowns and enjoying herself were of far more importance than one gentleman’s opinion of her. She did not know why she had let it weigh with her at all!

  She would put the disagreeable Lord Pendleton out of her mind and not think of him again.

  Harry was undressing that evening when it suddenly came to him. At first he thought that his mind was playing tricks on him. The girl in the country lane and Miss Susannah Hampton were one and the same. In the act of removing his breeches, he swore loudly, causing his valet to turn and look at him.

  ‘Was some thing the matter, my lord?’

  ‘No, Philips, nothing at all,’ Harry said and laughed ruefully. ‘I am a damned fool, that’s all.’

  ‘I rather doubt it, sir,’ the devoted servant said and smiled. ‘If there is anything I can do to be of assistance?’

  ‘No, nothing,’ Harry replied, realising that the man was brushing the coat he had worn that evening. ‘Leave all that now and get off to bed.’

  He sat on the edge of the bed as the man went out, then sipped the glass of brandy Philips had thoughtfully put out for him.

  ‘It is a small world…’ Harry smiled to himself. He had wondered why the Hampton girl seemed a little prickly, but now he under stood perfectly.

  She had looked very different in her simple country dress, her hair blown by the wind and roses in her cheeks—but those eyes did not lie. She really did have the most re mark able eyes.

  Had he given her an irrevocable dislike of him? She had called him rude and arrogant at their first meeting, and tonight he had committed the unforgivable sin of lecturing her as if she were a school girl. He had no idea why he had done that, for it was certainly not his business to warn young girls he did not know of Northaven’s character. Some instinct had made him want to protect her from a man he knew unworthy.

  Harry pulled a face, chuck ling at his own stupidity. He would have to apologise the next time they met. Or perhaps not? She might find it embarrassing to be reminded of that day in the lane. It might be better to try to mend fences before he confessed that he had remembered the incident.

  ‘What a charming bonnet,’ Amelia said as Susannah tried on the white silk tied with pale blue ribbons and trimmed with matching blue bows. ‘It would compliment that blue pelisse we ordered for morning wear. Why do you not buy it?’

  ‘I have already bought three hats,’ Susannah objected, mindful that it was not her money they were spending. ‘Do I really need it?’

  ‘Thankfully, we do not have to consider need, only pleasure,’ Amelia said and nodded to the milliner to indicate that they would take the bonnet. ‘Now, my love—what do you think of the green bonnet in the window? It is a little older in style and I was thinking of it for myself. Do you think it will become me?’

  Susannah went to the window and looked at the bonnet. A gentleman was passing at that precise moment, and by chance he happened to look up and see her. He tipped his hat to her, smiling in a manner that made her heart skip a beat. She gave him a look of disapproval and moved away swiftly. Honestly! Was it impossible to go anywhere in London without seeing Lord Pendleton? He had been present at every affair they had attended this week! It almost seemed as if he were following them. She returned to Amelia, determined to put him from her mind.

  ‘I think the green would suit you very well—’ Susannah began and then broke off as the shop door opened and her mama came in, carrying parcels and closely followed by the offending gentleman in person. ‘Mama…you are loaded down. I thought you meant only to borrow one book from the library. Had you said you wished for more, I should have come with you to help carry them.’

  ‘There was no need, dearest,’ Mrs Hampton said. ‘I found so many volumes that I had been wanting and I was carried away. It was all going splendidly until a large dog jumped at me and I dropped them—only two doors away from here. Lord Pendleton saw my predicament and helped me. When I told him I was coming here, he insisted on accompanying me. Was that not kind of him?’

  Susannah looked at the books, which had been set down for a moment. ‘Very kind, Mama. I am not sure when we shall find time to read all of these, for we are invited out every day, to more affairs than we can easily ac com mo date.’

  ‘Well, I may not always wish to accompany you on every occasion,’ Mrs Hampton said. ‘You and Amelia are so full of life…’ She smiled at the gentleman standing silently at her side, his dark eyes observing them with a hint of amusement. ‘It is such a
thing to be young, is it not, sir?’

  Lord Pendleton’s eyes were centred on Susannah as he answered, ‘To be so very young is some times as much a trial as a pleasure, ma’am. I think we some times forget all the problems being young and insecure may bring.’

  ‘Very true,’ Mrs Hampton agreed, giving him a look of approval. ‘Especially for a young man fresh upon the town, I dare say. I met your nephew earlier. He was just leaving the lending library. A charming young man, if I may say so.’

  ‘Toby is charming,’ Harry said. ‘This is his first Season in town, you know. I have been trying to warn him of the pitfalls of deep play. There are some gentle men who do not scruple to invite young men to play deeper than they ought.’

  ‘Scandalous!’ Mrs Hampton said. ‘They should know better—it can cause real misery for their families.’ Her attention turned to Amelia, who had tried on the green bonnet and was asking for her opinion. ‘It looks very well on you, Amelia. I am sure you should take it—it will go well with several of your gowns, and I like you in colours.’

  ‘Yes, I think perhaps I may.’

  ‘Miss Hampton,’ Harry said as the two older ladies discussed which gowns the bonnet would compliment, ‘do you attend Lady Silverson’s dance this evening?’

  ‘Yes, I believe we do,’ Susannah replied. ‘Shall we see you there, sir?’

  ‘Yes, I think you will,’ Harry told her. ‘Indeed, yes, I believe I shall come. Tell me, do you intend to return home shortly? I have my carriage near by if you should require help with all your parcels.’

  ‘Oh, no,’ Susannah denied. She felt a little warm as she felt his gaze upon her. ‘The milliner will deliver our purchases and Mama’s books will be easy enough for the three of us.’


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