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Page 54

by Kristina Weaver

  “Look, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, and I don’t expect a thing. I just thought you had a right to an honest answer. And I am being honest. You’re attractive and kind and smart, and you’re…and yeah, I want you, but that doesn’t mean you have to take me up on anything.”

  God, I really wish he’d say something, anything right now, because the longer he keeps looking straight ahead and not saying anything, the worse I start to feel.

  We finally pull into his driveway, and I sit for a minute just looking at the darkness beyond the windscreen.

  “It’s not that I don’t—”

  “Don’t, okay? This is already awkward enough as it is. I don’t need you explaining anything to smooth this over. I’ve had a really bad day, Lynx, and I just want to go home and go to bed.”

  I get out of the truck after struggling with the belt only to stop when he comes around the hood and stops me with a hand on my arm.

  “You need to come home with me.”

  He isn’t so much as meeting my eyes, and I feel my heart sink deeper when he drops my arm and takes a step back.

  “You have to live here with me for the next while, and I figured you may as well start now.”

  Yeah, except I already feel like a class-A fool, and the worst part is that I wasn’t even the one who started that conversation.

  “Can’t I just come over in the morning?” I ask softly, taking a step back when he starts shuffling and looks off into the distance.

  “I think we should go inside and talk, and then you should get some stuff, and we can eat an early dinner.”

  “I just…can I just go home and see you tomorrow?”

  I don’t wait for a reply, turning on my heel to hurry towards my house. It’s likely hot as hell in there at this time of the day, and it hasn’t escaped my notice that we both completely spaced on the guys who were coming to install stuff, but right now, I don’t want to even think about anything related to Lynx.

  I’m tired. So very tired, and I just want to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven


  I feel terrible about the way I just treated Teeny, and there isn’t a thing I can say as I watch her walk toward her house and unlock the door. She doesn’t even turn before closing it behind her, and I know that if I were to go over there right now, it would be locked and she wouldn’t open it for me.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I just acted as if she propositioned me, and the truth is that I did it to her. I just wasn’t expecting her answer. The truth is that I expected her to laugh it off uncomfortably or even just tell me that as nice as I am, she just wants to be friends.

  Having my desire reciprocated threw me for a loop, and I just didn’t know what to do or say, how to react, when the truth is that I can’t let Teeny want me.

  I need her to tell me to fuck off so that I have clear boundaries, not hear her tell me in her soft voice that she wants me back. That I can have her. I made the limits of any relationship very clear, but the truth is that I don’t want limits, and that is what scares me.

  Today, after Bear called me, all I could think about was Teeny and how heartbroken she’d be if that sister of hers got Tammy back. If that happens, I know Teeny wouldn’t ever really recover, especially not if Ally takes the kid and Teeny never sees her again.

  We’ve talked a lot over the last day or so, and the one thing I know about her is that she never asked for any of this but she’s ready to face it all and take responsibility.

  Her kind spirit sort of reminds me of Mom or Sparrow in that no matter how hard something is, they do it because it’s right. I really like that about Teeny.

  I know that accepting my help, not that I gave her much choice, was not easy, but she did it because she knows that she has to do it for Tammy. That generosity, that willingness to give in so others can benefit, is a quality that I admire. Hell, more than admire, I love that about her.

  Couple all that sweetness and spirit with a body that makes my dick hard and a face that I dreamed of last night, and I think I really could love a woman like Teeny.

  And that is the reason that I can’t let myself have her. I don’t want all that stuff, not now. I’m not ready to just settle down and leave everything else behind.

  I still want so many things that having a commitment like that would put a ban on. And more than that, I don’t think I’d be right for her. She’s independent and free-spirited, while I walk in and just take over, a trait that I know drives her crazy.

  So, yeah, not a good idea, I think, looking back at her house one more time. I need to give her a little space and clear my own head before I can talk to her again, preferably when my fucking cock isn’t so hard it hurts.

  “Lynx! Yo, man.”

  I turn just as I open my door to see Wolf pull up in his truck and jump out, followed by Hawk and Lyon. I haven’t seen much of him since he got together with Leila and they bought a place of their own.

  I get it though, honeymoon phase before they settle down and start talking about the serious stuff. Possibly. With Lyon, you never know. I’d lay odds the minute he knows what real childbirth is like he’ll have his nuts snipped and refuse Leila her babies.

  Can’t say I blame the man, because sure as hell the thought of any woman of mine hurting that badly makes my balls shrink as if they’re trying to kill the sperm.

  “Hey, bro. What’s up?” I ask, opening the door wider to let them in.

  “We’re installing the pool cover just like you wanted, loser. Hey, where’s Teeny. Lyon, man, I swear to God you won’t believe how tiny this woman is. I almost shit a brick when I saw her standing next to this beast.”

  Hawk laughs and looks around as if expecting her to just pop up.

  “She went home. Wanted to get some sleep. She’s not sleeping well.”

  I know this because I woke up in the early hours of the morning and saw her light on, the shadow of her pacing in the kitchen making me want to go over there and fill those hours with hot, sweaty sex and dirty promises.

  “What the fuck, man! You let her go back into that pit before the aircon’s installed. Fucking ass,” he grumbles, jogging out before I can say a word.

  “Sssssooo, I take it something went down on the way home if the pixie Mom’s gushing about isn’t here hanging on your every great word?” Lyon quips, following me into the kitchen.

  “Shut up, dick.”

  “Nuhuh. I came all the way over here to actually see the girl I only caught a glimpse of before I had to leave, and you want to tell me she just chose to go to her sweltering house instead of coming home with you like Ma said she was going to? Bull. Try again,” he says, grabbing a beer and leaning back against the counter.

  “Lyon, I don’t want to talk to you right now, okay? I’m in a pissy mood.”

  “When are you not in a pissy mood lately? I call and you grunt down the phone line. I ask you to dinner, and I get some bull excuse about you having better things to—hey! Did you clean this place up? It looks great,” he says, interrupting his own speech when he looks around.

  I look too and can’t believe my eyes when I see the state of the kitchen, living room, and the now empty laundry. Grabbing my beer, I stalk upstairs and gape at the clean smell that hits me. Fresh laundry. God, I love that smell, I think when I walk into my bedroom and get a load of the perfectly made bed and the clean carpet that not only looks clean but smells like some flowery shit that I just like.

  Call me a pansy, but no one, not even a guy with huge nuts, wants to live in a place that smells like sweaty balls and feet.

  “Shit, man.”

  “It was Teeny,” I growl, slamming him away from my closet when he ducks in there and lets off a whistle.

  The bathroom is shining when I glance in, the sight of decorative towels beside the his-and-her basins making me stop and really look. My house looks like a home, a real home with a woman’s touch and…

  I don’t feel bad about that at all, I realize, groaning when I
sniff and catch a whiff of Teeny’s perfume lingering on the air.

  “Good God, man, don’t let her get away. Leila makes me wash my own socks, and she threatened to kill me if I left my clothes on the bathroom floor again. This girl is obviously marriage material.”

  Shit. She so fucking is, and I just made her feel like hell for an honesty that is rare in most people.

  “Lyon, just shut up,” I mutter, going back to the kitchen when standing and sniffing Teeny’s scent makes my cock pound its anger at me loud and clear.

  Wolf comes back after a bit, shaking his head.

  “We should just make that sister and her boyfriend disappear, man. Poor Teeny didn’t even invite me in to the hotbox. Just talked to me through the screen before going back inside. I think she was crying.”

  Oh hell.

  “Look, just let me go over and see if she’s okay.”

  “Sure. We’ll just go out and get the pool done.”

  It’s the first time in, ever, that Hawk doesn’t push me or give me hell for something he probably knows is my fault. I’m glad because fighting with him is like hitting myself, and it’s fucking weird.

  And exactly what I need right now.


  I knock on her door over and over, calling out until finally she rips it open and stands there glaring at me.

  “Lynx, I told you I was going to sleep!”

  I don’t say a word, just bend, throw her over my shoulder, and trot home, her yells and slaps to my back making me grin. She slaps my back all the way there and up the stairs to the guest room beside the master.

  “Get some rest, Teeny. We’ll talk later,” I say softly, leaning over to kiss her forehead gently. “Don’t argue, woman, or I’ll kiss you, and that will lead to a whole lot more we can’t do right now with my brothers downstairs.”

  Her eyes go wide at those words, and before I can stop myself, I’m kissing her lips, groaning because they taste just as good as I thought they would.

  She kisses me back after an initial moment of frozen stiffness and clutches at my shoulders, pulling me close, so close I feel her breasts and pebbled nipples graze my chest.

  Hell, I want her, badly. To strip her and spend hours running my mouth over her skin to the place between her legs that is already moist and giving off its own perfume.

  Teeny’s hands go to my hair, pulling me down harder for a kiss that has my balls going tight and hard. Her moans aren’t making it easier, and when she rubs herself against my thigh, her heat piercing me through her pants, I almost lose my head and come.

  She’s hot, writhing, riding my leg, and all I want is to rip her shorts off and fuck her, hard, long. All night. I settle for a taste and pull away enough to push my hand beneath her shorts, the wetness I meet when my hand slides over the little patch of curls on her mons making me groan for more.

  She’s so wet when I slip a finger into her folds it’s easy to slide one, two digits deep and fill her.


  Oh yeah, she’s gone with need, I think, nipping at her lips while my thumb rubs wet circles over her hard bud and my fingers thrust in and out, the wet sounds of her pleasure erotic.

  She’s so hot and tight I want to pull away, shove my pants down, and push all of me inside her, but this time is for her, and so I work her nice and hard, flicking her clit while the fingers inside her tight sheath thrust and curl up, the tips rubbing at the ridged patch of flesh inside.

  She’s twisting on my hand, taking her pleasure and moaning into my mouth as my tongue tastes her and I suck on her tongue. I want her to come hard, all over my hand, and give me a taste of what we’ll have when I get in her.

  “Lynx! I, oh, oh, yes.”

  I muffle her scream with my mouth as her sex pulses around my fingers, the clenching ripples tightening her up and sending wetness gushing out into my palm.

  I play her right, slowing, gentling my touch and eking out the last of her orgasm until she settles and falls back, panting into my still-questing mouth. Pulling away isn’t easy, but I do. I smile down at her, taking in the dazed, glossy-eyed satiation and can’t resist another sucking kiss to her swollen lips before rising and looking down at her.

  When she looks up at me, her legs still spread, sex glistening, calling to me, I raise my fingers and watch her eyes while I suck her juices off them, letting her see how much I like her taste.

  “Rest up, Teeny. Tonight.”

  I leave before the intense need has me falling back on her, my dick pounding with every step as I close the door and take the stairs two at a time, needing distance before I go crazy and fuck her.

  Tonight. Tonight she’s mine, and God help us both for whatever comes after.


  The fading ripples of orgasm are still pulsing through my sex when Lynx closes the door and leaves me lying there, spent and so satisfied I feel my eyes droop sleepily.

  I want to stay awake and relive each moment of my first big orgasm. I want to see his face again, feel his lip sucking and licking at my own, and once again feel his fingers plunging deep into me in a hard rhythm that made me feel so good I wanted to scream and scratch and bite him.

  I fall asleep though, his taste still in my mouth as I see him sucking my taste down. I don’t know what just happened, but honestly, it was good, and I can revel in it, just for now, before I have to go down and face him.

  I don’t know how long I sleep, but I wake up feeling refreshed and cool, the air in the room cool against my skin. Waking isn’t great though because I feel damned awkward as I sit up with my shorts still sitting around my ankles, the smell of sex heavy in the air.

  Oh God, I think, kicking them off and stomping to the bathroom. I just had sex with Lynx Wylder, the man I swore to myself not hours ago I wouldn’t go near.

  After I stormed off and practically chased poor Hawk away, I was determined that I would make myself forget wanting him and find a way to be friends, just friends.

  It was the best, most reasonable path, and I was set on it until Lynx came over here and got me. But oh, the way he kissed me, I think, moaning when I step into the shower and six shower heads pulse on, the hot water massaging my skin and releasing the tension I’m feeling.

  Gosh, the man is good at sex. Like amazing. I can still feel his hand between my legs, and a renewed pulse of desire hits me. I want it all. I want his mouth on my body, my mouth on his.

  I want to touch him and pleasure him in ways I never have before because even in my other relationships I never cared about giving my boyfriends pleasure if they couldn’t give it to me.

  He gave me pleasure, so much that I am still weak-kneed and getting very worked up as I dry off and put my shorts back on, foregoing my dirty underwear.

  You can do this. Just go downstairs and be cool, I think as I pull the door open and step out, breathing a little hard because I’m sweating with nerves, and I have the unbelievable urge to run out the front door and hide at home.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  I turn just as I reach the bottom step to see Lynx staring at me from the couch, his eyes narrowing as I peek at the door one last time before turning his way.

  I stop on the threshold, a few steps away from where he’s sitting, waiting for me.

  “Er, I just wanted to—”

  “Come here, Teeny.”

  His growl is low, demanding, and I’m walking towards him before I can stop myself, gasping when just a foot away he shoves a hand out and grabs me around the waist, pulling me down so that my hands reach for his shoulders to steady myself and my legs go beside his to catch my balance.

  I’m straddling him, my sex just inches from the hard shaft of his cock, while Lynx smiles up at me, keeping me still with his hands on my ass, fingers digging in. They part my ass and just graze the bottom of my sex.


  “I’ve been waiting for hours, just sitting here waiting for you, thinking about what you tasted like, and getting harder by the h

  I clench with his words and remember the way he sucked his fingers clean of my juices, the act so raw and erotic I feel moisture pool in my sex and slide down.

  “I…we…it wasn’t supposed to happen. You said—”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Teeny. I want things, and there are things I don’t know I can ever have, things I can’t give you. I just don’t want to take you and hurt you when I’m not what you think I am,” he says slowly, holding me captive with hands that pull me down to meet his cock.

  We both gasp when my sex settles over his, and I twist instinctively, the arousal growing with every harsh breath I take, the need to ride him, rub myself over the hard flesh, making me whimper a protest when he keeps me still and looks up at me. I don’t want to talk. I want him, now, inside me.

  “We need to talk about this before I take you, Teeny. I want you—”

  “No talking,” I whisper, licking his lips with a flick of my tongue that has him stilling and licking back before he stops. “I want you. I wanted you from the moment I saw you. Just one night, just one night of no talking or crying. We can talk in the morning and get all heavy.”

  “Oh, you’ll cry,” he growls, kissing me hard as he shifts my sex close and pushes up to stand in one sexy movement that makes me gasp at his strength. “You’ll scream for me.”

  I’m ready to scream for him now, and all he’s doing is grinding me against his cock with every step he takes. I almost come when he takes the stairs two at a time, slowing because we’re joined at the mouth and I won’t let go.

  “You’ll beg for my cock.”

  His promise is dark, and I feel his intent right before he throws me to the bed and stands smiling down at me.

  Oh, I hope I do.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Please! Oh, hell, Lynx!” I yell, moaning when he grins up at me and keeps sucking my nipples, the heat of his mouth sending forks of pure need to my sex that’s clenching and gushing out onto my thighs.


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