Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD > Page 10

by Shameek Speight

  Michael heart became even colder every day he went without his mother’s love. He blamed his father for making her the way she was, but deep down he started to hate her as well for never coming back for him.

  He didn’t care that she missed his birthday and he didn’t get a birthday cake or gift. All he wanted was his mother’s love and to be taken away from Momma’s house.

  Michael hated Momma’s house. He was forced to shit in a bucket and dump it outside in the back yard. Pooky, his cousin, and Michael had to share a bed. Pooky always pissed the bed. And Michael would wake up all wet and smelled like piss.

  When he told Momma, she just laughed at him and called him a child of a crack head.

  She say, “Boy don’t you know that you’re not going to be better than even the shit I push out because you are a child of a crack head.” Those words broke Michael’s heart at seven years old being told he wasn’t going to be better than shit. He felt more pain then he should. So, he turned the pain into anger and unleashed it. He started kicking Pooky out of the bed. He wouldn’t let his cousin sleep in the bed anymore.

  “Pooky, you can’t sleep in this bed anymore.

  I’m tired of you pissing on me.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do.” He tried to climb back on the bed, but Michael curled his hands in a fist. And with all his might and strength hit Pooky like he saw his father do to his mother so many times.

  Pooky went flying backward after he struck him with his fist. He hit the floor hard leaving Pooky crying holding his eyes.

  “I’m telling Momma.” Pooky said crying.

  “Go ahead. You still ain’t sleeping in this bed.”

  Pooky got up and ran to Momma’s room holding his eye. Michael followed behind him. Poky found momma in her room in her chair watching a talk show.

  “Momma, Momma. Michael kicked and punched me and said I couldn’t sleep in the bed next to him no more.”

  “Boy, stop your fucking crying. You damn child of a crack head.” Momma turned her head towards Michael. For some reason, she hated Michael, maybe because he was Rachel’s baby or because he had Black ice blood running through him. She heard rumors that Black Ice killed her youngest son, Brian. She didn’t know if it was true or not, but she still hated Black Ice just from the rumors.

  Momma knew Brian was raping all the boys and girls in the house, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care because she thought that just because the kids were children of crack heads it didn’t matter.

  “Listen you little mother fucker. You don’t tell anyone in this house what to do in this house. If anyone is going to sleep on the floor, it’s going to be you!” Momma yelled while looking into Michael’s eyes. Momma looked deep into them and saw no fear and someone that was cold hearted. Michael smiled a devilish grin. Momma swore she could see the devil look back at her. Her heart skipped a beat and started beating faster. She gasped for air while grabbing at her chest. “Pooky…..Pooky” She said out of breath. “Go grab my pump on the dresser.”

  Pooky began to walk to the dresser.

  He felt hands wrap around his neck and pull him back being shoved to the floor. Michael jumped on top of Pooky and began to hit him whit his fist again and again. When Michael got tired, he got off of him. Pooky lay on the floor crying in pain. “Now you stay there until I tell you to move and you are going to sleep on the floor, not me.”

  Michael yelled.

  Momma watched the boys while

  gasping for air as if she was going to pass out and die. She fell to the floor and tried to crawl over to the dresser herself. Michael slowly walked to the dresser and grabbed the pump and bent down next to Momma and put the pump in front of her face.

  Momma wheezing tried to reach for the pump. Michael pulled it back. “If you ever call my mother a crack head or talk to me wrong again, I will let you die.”

  “I….I won’t.” She wheezed. Michael handed her the pump. She placed it to her mouth and pressed down on the pump. She let the medicine fill her lungs and she repeated until she was breathing normal.

  Momma said, “You’re just like your father.”

  She got up and stepped back from Michael out of fear.

  “Don’t say that!” Michael yelled and walked out of the room and went to bed.

  Chapter 25

  Rachel walked through Momma’s

  door early in the morning. She made her way past the dirty clothes and the garbage on the floor to the room where she knew Michael would be sleeping. She looked down on the floor and saw Pooky lying there sound asleep. She sat down on the bed next to her son watching him sleep. She had tears rolling down her face thinking how much she missed Michael. She rubbed his head.

  Michael dreamt that he heard his mother’s voice and tears rolled down his face while he was still asleep. He opened his eyes to wipe the tears, but he felt a soft hand wipe them for him. He sat up rubbing his eyes not believing what he was dreaming. But, it wasn’t a dream. His mother was sitting right next to him. He jumped into her arms about knocking her off the bed. All the hate and pain he was feeling just went away feeling his mother embrace him in her arms. “Come on baby. We have to go.” Rachel said to Michael.

  “What about my clothes?” Michael asked.

  “Leave them here. We’re going to get you some new ones.” She answered.

  Pooky woke up from the noise and watched Michael and Rachel leave from the bedroom. “I’ll get you one day.” Pooky grumbled to himself as he started to cry.

  Momma watched Rachel and Michael leave her house and was more than happy to see Michael leave. “That child is pure evil.”

  She thought to herself.

  When they got outside, Rachel held Michael’s hand and led him to a gray two door Nissan Pathfinder. He opened the door and crawled up in the SUV. Rachel reached for the seatbelt and buckled her son in.

  Michael looked at the driver. She was a pretty young woman. She almost looked just like his mother, until his father made her smoke that stuff. “Mommy, who is she?

  And where are we going?” Michael asked.

  “This is my little cousin, baby. Her name is Janet.” Rachel explained.

  Janet heard her name and she looked back at Michael and smiled the most beautiful smile Michael has ever seen next to his mother’s smile. “Hi Michael” Janet said.

  “Hi.” Michael said.

  “We’re going to a small town called Amityville in Long Island. That’s where I live and you are going to help me and your mommy, get herself better.” Janet said to Michael.

  “You mean you don’t want to smoke that funny smelling stuff anymore, Mommy?” Michael asked.

  “That’s right.” Rachel replied.

  Michael looked at both woman and smiled real big. That made him so happy.

  He was willing to do anything to get things back to where they were before his mother started smoking that stuff.

  Chapter 26

  J-Rock was so scared that he never left his apartment since the attempted killing of Black Ice that was not successful. He still hadn’t heard from Smoke. The word on the street was he dipped out after taking the bag of money that Black Ice dropped that day.

  It’s been six weeks already and the cops still haven’t caught Black Ice to bring him in for questioning. J-Rock knew he shouldn’t have messed with Caesar and Ace’s ass and crossed Black Ice. J-Rock needed some ass and wanted a quick fuck. So, he called Shelly. He heard that she started smoking crack and he fucked her a few times in the past. He knew all he had to do was give her a little bit of money, but now that he knew she smoked crack it would be even cheaper.

  J-Rock heard the doorbell ring at his door. He got up and walked to the door and looked through the peek hole. There she was. Shelly lost weight, but her ass was still there he thought as his dick got hard just by the sight of her thick ass. He opened the door and Shelly stepped forward and fell right into J-Rock and knocked them on to the floor. J-Rock looked up not knowing what was going on. He got chill’s runn
ing up and down his spine when he looked up to see Black Ice standing over them. “Get up Shelly!” Black Ice ordered her. Shelly nervously stood up leaving J-Rock on the floor. “Take this and be on your way.”

  Black Ice told Shelly. He handed her a small zip lock bag full of crack with his devilish smile on his face. Shelly grabbed the bag and walked out the door. Black Ice slapped her on her ass while she walked by him. Then he closed the door and locked it while his gun was still pointing at J-Rock.

  “Get the fuck up!”

  J-Rock did what he was told. “Walk to the bedroom. If you make any funny moves, I’ll blow so many holes in your head. You’ll have to have a closed coffin at your funeral.” Black Ice ordered J-Rock.

  Once in the bedroom, Black Ice made J-Rock lay on the bed. He took duck taped him to the bed wrapping his arms, chest and legs tight to the bed. “So you want to kill and rob me?” Black Ice yelled.

  “No Black Ice. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me.” J-Rock begged him.

  Black Ice hit him in the nose with the butt of the gun making it bleed instantly. He pulled out his six inch knife and grabbed J-Rock’s cheeks so tight that he was forced to open his mouth. Black Ice put the knife in his mouth and started cutting the inside. J-Rock squirmed trying to get away from Black Ice’s grip. His mouth was full of blood. Black Ice dropped the knife on the bed. He used his hand and grabbed J-Rock’s tongue and pulled at it.

  J-Rock’s screams filled the apartment. He felt his tongue being ripped out of his mouth. J-Rock laid there crying and squirming around while blood was pouring out of his mouth. “See you thought you can taste the money on my block. Now you won’t taste shit in your life now as a matter of fact!” Black Ice picked up the knife again. He grabbed J-Rock by the head and put the knife up to his eye. J-Rock squeezed his eyes shut. But, Black Ice used his thumb to open his eyelids. He stuck the knife in his eye. “Now, this will be the last thing you will ever see!”

  Chapter 27

  Michael watched both women walk down stairs to the basement with a duffle bag in each hand. Michael stood by the door on top of the stairs as his mother and her cousin hid the bags. “Damn, Rachel, these are heavy. How much money is in these bags?” Janet asked.

  “Altogether there is about seventy thousand dollars, but there are some handguns in there too.”

  “You took the handguns too?” Janet asked with a concerned voice.

  “You never know I may need them, but I doubt it.” Rachel replied.

  “Rachel you’re going to get really mad and angry at me because I’m going to lock you in a room until I feel all the cravings are out of your system.” Janet wanted to make Rachel understand what she needed to do to help her.

  Rachel looked down at her feet. “Do what you need to do to help me. I need to get better for my son. He needs me and I know I need to change this from within myself.”

  “Rachel you can’t blame yourself it was Black Ice who did this to you and together as a family we’re going to make it pass.” Janet assured Rachel.

  The next few weeks were hell for Rachel. Her body was cleaning out her system. She screamed and yelled to come out so that she could go and find some crack to smoke. She pleased and cried, but Janet never opened the door. The only time she opened the door was to give Rachel her meals.

  Michael’s heart was breaking hearing his mother go through all the emotions. He wanted to help her, but didn’t know how.

  He spent the day playing football in the backyard with Janet’s boyfriend Jay Jay.

  Michael hated all men because he thought they would be just like his father. But, Jay Jay turned out to be really cool. Michael enjoyed running around in the back yard.

  There were no back yards where he came from to go play. For the first time, he enjoyed being a kid. After a day of football with Jay Jay, Michael would sit by the bedroom door where his mother was locked in. He heard her cry and talk to herself. His heart ached he couldn’t stand hearing his mother cry. “Don’t cry mommy. I’m here for you. I love you. You can do this mommy.” He started to cry.

  “Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me, Brian. Leave me alone.” Rachel yelled.

  “Mommy, I’m here. I’m here.”

  Michael yelled through the door.

  Rachel heard his voice and snapped back into reality. She was flashing back to her rape from her Uncle Brian. She wiped the tears from her face and walked over to the door and sat down next to it. She placed her hand on the door as if Michael could feel her through it. “Mommy, are you okay?”

  Michael asked sniffling.

  It amazed Rachel how much her baby had grew up and how he always tried to be her protector. It also hurt her because she knew he had grown up before his time. She swallowed the saliva in her mouth. “I’m okay baby. Don’t cry. Mommy was remembering what happened to me when I was pregnant with you.”

  “Why do you and Janet always cry and scream at night?” Michael asked.

  Rachel got quiet. She had no idea that Janet still had nightmare about what Brian did to them. She was going to have to talk to Janet about that. “Baby, I’ll tell you about that later. I don’t know if you will understand.”

  “I’ll understand mommy.” Michael said slowly.

  “Well okay. Just don’t say anything to Janet. Brian was our uncle. He lived at Momma’s house when both of us were left there by our parents. He was a bad man. He used to hurt us a lot. In fact, all the kids that lived there. Remember when I told you to never let anyone touch your private parts?

  Well that was what our Uncle Brian did to us.”

  “I’ll bite him mommy. I’ll beat him up.” Michael yelled while swinging his little fist with anger from what he just heard.

  “He’s no longer around or should I say alive. He’s dead.”

  “How did he die, mommy?”

  Rachel sat there nervously thinking back to that day as she stood in the alleyway and watched Black Ice pull out Brian’s windpipe from his neck. “I’ll tell you that part when you get older.”

  “Okay mommy.”

  They spent the rest of the night talking back and forth through the door.

  They did that every day until Rachel was better. Rachel started gaining her weight back and her skin cleared up. She started to look like the beautiful woman she was.

  Michael and Rachel spent every day talking.

  Their relationship grew closer than it was before.

  Janet stood by her cousin and helped her get stronger. All of them together were the happiest they have ever been. Rachel crept downstairs into the basement and went behind the stairs to where the duffle bags were. She opened the bag and took three stacks of money. Michael followed closely behind his mother without her knowing.

  They were getting so close lately that he didn’t want to leave her side. “What are you doing?” Michael asked.

  Rachel jumped from being startled by the sound of his voice. “Boy, don’t be sneaking up on me like that. You hear me?”

  she said. Michael watched his mother take the money and zip back up the bag, but not before he got a chance to look in it. He saw the money and the shiny guns. “We’re going shopping today.” Rachel said with a big smile while grabbing his hand and leading him back up the stairs.

  “Really mommy, we’re going

  shopping?” Michael asked with excitement.

  “Yes baby.” She nodded.

  Rachel, Michael, Janet and Jay Jay left and spent the day shopping in Sunrise Mall. They bought brand new clothes that all of them could carry. Michael was so happy that he was getting all these new clothes.

  Chapter 28

  Black Ice inhaled the cigarette smoke full of crack as he sat in his white Lexus on a block next to Kings Highway. He waited for Caesar and Ace to come and drop off his money. He started to think about Rachel and Michael and wondered where the hell they were at. It was well over a month.

  Then he started wondering where Roxy was too. He was going to kill them when he did find them. Black Ice looked do
wn in his hand at the piece of paper he held. He found the paper in Rachel’s jeans pocket at his apartment in Bedstuy. He read the 516

  number over and over. That could only be a number in Long Island. Rachel doesn’t have any friends there.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Black Ice

  thoughts were interrupted by his car being shredded up by bullets. Bullets whistled passed his head as he covered up close to the seat. He crawled to the passenger side and opened the door. He crawled out of the car down to the sidewalk. He pulled his 38

  special-revolver from his waist and slowly pulled his head using his car for cover to see who was shooting at him. Bang! Bang!

  Bang! He sat back down low ducking his head and taking cover again from the shots being fired at him. Bang! A shot rang out hitting him in the side of his shoulder tearing through his flesh knocking him over. Black Ice quickly aimed his gun at the direction the shot came from while lying on his back.

  Black Ice was shocked. He saw Caesar running towards him firing off shots from a 45 handgun. Black Ice snapped out of shock. “You mother fucker!” He yelled while squeezing the trigger of his 38 special.

  A shot went flying by Caesar’s head making him duck low and take cover. Caesar returned fire. Black Ice jumped up to his feet while firing his gun. He thought if Caesar was firing at him from the side then who was shooting from across the street. As soon as that thought ran through his mind, Ace was seen trying to sneak up on him.

  Black Ice quickly tried to grab another gun.

  He realized he only had the 38 special that only held six bullets. No way in hell thought that he would need a gun today. He was only coming to pick up money from Caesar and Ace. He picked the meeting place and only brought the 38 special because he never left the house without a gun on him. Black Ice knew he had to think fast. He only had two more shots left and Ace and Caesar were closing in on him.


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