Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD > Page 11

by Shameek Speight

  Black Ice rose and fired. One shot and took off running.

  “Don’t let him get away!” Caesar yelled at Ace while he ran after Black Ice.

  Ace was firing wildly and crazy at Black Ice. Black Ice looked back to see Ace and Caesar chasing him and shook his head. He ducked low while running in between cars.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Caesar 45 and Ace’s 9mm guns went off simultaneously. A shot his Black Ice in the back as he tumbled down to the ground. He rolled and got right back up.

  “Shit, that nigga is still moving.” Ace screamed out of breath from running.

  “I don’t know, but we got to make sure he dies.” Caesar replied while still firing at Black Ice. Another shot hit Black Ice in his shoulder.

  Black Ice continued running thinking he just needs to make it to a main road. That pussy won’t fire at me in front of people.

  He ran, but began to slow down. His body felt weak from losing blood.

  “Look. Look he’s starting to slow down.” Bang! Bang Bang! The bullet entered his butt cheeks and Black Ice collapsed down to the sidewalk.

  Ace and Caesar began to run faster to get to Black Ice’s body to make sure they finished the job. They heard police sirens and two cars pulled up and the cops jumped out of their cars. They started to fire and Ace and Caesar.

  “Aw shit!” Caesar hollered while exchanging fire right back at the cops. The cops ran behind their cars. Ace and Caesar took off running down the block firing back over their shoulders to keep the cops from following them. They ran through the back yard of a house on the block and hopped a fence and ran towards Caesar’s car that was parked. They hopped in the car and pulled off slowly and a cop car passed them.

  Black Ice felt the blood making his clothes feel soaked. He dropped the gun and kicked it while lying on the ground feeling like he was bleeding to death. He opened his eyes to see four white cops standing over him. All he could think of, was that is the second time I was saved by a bunch of cops from being killed as he passed out from the loss of blood and lost consciousness.

  Chapter 29

  Black Ice slowly opened his eyes, but it was painful and hard to do. It felt as if his eyelids weighed a ton. He tried to swallow, but he couldn’t he felt pain every time he tried. He realized that there was something stuck in his throat. He focused his eyes to see a tube jammed down his throat and nose.

  He moved his right hand to pull out a clear tube that was stuck in his hand. But he couldn’t move his hand as he was handcuffed to the bed rail. He moved his hand around to only here the clanging sound of metal on metal. “What the fuck was going on?” Black Ice tried to say with a tube down his throat. He tried to figure out where he was and how he got there.

  Flashbacks started to come to his mind at once. He could see Caesar and Ace running after him shooting and then.

  “I see you’re up.” A deep voice said breaking Black Ice’s thought. He looked up at the door to see a man standing in the doorway. He knew that face well. The man walked closer and leaned down in his face.

  “I finally got your black ass.” Detective Roy said while staring into Black Ice’s cold eyes.

  “You’ve done fucked up you son of a bitch.

  And I’m going to make sure you end up on death row. I know it was you that cut out James’s eyes and tongue. That’s a fucked up way to leave a man. You could of finished the job and kill him, but you wanted to live life and walk around that way. I also know the pair of hands that were thrown over a power line was the doing of you. I bet you even those niggas that were trying to hit on you five weeks ago has something to do with your ass.

  Black Ice eyes opened wide and he tried to mumble the words ‘five weeks’.

  “Oh you don’t know do you? Well your ass has been in a coma for a week from the blood loss from the bullet wounds you received. I’ll kill you myself, but there are too many eyes on you right now. My boss wants you alive. See we can’t prove you murdered those two cops in the projects.

  You made sure of that.” Detective Roy said sarcastically. “See we don’t care when your ass go around killing your own fucking kind, but when you start killing white people and cops then you are going to have a fucking problem.”

  Black Ice looked at the detective and a grin crossed his face.

  “You think this shit is funny?” Detective Roy yelled as he became furious and his face turned bright red. “We’ll see how funny you’ll like this. See you left one of your half smoked special cigarettes on the ground of Officer Reed’s house when you murdered him and his family. You stupid mother fucker, do you know when we found them? It was four days later.”

  Black Ice tried to laugh, but his throat was too sore. He knew the only reason Detective Roy was so mad was because it was a white baby.

  “What the fuck? You still think this shit is funny? Well, Office Reed was missing his work bag when we searched his house. On the day the officer’s found you ass dying on the ground, they didn’t know who you were at the time. If they did, I’m pretty sure they would have let your ass die right there on the ground. But on that day, you had a bulletproof vest on that saved your life. All together there were fourteen bullets in the vest, but you got shot in both shoulders and your lower back. The bullet hit you liver. Oh and you got shot in your ass. Those boys were really trying to kill your ass.” Detective Roy said with a smile.

  “But, what really made my day was the bulletproof vest you had on had a name stitched in it. All officers have to have the name sewn into their vest. The one that you were wearing was Officer Reed’s. That was the proof I needed to put your ass in the house and proof enough to get a warrant to take your D.N.A. to match it to the cigarette you left next to Reed’s body. I got your ass now.”

  Black Ice knew he was fucked. How could I leave a cigarette butt there he thought. The crack had him slipping. How did these fools Ace and Caesar tried to kill him.

  Detective Roy saw the anger on Black Ice’s face and he smiled inside. “Oh yeah you have been here for a while. The doctor is going to test your blood one more time and then I’ll move you tomorrow to jail.

  You’re going to spend the rest of your life in a cell, asshole. And don’t think about escaping.” Detective Roy said walking out the room and then a mean looking cop stepped in the room. Detective Roy just then turned around and said, “See Joe here doesn’t like you, none of us like cop killers and he has the order to shoot you if you ever look at him wrong in anyway.” Office Joe looked at Black Ice and the eyes thought he was going to give Black Ice a reason to look at him wrong just to shoot him or hurt him by giving him an ass whooping he never had. Office Joe just smiled at the thought of the sure pleasure of doing so. Black Ice laid there pissed off. He just thought that if he ever got out of there he was going to kill Ace and Caesar.

  Later that day, Black Ice watched as an elderly black woman entered the room.

  “I’m your nurse sugar and I have to draw blood. The doctor wants to test it to make sure you’re all right. I’m sure you are though. When you came here, you weighed less than me. But you got your weight back.

  We’ve been feeding you through that tube in your mouth. As a matter of fact, you don’t need those anymore.” She said as she pulled the tubes out. “See doesn’t that feel better?

  There should be someone coming in to drop off you dinner soon. I don’t know if what those people are saying about you is true, but I hope not. We don’t need any more black men in this world making us look like bad people. But they damn sure have had that police office outside your door.” She said.

  There was a small tray that was by the nurse’s side with needle syringes and cleaning pads on it. She turned her head to reach for the drawer reaching for some latex gloves. She turned back to grab a syringe and there wasn’t anything there. She could have sworn she put four syringes on the tray, but she only saw two. She looked at Black Ice suspiciously.

  Black Ice just stared at the woman like she had lost her mind. She felt exactly like she lost her mind
. “Please give me your left arm.” She asked. Black Ice didn’t realize that his arm was loose from the handcuff to the bed rail. He was too busy thinking about ways to kill Ace and Caesar.

  He raised his arm like the nurse told him to do. “You don’t have to worry about me sticking you with the needle. You see that thing in your arm is an IV. It’s already threaded through your vein in your arm. I’m going to draw blood from your IV and it won’t hurt a bit. You see I have to push the air out of the syringe. If I was to push air in the vein, a person would die from a heart attack.”

  Black Ice thought this bitch talked too much as she was drawing his blood and filling the tubes with blood. Once she was done, she left the room. He thought the bitch would never shut up and leave. He started to think how he was going to get out of the hospital. He tried to wiggle the handcuffs, but from the noise Officer Joe and the doctor entered the room.

  “Don’t think you are going to escape boy.”

  Black Ice laughed, “Who are you calling a boy? All you pigs are the same.

  You think your tough until I put a knife in your gut and have you bleeding like I did your little friend.”

  Officer Joe turned bright red full of anger and clenched and unclenching his fists. Black Ice saw the color of his face and knew he was getting to him. He decided to keep pushing his buttons. “You should have seen the bullets I shot tore through those cops’ heads in the projects. I bet they had a closed coffin funeral.”

  “You asshole” Officer Joe ran to Black Ice’s hospital bed. He swung and hit Black Ice in the jaw and repeatedly punched him over and over. “I’ll kill you. You’ll never make it to jail.” Joe laid each punch to Black Ice’s face. The blood was dripping out his mouth. Joe was so busy in his rage he never noticed that Black Ice wasn’t using his left hand that was free to cover his face to protect himself. He felt around with his left arm on the bed for the syringes he stole off the nurse’s tray. He gripped them tight and did his best to jab Joe with them. But for every punch that Joe struck his face, made it even harder for him to have the strength to strike Joe with the syringes.

  Black Ice got the urge to swing and hit Officer Joe in the neck with the syringe and pressed down on the syringe at the same time. Officer Joe stepped back to pull the needle out of his neck and reached for his gun. Black Ice noticed he missed the spot he was aiming for. His heart began to pound. He grabbed the other syringe and swung it with all his might hitting Officer Joe in the neck just as he raised his gun and pointed it at Black Ice’s head. Black Ice pressed down on the syringe. The air from the syringe rushed through Officer Joe’s vein. He dropped his gun as he felt his heart tighten. He clenched his chest and gasped for air. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed to the floor. Black Ice watched his chest go up and down really fast until it quit moving at all. Black Ice reached for Officer Joe’s keys with his foot over the bed. He got a hold of them with his toes and slowly raised them up for his reach. He scrambled threw the keys with his left hand.

  He removes the handcuff’s himself from the bed rails. He was happy was free as he rubbed his wrist and ankles. He bent over to see if Officer Joe was still breathing. He felt air coming out of his nose. He thought, ‘shit that old bitch wasn’t lying when she said that shit’ when the elderly nurse was in earlier that day to take his blood. He smiled to himself and stole the two syringes that the nurse mistakenly left in the room. He then thought how he was going to get out of the hospital. He looked down and realized that he didn’t have any clothes, just the green hospital gown. He picked up the gun off the floor and pushed Officer Joe’s body up under the bed.

  Just then his door opened half way; he quickly jumped back in the bed. “It’s dinner time.” A man said as he entered the room carrying a tray of food and placed it on the table and wheeled it over next to the bed.

  “It’s not the best food in the world, but it’s good.” He said to Black Ice. The hospital worked turned towards the bed as Black Ice got out of bed and raised the 9mm gun and placed it up against the back of the man’s head. “Don’t say a fucking work or I’ll blow your fucking brains out.” Black Ice said. The man shook his head wanting to say yes, but too afraid to talk.

  “Get undressed.” Black Ice said. The man hurried getting undressed quickly out of his scrubs.

  Two minutes later, Black Ice stepped out of the room fully dressed in the man’s scrubs and walked down the hospital hallway. No one paid him any attention as to who just walked out of the room or who he was. He saw the exit door for the stairs and ran down them, through the lobby, and out the front door of the hospital, a free man.

  Chapter 30

  Detective Roy came to the hospital bright and early the next day with a uniform cop following closely behind him. He walked down the hallway feeling great with a grin creasing his face from ear to ear. It was going to be a good old day he thought.

  He was finally going to put Black Ice away for the rest of his life.

  They stopped in front of Black Ice’s hospital room noticing an empty chair where Officer Joe was supposed to be guarding the door. Detective Roy looked at the other cop and said, “Tim, where is Joe?”

  “He most likely went down to the cafeteria to grab a doughnut and some coffee.” Tim replied.

  “I gave his strict orders for him to not leave this area and to remain guarding this door.”

  Detective Roy felt his stomach

  tightening and knew something was wrong.

  He pulled his 9mm gun out of his holster and pushed the door open. He looked at the bed and could see Black Ice lying there with the sheet covering his head. He took a sigh of relief and put his gun back in the holster.

  As he walked up to the bed and said, “You sleep good asshole? I hope so because this is going to be the last day you live somewhat under normal conditions without being surrounded by bars.” Detective Roy laughed and his belly shook. He suddenly stopped laughing when Black Ice didn’t answer him. He looked down at the sheets and stopped short in shock. The bed sheets were covered in blood and looked to see blood was pouring from his neck. “No! No!

  You’re not going to get out of this that easy.”

  He put his hands over the wound to cover it.

  When he pulled the sheets from the head, he looked to see it wasn’t Black Ice. He yelled for the other cop as he removed his hands from the dead man’s neck. Detective Roy’s foot hit something under the bed. He looked down to see Officer Joe’s dead body.

  “Shut down the hospital! Cover all exits of this building. We can’t let Black Ice escape!” Detective Roy hollered his orders.

  The other cop used his radio to call for back up. Little did both of them know that Black Ice was long gone!

  Chapter 31

  Life was going great for Caesar and Ace. They had control of the business.

  Everything that came in and out of Brownsville Projects was their doing. They knew that Black Ice was in the hospital and the cops were watching him twenty four hours a day. And soon they would be taking him to jail for life. They had nothing to fear or so they thought. They didn’t have to live up to their promise to J-Rock and Smoke.

  Black Ice had cut out J-Rock’s eyes and tongue and Smoke’s body had yet to turn up.

  Ace drove down the block and

  stopped in front of a two story house. He hopped out of the car with Lisa behind him.

  “This is it baby. This is your house. Your name is on the papers.” Ace said to Lisa proudly.

  “Oh my God, oh my God I love you daddy.” Lisa hugged Ace in excitement as she jumped into his arms.

  “Come on let’s go inside.” Ace opened the back door of his car and got his two sons’ out. They all walked up to the house. “Lisa, take the keys out of my pocket.”

  Lisa dug deep down in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. She put the key into the door lock and opened the door. They all entered the house. “Damn baby. It’s so big.

  When do we get to move in?” Lisa asked.

nbsp; “Today boo, today. We’re going to go shopping so you hook the place up. Are you happy with it?” Ace asked Lisa.

  “I’m more than happy.” Lisa said as she kissed him passionately and deeply.

  Chapter 32

  “Yea suck it” As he moaned while watching her suck his dick slowly with long strokes making her way up and down his shaft. ‘Damn this bitch is a freak’ he thought to himself. She looked up into his eyes as she slurped in and out. She picked up her pace moving up and down his dick moving faster with each stroked going deep back in her throat swallowing the excess saliva that was building up in her mouth.

  “Shit girl. I’m going to cum.” He yelled as he busted a nut in her mouth as she moaned still sucking his dick and swallowing every last drop of cum making him shiver from the sensation. “Shit girl. You got me feeling all weak.

  Lisa licked her lips with a lustful smile. “When the fuck are you going to tell Ace and take me away from him Caesar?”

  Caesar looked at Lisa from the corner of his eye and zipped up his pants. “Damn here you go with that shit again.” He said.

  “Listen Caesar, I’m tired of his ass and if you don’t tell him soon, I will.” Lisa said while rolling her neck. “I want to be free. I want to be with you.” She said and leaned over and nibbled on his ear.

  Caesar wasn’t a fool like Ace. He knew Lisa was a scandalous bitch and the only reason she wanted out of her relationship with Ace was so she could run wild in the streets and leave her kids at home making Shelly watch them. “Bitch I ain’t telling him yet. I’ll tell him when I’m ready. You’re only acting up because that nigga won’t let you run the streets all crazy like your hot ass wants too.” Caesar said.

  “So what if I want to go out and do me. This is my pussy, not yours. And I can give it up to whomever I want to.” Lisa snapped back.

  Caesar back slapped her across the face. “Listen as long as you are the mother of my child, you won’t be running the streets whoring, that pussy out.” Caesar hollered. “You’re just mad that Ace feels the same way. That nigga takes good care of your slut ass. He just brought you that house in Sheepshead Bay.”


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