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Venom (Dixie Reapers MC 1)

Page 7

by Harley Wylde

  “Am I hurting you?” I asked, pausing.

  She shook her head and bit her lip.

  “Think you can come again?” I asked.

  “I want to.”

  “Play with that pussy, baby girl. Stroke that hard little clit until you’re milking my cock dry.”

  Her hand slid down her belly, and her fingers slipped between the lips of her pussy to rub herself. My gaze was hungry as I watched her fingers dance across that little bud, and I fucked her harder. It wasn’t long before she was coming again, her pussy rippling along my cock. I pounded her sweet pussy, driving my cock into her again and again until my cum erupted from my cock and filled her up.

  As I pulled out of her, my cum trickled out. I used my fingers to shove it back inside her, stroking her a few times. Her pussy was swollen and pink. Leaning down, I pressed my lips to the slick lips and groaned at our combined scents. I couldn’t resist a taste and my tongue flicked out. Ridley gasped and tried to close her thighs, but only ended up holding my head in place. I chuckled and licked her one more time before pulling away.

  “I’m going to run a bath for you, baby girl. A nice soak in some hot water will keep you from being quite so sore.”

  “Will you join me in the tub?” she asked.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “I’ll always want you with me, Venom. I’m yours, and you’re mine.” Her eyes narrowed. “And if any of those club sluts so much as touch you, I’ll break their hands.”

  My lips twitched with humor. Now that she was officially mine, if she said that shit in front of my brothers, I’d have had to correct her. Otherwise, they’d think my woman ruled this relationship, and that shit wouldn’t do for the VP of the motherfucking club. But here in our home, I liked seeing this side of her. I got a secret thrill that she was jealous about other women touching me. She didn’t have a damn thing to worry about, though. The only woman I wanted was her. Now that my dick had gotten a taste of her, no other pussy would ever do. There wasn’t one out there as tight or as sweet as hers. My gaze fastened between her legs again, and my cock started getting hard. Before I did something stupid, like take her again, I walked into the bathroom and started the water.

  I didn’t have any of that scented crap women liked, so I hoped she wouldn’t mind just plain water. When the tub was full, I shut off the taps and went to get Ridley. Her eyes were closed, but slowly opened when I neared the bed. She gave me a drowsy smile, and I felt like an ass for keeping her awake so long. Lifting her into my arms, I carried her into the bathroom and stepped into the tub. I released her long enough to sit down, then she settled in front of me, her back pressed to my chest.

  My hand caressed her stomach, and I wondered if we’d already made a baby. Everything had happened so fast with us that we hadn’t even discussed kids. Since she’d never been with anyone before, I doubted she was on birth control. It was a little late now, but it was a conversation we should probably have sooner or later. This day had been long enough already, though, and I could feel the exhaustion in her heavy limbs. Or I could just knock her up. I liked the thought of her round with my child. My hand slipped between her legs, and I gently rubbed her pussy. She was still swollen, and I hoped I hadn’t been too rough with her. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt Ridley.

  I wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. Ridley murmured something and I smiled. She was already falling back asleep. I held her in the hot water a few more minutes, knowing that a good soak would be the best thing for her, then I carried her back to the bedroom, not caring that she got the bedding wet. After draining the tub and drying off, I crawled into bed beside her. She immediately sought me out, cuddling against my side.

  Holding my woman close, I closed my eyes and breathed deep. The room smelled like sex, but Ridley’s soft scent was just under that. If anyone had told me I’d have an old lady, I’d have laughed at them. Pussy had always come easy to me, but knowing Ridley was mine was the best feeling in the world. Yeah, she was probably too fucking young for me, but I wasn’t letting her go. The moment she’d looked into my eyes, she’d been mine.

  I just hoped I never gave her cause to regret her decision to be with me. I could be an outright bastard, had done some really fucked up shit, but Ridley lit up my dark world. I’d never think twice about laying my life down for her. Being with me might not be all rainbows and sunshine, and maybe she could have done better than a dirty old biker, but I’d make her my entire fucking world. What I felt for her was stronger than anything I’d experienced before. It was all consuming, and I knew I’d fuck up anyone who tried to come between us.

  I might not be able to give her sweet words, but maybe what I could offer her would be enough. It would have to be. Love had never been part of my life, and I wouldn’t have known the emotion if it bit me on the ass. But Ridley was mine, in every way, and the urge I had to possess every inch of her, to protect her and care for her, was stronger than some stupid word that people threw out carelessly.

  “Mine,” I said with a soft growl, my arm tightening around her. If she didn’t know what she’d gotten herself into by accepting my brand, she would soon enough. Once something was mine, I never let it go. And Ridley was more than just mine. She was as essential as the air I breathed. I’d fucking die if she were gone.

  One look. One fucking look. That’s all it had taken.

  Those gorgeous blue eyes of hers had met mine and I’d been gone for her.

  Angels were damn near impossible to find, and now I’d have one in my arms the rest of my life.

  I was a lucky fucking bastard and I knew it.

  I just hoped that luck held out.

  My phone buzzed in the pocket of my jeans. After last time, I wasn’t about to ignore the call. I pulled away from Ridley, careful not to wake her, and grabbed my phone from the denim on the floor.

  “What?” I asked when I answered the call.

  “It’s Wire. We need to fucking talk.”

  “So talk.”

  “This isn’t the kind of shit you say over the phone.”

  I glanced at Ridley. “My woman just went to sleep. It’s been a long-ass day, and she needs some rest. I can’t leave her here unprotected.”

  “Fine. Sleep a few hours, then get your asses to the clubhouse. It’s probably better if she hears this too. You have no idea what kind of miracle it is she made it here.”

  Dread settled in my gut, and I knew that whatever Wire told us was going to change things. I ended the call and crawled back into bed with Ridley, but fuck me if sleep would come. There were too many monsters lurking in the dark, and for the first time in forever, I wondered if there was something bigger and badder than me out there.

  Chapter Seven


  Wire’s room at the clubhouse was different from Venom’s. This one still had a bed and dresser, but it was easily twice the size and had a bank of monitors and computer equipment. Despite the fact the biker seemed very tech savvy, and was apparently some sort of hacker, geeky wasn’t the word I’d use to describe him. His ginger hair and green eyes made him look a little less hardcore than the other bikers, and his face was open and friendly when he looked at me. But the man was packing muscle, and when he started talking about my stepdad and Montoya, there was a hardness that entered his eyes. Whoever Wire was, he had earned the patches on his cut, and if anyone stepped into a dark alley with him, I had no doubt they wouldn’t make it out the other side.

  “Ridley, what I have to say, and the things you might see, are going to upset you. If Venom wants you to leave, I would understand, but I think you need to know what kind of people you’re dealing with. We’re going to protect you, but I won’t lie. We’re walking a dangerous line,” Wire said.

  “What do you mean the things she might see?” Venom asked, his hand tight on mine.

  Wire looked at me. “Did you know that your stepdad had cameras set up around his house?”

  I shrugged. “He
mentioned something about a security system. Is it part of that?”

  “Maybe the lower level is, but there were cameras in your bedroom and bathroom.”

  My breath caught and my eyes widened. “Why would he have cameras there?”

  “Because he was spying on you. And he recorded and kept quite a bit of the footage.” Wire looked fucking pissed when he turned his gaze to Venom. “It’s bad, man. The recordings go back to when she was about thirteen years old. And a lot of it has her naked on camera.”

  Venom growled, and his face flushed with anger. “That sick fucking bastard. If I get my hands on him, I’ll rip off his goddamn balls.”

  “There’s more,” Wire said. “Like I said, some of the videos go back to a time when Ridley looks to be about thirteen, but the older she got the more video clips there were. This may be embarrassing for you, Ridley. Are you sure you want to see this?”

  “I need to know,” I said softly.

  Wire nodded and turned to his computers, hitting a few keystrokes. A video popped up on the large monitor of my bedroom at my stepdad’s mansion. I was lying naked on my bed, my legs spread and my fingers rubbing my pussy. I gasped and my face flushed. The video switched angles partway through, and you could see in detail what I was doing. I felt so sick I thought I might throw up. Venom was breathing hard, and his body shook with fury.

  “Do you know when this was taken, Ridley?” Wire asked.

  I shook my head, but then focused more on the room in the video. The poster on one wall was no longer hanging in that room and hadn’t been for at least two years.

  “I think I was seventeen, maybe sixteen.”

  “And this one?” Wire asked, switching to a video of me in the shower. I was not only washing my body, but it was another clip of me pleasuring myself. My pussy was bare in this one, which meant it was more recent.

  “That had to have been taken in the last year.”

  “Who’s seen these?” Venom asked.

  “Out of the MC? Just you and me. And I won’t ever let another fucking soul see them, unless I’m ordered to do so. But I pulled these from Benton’s emails. When I finished with his financials, I dug deeper and hacked into his personal and work email accounts. These videos, a total of about a dozen spanning what looks like six years, were sent to Montoya over the last eight months.”

  “He was planning to sell me to that monster all this time?” I asked.

  “I’m afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg,” Wire said. “I used some special software I have to scour the internet, and I dug fucking deep, to see if these videos were posted anywhere else. Montoya apparently has a site where he auctions off time with his girls. He has a full stable in a range of ages, sizes, and colors. Some of Ridley’s videos are on that site and bidding has already begun. He’s promised them that she’ll be well broken in when they get her.”

  “Show me,” Venom said.

  Wire hesitated only a moment before giving a nod and pulling up the site. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I ran for the trash can by the door and threw up several times. Some of the girls on the front page hadn’t even hit puberty yet. How was it a monster like that was out wandering the streets? Venom rubbed my back and pulled me into his arms.

  I glanced at the screen again, this time it was my page that was loaded. The words on the screen made me ill again. He’d offered to let the men do whatever they wanted to me, as long as I was returned without scarring. Some of the bids on the screen were from men in groups of three or more, their comments making bile rise in my throat and I ended up puking again.

  “How do you want to handle this?” Wire asked. “I can disable this page, but as long as he has a copy of the videos, he can just put another one up. Even if I trace this IP address and hack his system, there’s no guarantee he doesn’t have a backup somewhere. As much money as he’s making off these girls, I’d imagine he has several backups.”

  “Why did my stepdad and mom do this to me?” I asked.

  “That big house and those fancy cars? He’s about to lose them all. Benton made some bad investments and he’s not only broke, but some unsavory people will be asking for their money soon. The cash he gets from Montoya for you won’t make him rich again, but it will keep him alive,” Wire said.

  “Oh, he’s fucking dead already,” Venom said. “Send a crew to fetch Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benton III and bring them here. I’d like to have a little chat with them.”

  “What do we do about Montoya?” Wire asked.

  “Can you find out where that site is based?” Venom asked. “As much as I’d love to get my hands on the fucker and bury him six feet deep, that would bring all kinds of shit to our doorstep. A man like that is going to be too damn well-connected.”

  Wire’s eyes narrowed. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking if that’s a US-based site, the Feds might like to know he’s selling young girls to the highest bidder. More than one of those videos of Ridley are from when she was just a kid. That should earn him some hard time behind bars, for a really fucking long time,” Venom said.

  “What are you going to do with my mom and stepdad?” I asked.

  Venom’s eyes were cold when he looked down at me. “You don’t want to know.”

  I stared up at him and waited to feel some sort of emotion over the fact he was likely going to kill my mother, but whatever love I’d once had for her was long gone. I reached up and cupped his cheek, his whiskers tickling my fingers.

  “Do whatever you have to do. I trust you,” I told him

  Venom grasped my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm.

  “I’ll make copies of everything,” Wire said. “But when the Feds see Benton’s name attached to some of the images on Montoya’s site, they’re going to go looking for him.”

  “So make it look like he skipped town and hopped a flight to a non-extradition country, taking his bitch-ass whore of a wife with him.” Venom’s lips thinned in a grim line. “I want them. They’re going to pay for what they’ve done to Ridley. They may not have succeeded in handing her off to Montoya, because my girl is tough as nails and got the fuck out of there, but those sick fucks have been recording her during intimate moments for years. They were supposed to love her, protect her. Not sell her to the highest damn bidder.”

  “I’ll arrange for a crew to pick up the Bentons and bring them here,” Wire said. “I’ll set up the paper trail for them leaving the country, and I’ll make sure a copy of everything I’ve found is forwarded to the authorities. Anonymously, of course.”

  “Won’t they be able to trace it back to you?” I asked.

  Wire smiled. “Honey, if I don’t want to be found, no one can find me.”

  Venom chuckled. “Wire did time from the age of ten to eighteen for not only hacking into our government files, but those of several other countries as well. At the time of his arrest, he was hailed as the top hacker in the country. Now he’s probably the best in the damn world.”

  My eyes widened. “But if you got into that kind of trouble, can’t you go back to jail for even looking at a computer?”

  “The authorities aren’t coming anywhere near the Dixie Reapers compound,” Wire said. “Besides, I take an odd job here and there, help out big brother from time to time. They leave me alone, as long as I don’t bring the entire system down.”

  “You can do that?”

  Wire shrugged.

  I’d never met anyone like him before, and while I’d known the gun on his hip made him dangerous, I was now certain that his computer skills were what made him possibly the deadliest man in the MC. To have that kind of power, and all at his fingertips… a few keystrokes and I wondered if he could wipe out an entire country. I was a little in awe.

  “You said you needed to know what country Montoya’s site was based in before turning the files over to anyone,” I said.

  “Won’t hurt to send a copy to the Feds. You’re an American, and you were underage in some of those videos. They’ll be i
nterested. I’ll still track down where the site originated and send that info along too. If it’s not based in our country, which I suspect it’s not since Montoya is Columbian, the Feds can figure out the best way to handle things. Like Venom said, that man would bring more shit to our door than we’re probably prepared to handle. We’ll get justice for you, Ridley, it just might be done through legal channels instead of our more colorful way.” Wire smiled. “I promise, they’re all going to pay, in some way or another.”

  I nodded and took Venom’s hand. “I think I’ve seen enough for today.”

  Venom tipped my chin up and leaned down, but I turned my head at the last second so that his lips brushed my cheek.

  “You are so not kissing me after I’ve been puking.”

  He chuckled and led me out of Wire’s room. His room was two doors down and he unlocked it and pulled me inside. “There’s a toothbrush in the bathroom and some mouthwash. Use whatever you want.”

  “You don’t mind me using your toothbrush?” I asked.

  His eyebrow arched. “Baby girl, I’ve had my tongue in your mouth and my dick down your throat… and you think I’m going to mind you borrowing my toothbrush?”

  My cheeks warmed. When he put it like that… I stepped into the small bathroom and brushed my teeth twice before rinsing liberally with mouthwash. My stomach wasn’t quite as knotted up, but the thought of my stepdad and other men watching me do that made me ill. Those moments had been private, and I’d thought I was safely locked in my room, where no one could see me. I felt defiled all over again, and this was even worse than Montoya putting his hand on me. At least that had been one incident with one man, but how many thousands or millions of sick perverts had seen those videos online? And the things they’d posted… my stomach gurgled again, but I pressed a hand to my belly and took some deep breaths.

  Venom was leaning against the wall when I went back into his bedroom, his arms folded over his massive chest. He studied me a moment before holding out a hand to me. I didn’t hesitate even a second before folding myself against his big body. He made me feel safe, and if Venom said everything would be okay, then I knew it would be.


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