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His Mate - Brothers - Spring Fever

Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  “You’re beautiful…” Wade didn’t like that she had insecurities about her body – he planned to make sure that she knew that every inch of her was loved, wanted, adored, and truly revered…

  He started a slow downward journey, discovering every inch of her, loving it with his fingers, his lips, and his tongue.

  He was fighting his wolf the whole time as the beast tried to push forward, again and again, and he pushed back harder…


  “Not done yet…” he growled, licking up her inner calf…

  “Wade…” she said, more insistently.

  “I’m getting there…”

  “I’m not getting any younger here…” She chuckled, and gasped again when his hands locked around her inner thighs and opened her sex to his tongue…



  Wade savoured the taste on his tongue, before he devoured her like a wildling. Meredith held on for the ride – it was fast and furious, and it made her head spin and her body hungry for more, and more, and more; as she fisted the covers and practically counter the seconds in a rush to the finish line that no one, not even when she’d been trying to pleasure herself, had ever reached…

  Meredith forgot to breathe … the rush of wave after wave of pure throbbing intensity flowed through her … she was lost … but there he was to find her and bring her back to him.

  “Breathe sweetheart…” Wade demanded on a deep growl as he climbed up and over her body, and she snatched in a breath…

  “What the feck was that?” She gasped…

  Wade held in place above her. His eyes took her in, narrowed a little as he twisted his head and regarded her with disbelief…

  “Seriously…?” He growled, a deep frown appeared on his forehead as she nodded rapidly…

  “Yep – yep…”

  “That was your first orgasm?” Wade looked at her like she’d just throw up down his chest…

  “Well, you don’t gotta say it like that!” She tossed back…

  “No!” He rushed out. He rested down on his elbows and cupped her face in his palms. “I’m just happy that it was me, and really damn well miffed that nobody has ever taken the time to…”

  “Can we not discuss this now?” Meredith shot back…

  “Ok!” Wade shot back, sensing her embarrassment, and putting a really big pin in that one for another time. “I’d ask if you were a virgin… but…”

  “Wade!” She rolled her eyes in her head because he still had her face in his palms…

  “Right … sorry….” Wade chuckled.

  “Oh, Goddess, it’s not funny!” She reached down and pinched him good and hard on his backside.

  He shot up in the bed and his hard length found the opening to her channel…

  “No pinching…” he chuckled and growled at the feeling of her wet heat at the same time…

  “Then can you please get inside me before I burst into flames with embarrassment…?” She hissed back…

  “Your wish is my damn pleasure,” Wade assured her, pushing his hips forwards and entering her…

  His hard, thick length demanded that the inner muscles move aside and let him in, that her tight silken walls stretched around him, allowed his entrance, and he growled against her lips a moment before he took them in another series of hungry kisses; until he was buried to the hilt and throbbing with need…


  “Mine…” Wade said against her lips as he slowly drew out to the very edge of her channel and pushed deep once more…

  “You’re claiming my vagina!” She said in amused disbelief…

  “Damn it woman, I’m claiming every damn inch of you…” Wade chuckled back…

  “Ok, well not every inch…” she rolled her eyes…

  “That too…” he growled at the thought of having every last inch of her around his body.

  “We’ll talk about it…” she promised … and he gave her another hungry growl.

  “I like a woman who’s flexible…” his grin was priceless.

  He was already inside her and yet she wanted him again already, over and over. She didn’t think that she’d ever get enough…

  “I’m too old to be a pretzel…” she chuckled, but gasped when he took her from the tip to the hilt and rolled his hips…

  “You’d be surprised…”

  “I’d be bloody well amazed …”

  Wade pulled out of her, and before she could get the first word of protest out of mouth – she found herself turned in the bed, placed down on her hands and knees, and there he was again, entering her – deeper this time, different angle, different feeling …

  She palmed the mattress and moaned in pleasure as he filled her, stretched her body around his cock, as his body came down over hers, riding low; his chest against her back as he moved as she felt … everything…

  The time for talking was over. Things had changed. Her body had changed – she could feel that same knot tightening inside of her and she wasn’t afraid that feeling was going to disappear this time.

  He already knew her body.

  He already completed her.

  They fit together as fate intended, two halves of the same person – two souls soon to be joined as one.

  She wanted that.

  She needed him as much as he needed her.

  Wade heard his name on her tongue and he liked it. It fire him up, made him want more.

  His hips moved faster. He took her down his length in short, fast bursts, rubbing over that sensitive spot inside of her; before burying his cock to the hilt and getting rewarded with the sweetest sound that got caught in the back of her throat.

  His beast clawed within him. That side of him couldn’t – wouldn’t – be ignored a moment longer, especially not with her inner muscles starting to tighten up around his length…

  Wade wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her body up with his, back onto his knees, as he allowed his beast to push forward and his fangs elongated.

  One hand fisted her hair and he leaned in, taking her scent at source, just beneath her ear…

  Meredith voluntarily tipped her head to one side and opened her neck and her shoulder to his will. His beast roared at her surrender – her submission to his dominance…

  “Mine…” Wade growled, before he ran his tongue down her neck and over her shoulder to the place where he would bite…

  “Yours…” she breathed out; before gasping in another breath.

  One of her hands was on his arm and the other against his thigh. She curled her fingers into his muscles, and the hard press of her fingernails against his skin sent him a little wilder, a little closer to becoming fevered with his own needs, but first he needed to claim her, to bond with her…

  His hips moved faster. His length took her right up to the edge of insanity and thrust her into another vibrant, throbbing mass of intense pleasure…

  Wade bit down hard and fast. His razor sharp fangs cut into the flesh and he tasted her blood upon his tongue, savoured it, as she moaned hard.

  His wolf roared within him, reached for her very soul, and found her there – welcoming him.

  He released his fangs and licked over the wound – his hips unwavering in the rhythm that kept the orgasm throbbing through her body.

  Wade felt the hard rush of lust within him.

  His desire turned to pure need.

  The need to have her.

  The need to take his own pleasure and give her more in return.

  The need to bury his cock deep inside of her and explode his seed into her womb.

  He took her with him towards the pillows, pressing her body against the wall, and covering it with his own. His hands pressed her palms against the wall and his hips moved in earnest…

  Like a wildling – he took her hard and fast; right back up to the very edge of the abyss, and felt his body racing to catch up to hers. Thrusting over and over inside of her as his rhythm changed; became more erratic as
he searched for that release…

  His muscles locked up, burned, begged for relief, and his head craned backwards on his neck.

  Meredith cried out as he took her over the edge. Her inner muscles suckled around his cock, claiming his seed right from his balls…

  Wade buried his cock to the hilt and a howl was ripped from deep within him as his body was hit with wave after wave of such intense pleasure that he thought he might lose his mind.



  Joined as one and bonded together for life…

  Wade took her down to the mattress with him and curled his body protectively around hers. They were one now, and he’d never let anyone or anything tear them apart.



  “Oh no, she didn’t!” Caroline had snapped awake at the sound of that mating howl and she was somewhat bemused, and miffed, to find Jared’s arms around her. She batted at his hands… “Get off me you old letch!” She grumbled.

  “Not a morning person then…” He grumbled as she elbowed him in the ribs in her attempt to get away from him.

  When she’d finally managed to untangle the man and drag herself to a sitting position; she turned accusing eyes on her mate.

  “What did I do?” Jared grumbled at the sight of her Medusa death glare that was aimed at him…

  “My granddaughter just…”

  “Daughter!” He snapped back, correcting her, and she drew her head back on her neck, stunned for a moment…

  “W-hat?” She twisted her head as if she didn’t hear him properly.

  “Deaf now too? You really are going downhill fast!” Jared grumbled, and the he yelped, jumping in place when she zapped him hard…

  “Who howled like a Baskerville?” She demanded.

  “Wade!” He snapped back, not wanting to get zapped again.

  “Wade!” Her eyes went wide in surprise and understanding.

  “Still deaf?” He grumbled and she zapped him again. “Stop doing that.” He bit out fast…

  “Stop being damned annoying!” She snapped back.

  “Just fitting in with the present company!” He snapped back.

  Caroline zapped him again…

  “If you keep it up…” She warned.

  “Hospitals could use damned witches in their cardiac unit, one zap and bring that poor sucker right back from the edge of death…” he muttered.

  So she zapped him again…

  “I’m warning you – old man…”

  “Old man?” He scowled back at her. “Looked in the mirror lately?”

  She zapped him again.

  “For the love of the spirits, woman…”

  She zapped him once more for good measure and he grumbled a long growl.

  “What was that one for?” He snapped.

  “Because it made me feel better!” She shouted back.

  “First you try to fry my brain and now you’re trying to make me as deaf as well … you…”

  Caroline zapped him a good one and he shot upwards from the comfy seat, glaring down at her…

  “That’s it…!” He growled. “You’ve gone too far…”

  “Oh, have I?” She pushed up to her full height with a little more effort than he’d needed to do the same thing, and placed her hands on her hips, squaring up to him, and narrowing her eyes on his. “And what are you going to do about it?”

  Jared reached out, and in one quick move; he’d wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her body up against the length of his.

  His lips came down on hers and silenced any protest that she might have made … but when he felt her melt within his arms; he knew that she was putty in his hands…




  “Whoa…” Jasmine sat forward on the seat and her eyes snapped towards Sam. His head was still tipped back against the wall and his eyes were still closed…

  “Wade…” He answered her unspoken question.

  “Well, I didn’t think it was Gran…” she offered back; her tone dripping with sarcasm.

  The truth was; she didn’t know who she’d thought it was. She hadn’t expected to hear it at all, and there were so many reasons why she’d thought her mother might reject Wade…

  “Don’t be too smug about that one, from what I hear they’re getting on rather well right now…”

  Sam didn’t want to hear what he thought the two elders were doing, but he couldn’t un-hear it either.

  He hadn’t opened his eyes to look at her. She guessed that he was still miffed, and he had every right to be – she’d been pushing him away since the moment that they’d met.

  Jasmine sat back against the wall and wrapped her arms around her body. She felt a little lost. A little lonely in the grand scheme of things, and she knew that it was her own fault, done of her own making, but it didn’t make the future look any less bleak.

  I’m not going to mate with him just to stay here with my mother … and maybe Gran … that’s just absurd…

  We don’t even like each other…

  Well, I don’t not like him…

  He is as sexy as hell, and he does have some good qualities…

  Although, that getting in the last word thing is annoying…

  But I have a life … ish … I mean – I have a job, and a flat, and … stuff that I do…

  Jasmine sighed inwardly.

  Ok, so not so much a life as an existence, but that still isn’t a good reason to just jump in – feet first – is it?

  Is it?




  I’m not …

  I’m going home!

  Not … right now, but tomorrow, or the day after…

  The longer I stay the worse it will…

  What if he turns rogue?

  That’s not my fault. That’s fate’s fault, damn it…

  If I never find anyone to be … kind of happy with … well, that’s my fault.

  I can own that one.

  The man’s a…

  I don’t know what he is.

  I don’t know him.

  I don’t know anything about him…

  Why is he even damn well sitting here with me?

  “You should go home,” she said, before she’d even put her brain into gear.

  “I’m good here.” Sam answered her without opening his eyes.

  “If you’re trying to guilt me out…”

  “I’m trying to keep you safe while you’re here, on pack land. It’s that simple.” He opened his eyes then and saw her frowning back at him.

  “While …?”

  “You’re not going to stay, are you?” Sam said the words without so much of a hint of judgement in his voice.


  I don’t know …

  I really … she searched for the answer to that one, but it was like finding a needle in a haystack.

  “That’s what I thought.” He closed his eyes once more and tipped the back of his head against the wall.

  Sam didn’t want to think about what would happen when she left. His wolf was already clawing within him.

  The beast wanted out, but he didn’t want that side of himself to break free. He kept that wildness locked in its cage where it belonged.

  If she wanted to leave then he couldn’t – wouldn’t stop her. This was her life too and if she had a plan for it that didn’t include him – so be it.

  He couldn’t make her want him.

  He could try to woo her, but that had only ended in disaster.

  That didn’t mean that it was over yet, not until she’d walked away, but he wasn’t expecting some kind of miracle either.

  Some women weren’t meant to be wooed. He had to guess that fate had screwed up and sent him the wrong woman as a mate, or he’d screwed up with the damn wooing…

  Either way, he didn’t expect her to stay.



; “What do you mean you’re leaving?” Caroline asked.

  The matriarch was more than a little taken aback by Jasmine’s announcement over the suddenly silent breakfast table.

  Nobody had really slept that well since the sun had risen – especially not after the whole alpha bonding howl thing. Caroline had slept some within Jared protective arms, and then there was that kiss, and she was just too fluttery inside to sleep after that…

  Meredith and Wade had been doing what a newly bonded couple did best and discovering each other, time and time again – she could have slept after that, but the smell of someone cooking had made her and Wade follow their noses downstairs instead.

  Now Jared was finishing up tossing a full breakfast on the stove like a pro…

  And Jasmine couldn’t have slept if she’d wanted to. Her mind was on fast spin and her body was pumped with too much adrenalin for her to even think of sleeping.

  Sam had sat with her the whole time – his eyes were closed but he could feel every emotion that came from his mate…

  “It’s for the best if I go now…” Jasmine offered back.

  The food on her plate that someone had put in front of her was still untouched, and so was Sam’s.

  “Best for who, dear?” Caroline’s eyes flicked towards the beta as he pushed up from his chair and started for the back door.

  “Him, for one…”Jasmine said, motioning towards the retreating beta, and he hesitated in step at the door; his hand on the handle.

  “It’s best she leaves, especially as she can’t even seem to remember my name,” he offered back over his shoulder, without even looking around. Then he yanked on the handle and was gone before she’d finished forming the grimace on her face…

  She pushed up from the table and walked off into the house.

  “Well, I should go too…” Caroline announced and her mate grunted.

  “That’s a bad idea…” Jared grumbled.

  “I guess I should go…” Meredith started and Wade’s head snapped towards her as his eyes took her in… “Not to stay, just to settle her down and maybe get some of my things…”


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