His Mate - Brothers - Spring Fever

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His Mate - Brothers - Spring Fever Page 16

by M. L. Briers

  Sam saw it coming and jumped up and over it with a hard growl of annoyance, as his chin went down to his chest and his dark eyes were locked and loaded on her and only her…

  “You’re gonna pay for that…”

  “Just that?” She scoffed.

  She took a moment in time to inspect her fingernails, not that there was much time left before he got to her.

  “All of it…” Sam’s voice was full of his beast as the wolf growled a warning at him…

  “Well – that’s a nice way to greet your mate!” She grinned at him, and it was as wicked of a grin as he’d ever seen in his life before.

  Then there he was, right in front of her, reaching out one large, muscled arm and sweeping her up against his body…

  Jasmine’s hands palmed the hard muscles of his chest and she had the urge to curl her fingers against him. The excitement had rushed through her veins along with her blood and heated it, and her heart was pounding as if she’d just run a marathon…


  His beast was caught between claiming her and wooing her, and Sam felt much the same way … maybe with just the slightest of urges to kill her mixed in.

  “Why’d you come back, Jazz?” Sam demanded.

  He reached out his free hand and palmed her cheek, and he stared down into her eyes, questioning her with just that hungry gaze and looking for any sign that he could find as to what she was doing there…

  “So I could woo you as mine…” she offered back…

  Sam felt her words like a blow to the head. His mind spun, and he was sure that if he hadn’t of needed to hold her up then he would have been bowled over onto his backside … his thoughts raged like a twister…

  “Wow, lost for words, growly boy?” She teased – nervousness creeping inside of her.

  “It’s not a game…” He growled.



  “I’m not playing…”

  Sam’s lips came down on hers. Hard, punishingly hard, before he berated himself and started to ease up on her, but she was already responding to him, kissing him back with the same amount of passion.

  Sam turned her from the opening and pressed her back against the nearest wall. The length of his body ran down the length of hers as he tried to get closer … could not get close enough.

  Hot kisses turned demanding as he reached down and hoisted her up his body, and she wrapped her legs around his hips and held onto to him like she never wanted to let him go.

  His wolf had backed off about as far as it was going to go. His anger dissipated, and his need for her grew.

  Jasmine could feel the hard press of his cock against her sex and her body was already aroused enough to take him right there and then. He moved his hips and rubbed that length against the sensitive nub.

  The sound that caught in her throat was so damned tempting to his cock that it twitched uncontrollably against her. It wanted out and he had a mind to let it.

  Her scent filled the air along with a good dose of her arousal and he growled like a hungry beast as his mind tossed and turned between all of the things that he needed to do to her, with her, for her…

  He broke free of her lips and ran his tongue down her throat as she tipped her head back and then to the side, submitting to his dominance, and allowing him access to her neck and shoulder…

  That growl in his chest caught in his throat, hungrier, filled with desire, with lust for his mate. He took her scent at source as he rocked his hips against hers…

  “Yes … now…” Her breathless words battered his ears and stamped the possession within his brain…

  “Mine…” he growled against her ear before his blunt teeth nipped the soft lobe and she rolled her hips against his…

  “Yours, Sam … yours…” she breathed out, before gasping when he whisked her away from the wall and stalked the few steps towards the open bales of straw that were spilled over the decking.

  “Here?” He growled in desperation…

  “Right here, right now…” she demanded.

  She wasn’t going to change her mind – not now – not after the torturous trip home and back again. Need, want and desire for him, and only him, were clawing within her all the way…

  “No doubts?” He asked as he took her down into the straw, and the moment that her back was against the cushioned wood, he started to strip off her clothes … his clothes…

  “Gone. Banished, along with a big chunk of my ego…” she promised.

  Sam tossed his shirt away and came down on his hands over the top of her.

  His black eyes ate her up…

  “I can’t not bite – bond – if we do this now, my beast is already…”

  “I want that. I want you wild and free to claim me, Sam…”

  He didn’t need to hear another word. His lips came down on hers again and he devoured her like a wildling, until they were both fevered with lust and desire.

  He finally gave up trying to shove his jeans down over his knees as he kissed her senseless, and pushed back away from her. Stripping the last remainder of clothes from the both of them…

  “It’s gonna be wild, baby…” he warned her.

  “I was made for you.”

  She reached out for his cock, but he snagged her wrists, pushing her arms up above her head as he came down over her once more…

  “Now you’ve caught me – what are you going to do to me?” She teased – her eyes fired with mischief and lust…

  Sam answered without words. The deep, hearty growl on his lips was description enough, without the hungry kiss that he silenced her with.

  Need clawed within him and he broke that kiss and started down her body.

  Inch by inch; he claimed her for his own in a rush of nips, licks, and sucking hard against her skin, sending her pulse racing and her body demanding more…

  His fingertips chased up and over her thigh, finding the wet heat of her sex, and sending her hips upwards as his other hand came down on her hip and held her in place for his tongue against the sensitive flesh…

  He knew that he stood no chance of going slowly – of tempting and teasing her body for hours – Jasmine was as worked up as he was and eager for more, for everything.

  He could feel her lust coming from her scent, her moans, and the little curses that caught in the back of her throat as he took her right up to the edge of the abyss and thrust her over with his tongue deep inside of her.

  Even as he tasted her juices upon his tongue he felt the hard clawing inside of him for more. His needs wouldn’t be denied…

  Sam crawled up and over her body as she came back to him.

  His thick cock hung low away from his body and brushed against her skin as she tried to reach for him, but he had her wrists in his hands one more time and he thrust them up and over her head, caging her in beneath him as he lowered his hips towards hers.

  “Now – everything – all of it – one thrust – all the way home…” Jasmine called to his feral side. The hungry side that needed to devour her…

  Sam’s top lip quivered as that beastly wild growl rumbled through his chest…

  He pushed the head of his cock into her channel and with one thrust buried his length to the hilt. Her back arched, her lips parted, and she made the damndest sound that he’d ever heard – half moan – half growl of pleasure…

  “Damn it…” he growled back.

  His wolf wanted out – it pushed forward and his fangs elongated, even as he tried to hold it back…



  “Yes, Sam… yes…” she nodded, urging him to let that side of himself free…

  Sam yanked his body away from hers and she mourned the loss of his cock stretching her inner walls. He turned her onto her knees and buried his length back inside of her in a heartbeat.

  Her back arched. Her head came back, and he fisted her hair within his hand as he wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her back onto her kn

  His hips were already slapping against her backside in a steady rhythm that made her moan with the pleasure of being so full of him. Deep thrusts filled her up and brought her pleasure like she’d never known; as the fast friction built her body right back up towards another release again…

  Jasmine cursed and curled her fingers against his flesh. Her nails pressed hard into the skin and he growled against the pain as they pierced his flesh, revelled in it like she was marking him…

  Almost every other word that came from her lips was a curse, interspersed with his name, and that begging tone in her voice for him not to stop was like music to his ears…

  Sam couldn’t have held back if he’d wanted too. Every inch of him was primed to take her, and he did, hard and fast; right back up to the edge of sanity before he thrust her over the edge…

  His fangs pierced the skin the moment that she was lost in the intensity of the orgasm that tore through her body. The taste of her blood upon his tongue sated his beast’s needs, and the wolf roared at the claim.

  Soul to soul, body to body, they rode the waves of her orgasm together as he eased his fangs from her skin and sealed the wound with his tongue. He savoured the last taste of her blood, and even with half a mind on the fever of his own needs that boiled within his blood, Sam knew that she hadn’t seen the wildest side of him yet.

  He eased her back down to her hands. His body curled over hers as he palmed the floor, running his arms down the sides of hers.

  His hips were already slapping against her backside – the sound of skin on skin was mesmerising – the scent of their sex mingled together in the air all around them was spellbinding – and the friction of his cock inside her tight channel was damned empowering.

  Jasmine’s fingernails clawed at the boards beneath the straw as his cock demanded that her inner muscles tighten hard around his … that hard knot of the orgasm that he was creating within her felt more potent this time – more demanding of her soul’s attention…

  Every inch of Sam’s body was on fire with tension. His muscles quivered and burned as he thrust inside of her, bringing her with him towards the release that he craved – that burned in his very soul…

  His head craned back on his neck and his thrusts became erratic – the hard grunts that were forced from his lips sounded so potent to her ears and her body as she felt that clawing need inside of her for release …

  She held in place in anticipation as her body tightened … and then she cried out as it exploded within her…

  Sam’s breath left his body on a howl of pleasure the moment that her inner muscles suckled his seed from deep within his balls. He buried his cock as deeply inside of her as he could get, and delivered his seed to her womb, over and over, until he thought he might lose his mind…


  Bonded together.

  He was hers and she was his and he’d make damn sure that she never wanted to leave him ever again.




  Caroline’s head snapped up on her neck and she stared out of the window of the bedroom at the sound of the bonding howl. She wasn’t sure what she hoped to see – it certainly wasn’t her granddaughter mating with her mate that was for sure!

  She clutched the soft material of her nightdress within her hands and was slightly startled by the sound of Jared’s deep growl from behind her.

  “Sounds like fun – no?” He chuckled, and she snapped her head back on her neck.

  “No!” She snapped back over her shoulder as her heart raced within her chest at the thought.

  She’d agreed to stay.

  She’d agreed to be his mate – and she wasn’t sorry that she had, not for one moment … and yet, the thought of being naked – of having sex…

  She’d thought herself way too old for any of that nonsense.

  “I promise you won’t pop a hip,” Jared teased, and she shot him a death glare back over her shoulder.

  “I can’t promise I won’t kill you off,” she warned him, but there was laughter within her eyes. He wiggled his eyebrows back at her.

  “I look forward to dying a happy man.”

  Caroline turned back away from him with a small chuckle.

  “I look forward to fulfilling that wish – just … don’t die the first time.” She grinned to herself at the sound of his hearty growl.

  “Oh, I plan to love you for a good while yet.”

  Those words sounded like a promise to Caroline, and she really hoped that the man kept his word.



  “So, mum…” Meredith delivered the plate of cake to the middle of the table, and already there were male hands were reaching for slices of it. “How’s the hip?”

  Caroline’s head slowly rose up and her eyes locked onto her daughter’s. They slowly narrowed to slits, and it had nothing to do with the late afternoon spring sun that chose to shine down on their garden picnic.

  “My hip’s fine, thank you, dear – but I’m a little worried about that loud, squealing howl that you seem to get lodged in your throat after dark…” She said, returning fire.

  “Oh…” Wade shook his head on his neck and grumbled something unintelligible, at least to the humans sitting around the table. Sam and Travis had heard him just fine and were chuckling at his newfound misery…

  “That’s called an o-r-g-a-s-m…” Meredith said as she slowly sat down in the chair next to Wade and the alpha shot her a pained expression.

  “Do we have to do the whole show and tell thing with your mother?” He grumbled. “And can she please not do it with us?”

  “You have a problem with an older woman having an orgasm, Wade?” Jared offered, and the alpha rolled her head on his neck and winced just a little.

  “He looks a little red on the cheeks, don’t you think?” Caroline asked her bonded mate, and Jared nodded.

  “Now you mention it…” the elder said back.

  “I think he’s blushing…” Caroline offered and Wade grumbled some more.

  “I’m not blushing, damn it. It’s a little warm out here…” He grunted back on a scowl.

  “Like you weren’t crying when Meredith punched you?” Sam offered, nodding in agreement.

  “Exactly!” Wade said, and then considered it. “Wait … I wasn’t crying when Meredith punched me…”

  “That’s what I said, you weren’t crying then and you’re not blushing now … same thing, right?” Sam said back.

  “I – don’t – know,” Wade said slowly, considering the fact that something felt off, and that there were too many sniggers around the table for that to be right.

  “Glad we got that sorted,” Sam grinned.

  “So, senior orgasms and blushing aside…” Travis announced to the sound of another low groan from the alpha as he looked anywhere but at the two senior members of the pack. “You have to admit that this spring fever thing that was going around turned out well in the end.”

  “Now I just need to teach Jasmine how to pick up her things…” Sam said with a grin.

  “I’m sorry - teach me?” Jasmine eyed the beta with contempt. “What am I – a dog?” she snorted.

  “Jasmine’s like her mother and neither one of them are exactly tidy,” Caroline said, reaching in for her cup of tea, before settling back against the chair.

  “You were warned, alpha…” Meredith shrugged.

  “I wasn’t!” Sam announced and Jasmine scowled at him.

  “Seriously? You want to pick a fight about a shoe that you were stupid enough to trip over…?” She asked, as she leaned away from him in her chair and eyeballed him like he was the devil.

  “Who leaves their shoes out in the open like that?” He grumbled.

  “Who tossed my shoe there last night on the way to the bedroom?” She offered back, and a big, dopey grin snuck up on his face at the memory.

  “Oh…” He nodded…

  “Oh no, my friend, before anymore of t
hat we have to make sure that the house is ship shape and everything is put away…”

  “That’s acceptable…” He waved it away.

  “Is it now?” She asked, folding her arms under her breasts and deliberately pushing them up for his viewing pleasure.

  “Yep,” he drooled.

  “ Sorry, but you started this…” She shrugged, helplessly, and watched him frown.

  “I don’t mind picking up your shoe when you’re being a slob…”

  Jasmine’s lower jaw dropped and Caroline hissed as Meredith pushed down in her chair…

  “Oh, boy, does someone want their backside scorched…” Meredith mumbled.

  Jasmine kicked off one shoe and reached down for it…

  “You know what…?” She asked, before she tossed it through the air across the garden. “Fetch!”

  Sam snatched his head back on his neck and gave a look of pure disbelief.

  “Not a damn dog…” He grumbled.

  “I can get a stick if you prefer the no drool on your shoe method of training…” Travis offered and his mate chuckled.

  “You so much as move a damn muscle…” Sam growled at the vampire.

  “It takes years of training, dear…” Caroline said, before she sipped her tea and eyed her own mate over the rim of the cup.

  “Well, start as you mean to go on!” Jasmine said, refolding her arms once more and giving him an expectant look.

  “Like a shrew then?” Sam offered back to her and she zapped him, just one flick of her wrist causing a whip like sensation against his backside. He might not have yelped, but nothing could stop him from jumping in place.

  “Isn’t that classed as cruelty to animals?” Travis offered to another low, deep growl of annoyance from the beta.

  “Fine line and you’re walking it,” Wade reminded the vampire.

  “Maybe we should change the subject…” Meredith said.

  “How was that orgasm for you?” Jared asked Caroline and she almost spat her tea back into the cup, and Wade grumbled and pushed down in his seat once more.


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