His Mate - Brothers - Spring Fever

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His Mate - Brothers - Spring Fever Page 17

by M. L. Briers

  “Wade actually gave me my first ever orgasm…” Meredith announced and all eyes turned towards her as Caroline spat the remnants of the mouthful of tea down her chin, choking on what she couldn’t manage to swallow.

  “Shocking talk with Gran at the table,” Jasmine chuckled.

  “What’s shocking is that your mother’s never had a bloody orgasm before!” Caroline announced, and all eyes shot to her. “What? I can say the damn word, you know?” She muttered.

  “Be do you have to?” Wade grumbled.

  “Orgasm!” Caroline said, and Wade’s groan became louder. “Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm!”

  Jared was counting on his fingertips.

  “You missed one,” he grinned.

  “Orgasm!” Caroline announced.

  “Way to go, Gran!” Jasmine chuckled.

  “Way to go, Jared!” Travis sniggered.

  Jared stuck out his chest and grinned from ear to ear. His mate rolled her eyes towards the alpha.

  “So, my new son-in-pack…” Caroline said. “You cry when a girl punches you. You blush when I say orgasm … you really need to lighten up.”

  Wade shot a look at Meredith and the woman was sniggering happily.

  “Maybe I just need to dish out a few orgasms of my own,” he said, pushing up to his feet and reaching down for his mate.

  “Do not…!” Jasmine and her mother said together, but Wade was already lifting her up, and she was already spooked – punching out at him with her small fist, she caught him right on the end of his nose.

  Wade’s eyes started to water…

  “The alpha’s crying again…” Sam muttered as Wade grumbled on a growl.

  “Not damn crying!” He said as he placed his mate on her feet and swung for the beta, catching him right on the bridge of the nose and waiting while the tears rolled down his cheeks.

  “Crying?” Wade demanded.

  “Looks like the both of you are girls!” Caroline offered.

  “I didn’t want to say it…” Travis shrugged. “But male wolves can be so sensitive…”

  “That’s it…” Wade growled as he started around the table for the vampire, and Travis was up on his feet and running before the alpha got too close.

  Wade shifted into his wolf in mid stride. The clothes ripping from his body as Travis yelled in surprise and sped off…

  “So much for my orgasm!” Meredith yelled after him, bringing Wade to a grinding halt, as the wolf turned, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he stalked back towards her, she had to chuckle at the sight.

  “How about you?” Sam asked his mate as he wiped away the tears from his cheeks…

  “Ok, I’ll get my own damn shoe – you don’t have to cry about it,” Jasmine said, pushing up from her chair and starting to stalk around him.

  “Not crying…” Sam bit out as he reached out and snagged her around the waist, hauling her against his body, and Wade’s wolf grunted in appreciation of the beta getting some of his own medicine.

  “Maybe we should go have ourselves some more orgasms…” Caroline announced as she pushed up to her feet, and Wade’s wolf almost tripped over his own paws…

  “Wonderful, everyone’s having orgasms and my mate’s run off…” Kara said, but she screeched and jumped in place when Travis dropped down from the tree above; right into his seat beside her…

  “Oh ye of little faith,” he gave her a devilish grin.

  “Orgasms all round then!” Caroline announced, appreciating the liberating feeling of saying that word, and glorying in the fact that the alpha’s wolf shrank a little every time. “Then back here for dinner.”

  The moment that Caroline turned with Jared and strolled away; Wade shifted back into his human form.

  “She’s gonna do that a lot now, right?” He grumbled and Meredith chuckled.

  “What? Orgasm, or talk about it?” She said and Wade cringed again.


  “Hopefully.” Meredith announced. “I haven’t seen my mother that feisty in years.

  “Orgasms are a wonderful thing,” Travis said, and Wade eyed him. “Especially for the elderly, gives them a whole new lease on life.”

  “Can we stop now?” Wade growled.

  “Talking about senior orgasms?” Travis grinned back and Wade sighed. “You have an Achilles Heel, my friend, prepare to have it exploited when necessary…”

  “When necessary?” Wade frowned.

  “Orgasm!” Caroline called over her shoulder and the alpha growled, turning on his heels and stalking naked towards the house.

  “It’s not damn funny.” He grumbled.

  “Hey!” Meredith chased after him. “I want my orgasm!”

  The End.




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