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Marrying Her Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Marriage Of Convenience Romance

Page 7

by Tiana Cole

  I nodded my appreciation and smiled. This girl was as sharp as a tack, and more importantly, she wasn't half-assing the effort she was putting into this arrangement.

  “Why do you want to help me, Jessica?” I blurted. “Why did you even say yes to this arrangement? Was it just for the money?”

  I didn't know why I asked, and she seemed just as taken aback as I was by the unexpected series of questions that had poured out of me.

  “Well, because…” she began slowly and cautiously. “To be perfectly honest…you're kind of a huge douche,” she smiled nervously, and quickly added, “No offense.”

  “Oh?” I asked in earnest befuddlement, and motioned for her to continue.

  “Despite being a douche, you're a great lawyer and you've managed to make quite a life here,” she explained. “It shouldn't be taken away from you, I guess. More importantly, it shouldn‘t be taken away from Nick and everyone else just because you made a stupid mistake.” She paused for a moment and confessed, “That, and you offered me a crap ton of money.”

  “Thank you for that…I think,” I chuckled. “I appreciate your honesty, and I'm sorry I was a 'douche.' I'm working on that.”

  “You're welcome, and apology accepted,” she laughed. “Now are we going to call Landon Corporation and Wealth Magazine to share our proposed course of action with them?”

  I nodded, and Jessica went about setting up a conference call. Work dragged on as we went back and forth with lawyers and clients, trying to decide if we really wanted to let this Ross Club case go or not. When the office emptied, we realized we'd both lost track of time and should probably start packing up our things to head home.

  “Hey, you two do know it's time to stop working, right?” Nick joked as he popped his head into my office.

  “We were just finishing up,” I replied as I shoved a few reports into my briefcase.

  “Am I going to see you at my party tonight, Jess?” Nick asked with a hopeful smile. “It's okay if I call you Jess, right? I mean, we're practically family now,” he grinned at her.

  “Take a breath, Nick,” I shook my head and threw a pen cap at him that he caught against his chest.

  “I'm sorry, you know how I get when I throw a business party,” he said apologetically. “So I'll see you lovebirds later, then?”

  He looked at both Jessica and myself, eagerly awaiting a response, and I answered with an exasperated nod.

  “Of course we'll be there,” Jessica smiled warmly at him. He got the same familiar twinkle in his eye that he always did when getting attention from a beautiful woman. Feeling a faint pang of jealousy, I stood from my desk and ushered him out of the room.

  “Alright, go get ready for tonight, Nick,” I sighed as I pushed him out the door. “We’ll see you later.”

  I promptly returned to Jessica and held my hand out for her to take, helping her up from where she was seated across from my desk.

  “Are you ready for the partyt?” I asked, and before she got a chance to answer I added, “Do you have a dress?”

  “Yes, I'm ready for tonight,” she chuckled. “Are you?”

  “Of course, but do you have something to wear for tonight?” I asked again, and she tilted her head at me in bemusement.

  “Yeah, I have something in mind. Why is it so important what I wear? It's a cocktail dress,” she answered with a curious look.

  “Because everything you wear, say, and do reflects on me now,” I explained. “There's no other way to put it, so I need to make sure you look stunning, yet tasteful.” Jessica stared up at me as if I'd lost my mind but said nothing. “What? It's a valid concern,” I shrugged in my own defense.

  “Bastian, it sounds like you want to buy me a new dress,” she laughed. “I won’t stop you, so we can stop by Fifth Avenue on our way home,” she smiled before she stretched up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  She gathered her things from my desk and placed them neatly into her briefcase while I finished packing up mine. We practiced keeping up appearances by walking hand in hand to the elevators.

  “What time is Nick's party?” Jessica asked as we exited the elevators into the lobby. I spotted my black Mercedes SUV waiting for us outside on the curb and guided us to it.

  “It starts at seven thirty,” I answered, “but we're allowed to be fashionably late.”

  Jessica smirked at my remark as we climbed into the SUV together. I instructed the driver to take us to Fifth Avenue, and he quickly set off in that direction. I typically found the idea of shopping to be horribly banal, and had gone so far as to hire a personal stylist to ensure my closet was updated seasonally.

  I found it oddly satisfying, however, to follow Jessica around while she shopped, and to opine on whatever dresses she picked out. She eventually settled on a dress by Vera Wang that was long, black, and form-fitting, with a slit in between the breasts to show off her ample cleavage. The back was completely bare, and dipped low to just the top of her tail bone.

  “Please, can we get it? It's gorgeous!” Jessica asked excitedly as she admired herself in the dressing room mirror at Saks. My expression turned a bit sour; she looked incredible in that dress, but I didn't want other men to hit on her because of it. “Please?” Jessica stuck out her bottom lip in a pout, and I rolled my eyes in return. I couldn't believe I was giving in to her so easily, but she did look exquisite.

  “Fine, we can get this one,” I conceded, “but you have to find a shawl or something to cover up your back,” I finished sternly.

  Jessica's expression transformed from pouty to overflowing with girlish pleasure in the blink of an eye. She changed back into her work outfit, and we found a pair of sexy black pumps to go with the dress. I was even less thrilled about her choice in footwear that made her legs look edible. Needless to say, I was quiet on the trip back to her apartment.

  “What's wrong?” she asked, playfully poking me in the side. I turned to look at her, my face painted in agitation. “You look like you just sucked on a lemon,” she frowned. “Don't you like the outfit we picked?” She suddenly seemed unsure of her choice in attire, and I cursed myself for being so brooding.

  “I'm sorry,” I replied. “The dress is amazing, and you look incredible in it. I just don't want other men trying to pick you up…” I trailed off, a bit embarrassed by my words.

  “It's kind of hard not to notice this,” Jessica said as she held up her left hand, and my eyes were instantly drawn to the flashy ring on her finger. “Trust me when I say no one will be hitting on me. If they do, I'll simply tell them I'm engaged and that's all,” she assured me. I suddenly felt like even more of a child for pouting about something as silly as what she'd be wearing.

  “Good, because if anyone even so much as touches you…I'll have them thrown out on their ass,” I grumbled, and Jessica giggled at my response. I could tell she thought I was joking, but I most certainly wasn't. I needed her for my citizenship, and had already invested too much time and effort into her to have some other guy derail my plans.

  When we reached her apartment, we both took our time getting ready for the evening. Jessica wore her hair up, revealing a neck I could nuzzle for days. She looked amazing in her dress and heels, of course, and I almost didn't want to leave with her looking like she did. I was already protective of her, and wasn’t sure if I was developing real feelings for her or merely worried about somebody derailing our arrangement.

  Jessica was ready to go, but I was held up in the bathroom attempting to fix my tie. She looked perfect, and I wanted to be on point, too. Curious as to what was taking me so long, she peeked in and arched an eyebrow at me in annoyance.

  “Are you deliberately trying to miss your best friend's business party?” she snapped. “You know, the one you're supposed to be at to help him represent your law firm?”

  I grinned and she sighed, stepping in between me and the mirror to adjust the tie herself. She redid the entire knot, and the finished result was picture perfect. Yet again, I found mysel
f quite impressed with her.

  “We really have to go, so come on,” she insisted, taking my hand and pulling me outside to the waiting car. I couldn't stop staring at how beautiful she looked as we seated ourselves in the back of the waiting vehicle.

  “You look incredible,” I gushed. “Too incredible for words.”

  “Oh, stop,” she replied with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “You're just saying that to try and get in my pants. I have a fiancé, you know,” she joked while flashing her ring at me.

  “Practicing for later,” I chuckled. “I commend you.”

  She smiled, and just as I was about to lean over and kiss her the car pulled up to the landmark STK restaurant in Midtown. My driver opened the door for us, and after helping Jessica out of the vehicle I offered her my arm.

  She happily took it, and we walked inside where the host lead us back to the champagne bar. The dining room was full, and everyone was dressed to the nines, as expected. Nick spotted us shortly after I found Jessica something to drink, and he greeted her first with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Jess, you look fantastic,” he raved as he looked her up and down. “I can't believe he let you out of the house like this!”

  “Oh, trust me, he almost didn't,” Jessica laughed, and Nick joined in loudly.

  “Bastian, there are some people here I'd like for you to meet,” he smiled at me when their laughter subsided. “Our new clients from Radco and Tall Tale. I'd actually love for you to meet them as well, Jessica,” he added as he turned back to her.

  He led us into the dining room, and we approached a group of three men cackling at some joke we'd just missed out on hearing.

  “Ah, gentlemen, allow me to introduce my partner Bastian Kosta, and our soon to be Senior Partner Jessica Lincoln,” Nick announced. “This is Mr. Levy and Mr. Brown from Radco, and Mr. Troust from Tall Tale.”

  After Nick made the introductions, I noticed how all three sets of eyes went straight to Jessica and lingered on her as she offered her greetings. Levy was a short, stocky man who held his head high and wore a sort of challenging expression.

  He had dark hair, and eyes that somehow reminded me of an old Italian gangster. Brown, on the other hand, boasted a lean physique, sandy blond hair, and brown eyes. He was average in height, but seemed to be in good shape under his tailored Versace suit.

  Troust was a big guy; the kind that could strike fear into everyone simply by walking into the room. He was well over six feet, carrying all the muscle to match, and I was sure his jacket was tailored. Even if that was the case, it still stretched around his impressive arms that dwarfed mine. He sported a clean crew cut, and had a light brown gaze that never left Jessica.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you gentlemen,” I cut in, hoping to avert their stares from her cleavage. “My partner and I are glad to be working with you all.” I forced a grin while shaking their hands firmly, and their attention turned briefly to me.

  “It's a pleasure to be working with your firm, Mr. Kosta.” Mr. Brown smiled welcomingly. “So, you're thinking about taking Miss Lincoln on as partner as well?” he asked, the gleam in his eyes a bit too charming towards Jessica for my taste. I didn't want to seem to unprofessional by putting my arm around her waist, but she was mine.

  “Yes, that’s right,” I answered. “She’s only been with us a short time, but she’s already proved herself to be incredibly resourceful and quite good at her job. She’s also an excellent leader,” I affirmed. “She'll be a great addition to our team,” smiled as I took Jessica's left hand deliberately and kissed her knuckles.

  “You're engaged!” Mr. Levy burst at the sight of her elegant ring. “Congratulations. I'm going to assume from that rather territorial kiss that Bastian Kosta here is your fiancé?” he asked Jessica with a smirk, and the group chuckled at his bluntness.

  “Yes, Bastian and I are getting married,” Jessica answered with a nod and a smile, and Brown and Troust offered their congratulations as well. I noticed that Troust had pursed his lips, and was now glancing around the room for other people to mingle with. At least he got the message, I thought protectively. Go sniff somewhere else.

  “Well, it's been great meeting you all in person,” I chimed in. “We look forward to our first business meeting come Monday. Now, if you'll excuse us, I have to show my fiancée off a bit.” I flashed them a wide, prideful smile, and backed away from the group with Jessica's hand in mine.

  “Why'd you do that?” she hissed as I steered her towards the bar. “We should be making a good impression on them, not blowing them off.”

  Clearly agitated, she ordered another glass of champagne and tapped her foot impatiently while waiting for it to arrive. I moved in close to her and brushed a from curl behind her ear that had managed to escape her updo.

  “That Troust guy couldn't keep his damn eyes off of you,” I growled. “I didn't want him ogling you anymore, okay?”

  Jessica lifted an eyebrow at me, and her lips parted slightly. She took a sip of her champagne while processing my admission.

  “Why not?” she asked after a moment, obviously testing me.

  “Because you're mine,” I rocketed back sternly. “Now let's go mingle.”

  As I took her hand to pull her back towards the dining area, I noticed that she was trying to hide a smirk. Apparently she was pleased with my answer, though I wasn’t sure how I felt about my sudden jealous streak. Honestly, it was about time that she started feeling something for me in return. Not because I was some handsome billionaire, but because we'd been spending a good deal of time together recently.

  I watched in awe as she spoke to clients about work, about me, about how we got together, and about how we fell in love. She was perfect in her role, and I knew it was safe to make our engagement even more public.

  As the night progressed, I noticed Jessica always had a drink in her hand. Not once did I see her switch to water, or anything else that might prevent her from getting too tipsy. She was very intelligent, but she was also still young and I worried she might not know her limits yet when it came to alcohol. A part of me was nervous her lips might get a bit too loose if she continued to drink. The last thing I needed was her to drunkenly slip up and tell somebody that our engagement was a total sham. It was nearing eleven o'clock anyway, and just about time for us to go. From across the room, I spotted her speaking with Nick and wondered with concern what they could be talking about. I hoped it was strictly work related, because Nick had his moments of intuition every now and again.

  “Hey, it's time for us to head out,” I interrupted by nudging Jessica's elbow and placing my hand on the exposed small of her back. She straightened and turned her head to smile lazily at me. I could tell from her dilated pupils that she was definitely feeling all that champagne.

  “Okay…it is getting kind of late I guess,” she sighed. We both said our goodbyes to Nick and a handful of others before heading out to the car. “Did I do well tonight?” Jessica asked me eagerly when we were safely inside the vehicle. My driver was the only one who could hear us, but I’d made him sign a non-disclosure agreement when I’d hired him.

  “You did amazingly well,” I answered earnestly. “No one would have guessed that we weren't a real couple.” I paused for a moment before adding under my breath, “Though you probably could have gone easier on the drinks…”

  “I was nervous,” she smiled with guilt. “I needed to take the edge off.”

  I smirked at her, then moved the arm rest that separated us out of the way so I could turn to face her fully.

  “You needed to take the edge off?” I asked with a raised brow. “There are many other ways we could have taken care of that,” I said in a seductive purr. Her eyes widened a fraction with arousal and curiosity.

  “Really? Name a few,” she challenged me, and my smile only widened. I crooked a finger at her, and she slid over to me with a coy look. I kissed her as soon as her perfect mouth neared mine. My fingers brushed her neck, and she shivered as my l
ips moved slowly against hers.

  It started off innocently enough, but quickly escalated as my tongue swept against her bottom lip and pulled it between my teeth to bite down gently. Jessica gasped, and I took the opportunity to slide my tongue against hers. She let out a small moan, and my blood heated almost instantly. It took us a moment to realize the car had stopped outside of her building, my driver having quietly slipped out of the vehicle to give us privacy. Jessica broke the kiss, her eyes unfocused and filled with arousal.

  “I need to get you inside,” I said gruffly. She nodded eagerly, and we scurried from the vehicle to her apartment to find a bed, couch, floor—any place with a surface. As soon as Jessica finished scrambling to unlock her front door, I shut it behind us and picked her up, carrying her over to her couch with my eyes filled with lust. I pulled my tie off and shrugged out of my jacket while she quickly undressed as well, every bit as heated as me. She moved to unpin her hair so that it would fall loose, but I stopped her just in time.

  “I've been wanting to do that all night,” I confessed in a low growl. “Let me.”

  “Okay,” she breathed as she sank onto her couch in only her bra and panties. She wore a lacy blush-colored matching set, and I could see her dark nipples through the thin material. My cock punched at my pants, and I frantically tugged them down while kicking off my shoes. I slid my boxer-briefs off just as quickly, and pulled my socks off to stand before her completely naked.

  “You must work out a lot…” Jessica breathed while her eyes traveled the length of my body. My erection was free and standing at full attention, leaving little doubt what I wanted and what was likely going to happen. Jessica licked her lips, and I groaned while cupping her face in my hands, bending to kiss her softly. I felt her hand close around my cock, and hissed at the shot of pleasure it sent coursing down the base and through my body. She suddenly pulled back, and gazed up at me with longing.


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