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Marrying Her Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Marriage Of Convenience Romance

Page 10

by Tiana Cole

  “Yes, sorry,” she laughed, then gave me a quick kiss as she slipped her keys out of my pocket. “I'm sure you know how to take care of things yourself?” she smirked, and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

  “Actually, I usually have someone to help with that,” I teased. Jessica stopped adjusting herself and lifted an eyebrow at me.

  “Oh, really? I'm sure you have,” she shot back with a hint of bitterness. “Now are you coming back to my place or what?”

  “I'm sorry,” I said as my grin faded. “I won't torment you by mentioning the bevy of women from my past.”

  “Wonderful, then I won't lie and say I'm going out with Jeannie when really I'm meeting up with a man she set me up with,” Jessica snorted before she stuck her tongue out at me again. I lunged for her and she squealed, then ran around the couch giggling hysterically as I chased her.

  “That's not funny, Jessica!” I panted, cardio not being my strong suit. “While you have my ring on your finger, you're mine,” I growled humorously, then surprised her by easily hopping over the couch and grabbing her by the arms lightly. She looked at me with a lopsided smile, still giggling, then nodded.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied mockingly.

  “Hey, after your 'dinner date,' you should pack a bag so we can spend some time here,” I suggested optimistically as we headed back to the elevator. “I mean, you will be living with me after we're married and all…”

  “I can still keep my apartment for…after, right?” she turned to look at me with concern. I pursed my lips at the thought of our eventual divorce, feeling that sinking sensation in my chest again. I couldn't deny that I'd already developed strong feelings for her, and didn't want to think about losing her from my life. I wasn't naïve enough to think she'd stick with the firm after our fraud marriage dissolved.

  “You can keep it if you want. Maybe sublet it for a while,” I told her. “It's not like you don't have enough money to buy it from whomever is renting it to you, and then you can rent it out yourself,” I pointed out. She nodded in response, but didn't say anything else about the subject.

  “So, can I see pictures of your house in the Hamptons? To help me visualize our wedding?” she asked, and I pulled out my phone to oblige her as we reached the garage and walked towards her car. Lately we’d been choosing to park ourselves instead of waiting for the valet since we were coming and going so frequently. “Oh, it's beautiful!” she exclaimed, all smiles. “It's like an old Virginia beach house, but modern!”

  Jessica swiped through the pictures and admired the open concept of its interior. The house certainly had an old charm about it on the outside, what with the wrap-around porch on both the first and second levels.

  “Yeah, I bought the house when it was just one story and worn down, then had it restored and added onto. Everything inside is updated, but I'm fond of the view and liked the idea of having a porch on both levels,” I explained. “That way you can walk out of the house wherever you are and see the ocean,” I went on. Jessica handed me the car keys once we reached her Jaguar so she could continue to admire the house.

  “We could have the wedding right on the sand, and the reception in the backyard!” she glowed. “It would be perfect.”

  She seemed to be genuinely excited about the wedding, and that made me smile. I couldn't help but wonder, however, if her enthusiasm was because she simply liked weddings in general, or if she was actually excited to marry me. I suspected it was the former, since every girl dreams of a lavish wedding, and tried not to get my hopes up. In any event, I'd keep our honeymoon a secret until it was time for us to depart for Hawaii.

  “Did you have a specific date in mind for the wedding?” Jessica asked, a smile still on her face.

  “No date set in stone yet, but I was thinking roughly two weeks from now,” I answered as I pulled us out of the garage. “The planner I hired is very good, and she promised she could get everything done within that timeframe.”

  “Okay, two weeks, then we'll be married,” Jessica replied resolutely, and I nodded with a grin.

  “Then we'll be married.”

  Chapter 7


  My phone rang again a few hours later, and Jeannie let me know she was waiting for me downstairs. I told her to just head up to my apartment since I wasn't exactly ready yet. Bastian had a 'pressing issue' that needed to be addressed, and I'd risked running late to satisfy his urges…and mine. I was pulling on my shoes as Bastian opened the door for her.

  “Wow, this is so weird. My boss is opening the door to my best friend's apartment…who is also my boss now,” Jeannie joked with a chuckle. I smiled, and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Ready to go?” I asked, and complimented her outfit after looking her up and down. She was wearing a cute pair of dark jeans that made her butt amazing, and a sexy, light grey vest that was cut just low enough in the front to keep the guys staring.

  She'd completed the look with silver heels, and I nervously chewed my bottom lip, worried Bastian might question what we had planned. The way Jeannie was dressed, it looked like we were going out clubbing in hopes of attracting men. I had hidden my own pumps in my purse, and had to deal with enough grief just for wearing a skirt and sheer blouse…even though I was wearing a tank top underneath it.

  “Yep!” Jeannie answered while patting her stomach. “I'm so frikkin' hungry. If I don't eat soon I'm going to die, I swear.”

  I tried not to smile as we made our way past Bastian and out the door. He grabbed my hand before I left, and pulled me in for a long kiss goodbye.

  “Be back by eleven,” he said, his face suddenly serious. Jeannie was halfway down the hall already, but still overheard him and laughed as she continued walking. I gave Bastian another quick kiss and hurried after Jeannie to catch the elevator.

  “Please tell me you're wearing heels and not flats?” she asked, and I snorted at her tone.

  “Of course I am,” I reassured her. “I'll change my shoes in the car. Speaking of which, where is it you're really taking me?” I asked, and excitement shone in Jeannie's eyes.

  “To a lounge that serves food, so technically it's a restaurant which means you aren't lying to Kosta,” she smirked. “But they also have really great cocktails and play the best live music. Mostly soul and R&B,” she added as we rode the elevator down to the lobby.

  We hailed a cab, fairly easily thanks to Jeannie's attire, and she had the cabbie drive us to the lounge she was so excited about. me, it was called, and as I changed my shoes she promised me I was going to have a blast. Two minutes into the ride, she began grilling me about my romance with Bastian.

  “You have to tell me everything,” she insisted. “From the first glance that might have lasted 'a bit too long,' to the first kiss, and to you leaving your apartment just now looking very satisfied.”

  We both laughed, and my face flushed with embarrassment. Jeannie was no dope, so I wasn't too surprised that she could tell Bastian had just ravished me.

  I just hoped she wasn't astute enough to figure out this wedding was a sham. I desperately wanted to tell her, but it was just too risky. I trusted Jeannie, but feared the revelation may be too much for her to contain. If she told even one person, it could snowball into a whole heap of trouble for both myself and Bastian.

  Thinking about the whole arrangement for any length of time always wound up depressing me. In hindsight, a small part of me wished I could take it back. I'd easily be able to live the rest of my life off the money he'd paid me, as would my children and their children as well, but the way I'd earned it had left a bad taste in my mouth.

  At this rate there was no guarantee I'd ever have a real family of my own, but if by some chance it happened, what was I going to tell them? No matter how I painted the picture, it would still look like I married for money, and would totally negate everything I'd worked so hard to achieve. Nobody would ever believe that the money was secondary, and that I was trying to save a successful law firm and its m
any employees.

  Further complicating things was that I did have feelings for Bastian. I hadn't expected them, and the way he was acting, it seemed like he may have developed feelings for me as well. If not, why was he getting so jealous? Perhaps we were simply getting too caught up in the illusion we were trying to create.

  “You look like you're freaking out over there…” Jeannie interrupted me from my thoughts.

  “I just had a…thought. Um…what was your question?” I asked, and Jeannie looked at me dubiously as if she suspected something was awry.

  “Dude, tell me everything about you and Bastian,” she repeated. I took a deep breath, and forced myself to smile.

  “Well, after I snapped at him during that meeting and he hauled me into his office, I thought I was fired for sure,” I began. “Earlier in that day I'd already copped a bit of an attitude with him for getting my name wrong.”

  “And?” Jennie motioned for me to continue, her eyes wide as she hung on my every word.

  “He apologized for being a dick, and we started talking. Really talking, you know? Then one thing led to another…”

  She was about to prod me for more details when we pulled up alongside me, and as soon we exited the cab I could hear could hear the music blasting inside the lounge. Luckily there wasn't a line, and I wondered if that meant the place wasn't all that great.

  “You have to make reservations to get in,” Jeannie told me, as if reading my mind. “It's pointless trying to wait outside. I made reservations, though, don’t worry.”

  She gave her name to the hostess at the door who then gave the muscle-bound bouncer the okay to let us in. We were shown to our table for two on the second level balcony that overlooked the stage, main level dance floor, and dining area. There were bars on both floors, of course, and our waiter was quick to our table.

  A beautiful woman was singing on the stage, her sultry voice reminiscent of a summer night. I didn't even notice when Jeannie ordered a pair of cocktails and an appetizer to start us off with.

  “Have you been here often?” I asked when my focus returned to her.

  “Yeah, a few times,” she shrugged. “I'm dating the owner,” she casually remarked, and my head whipped around to give her my full attention.

  “Oh, really? Got us 'reservations' did you?” I teased, evoking a fit of laughter from her. “How did you meet him? Why am I just finding this out?” I continued to question, and Jeannie answered with a plain look.

  “Because you've been AWOL, and you're a terrible friend who has to make up for being a terrible friend by paying for our food,” she playfully snapped, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

  “You're right, you're right,” I sighed while shaking my head. “I'm sorry for being so distant lately. I've just been wrapped up in everything, but I realize that's no excuse,” I admitted apologetically. Jeannie flashed me an amused look as I continued with my interrogation. “Tell me about him. Is he gorgeous? Did he sweep you off your feet? How'd you meet?”

  I shot these rapid-fire questions at her in hopes of keeping the focus on her tonight instead of me. I really didn't want to tell her any more lies than I already had. The more she knew about Bastian and I, the greater the chances of her uncovering the truth.

  “Well, his name is Marco, and he's from Brazil,” she explained, her eyes lighting up at the mention of him. “Yes, he has a fantastic accent, but he doesn't hide it like Bastian does.

  Which I completely go gaga for, I might add. It's just the way he rolls his R's…” She purred and licked her lips. I laughed loudly, and she added with a grin, “What can I say? I love a nice accent.” I gestured for her to go on as the waiter brought our drinks and a side of calamari.

  “What did you order us?” I asked as I tapped my glass.

  “Pomegranate mango martini,” she answered. “Yes, it's a bit girly, but it's so good,” she said when she saw my skeptical face. I took a sip of the concoction and found it quite delicious, being neither too sweet nor too artificially flavored. Jeannie nodded at my expression, which was that of pleasant surprise. “Yep, I know my martinis,” she smiled, and I chuckled at how true that statement was.

  “So, tell me more about this Marco character. How'd you guys meet?” I asked, then took another sip of my drink.

  “Get this,” she started, leaning in closer to tell me the story. “I was standing in line for a bagel in the ground floor lobby, and this guy walks through the door—sexy as hell and as suave as they get. We make eye contact, he walks by me, then stops to turn around and introduce himself.

  He was in the building to meet with his lawyer about some tax issue or something, which I ended up helping him out with,” she said proudly as I listened with a smile. “Then he asked me for my number, we talked, he called me later, and we went on a couple of dates…all while you were wrapped up with The Kraken,” she added with a mock scowl.

  I smiled innocently and she rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh,” she laughed, and asked bluntly, “So tell me now…did you sleep with him for your promotion or what?” She took a bite of calamari as my jaw dropped, and she looked at me as if it were a perfectly valid question.

  “Are you serious right now?” I scoffed as she washed her calamari down with a long sip from her drink.

  “What? I had to ask,” she shrugged. “I mean, of course I know you, and I know you wouldn't do something like that under normal circumstances…but, still. I just want a little assurance, I guess. So I don't look like a chump every time I defend you,” she said matter-of-factly, then winced, bracing herself in anticipation of my verbal lashing. “Because I love you,” she tacked on playfully before I could respond.

  “Of course I didn't sleep with him to get the promotion,” I rolled my eyes while smiling reluctantly. “He brought it up slightly after we started on the Landon Corporation case together. It was just an idea, and I initially laughed it off, but he talked to Nick without my knowledge and they decided it would be a good idea. Apparently they're ready to promote any of the juniors if they have enough guts to speak up to Bastian like I did. Nick's words, not mine.”

  “That did take guts, and you are pretty smart and resourceful,” Jeannie replied after a moment of thought, her nodding seeming to indicate that she believed my story. “I think they made an excellent choice.

  All the other assholes at work are just that—assholes. They're jealous, so ignore their gossip,” she comforted me with a warm smile. I wanted to kiss her in that moment. I knew she'd stand by me, and her loyalty meant a lot.

  “You never finished your story earlier,” she realized, her eyes suddenly growing wide. “What happened after he brought you into his office? You thought you’d get fired, but then what happened?” Jeannie asked with curious excitement.

  I bit my lip, and said a silent prayer of thanks when the waiter interrupted to ask if we were both ready for another round of drinks and our main course. I hadn't even looked at the menu, and scurried to find something that looked appealing. I ordered their fish tacos, Jeannie ordered the same, and we agreed to refills on our drinks.

  “Anyhow, continue,” Jeannie insisted, and by now she seemed aware that I was purposely trying to avoid her questions.

  “Well, I thought he was going to fire me, and I was so worked up that I told him that I didn't care. I said that I'd be relieved not to work for him anymore,” I went on, trying hard to mask my nervousness. “He just smiled and told me to take a seat.

  I was completely confused, so I did what he asked.” I stopped to take a take a swig from my drink, ignoring the straw and chugging a long gulp to help calm my anxiety. “After that, he told me he'd take any suggestions I could throw at him. Ways he could improve himself and the office. Said he'd work on fixing them if I agreed to go on a date with him. So, yeah, that's basically how it started,” I finished with an exhale of relief.

  I'd managed to fumble my way through the story with a little help from my liquid courage, and Jeannie seemed convinced. I'd need to remember that skewe
d recollection of events for when my brother got into town. I’d given Jeannie a different timeline, but since her and my brother didn’t know each other and would likely only meet in passing at the wedding, I figured it would be okay.

  “So that's it?” Jeannie asked with a hint of disappointment. “You're only going to tell me how it started?”

  “The rest is pretty much history,” I shrugged. “Bastian showed me another side to himself. I completely fell in love with him, just like he fell in love with me. I never saw it coming, believe me. He may have a rough exterior, but he's actually a really great guy. He treats me amazing.”

  “That's so romantic…” Jeannie sighed as she looked off dreamily. “I saw the pictures from when he proposed, by the way, and I hope you know I'm ridiculously pissed at you for not telling me right when it happened.

  Instead I had to hear it at the office,” she complained melodramatically. I felt like a pretty lousy friend for hiding so many things from her, but keeping her out of the loop was in everyone's best interest. Even if she did know the truth and was willing to go along with the sham, that made her an accomplice and I wasn't about to risk her future if I didn't absolutely have to.

  “I'm sorry about that,” I frowned. “Everything just happened so fast, I haven't really had time to catch my breath yet.”

  “It's okay, girl. I totally understand. I'm just playing,” she smiled and pounded back the rest of her drink. I followed her lead and downed the last of mine, too.

  “He wants to get married in two weeks…” I announced as our new set of martinis arrived, and Jeannie's jaw dropped by my news. The enormity of it all settled in as I took in her dumbfounded expression.

  Bastian and I are getting married in two weeks, I thought in a sudden panic. Oh, God, what am I doing with my life? I asked the waiter for a shot of tequila, and Jeannie made it a double.

  “Two weeks? What's the damn rush? Are you pregnant or something?” Jeannie asked, and I burst out in laughter.


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