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Marrying Her Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Marriage Of Convenience Romance

Page 18

by Tiana Cole

  I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Bastian's phone dialing. He'd set it to speakerphone so I could join in the conversation, just as I'd done for him when I called Jay and Tasha. I snapped back to reality when I heard a woman's voice sounding through the small speaker. Bastian spoke to his mother in Greek for about five minutes, and I used that time to check my Facebook and e-mail with my cell. I tuned back in to their conversation when he finally switched to English.

  “I have you on speaker. Jessica and I have something to tell you,” Bastian said. He glanced at me and nodded, signaling me to make my introduction.

  “Hello, Mrs. Kosta, how are you?” I asked, trying my best to mask my nervousness.

  “Jessica, you can call me Agatha,” she returned politely, which I figured was a good start. “I'm fine, thank you for asking. How are you?”

  “I'm well, thanks,” I answered. “Bastian and I have some big news for you,” I said with a smile to my voice, and glanced over at Bastian for assurance. He took my hand and held it tightly, the act immediately calming my nerves.

  “By all means, go ahead,” his mother replied curiously. I gestured for Bastian to tell her, but he shook his head and pointed to me.

  “Well, it appears Bastian and I are going to have a baby,” I announced with all the exuberance I could muster. “I'm pregnant!”

  There was a pause on the other line. I looked at Bastian with concern while he stared down at his phone, anxiously awaiting a response.

  “You've finally decided to make me a grandmother, Bastian. I thought I would die before you had children,” his mother scoffed, but I detected a touch of happiness in her voice. I breathed a sigh of relief, and Bastian did the same. “I want to come and see you both,” she went on, “especially now that there's a baby on the way.”

  Bastian looked at the phone skeptically, then took his mom off of speakerphone to speak with her in Greek. I wondered what they were discussing as I sat quietly in the passenger seat, my tummy rumbling while I waited for them to wrap things up. After a lengthy discussion, the call finally ended and Bastian sighed deeply.

  “I'm sorry that took so long,” he said apologetically. “She's coming this week,” he groaned, and rubbed his eyes in annoyance.

  “What's so horrible about that?” I asked. Bastian snorted humorlessly while staring vacantly out the windshield.

  “Despite her being so cordial just now, my mother's difficult to please and therefore difficult to get along with,” he shared. “Ever since my father passed, there's been no one to keep her in check so she's grown a bit…ornery…in recent years.”

  “Well, you never know. We could hit it off,” I replied optimistically. “I'll be my usual charming self. Plus she seems happy about the baby, so I'm sure she'll at least be civil,” I pointed out.

  “I suppose you're right…” Bastian sighed. “We'll see how it goes. I have to get a ticket for her. She wants to be in by Friday,” he told me, then remembered why we were sitting in the parking lot of a sandwich shop. “Let's get you and that baby fed,” he smiled warmly.

  We discussed his mother's visit in greater detail while we ate. When Bastian was satisfied that I'd had enough to eat, we stopped by a grocery store to pick up the things I'd be needing for the nutrition plan I'd be starting. We'd just arrived back at the penthouse when I heard my phone ringing in my purse. Bastian, who'd refused to let me carry the grocery bags, carried them to the kitchen while I took the call.

  “Hey, chica!” Jeannie greeted with her usual enthusiasm. “Just calling to check in.”

  “Thanks,” I chuckled, knowing that wasn't the sole reason she'd phoned. We hadn't gotten a chance to speak much at work, and I knew she wanted to pump me for more information.

  “So…how do you feel? You know, about the baby and all?” she asked bluntly.

  Bastian began putting the groceries away, and I motioned for him to give me a minute while mouthing the words. He nodded, and I rushed upstairs for some privacy.

  “I'm excited. A little scared, but excited,” I confessed from the safety of the bedroom. “I mean, this is all happening so fast, you know? Maybe too fast. I'm not sure.”

  “I get you, girl,” Jeannie replied. “Hell, you just got hitched and now this. You really haven't even had time to settle into married life yet.”

  “Exactly!” I burst. “This really came out of nowhere.”

  “Well, you seem to have it all, so I'm sure you'll be okay,” Jeannie comforted. “Great husband, great job…it's not like you'll ever be hurting for money.”

  “I suppose that's true,” I sighed.

  “You're lucky. Some of us have a harder time getting what we want out of life,” she pointed out, and I sensed a hint of jealousy. It caught me off guard, since we were so close and she'd always been so supportive. I knew she was happy for me, but could understand her envy since, from her perspective, I'd managed to snag a gorgeous billionaire and was now pregnant with his child. I was set for life, and really had nothing to complain about. She was completely in the dark about the marriage being a sham, and I hadn't been spending much time with her in recent weeks. Hoping to make things right, I decided to invite her to dinner.

  “Hey, Jay and Tasha are coming over for dinner tonight. I'd love it if you could join us.”

  “I have plans tonight with my man, actually,” she replied saucily. I was relieved that the normal Jeannie appeared to be back.

  “Oh, okay then. Is everything alright with you and him?” I asked, suddenly feeling selfish for neglecting our friendship. Jeannie had kept up with my relationship with Bastian, but I hadn't extended her the same courtesy. I barely knew anything about her love life.

  “Yeah, we're great. I'm even thinking about introducing him to my crazy brothers soon,” she told me, and my eyes widened in surprise.

  “Wow, that's a huge step!”

  “Yeah, I know, right?” she laughed. “But I think he might be the one, I don't know…” she said optimistically.

  “Look at you, all smitten,” I smiled, genuinely happy for how enamored she seemed to be.

  “Whatever,” she giggled. “Anyway, after he meets my brothers, I think we should double-date so you can meet him, too,” Jeannie suggested, and I nearly jumped at the offer.

  “Of course! That would be so fun. Let's do that soon!”

  “Hell yeah,” she replied. “I have to go, but we'll set something up soon. I just wanted to call to see how you were really holding up.”

  “Thanks, Jeannie,” I smiled again, truly appreciative for her concern. She was definitely a good friend, and that didn't go unnoticed by me. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

  We exchanged brief goodbyes and I headed back downstairs to find Bastian on the phone with his mother again. While they spoke, Bastian jotted down what appeared to be flight information on a small notepad he'd pulled from a kitchen drawer. When the call ended, he looked at me and shook his head in frustration.

  “She's going to be here tomorrow night,” he told me, clearly agitated by the development.

  “Jesus, that soon?” I gasped.

  “I know. I kind of hoped I'd have a few days to mentally brace myself,” he snorted.

  “Me too,” I agreed. “So, let me get this straight. She couldn't fly in for the wedding because it was 'too short of notice,' yet we tell her I'm pregnant and she flies in the next day?”

  “Right?” he fired back. “Things like that are what irritate me about her.”

  “Well, I'm sure it'll be fine,” I smiled and rubbed his back comfortingly. “Honestly, how bad can she be?”

  “Ugh,” he grumbled, then muttered something unintelligible. I tried not to laugh as his overly-tense expression.

  “Good thing you aren't pregnant, all the stress wouldn't be good for the baby,” I joked. My attempt at levity worked, and Bastian cracked a smile.

  “You're silly. You can imagine me pregnant?” he asked with a smirk, and I giggled as I envisioned a big belly bulging against one of his bus
iness suits.

  “Let's not go there, please,” I laughed.

  I was in a terrific mood, despite the pressure of his mother flying in, and couldn't wait to see what our future held.

  Chapter 15


  Dinner with my family had been great. Tasha was gushing with excitement the entire time, and JJ loved the idea of being a big cousin. Jay even suggested books Bastian should check out to help him prepare for the baby and 'having a pregnant wife.'

  I couldn't have been happier when Bastian actually went out the following day and returned with the books Jay had recommended. Things were moving along perfectly, and perhaps most important, they were moving along naturally. It was beginning to feel like Bastian and I were really in love, and that our marriage was more than just a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  I knew how I felt about Bastian—there was no doubt about that—I just still wasn't sure how he felt about me. Yes, he'd let the L-word slip once, but he quickly destroyed its impact by making light of it. I didn't know how, or when, I should bring up our feelings.

  I didn't know if I should even bring them up at all, since I risked looking foolish if he didn't share the same emotions as me. We seemed to have a good thing going, and I didn't want to mess it up. On the other hand, I didn't want to disillusion myself, either.

  “Okay, I'll just come out and say it,” Bastian finally blurted after pacing the penthouse for nearly ten minutes. “I'm nervous about this. Please promise me you won't let my mother drive you away,” he pleaded. His driver had left twenty minutes earlier to pick up his mother up at the airport, and I found it weird that Bastian didn't want to meet her there himself. Regardless, I hoped she was hungry since I'd just spent a good chunk of time preparing a meal for her arrival.

  “Take a breath and calm down,” I laughed. “Your mother's not the devil,” I jokingly reminded him. “She raised you, right?”

  “Um, if you recall, I was 'The Kraken' before you whipped some sense into me,” he pointed out. I had no argument for that. Until recently, he had been a total jerk. Maybe his mother was going to be a handful after all.

  “True…” was all I could think to reply.

  “You can't say that I didn't warn you, okay?” he sighed deeply. “Just don't let her get into your head with negativity. She's good at that. Ever since my dad passed away, she's been bitter and cynical.”

  He exhaled loudly and plopped down next to me on the couch. I turned on the TV hoping it would distract him, and ran my fingers through his hair soothingly.

  Minutes later, the sound of the elevator alerted us to his mother's arrival. We scurried to greet her as the doors parted, and I held my breath as they slowly opened. At last his mother was revealed, and she stood with a suitcase by her side and her purse in hand.

  Agatha was on the shorter side—roughly the same height as Dr. Wang if I had to offer a comparison. She had long black hair with surpassingly few streaks of white, and it fell down her back in thick waves. She dressed tastefully for her age, and I suspected Bastian was responsible for her costly wardrobe.

  I could definitely see the resemblance between them, specifically in their eyes and nose. She was undeniably beautiful, leaving little question as to where Bastian's looks came from. I was also taken aback by her youthful appearance. I wouldn't have guessed that she was over forty-five, though Bastian had told me she was sixty.

  “Mama, how was your flight?” Bastian greeted his mother first in English, then in Greek. With a forced smile on his face, he gave her a hug before kissing her on both cheeks. I fell back while they said hello, waiting for my chance to formally introduce myself.

  “The flight was wonderful! Thank you for flying me first class…although your private jet would have been much more convenient, but I guess I won't complain,” she said with a faint scowl.

  “Sorry, mama, maybe next time.”

  I couldn't help but smile as Bastian rolled his eyes to himself and grabbed her suitcase. Agatha stepped into the penthouse and her eyes, that looked so much like her son's, finally met mine. Her gaze was sharper than Bastian's, though, and more calculating.

  “And you must be Jessica, my new daughter-in-law…” she said with what sounded like a trace of disdain. I ignored it and greeted her warmly anyway.

  “Hi, Agatha, it's great to finally meet you,” I introduced myself as I stepped in for a hug. She backed away slightly and offered me her hand instead, which I shook while tying to keep the smile on my face. I thought Bastian had been blowing things out of proportion when it came to his mother, but I was quickly coming to the realization that he hadn't. I glanced at him and he appeared to be holding his breath while his eyes nervously darted back and forth between his mother and I.

  “It's interesting to meet you as well, Jessica,” she replied with an expression I couldn't quite read.

  Interesting? Did she really just say that? I thought as I struggled to maintain my cool composure.

  “Oh, please, you can call me Jess,” I told her as I continued to smile.

  She nodded once while her gaze swept over me from head to toe. I was wearing a white sun dress that ended just under my knees, and flats that were comfortable enough to wear around the house.

  “I think the baby will be a cute one,” she muttered after briefly studying me. I assumed that was her roundabout way of complimenting my looks, but I wasn't sure and looked at Bastian who simply shrugged.

  “Come, mama, I'll show you where your room is,” he said, then led her to one of the guest rooms on the main floor. He returned alone, and I glanced behind him to make sure his mother was truly out of both sight and earshot.

  “Where's your mom?” I asked quietly.

  “She's changing into something more comfortable for dinner,” he answered, gesturing behind him to the hallway. “She had a long flight and just needs to freshen up some.”

  I’d actually cooked a nice meal in hopes of impressing Agatha, and it was keeping warm in the oven. I was glad Bastian's mother needed a few minutes to get ready since it gave me time to probe him a bit.

  “So what was that about? You know, the whole 'interesting to meet me' thing?” I huffed.

  “She knows about the arrangement,” he sighed. My eyes popped at this horrifying revelation.

  “What?” I whispered as scathingly as I could. “You didn't think you should tell me that first?”

  “She knows everything,” he shrugged as he looked down sheepishly. “She's very…perceptive. She understands, though, and she's promised to keep quiet about it,” he insisted. I felt my anger boiling and forced myself to take a deep breath.

  “So now what? She just sees me as some placeholder until you get your green card?”

  “No, of course not,” Bastian shook his head. “I told her the truth. I told her how I really feel about you. That I lo—”

  “So shall we eat?” his mother's voice interrupted as she emerged from the guest bedroom and made her way down the hall to us. “I'm starved. That flight…my goodness. So long!”

  Bastian led her to the dining room and I followed behind, my anger being replaced by curiosity as I itched to know what he'd been about to say before Agatha had cut him off. He shot a pleading glance over his shoulder at me, and I simply shook my head as I pulled the eggplant parmesan from the oven.

  I'd also prepared chicken and a salad to along with it, and had picked up some fancy dinner rolls as well. It was easily the nicest meal I'd ever put together, and I was proud of how it had turned out…I just hoped it tasted as good as it looked. I'd gotten so used to eating out, this had been the first time I'd even touched an oven in weeks. Bastian helped by setting the table and laying the food out nicely, a small gesture I greatly appreciated.

  I watched nervously while Agatha put a bit of everything on her plate with a look of skepticism. Bastian had tasted the meal as it was being prepared, in between pacing the penthouse, and he'd assured me that I'd done a fantastic job. Still, I didn't want to leave a bad im
pression on his mother—even if she did look at me as little more than a mail-order bride.

  The table was uncomfortably quiet for a few minutes with Bastian basically ignoring his mother. I sat across from him, unsure of how to break the silence. I was opening my mouth to say something, anything, when Agatha beat me to it by speaking first.

  “The food is quite good, Jessica, I'm surprised,” she said flatly.

  “You're surprised?” I asked politely, a bit confused by her comment. She nodded after glancing at Bastian who had remained focused on his plate.

  “Well, it's rare that a woman who lives in New York City knows how to work a stove,” she replied, and Bastian choked on a cough. I decided to ignore Agatha's comment since she was complimenting me in her own crass way. “Admittedly, I expected less of someone my son had to bribe into marriage,” she added bluntly, then casually took a sip of the merlot we’d poured her.

  “Mother, please, we spoke about this,” Bastian hissed in a low voice. I felt my face flush, and wondered if he would say more in my defense.

  “Sure, Bastian, sure. But you know how I feel about this entire arrangement,” she countered. I nervously picked at my food, avoiding eye contact with the woman as she turned her attention back to me. “So, I understand that you're a partner now at my son's law firm?”

  “I am,” I answered, wary of what she may think. “He and Nick decided to promote me a few weeks ago.”

  Her eyes squinted slightly as she scrutinized me, and I anxiously fidgeted in my seat.

  “So Nicholas had a genuine opinion about your work ethic?” she asked dubiously. “Bastian didn't bribe him due to your arrangement?”

  I glanced over at Bastian with uncertainty. Honestly, I didn’t know the answer and was relieved when he answered for me.


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