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by Jamie Salisbury

  Now, our wedding night was in jeopardy also. I don’t have time with my upcoming duties in Washington to take Caitlyn off on a proper honeymoon. She was fine with that. And we had agreed to a couple of quiet days together instead.

  All Caitlyn had asked was that we go somewhere simple and private. I’d thought of the cabin and the houseboat, but then it had dawned on me that she’d never been to my private island. The day of our wedding, Caitlyn and I would be hurried off via helicopter to my waiting jet. From there, we’d wing our way to the Caribbean.

  While everyone else thought we were holed up in some luxury hotel in downtown Atlanta, the two of us would be enjoying a few lazy days on the water. No press, no outsiders—just my exquisite bride and me.

  I’d bought the island a few years ago mainly as an investment. Sir Richard Branson has nothing on me. He may have turned Necker Island into some swanky resort for the ultra-rich, but I’m so beyond his laughable attempts at showing off his wealth. My net worth makes his pale in comparison, but I simply choose not to showcase it.

  The island is perfect to hide out. No one, except perhaps three people, even know I own it. I’ve managed to turn part of it into a working plantation, giving the people who do see to the upkeep of my estate another means of having an income.

  I spent the afternoon in my office at home, taking care of any last minute details at Choice Enterprises. I had a couple of meetings planned for tomorrow with people I intended to leave in charge. I had never turned over control of my empire to anyone before. The idea of others at the helm made me nervous. I had good people set in place, but still, it was a hard decision.

  I was deep in thought about a newly acquired property when my private line rang. It was Jacob. I noted the time, fully knowing the nature of the call.

  “Mission accomplished?”

  “Yes, and our package went kicking and screaming, demanding to speak to you or Caitlyn.” Jacob chuckled. “Not to mention, she kept telling everyone who she was and how she would ruin all their careers. The woman is incredible, Apolo. Anyway, she’s on her way. I’ll give you another update as soon as we have her secured in her final location.”

  “Excellent, and make sure there’s someone with her, outside her door, twenty-four-seven. She’s cunning and conniving. She’ll stop at nothing if she thinks escaping will get her featured in the spotlight. You know—the poor, pitiful mother of the bride.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes, come to think of it, there is one more thing. Be thinking how to feed her information about our wedding night destination. I want to send her, and everyone else, on a wild goose chase.”

  I heard him rolling with laughter on the other end of the phone. “Oh, it’ll be my pleasure, Apolo. I’ll get back with you on that before we return our package.”

  “Thanks, Jacob. I knew I could depend on you to help me with the devious parts of this plan.”

  Chapter Two


  The morning before my wedding, and there is a blissful calm all around. Partially I believe because my mother is not close by causing chaos. Thanks to Apolo.

  My father got in from Ireland late yesterday afternoon, as did Apolo’s parents. Though we extended an invitation to all to stay with us, the three opted for a hotel. At least for the first night. I imagined jet lag of some sort played into it, and not knowing the situation surrounding my mother…well, let’s just say they were trying to enjoy some calm.

  Izzie was to meet me here soon. We both had a last minute fitting. Barring any unforeseen needed alterations, we’d bring home my wedding dress today, as well as Izzie’s. We were both as excited as schoolgirls. Our gowns were straight off the showrooms of Stella McCartney.

  The dresses weren’t real “wedding” dresses, as that’s not what I was after. I wanted something we could both use again, and knowing the weather in the south, I didn’t want the weight of a full gown.

  Apolo had flown us to London where we met with my favorite designer. Stella had them already chosen and waiting on us. They were perfect. Mine was the palest shade of rose pink I think I’d ever seen, and Izzie’s the hottest pink.

  At first, I was hesitant about Stella’s choice, but seeing it on Izzie and how it complimented her dark hair and eyes, I had to agree. They were fitted and altered under Stella’s watchful eye and then flown to a dressmaker of her choosing in Atlanta for any final alterations.

  Just another amazing thing about Apolo—the connections he has and the fact that no one seems to refuse him. I certainly hoped his new career as a politician would be as easy.

  Izzie came rushing into the room as though we were under some sort of threat. “Have you seen the local morning shows today?” she asked. Her face looked almost wild.

  “No, you know I’m not going to watch all the speculation and gossip about our wedding.” I paused and watched her face start to fall. “But I know you’re going to tell me. Come. Sit. We have a few minutes before we have to leave.”

  “Well, it’s now known that this evening’s dinner party is going to be at Anthony’s new restaurant.”

  I shook my head. “Wait until Apolo gets wind of that. What else?”

  “Somehow, your mother has gotten pictures out of her mother-of-the-bride dress. Caitlyn, it was made by Vera Wang, and it’s over the top. Compared to our dresses, hers makes her look like she’s the bride instead of you.”

  This time I exhaled, trying to maintain my cool. “Damn her! How did she manage that?”

  “The people in Vera Wang’s publicity department were the ones who leaked the photos,” a deep baritone boomed as Apolo entered the room. “Seems your mother gave them carte blanche regarding any publicity surrounding the dress.”

  He passed me a snapshot. Izzie was right. It looked more like a formal wedding dress than mine. “She’s not wearing that, Apolo. I’m not having her upstage me at my own wedding. Do you think Renee has time today to help me find something appropriate for her to wear?”

  “Done. Renee is going to put out a couple of calls and have a small selection brought here. You can go through them, choose what you think will work. Then leave your mother with one or two to decide on.”

  “Thank you. Apolo, what do you suggest we do at this late date about dinner? Anthony’s place will be swarming with press, just the way he wants.”

  “I’ve fixed that, also. I left a message informing my dear brother that I was cancelling our dinner there due to his inability to keep secrets. The five of us will dine here at the house, with a five-star chef. I also spoke with Eloise and told her not to worry.”

  “Thank you, Apolo. I’m sure Eloise is grateful as well. She has enough on her mind with the reception and last minute deliveries.”

  “That’s why I took care of it. By the way, I informed Anthony that he’s not invited to tonight’s festivities. Perhaps he’ll learn one day. Besides, I think a nice, quiet meal with just our parents and Izzie is more fitting.”

  My bestie, who’d been quiet and simply observing, suddenly got a huge grin on her face. “Sometimes, I wonder if there isn’t some sort of school to learn how to be devious like Anthony and Susan. They certainly both have it down to an art.”

  “Izzie, you’ve known my mother long enough to know that it was born into her. She’s always been like that. Becoming Apolo’s mother-in-law is only going to make it worse, I fear.”

  “The only way to ever hope of stopping them is to banish them from things like tonight, and in your mother’s case, ban the dress,” Apolo replied. He looked tired. I knew he hadn’t been sleeping well the past week. The wedding, turning control of Choice Enterprises over to others, along with his new position as a senator, were all wearing him down.

  “Will your parent’s be okay with you uninviting Anthony from dinner tonight?” I asked.

  “They’ll understand. They’ve come to realize that Anthony always has an ulterior motive for doing things.”

  I knew what he was referring to, so I left it at th
at. As long as there were no hard feelings with his parents, I was fine.

  “Looks like no siblings will be attending tonight’s shindig,” Izzie laughed. “Means more for us.”

  My own brother, for whatever reasons, had declined our invitation to attend our wedding. He’d never given an explanation, and I’d long ago decided perhaps it was for the best. He, like Anthony, seemed to have a secret, parallel life.

  “Now, the two of you get going, before you’re late to your fitting. I would suggest lunch, but I have meetings at the office. I shall see both of you back here this afternoon. My parents will arrive shortly, as well as your father, Caitlyn. So, enjoy your day, ladies. The madness is starting.”

  Our dresses fitting perfectly, Izzie and I left the dressmaker an hour later. Nothing needed taken in or out, much to our delight. It was close to lunch, and I had already decided to take Izzie out to eat. This would be a bittersweet one—my last lunch with my best friend as a single woman.

  We approached the Bentley, handed Bo, Jacob’s stand-in, our plastic-covered dresses, and climbed into the limo. Bo was in his early thirties and built like a tank. Former something or another. Seals, special forces, whatever. All I knew was that I caught Izzie doing more than a casual once-over every time she came into contact with him.

  While I had wanted to take her to a nice place, Izzie had other ideas of how we should spend our time together.

  “Where to, ladies?” Bo asked as he settled behind the wheel.

  Izzie named off a small cafe that was still hip with the masses. I nodded my head, and Bo put the car in gear. “Izzie, are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. You’re going to have to eat in enough of those frilly places now that you’re to be married to Apolo. Let’s have a little fun, one last time.”

  “Are you insinuating that Apolo is stuffy, Izzie?” I teased.

  “He is awful serious, Caitlyn. Does the man even know how to have fun?”

  “He does. Just not in the same way you might.”

  “That’s what I thought. Stuffy and boring. You’ve got to get him to lighten up and live a little, Caitlyn. He’s turning into an old man before his time.”

  “Apolo is not turning into an old man. It’s hard for him to relax with all the responsibilities he has. He likes to fish, you know.”

  “I know, but when was the last time he actually did it?”

  She was right. Apolo rarely took time off, and it would get worse with this new senate position. “I guess I’m going to have to start putting my foot down and insist he actually rests when the senate is on break.”

  “Good luck with that. He’ll just be caught up in the middle of something to do with Choice Enterprises. No, you’ve got to plan something out. Take him somewhere.”

  “Okay, okay. I get your point, and I will. Hopefully, he can relax some on our honeymoon.”

  “Yeah, he’ll be relaxing then.” She snorted, looking out the tinted window of the Bentley.


  “Oh, come on, Caitlyn. Stop being a prude. You’re the one who told me the man’s an animal in bed. A real sex machine.” She laughed.

  * * * *


  Here I am—less than twenty-four hours before my wedding to the most incredible woman in the world—and I’m working. Putting out last minute fires. Making sure everyone knows exactly what’s expected of them. A regular diary of how to manage my business while I’m away.

  Fortunately for me, my new position as a senator has not officially started. Moreover, the remaining staff at Choice Enterprises is confident and more than able to keep things running smoothly. In any case, they will send me a daily briefing of what, if anything, is going on. More specifically, the committees and other matters closely monitored by my office.

  Then, of course, there is the matter of Susan, Caitlyn’s obnoxious mother. She has been a thorn in my side since day one, always wanting to upstage her daughter. Always telling anyone who would listen that her daughter was my girlfriend, and now, that I’m her soon-to-be son-in-law.

  I’ve done my best to try and contain her and her mouth. Not an easy task. I can tell it’s going to be a game of wits with her, who can outfox who.

  My delicious bride, though nervous, has taken it on to oversee every detail. Why she hired a wedding planner, I sometimes wonder, because she has been right there in the middle of the preparations.

  Then, I remember why Caitlyn hired a wedding planner—to keep her mother at a distance.

  Which reminds me of the other unpleasant task I must deal with—my brother, Anthony.

  Our original plan had been to have the rehearsal dinner at his restaurant on Lake Lanier. But as usual, he had to go and leak everything to the press.

  Since he didn’t answer his phone, I left a message informing him of the change of plans. And made sure to include the fact that he was no longer invited to this evening’s affair.

  Not so long after, he stormed down to my office at Choice Enterprises, barging in, acting like a stark raving fool. Of course, he wasn’t happy and clearly wanted to make sure I heard about it directly from him. Sometimes, I swear he and Susan could be siblings. They’re so much alike and so over-dramatic.

  “What the hell do you mean, leaving me a message telling me you’re not only cancelling the dinner at my restaurant, but that you’re uninviting me? Me? Your best man? What in the hell is going on here, Apolo?”

  “You know exactly why, Tony. Don’t play your games with me.”

  “Games? You know your problem, Apolo?”

  I sighed, knowing what was coming. Insolent twerp. “I’m sure you’re going to tell me. Whether I want to hear or not.”

  “You think you’re above everyone else. You think you can snap your fingers and everyone bows to you or submits to your every command. You’re a rich, selfish bastard.”

  “Am I now? I don’t recall hearing that pass your lips when I’ve helped you on one of your many endeavors. You had your hands out greedily, as I remember.”

  “You refused to help finance the restaurant. You forced me to go to other sources.”

  “I refused, Tony, because you are reckless with my money and never repay your debts. End of subject. So, now you think you’re going to sell out details of my wedding to the highest bidder? Just like Caitlyn’s mother? No, it stops now.”

  “You know, Apolo, one of these days, your high and mighty attitude is going to kick you in the butt. Right when you least expect it.”

  I sat back in my leather swivel chair, eyeing him closely. “Is that a threat brother?”

  “Consider it a warning.”

  “Then, you don’t know me as well as you think, Anthony. Two things I don’t take to are extortion and blackmail. You’d be very wise to remember that.”

  “Is that a threat, Apolo?”

  “Heavens, no! Just a piece of brotherly advice.”

  “Someone needs to knock you down off your high horse, brother.”

  “You tried once, remember?”

  “So you say.”

  “Anthony, I don’t have time to sit here and bicker with you. Grow up. Make something of yourself. But don’t do it on my back, or our wedding. Do we understand each other?”

  I turned to face the windows, hoping he would understand that I was dismissing him. What was it with him? He’s always thought that he should get a free ride. Never once had he shown the initiative to do anything that required the least little bit of hard work. He’s always had his hand out.

  After he had been kicked out of officer training, our father had at least seen the light and cut him off. But then, he only turned to me. I had helped him out with a few ventures. Things that on paper, and if he’d applied himself and worked at, would have probably turned out successfully. But he had wanted to party instead.

  When he had come to me with the idea of this California-style restaurant on the banks of Lake Lanier, I had thought it was doable. But restaurants are a very risky venture. Few survive the first y
ear, let alone the first five. That reason alone is why I’ve never ventured into the business myself. Anthony knew that, but hadn’t liked it when I had refused to finance his latest scheme. Which was his problem, not mine.

  He was still standing behind me. I could feel him seething at being shut down. Slowly, I turned to face him and dismiss him, once and for all.

  “You’re still here? Is there something else you needed to discuss, or did I not make myself clear?”

  “No, I’m leaving. You know, you’re a pompous, arrogant ass, Apolo. One of these days, brother. One of these days… We’ll see who has the last laugh.”

  I ignored his attempt to get a rise out of me. I knew better than to fall into his pathetic trap. Instead, I opened my laptop and watched him storm out of the room. The same way he’d come in.

  Damn, meddling relatives.

  * * * *


  My wedding day. The day every little girl and young woman dreams of. Like in a story book, I had found my prince charming. We’d fallen in love, and now, we were set to get married.

  Izzie had spent the night. We decided it would be easier after my mother’s shenanigans. I knocked on the doorof the bedroom she was using. Since the house would be bustling with activity, I’d had breakfast served in a library on the same floor.

  She came to the door, opening it with a huge smile. “Good morning, Caitlyn. Did you sleep any?”

  “Barely. But Apolo somehow managed to sleep like a baby. Did you?” I asked, motioning her to come with me. “I’ve had breakfast brought upstairs, so that we can have some peace.”

  “I slept like a baby, too. I want one of these mattresses. I’ve never felt so good lying in bed…”

  We entered the library. There was a table filled with food. Buffet style. Coffee, assorted juices, milk. “Grab a plate, Izzie. We need to get something in our stomachs before the champagne flows.”


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