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9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury Page 13

by Jamie Salisbury


  “Yes. I was pleasantly surprised that he’d taken the time to do that. He just got his prosthetic leg and will be going home in the next few days.”

  “Then, we’re on the right track, as much as I didn’t want to use my own disability.”

  “Yes, don’t dismiss yourself so easily, Apolo. Soldiers or not, they were taken with how you’d gotten control of your life and moved forward. I’d say you’re somewhat of a role model.”

  “So, what time is your dinner?”

  “Seven, as if you didn’t know.” I shook my head, spinning back and forth in my seat. “By the way, one of the young men asked if you’d considered starting your own foundation.”

  I heard him make some sort of noise on the other end. I didn’t know if it was in response to my remark or about the foundation idea. “And you replied?”

  “I told him right now your focus was on getting comfortable in your new job, but perhaps later on, it might be something you’d consider.”

  This time he laughed, leaving me confused for a moment. “I knew you were going to have no problem finding your voice, darling. Spoken like a true politician’s wife...”

  “I’ve had an excellent teacher.”

  “Well, I merely had to hear the sound of your voice. I’m going to grab something to eat before we get started again.”

  “Long night, as expected?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. Enjoy your dinner, sweet.”

  “I will. I love you, Apolo.”

  “I love you, too,” he replied, quietly. “Remember, my pet. I intend to finish what we started this morning.”

  “Apolo Choice, have you no shame?”

  That caused him to burst out laughing again. “I’ll see you later, darling. Remember what I said.”

  He was gone before I could respond. Probably what he wanted, anyway. He loved playing his little sex games with me. Not quite the same as before he’d taken on this position, but he still had fun with them.

  * * * *


  Finding out our own home had been bugged with both video and audio was nerve wracking enough for me. But Caitlyn? It seemed to freak her out. Not that I cherished the thought of knowing tapes of our sexual encounters could be put out there in either, or both, formats. I was more concerned for Caitlyn than myself.

  This early on in my political career and someone seems hell bent to bring me down. I can weather the scandal, if one does come of it. The question is—can my beauty?

  Jacob and I sat down after we got back and discussed the matter. Who was behind it? Was it her brother, mine, both together? Or did it have something to do with that asshat of a senator Susan seems to have bedded down with? Though I wouldn’t say a thing to Caitlyn, the man is filthy rich and that seems to be what her mother is drawn to.

  Speaking of Susan, her tactics for self-promotion never cease to amaze me. Coyly inventing some cock-and-bull story that Caitlyn was pregnant and then releasing it to the press in Ireland was something even I never saw coming. Having children is a matter we’ve discussed with no one. There’s always the possibility that we won’t be able to have children of our own, due to my accident. Something I need to be re-checked for. But not until I’ve finished out this year, this term.

  We’ve both agreed the best plan is to get through the madness. If I decide to go up for re-election, we’ll still go forward. We’re just married and have a lot on our plates.

  It’s a matter I’ve really not given much thought to since my accident. I was told I’d never father children, so I put the matter out of my mind. Until Caitlyn. If it’s meant to be, it will be. If it’s not, we’ll figure something out.

  But then, there’s Delpheine. How and why is she involved? Well, hell, I know why. To try and get me back. Stupid woman. She doesn’t know me very well. She doesn’t seem to recall that I remember people’s actions, and she certainly threw me out with the bathwater when she found out I’d lost my leg. The idea of ever crawling back into bed with that witch makes my skin crawl. She was only after my money then, and she’s only after it now. We have to get both situations contained. Now. By whatever means it takes.

  Caitlyn, on the other hand, is settling into her role as a senator’s wife quite nicely, as I knew she would. She seems to be impressing a lot of people in a short time. The trip to Walter Reed marked an important start to Caiti’s new life here. My people have put it out, as has Caitlyn herself, that she is interested in supporting my causes.

  She will do quite well with whatever she chooses. In spite of the ugliness she’s already had to see, she’s not retreating. Instead, she’s going ahead full speed.

  Renee and I spoke about it briefly. Knowing the town, even having been away, she’s researching things for Caitlyn—organizations, people she should contact. Invaluable information.

  “You mentioned Caitlyn is an avid ballet fan.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Did she dance as a child?”

  “She wanted to, but her mother, of course, discouraged it.”

  A long pause. “There are several, marvelous ballet companies here in the D.C. area. I would suggest the two of you take in performances by each. That way, if you decided to become a patron or benefactor to one, you would be better informed.”

  “Renee, really. You’re not suggesting I go to watch every ballet troupe here in the area?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”

  A groan escaped my lips. I didn’t mind ballet…once in a while. The idea of being dragged from pillar to post was not my idea of fun. “Can’t you simply choose, say, four for us to take in?”

  “No, that wouldn’t be fair, Senator Choice.”

  Ah, the senator bit. I must have hit a nerve. “Very well, give Caitlyn the list. I’ll do my best to tolerate all these long evenings.”

  “You’ll enjoy yourself. You know you will.”

  “And how have you come up with that conclusion?”

  “It’s something Caitlyn loves. If she loves something, you seem to go out of your way to make sure she can enjoy it.”

  “Renee, you’ve been working for me far too long,” I quipped.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You know me too well.”

  “I’m supposed to. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t.”

  “I’d also like you, when you have time, to look up local charities and foundations. Anything dealing with people with disabilities. Doesn’t have to be military, though that certainly doesn’t hurt. Scope them out. I don’t want Caitlyn meeting with any that might not be on the up and up.”


  “She’s looked at a few online. I know that for a fact. But you really can’t judge a book by its cover, as the old saying goes.”

  “No, you can’t. I’ll prepare a list then perhaps call her and see what she’s discovered on her own. We can compare notes, without her knowing you’re behind it.”

  “See? I told you. You know me too well.”

  “As it should be,” she replied. “Anything further, senator?”

  “No, not at the moment. Caitlyn’s having dinner with the vice president’s wife this evening.”

  “If she likes your wife, sir, Caitlyn will find no doors closed.”

  “That’s good to know Renee. Really.”

  * * * *

  The interior of the home looked like it had come straight off the pages of Traditional Home or Town & Country magazine. But then, it was the home of the Vice President of the United States, so it should. Elegant, but still had a homey feel to it.

  I was met by my hostess herself, Christine Powell. Even here, she dressed the part of a dignitary’s wife, greeting me wearing a dark grey, silk blouse and winter white slacks. I was amazed to find her also wearing heels at this late hour.

  “Caitlyn, thank you for coming. Please sit,” she said, motioning to a wingback chair. “Can I get you something to drink? A glass of wine, perhaps?”
  “Yes, wine would be nice.”

  “Red or white? Brad and I discovered this amazing Cabernet. It’s produced by a small Washington state vineyard. If you like red, I guarantee you’ll love this.”

  “I adore Cabernet.”

  She walked over to a chest located at the perimeter of the room and uncorked a bottle. Pouring two glasses, she passed one to me. Swirling the dark red liquid, she then sniffed it before taking a taste. Obviously, she and the vice president were wine buffs. “I was quite impressed with the way you presented yourself today. Very professional. It’s not easy for some of the wives to do tours at Walter Reed.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, sipping my wine. “You know it’s a passion of my husband’s that I share. These young men deserve support and assistance where it’s needed.”

  “Ah, but your husband is a remarkable man himself. Allowing all those years to pass without letting a soul know what had happened to him.”

  “He’s never wanted pity. He wasn’t going to settle, either. It’s not in his nature. Sure, he could have stayed working in one of his father’s businesses. That’s not Apolo. What he’s done, where he is now, he did on his own.”

  “But now, he’s ready to start his own foundation?”

  “We’ve discussed it in the past. Now, with his appointment, he thought it presented itself to be the perfect time to come out, so to speak.”

  “He’s going to make an excellent senator. My husband thinks highly of him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And you? You’re settling in okay?”

  “Yes. I admit it’ll take some getting used to. Washington is different from Atlanta, and of course, some of that has to do with Apolo’s new position.”

  Putting her glass down on a table beside her, she stood. “Let me check on dinner. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.”

  While she was gone, I looked around the room, trying to get a feel for the people who lived there. They say you can tell a lot about people from their homes. So far, Apolo and I hadn’t been in any one place long enough to put our mark on a home The mansion in Atlanta was all Apolo. The house here had some bad memories from the start.

  I heard the click of high heels on the wood plank floor. “If you’re ready, grab your glass, and we’ll go into the dining room.”

  I pushed to my feet to follow her as she picked up her wine. “You have a beautiful home, Christine.”

  “Thank you. I wasn’t sure about moving in here at first, but now that we’ve settled in, I love the feel of the house.”

  Following her into a space not far off the living room, I was amazed at how everything flowed perfectly. The dining room was large, and the table, I was sure, could seat a fair size dinner party, if extended. Glancing at it, I silently wondered if it was a reproduction or the real thing. If it was the real deal, it was in extraordinary condition.

  I remembered Apolo telling me once that the table and most of the chairs in the formal dining room in Atlanta were the real deal. Had been made by a famous Philadelphia furniture maker. Somehow, the entire group managed to stay together through over two hundred years.

  Christine showed me to my seat. Then, she sat at the end, with me to her right. Dinner was simple, yet elegant. A salad of mixed greens rested in front of us. We made it through this course bantering about the upcoming holidays and traditions. Light conversation.

  The main course consisted of pork roast with asparagus and new potatoes. The pork was cooked to perfection, with an unusual cranberry honey glaze. I made sure to compliment her, hoping to get the secret to the recipe.

  Forgoing dessert, we returned to the living room for a dessert wine. Remembering what Apolo had told me earlier, I made my leave at a reasonable time.

  “Thank you again for taking the time to join me at Walter Reed today. I look forward to perhaps working on some wounded-warrior-type projects in the future.”

  “I would like that. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Any other issues you would like to get involved in?”

  “Equine therapy. I know they use it with children in particular. I’d like to find out more about it. I believe it could be just as effective with adults, too. Disabled, like Apolo.”

  “Ah, that’s fantastic. Perhaps you could persuade your husband to pose for some photos atop a horse.”

  “That would be an excellent concept. I’ll have to start planting it in his head.” I paused. I needed to leave. I didn’t want to wear out my welcome. “Thank you again, Christine. I look forward to working with you.”

  “Trust me, you’ll be hearing from me. We need more wives like you, Caitlyn.”

  I smiled, turned, and headed down the stairs to my waiting car.

  * * * *

  It had been a long, productive day. Grateful to be home, I removed my heels as soon as I entered the penthouse. Picking them up, I padded into our bedroom. Pulling the comforter back, I instead decided a long, hot shower was in order. Seeing a novel I was in the midst of reading sitting there, I reconsidered. But a nice soak would be more beneficial.

  I made my way back to the kitchen, turning a light on in the living room. I poured a glass of Cabernet and walked back to the bathroom. Setting the wine on the ledge of the tub, I poured in some bath crystals and let the faucet take over.

  While the tub filled, I went into the closet and took off my clothes. Grabbing a silk robe, I made my way back to the bath and got in.

  Immersing myself in the hot water felt soothing. I hadn’t realized how tired I was. The day certainly had been busy. I felt as though I’d made headway, no matter how small. Taking a hearty swallow of the red wine, I decided I was too exhausted to read. Instead, I lay back and closed my eyes.

  Having entered that grey area where you’re asleep but think you’re awake, I relaxed. Suddenly, I heard the sound of glass breaking on tile. I jolted awake. My wine glass was in a million bits on the floor, the wine soaking into my robe. “Damn!”

  “Caitlyn, are you in here?” It was Apolo. Perfect timing.

  “Yes, I’m in here, cursing like a sailor.”

  He walked in and surveyed the mess. He shook his head. “Things go that badly you’re tossing your wine around?” He grinned, coming closer.

  “No. If you must know mister smartass, I fell asleep. My hand must have jerked or something.”

  “Hmmmm. Or something. Do you need some help?”

  “If you could help get the glass up so I don’t step on any of it when I get out, I’d certainly be grateful.”

  “That’s not what I had in mind,” he teased. He ran a hand through his thick hair. “But since you’ll be grateful for my assistance, I’ll be thinking up a way you can repay me as I clean up this mess.”

  “Thank you.”

  He turned to head toward the kitchen. “Don’t try to get out. Glass, you know.” I heard him chuckle as he left the room.

  “You certainly are being a smart ass, Choice,” I yelled after him as I sat back in the water to get warm.

  He returned a few minutes later with a broom and other essentials in one hand. In his other, he had a bottle of wine with two glasses. He put the clean-up items on the floor and proceeded to pour two glasses of wine on the ledge of the huge soaking tub.

  He passed one in my direction. “Think you can handle this, without assistance?”

  “Yes, thank you. I told you I fell asleep.”

  “You mentioned that.”

  It dawned on me what he was implicating. “You must have had a good vote tonight. That would explain your mood.”

  He had started picking up shards of glass and placing them in a bag he’d brought. Though he wasn’t looking at me, he had a naughty grin on his face. Finally, he picked up my robe. “Will this come out?”

  “If I get it into the washer, I might be able to salvage it before the wine sets in.”

  “That mean I have to let you out?”

  “Uh, yeah, Apolo, it does. What are you up to?”

bsp; “Nothing. I’m just enjoying you being at my mercy.”

  “I know where you’re taking this, Choice.”

  “And where would that be?”

  I giggled. “Oh no, you’re not going to trick me. Now, please. Help me out so I can get that robe into cold water.”

  “Will you go naked to the laundry room?”

  “Yes, if that’s what it takes to get out of this tub.”

  “Very well.” He extended his hand. “Careful. Don’t move.” He lifted me up and deposited me a good ways away from the tub. Then, he picked up the robe and brought it to me.

  “Thank you, I think,” I murmured, taking it from him.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll finish this up.”

  The sexual tension was thick enough to cut with a knife.

  A few moments later, as I was shutting the lid on the washer, I felt his breath on my neck. He wrapped one arm around my waist, the other near my already charged mound. His thumb swirled over it. It wouldn’t take much for him to get me off. Then, he inserted two fingers inside me.

  He groaned as he did, his motions getting me wild with need. “Are you ready, darling?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  “Please, what?”

  “Please, make me come, Apolo.” I knew, as did he, that all it would take would be one swipe of his thumb, and I’d be over the top.

  Suddenly, he stopped, removed his fingers, and backed away. He chuckled as he turned and walked out of the room.

  “That’s so not fair!”

  “I know, and don’t you dare make yourself come.” I heard his laughter as his voice became fainter.

  Damn man! He loved playing these sexual tease games with me. All part of his Dom nature.

  I turned out the light in the laundry room and padded back into the bedroom.

  Chapter Ten

  It was a Wednesday afternoon. Izzie was coming to spend a long weekend with us. She was interested in moving up to the area and wanted to use part of our time together to look around at housing. She also wanted to see what the job market looked like.


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