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9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury Page 14

by Jamie Salisbury

  Finally, I had convinced Jacob and Apolo that I was perfectly capable of driving myself around to do the simplest of errands. I needed the freedom to be able to do every day, routine things.

  So, using the afternoon, I headed out in the Audi, list in hand. I needed to pick up something for dinner for this first night. Apolo had another late one, and it would just be Izzie and me. He had conveniently arranged to have a business dinner with some colleagues. I knew that he was giving Izzie and me some time alone together so we could catch up.

  I was so excited she was coming, I’d barely been able to sleep the night before. Which meant I was tired. Which also meant I let my guard down.

  Jacob had made sure to show me how to be aware of my surroundings. He knew I was to some degree, but after the recent incidents, took an afternoon to give me tips on what to look for. Today, however, I wasn’t paying too much attention to anything except preparing for Izzie’s arrival.

  I was walking to the car, having left the grocery store. I had four well-filled, plastic bags, and I was oblivious to everything. It was a gorgeous, crisp fall afternoon.

  Suddenly, I felt a hand on my elbow. I jumped at the unfamiliar contact, and as I looked around, someone else was in front of me, stopping me dead in my tracks. Anthony. Trying to gather my wits, I saw the person holding my elbow was none other than my brother, Tom.

  “Hello, sis. Now, don’t panic on me and do something stupid like scream. All I want to do is have a little chat with you. Tony, too. Give Tony your bags, and come with us.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!” I hissed. I desperately, but without panicking, looked around for anyone even remotely close by. Sadly, they had picked the perfect moment to close in.

  “I don’t see where you have much of a choice.” Tony took the bags out of my hands as Tom steered me to an awaiting rental car. He opened the back door and pushed me inside. I quickly moved across the seat, only to have Tony block me from the other side. I was trapped and at their mercy.

  “What the hell do you two pathetic snakes want?”

  “Tsk, tsk. Is that anyway to speak to your own brother and brother-in-law?”

  “I’ll speak anyway I want. Now, for the last time, what the hell do you want?”

  “For one thing, you’re going to convince your husband to quit snooping into our lives. The next thing you’ll do is tell him to call off the forensic accountant he’s got snooping around.”

  “It’s his business. I have no say in these matters. Oh, and by the way, what were you two and Don Turner doing entering the building on a weekend right after us?”

  “See? I told you she is smart, Tony. She knows everything Apolo does.”

  “Yeah, I figured, or he wouldn’t have involved himself with her.”

  “Can I go now?” I asked. “And you never answered my question.”

  “No, we’re not finished, and no, I’m not answering squat for you. What you will do is get Apolo to get rid of the accountant, or your sex life is going to be out there for everyone to see, and uh, hear. You’ve got forty-eight hours, Caiti.”

  “Even if I did try and convince him, he’s not going to give into blackmail or extortion. That’s what this is—a shakedown. What are you trying to do? Get into his financial accounts and rob him blind, Tom?”

  “Shut up, Caitlyn. I’m telling you for the last time. You’ve got forty-eight hours.” He nodded to Anthony, who slid out of his seat. He picked up my bags, which were now on the ground, along with my purse, and thrust them into my hands.

  “You’re messing with the wrong man, Anthony. You know your brother better than to try tampering with what’s his. Now, if you two will excuse me, I need to get home and take a shower to get this slime off of me.”

  I walked as fast as I possibly could to the Audi, tossing the grocery bags in the back seat. Not wanting either man to think I was in a state of panic, I slowly got my cell out of my jeans pocket and laid it in the console between the front seats. Rather than call Apolo or Jacob right then, I started the engine and backed out of the parking slot. I noted the rental car they had placed me in was gone.

  I turned on the in-car phone and told it to dial Jacob as I pulled out onto the busy Washington street.

  “Mrs. Choice, are you okay?” answered Jacob’s firm voice.

  “No, I’m not. Do you know who I just had the unexpected pleasure of talking to? Anthony and Tom. And it wasn’t nice. They’re going to try and blackmail, extort, whatever you want to call it.”

  “I know.”

  “You know? How do you know?”

  “I’ve been following you all afternoon. Apolo’s orders.”

  “Well, what if they had tried to take me off?”

  “I would’ve had them penned in, Caitlyn. Tell me exactly what they want.”

  “What they want is for Apolo to get rid of the forensic accountant. Like yesterday. If he doesn’t do it in forty-eight hours, they’re going to release tapes of our private life.”

  “Okay. I’m right behind you. I’ll escort you to the penthouse, and we can talk further.”

  “Sounds good. And Jacob?”

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Thank you. Even if I thought I had the afternoon to myself, it’s nice to know you were close by.”

  “It’s my job, and you’re welcome.”

  We drove the last few blocks to the apartment building. I looked in my rear view a few times to find Jacob right on my tail in a non-descript Honda. I was sure he and Apolo were in communication, unless Apolo was in the middle of something. Somehow, I doubted anything would interfere with something involving me. For once, I truly was grateful Apolo was so overprotective.

  As I parked the Audi, Jacob slid the Honda next to me. He had told me to wait and let him look around before I got out of the car. He opened my door, and I got out. As I was doing so, Jacob was already taking out the bags of groceries and other items. He walked next to me as I headed toward the lobby elevator.

  “You knew they’d try to pull something, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, Anthony’s always had a flare for the dramatic. You okay?”

  “Outside of being mad? Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Apolo said he’d call you as soon as he gets a break.”

  “I’m fine, really. What really pisses me off is that the three of them want it all without working a lick. That, and the fact that they’re willing, ready, and able to rob Apolo of whatever it is they want.”

  “Well, that’s not going to happen.”

  “How’s that? You calling the feds in now?”

  “Yeah. Apolo wanted to try and keep it internal, but now that they’ve actually abducted you… Even though it was just to talk in a car, they took you against your will. It’s gone beyond trying to keep it a private, family matter.”

  “Don’t expect me to talk either of you out of it because Tom and Anthony are family. I won’t. Whatever you two decide, I’m with you.”

  “When he calls, we’re going to make some decisions.”

  “Jacob? Did you know it was Tom who put the surveillance equipment in the house?”

  “I had a good inkling it was him. Only because of his background. Out of the three, he’s the only one who possesses the knowledge to carry something like that out.”

  “Which makes me wonder why he chose the other two?”

  “Don has a grudge with Apolo. Anthony is jealous and wants what his brother has. Pretty simple.” Finally upstairs and in the penthouse, Jacob followed me into the kitchen after doing a walkthrough. “Bo’s going to pick Izzie up.”

  “Is he? Why? Because you want to play guard dog here with me, or because the two of them have eyes for each other?”

  He laughed. “A little of both, I guess.”

  “You want a cup of coffee, Jacob?”

  “Naw, I don’t want to trouble you for anything, ma’am.”

  “It’s no problem, and I’m happy to show you how to use the coffee maker.” I giggled. “It makes
one cup at a time. You know the kind.” I showed him where everything was at, though I was sure he already knew.

  The phone rang, and I moved to get it. It was Apolo. I left Jacob his task and walked into the living room.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “You okay?”

  “Like I told Jacob, I’m just mad. I hope you’re going to involve the feds, Apolo. This is getting out of hand.”

  “I agree. Jacob has a close contact at the bureau. He’s going to tell them what’s going on. It may put a damper on your evening if they want to talk to you.”

  “I don’t care, and I doubt Izzie will, either,” I replied. “Apolo, did Jacob tell you Tom…Tom is going to release all the intimate footage if you don’t comply.”

  “He told me, and I won’t be blackmailed, Caitlyn. Not by Tom, not my brother, or Don Turner. No one is going to threaten us, or attempt to extort money from me. If he releases anything, my people will be on it, doing damage control. It’s not the end of the world. This ends now. You know it. I know it.”

  “We’ll get through it.” I stayed silent for a minute. Then, a thought occurred to me as Jacob entered, coffee mug in hand. “Apolo, do you think that senator is somehow involved?”

  He said nothing for a few moments. “It’s possible. It could benefit him, though I’m not entirely sure what role he still plays, or if he does. Is Jacob near? I need to give him the go ahead. I just wanted to speak to you about it before I did. Make sure you’re okay. I love you, Caiti, and I’ll see you and Izzie a little later.”

  “I love you, too. Please try to get home as soon as you can.” I handed Jacob the phone and went back into the kitchen to organize things for dinner.

  * * * *

  “Izzie!” I squealed as I met her at the elevator. The two of us hugged for what seemed like forever. I hadn’t realized until this afternoon how much I missed her. I pulled back to study her. “You look great. Come on in.” I took her by the hand and guided her into the living room.

  “My God, this is incredible, Caitlyn. The view is breathtaking!”

  “Just wait until it’s dark. Then, you’ll really see something amazing.”

  She sat down on the couch, making herself comfortable. “So, what’s with the suits Jacob’s talking to? And don’t tell me ‘nothing,’ because I know a fed when I see one.”

  “I’ll let Apolo enlighten you. I don’t want to say anything I’m not supposed to. Would you like a glass of wine? Or something stronger?”

  “You know what I’d really like? A beer and pizza. I know you’ve probably planned this really nice meal, but I haven’t had a pizza or an ice cold beer since you left.”

  “Well, Apolo’s got beer. Enough to get us started, anyway. And we could order a pizza. If that’s what you really want to do.”

  “It is. Just you and me. Not that I don’t like your husband. That’s just taking a little getting used to, you know.”

  I giggled. “Yeah, I know. I’m still getting used to it myself.”

  “Yeah, he’s intense. By the way, what’s up with your mother?”

  “Oh my God, Izzie. Mother is a book all by herself,” I replied, heading toward the kitchen. “Come on, let’s grab a beer and decide what sort of pizza we want. Then, I’ll tell you all about her antics.”

  “That good, huh?”

  “Oh, I’d say it’s at least a three beer story.”

  “Susan’s been a busy girl?”

  “Susan’s been a very naughty, interfering girl.” I opened the refrigerator and pulled out two beers. I noticed she’d found a pizza delivery menu and was pouring over it. I handed her a bottle. “Decide what you want?”

  “Yeah, let’s get the usual.”

  “Okay. Use the landline when you order. I’m going to let Jacob know so he won’t freak if a pizza comes.”

  “Jeez, Caitlyn. Things must be bad.”

  “Not bad. Not really. Just some things have been going on. Not so good things that Tom is involved in.”

  “Say no more,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

  I walked back into the living room and rang Jacob. I knew discussing my mother and her escapades wouldn’t be a problem with him. I’d just let Apolo handle the rest. Unless the feds wanted to talk with me. Then, I’d have to enlighten Izzie…and quick.

  Izzie reappeared, two more beers in her hand. “Pizza ordered. Should be here shortly. My treat.” She handed me a beer. I set it down on the table, next to my not-quite-finished first one.

  “Um, no. Jacob will take care of it. But thanks. Things just flow a little differently around here these days, Iz.”

  “I bet. So….” She sat back down on one of the chairs. “Tell me about your mother, and what she’s been up to lately.”

  “Oh, where shall I start? Did you know my mother leaked it to the press in Dublin that Apolo and I are expecting a baby? Or that she’s gotten real cozy with some senator who detests Apolo. The man is paying for a suite at the Watergate for her. Oh, and this slime bag also is cozy with Apolo’s ex-girlfriend. You know—the one who all of a sudden wants him back?”

  “Talk about Peyton Place! The woman’s a trip, Caiti.”

  “That’s not all of it. I went to meet two women from a charity. Guess who was having lunch there together?”

  “No! Not your mother and Apolo’s ex!”

  “Yep. Still not completely sure how that came to pass, but I think we finally got our point across with her.”

  “Damn, I hope so. She’s really got balls.”

  “Now this with her announcing some fabrication about me being pregnant. Do you know she even had my father going with it? Poor man called to congratulate us.”

  “That woman needs something. What, I’m not sure, but she’s a piece of work.”

  “Hopefully, she won’t bother us this weekend. She seems to have quieted down since she was called out on her pregnancy farce.”

  “So, can you tell me about the suits? What’s going on?”

  “I’ll leave that to Apolo to share.”

  The smell of pizza and a deep voice, invaded our space. “Let Apolo share what?”

  “Apolo, you sly devil. You steal Caitlyn and bring her to the land of dirty bedfellows. Shame on you!” Izzie loved to tease him, had since they first met. Thank goodness, he didn’t mind.

  He brought the box over and placed it on the coffee table. He glanced at us both, leaning over and kissing me first. “Pizza? I thought you went out to get things to cook?”

  “I did. Izzie wanted pizza so that we could talk instead.”

  He sighed, shaking his head. He removed his suit jacket and laid it over one of the chairs while he walked over and poured himself a glass of whiskey. I knew what he was thinking. If Iz and I had discussed it before she left, I wouldn’t have had to go out. Thus, no accosting by brothers. “Have you brought Izzie up to speed on what’s been going on around here?” he asked taking a sip of his drink.

  “Only about my mother. I thought I’d leave the rest to you to tell.”

  “Yeah,” Izzie chimed in. “What’s with all the suits, Apolo? I know you’re a big cheese now Jacob was obviously speaking with FBI or something.”

  Apolo sat down across from us and took a long pull off his whiskey, almost downing the glass. He told Izzie pretty much everything that had happened to me with Tom and Anthony. I could see the look of concern on his face. We hadn’t had any time together since it’d happened.

  Izzie’s eyes grew wide in disbelief. “This is some stuff. I knew Tom has always been shady. We’ve all known it. But Anthony?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. I’ve been having him watched for a while now. Something about when he opened his restaurant never smelled right, if you’ll forgive the pun. The people he was hanging out with. His answers never added up.”

  Just then Jacob and two men appeared off the elevator. Apolo rose and, taking his drink, went to meet them. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse me. I need to speak with these gentlemen. We’ll use my office. Enj
oy your pizza.”

  Izzie and I watched the foursome disappear from sight.

  “Damn, Caiti. This is like all James Bond-y.”

  “Welcome to the world of Senator Apolo Choice, Izzie.”

  * * * *


  The first thing I wanted to do of course when Jacob called me and informed me of Caitlyn’s encounter with our siblings was to go home. That, unfortunately, wasn’t possible. Things were different now. Unless she’d been kidnapped, I couldn’t leave my responsibilities. Truth was, it came damn close to it. Lucky, Jacob was around, watching over her.

  Now, however, we’ve had to involve the feds. Something I really preferred not to do, but I wasn’t a private citizen now. I was a senator and my life was not my own in a lot of details. Like this one.

  Jacob told me what our brothers wanted me to do. If those bumbling idiots think for one minute I’m going to let them rob me blind along with threaten my wife…they’ve got a lot to learn about Apolo Choice.

  “Caitlyn goes nowhere without security. I don’t care what she says or where she’s going,” I barked at Jacob and the two agents in my office. “Do we have enough to pick the three musketeers up? We know what they’re up to. There’s proof that they’ve been trying to hack into my mainframe in Atlanta. They all but kidnapped Caitlyn today. Threatened her. How much more do they have to do?”

  “We’re working on warrants right now, Senator Choice. Your wife’s brother as well as your own will be picked up as soon as we find them. Your employee, Don Turner? He’s another matter. As soon as we get the green light, he’ll be picked up. He’ll think he’s going in for interrogation about something entirely different. Once we have him, we’ll reveal a little more.”

  I finished off the whiskey I’d poured and set the glass down on my desk. “This ends now, gentlemen.” Oh, how I hate dealing with bureaucrats like these two. They’d soon learn I was no idiot to be toyed with. I know what’s going on, and I’ve had enough. Too much bad, unsavory stuff has happened. They need to do their jobs and arrest all the offending parties.


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