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Beauty and the Beach

Page 13

by Diane Darcy

  It occurred to her that perhaps she should be protecting her heart a little better. But, she just couldn’t get herself to worry about it. She had enough on her plate at the moment and was just going to trust it would all work itself out in the end.

  Chapter Nine

  AFTER WORK THE NEXT DAY Isabelle paid a couple of bills, picked up a few romance novels to add to Adam’s bookshelf, then tried on dresses for way too long as she tried to find something to wear to the upcoming barbecue.

  In the late afternoon, she headed over to the apartment to see her sister. She’d called four times since the weekend, and Courtney wasn’t answering. Isabelle had talked to her father, told him what Adam had said about waiting, and his decision not to prosecute, and she couldn’t understand why Courtney wasn’t returning her calls. If for no other reason than to discuss her plans for school.

  She found her sitting at the kitchen table writing on a notepad. “Hi. What are you doing?”

  Courtney barely glanced up. “Do you think it would be okay if I borrowed your car for a couple of days?”

  “Sure. I could take the bus to work for a while. Why do you need my car?”

  Courtney shrugged. “I’ve just got some plans in the works, that’s all.”

  Isabelle decided not to push. “What do you say we go get a snow cone down by the beach? Just like old times.”

  Courtney stood, gathered her notes, and headed into her bedroom, leaving Isabelle wondering if that was a yes or a no. A moment later she came out again. “Okay, let’s go.”

  On the way to the beach, Courtney turned on the radio and looked out the window. She obviously didn’t want to talk.

  Isabelle pulled into the parking lot, paid the fee, and found a place to park. “Come on.” They walked to the snow cone stand, purchased their favorites, then found a picnic table under a shade tree and sat across from each other.

  Isabelle held up her cone, and, after a brief hesitation, Courtney tapped hers to Isabelle’s, completing their usual ritual.

  “It’s nice here, isn’t it?” said Isabelle.

  “It is,” Courtney agreed without looking around.

  Isabelle was trying not to get impatient with Courtney’s difficult attitude. Tip-toeing around her wasn’t working, so it was time to talk. “I’ve been trying to call you since Saturday. Do you want to tell me why you haven’t been taking my calls?”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Did Dad tell you what Adam said? About the payment plan?”

  Courtney shook her head and finally looked up. “I’ve been working extra hours and Dad’s been working until nine. What did Mr. Wilder say?”

  “He said he still thinks it will turn up. He said to tell you to get ready for college. He said he’s not going to send Dad to jail. He thinks your plan is a good one, but he’s not worried about it right now. These things take months and he wants to wait.”

  Courtney dropped her cone and burst into tears.

  Isabelle placed her hand over the top of Courtney’s. “It’s okay, we really will work something out when we need to, all right?”

  “Izzy. I have to ask you something.”


  “Are you sleeping with him? Are you having to…?”

  Isabelle’s mouth dropped open. “Courtney! No! I haven’t so much as held his hand or kissed him.” The kiss on the cheek didn’t count, she assured herself.

  “I thought…” Courtney swallowed and her eyes clenched tight. “I thought I’d ruined your life. That maybe he was making you…” She started to sob.

  “You’d have to meet Adam to know how ridiculous that thought really is.”

  “I saw him once, you know. He has a limp, and a horrible scar on his face, and…and…he looks mean.”

  “Well, he’s not. He’s actually the sweetest guy you’ve ever met.”

  Her sobs subsided. “What do you do at his house all day?”

  “Why don’t you come over and see? I have my own bedroom, and it’s gorgeous. I read sometimes, and there’s a pool, and the beach down below. He’s teaching me how to cook.”

  Courtney scowled. “You already cook!”

  “Apparently he fancies himself a gourmet chef. And I have to admit his recipes taste a lot better than mine. Sometimes I pull weeds. But he has a cleaning service coming in so there isn’t really much for me to do. I do dishes, but he helps.”

  “So why does he want you there? Are you a hostage?”

  “I’m just there to help him. And if my being there helps Dad…” Isabelle shrugged. “Do you want to come over?”

  “I couldn’t. I couldn’t face him.”

  Isabelle could see she meant it. “If you change your mind, you’re welcome to come out anytime. He even invited you over when I told him you’d love the beach. We could have a sleepover.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Courtney picked up her toppled cone and threw it in the garbage. “I’m ready to go now.”

  Isabelle threw her cone away, as well. “You’ll need to drive me home if you still want to borrow my car.”


  “To where I’m living.”

  Courtney’s brows pulled together and she looked stricken. “You call that home now?”

  “For now.”

  Courtney swallowed. “Okay. I’ll drop you off, but I’m not coming in.”

  They walked to the car and Isabelle handed Courtney the keys. As Courtney pulled out of the parking lot, Isabelle said, “He won’t bite, you know.”

  There was a long pause. “You really like him, don’t you?”

  “I guess I do.” She wasn’t sure when it had happened. She felt like she’d been in a cocoon and had finally woken up. She’d been so busy for so many years, so focused on her goals for the future, and recently so focused on the necklace and what it meant to her family, that she hadn’t been paying attention. But what, if anything, could she do about the attraction she felt for him right now?

  Until this whole thing was cleared up, and until she wasn’t living with him anymore, it wasn’t like they could even date.

  When Courtney finally pulled up to The Castle, there were cars parked in the driveway.

  “It looks like it’s poker night. Are you sure you don’t want to come in?”

  “I’m sure. Maybe next time. I’m not ready to face Mr. Wilder yet. Even if he’s not as scary as he looks.”

  “Okay. But I want you to stop worrying about everything for now, okay?”

  “Sure.” Courtney leaned across the seat to hug her. “Thanks, Izzy.”

  Isabelle got out of the car and watched as Courtney backed out of the driveway.

  Her sister stopped and rolled down her window. “It’s okay, Izzy,” said Courtney. “It’s okay to have a boyfriend. It’s just that you picked a heck of a time, and a heck of a guy.”

  Isabelle’s heart filled with warmth and she smiled. She knew it had cost Courtney a lot to say that. “Don’t I know it.”

  Isabelle headed for the front door and was surprised by how right it felt to be there. It was like coming home. She went inside and hurried into the kitchen to see if Adam needed any help, but he wasn’t there.

  She opened one of the three pizza boxes on the kitchen counter to see they were almost empty, and, feeling domestic, she searched the cupboards and came up with some ingredients.

  Thirty minutes later she cut the dessert into squares, placed the pieces on a plate and headed for the back patio to see her boyfriend. She chuckled. A girl could dream, right?


  “Hey!” Sean’s face lit in a smile. “Check it out! Look who’s here.”

  Adam glanced up, happy to see Isabelle walking toward them. Satisfaction swelled his chest as his gaze took in her slender form, her blonde hair, and the shy smile on her curved lips.

  “Hi, guys.” She lifted a platter. “I’ve cooked something up for you.”

  As one, his friends looked at Adam, and he ignored them and smiled as she approached. “What d
id you make?”

  “Everyone can stop looking so worried.” When she reached the table, she set the platter down along with a stack of napkins between Adam and Brandon as the men claimed they weren’t worried in the least. “Rice crispy treats are a specialty of mine. Practice makes perfect, right?”

  Brandon was the first to grab one. “I love these.”

  Isabelle stood beside Adam. “Who’s winning?”

  “I am,” claimed Charlie.

  Sean hit him in the shoulder. “You are not, fool.” As the treats were passed around the table, Adam couldn’t help himself, he took Isabelle’s warm hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thanks.”

  She squeezed back. “No problem.”

  Was it his imagination, or was she looking at him with speculation and…tenderness? An act for his friends? Or was she starting to feel something for him?

  Jeff lifted a half-eaten treat. “These really are good.”

  Isabelle pulled her hand away, placed it on the back of Adam’s chair, and smiled at Jeff. “Thanks. They’re my sister’s favorite.”

  Jeff straightened in his chair. “You have a sister?”

  “Does she look anything like you?” asked Sean.

  Isabelle laughed. “She won’t even be eighteen until later this summer, so she’s a little too young for you guys.”

  “That’s too bad. That she’s so young, I mean,” said Jeff.

  Adam’s stomach clenched and his brows lowered. “It’s your turn, Sean.”

  At his terse tone, everyone turned to look at him.

  Brandon smirked. “Izzy, did you know Adam here saved my life when he was injured?”

  “I didn’t know, but I’m not surprised.” She glanced down at Adam and smiled. “I’m going to go for a walk on the beach. It was good to see all of you again.”

  They all said their goodbyes and Adam watched her leave until she was out of sight, and he was suddenly anxious for the game to be over. But he forced himself to pretend otherwise.

  Jeff was studying a rice crispy treat. “These really aren’t too bad.”

  Adam scowled. “Why would they be?”

  Brandon laughed. “Isn’t a short memory a sign of old age? The first time we saw Izzy she was going to cook up a batch of fish sticks.”

  Adam’s scowl deepened. “It’s Isabelle to you, and there’s nothing wrong with fish sticks.”

  Jeff smirked. “I never thought I’d see the day, but I’m glad for you, Adam.”

  “I’m not,” said Charlie. “Why did he get to see her first? Where’d you meet her, anyway?”

  “At the Veteran's Hospital.”

  Jeff smirked again. “Milking your injuries for all they’re worth, huh?”

  “What did she see in you?” asked Charlie. “I say we arm wrestle for her.”

  “You know I hate to arm wrestle you, Charlie. It always depresses you when you lose.”

  Brandon threw a card in the pile and motioned for another. “Maybe she didn’t see him. I’m going with poor eyesight.”

  Sean laughed, then groaned when Jeff laid down his cards. “That’s two in a row, Jeff. Give the rest of us a chance, why don’t you?”

  They all threw their cards in the middle. “What do the other nurses look like?” asked Charlie.

  “Not like Izzy.” Adam glanced toward the stairs leading to the beach and found himself anxious for his buddies to leave.

  “Don’t tease him,” said Jeff. “As you can see, he’s got it bad.”

  Adam shook his head. Like that was news to him? They weren’t even officially dating yet and he couldn’t stand it when his own buddies, the ones he’d trusted with his very life, looked at her. “I’m not denying it.”

  He did worry, however, that if his feelings were this obvious to his friends, who only saw them together for a few minutes at a time, they might be obvious to her, too.

  “Like it would do you any good,” said Brandon. “Are we talking wedding bells here, First Sergeant?”

  “It hasn’t gone that far yet.”

  “If it’s not serious,” said Charlie. “Can I take her off your hands?”

  Adam raised a brow. “Can I throw you off the cliff?”

  Charlie laughed. “Just checking.”

  Adam wondered what Isabelle thought about the two of them as a couple. Wondered at the look she’d given him earlier. Did she have any feelings for him? Once again, he wished this whole thing with her dad was cleared up. He wished they were actually together for the normal reasons.


  A few nights later, Adam paced the living room as he waited for Izzy. When she finally came down the stairs wearing a white summer dress and sandals, she stopped on the last step and held out the frilly skirt of the dress. “What do you think?”

  Adam headed toward her. “I think you look great.” The driftwood necklace adorned her throat and he couldn’t seem to help the deep sense of satisfaction that settled within him as he stopped in front of her.

  “What?” she asked, as her high cheekbones flushed.

  His lips curved. “Just enjoying the view.” Standing on the last stair she was a little taller than usual, but she still only came to his chin. “You look fantastic.”

  Her gaze dropped to his chest. “Thanks. You look good, too.” She lifted a hand and ran it lightly across the front of his Polo shirt. “We match.”

  His breathing stopped as his skin burned. His brain scrambled and he tried to decipher her meaning. Did she mean they belonged together? Was she trying to tell him she felt something for him? Was she ready to acknowledge this thing between them and take it to the next level? To admit they were a couple?

  “We’re both wearing white.”

  He exhaled and looked down at his shirt. “Right. Matching white.” He sucked in a breath, glad he hadn’t said anything, hadn’t wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and kissed her the way he wanted. He took another steadying breath and held out his arm. “Shall we?”

  She twined her arm through his. “Let’s.” They grinned at each other and it was crazy, but with her touching him, that small physical contact between them, it did seem like something had changed, and as he searched her relaxed features he realized her nervousness around him seemed to have evaporated.

  No doubt telling her he wasn’t going to prosecute her father had lifted a weight off her shoulders. He wished he’d done something about it sooner.

  Stopping by the kitchen, not wanting to break their connection, one-handed he picked up the shrimp salad he’d made earlier and balanced it. Arm in arm, she opened the front door with her free hand, locked it, and they headed out to walk toward the next property.

  He set a slow pace, enjoying her touch, and the short stroll. “Did you have a good day today?”

  “Sure,” she said. “Work was great, and I met some interesting people on the bus.”

  He stopped, and she did, as well. “What were you doing on the bus?”

  “Courtney borrowed my car for a few days.”

  He thought about offering one of his cars, but instantly came up with a better plan. “I can drive you to work and pick you up.”

  “Thanks, but the bus stops about a block away, so it’s not a big deal.”

  He didn’t argue, but was positive he’d have an errand to run at the same time she was leaving in the morning. They started forward again.

  “I’m excited about the picnic,” she said.

  “Really? Earlier I was thinking it was a shame we’d agreed to go. I’d rather stay home with you and have dinner. I’d even go for a chick flick movie if you’d agree to ditch.”

  “A chick flick, huh?” She nudged her shoulder into his arm. “Tempting, but I don’t want to encourage your antisocial behavior. It’s fun to meet the people you live by. Everyone is always so busy that most people don’t know their neighbors these days.”

  “But these things never end well, do they?”

  “What you mean? We usually have a barbecue or two every year at our a
partment complex. It’s always fun.”

  Adam sighed. “If you say so.”

  “What are you expecting? Ants? An unexpected thunderstorm?”

  “I was thinking about annoying people, not nature, but you have a point. There could be bees.”

  “Are you allergic to bees?”


  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “It hurts to get stung by bees.”

  She laughed.

  “And, of course, being so close to the ocean, we could get overrun with crabs. But mostly it’s the getting to know your neighbors part that scares me.”

  She laughed at him again, and he ate it up, suppressing his own smile.

  “Mrs. Gilroy is nice,” she said with a straight face.

  Adam wasn’t sure if she was serious or not. “You are so naïve, it’s painful to watch.”

  She bumped her shoulder into his arm again. “Be nice.”

  “Just stick close, okay? Because I wouldn’t be going to this thing if you didn’t want to. And don’t forget you’re my girlfriend.” Saying the words out loud made his stomach clench. “If anything awkward happens, it’s your job to rescue me.”

  She tightened her grip on him. “Poor guy. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

  He liked the sound of that. In the Gilroys’ driveway they met up with more guests and they all walked around to the backyard together. The moment they made it to the patio, Mrs. Gilroy hurried forward and greeted everyone before smiling at him. “Adam, it’s so good to see you here. And I see you brought your friend. Elizabeth, isn’t it?”

  “She’s Isabelle,” said Adam.

  “Of course she is.” Mrs. Gilroy’s mouth stretched into a smile. “And you brought a salad, how nice,” she said, her tone slightly condescending.

  “Adam made it,” said Isabelle.

  “Oh.” She seemed to brighten. “I’m sure it’s delicious and I can’t wait to try it.” She looked around. “My husband’s around here somewhere and, of course, you know my niece Caitlyn. She’s been looking forward to seeing you today.”

  Adam smiled, and made no comment.

  Mrs. Gilroy clasped her hands together. “There’s food over at the buffet table, and please, feel free to mingle. There are also stickers to write your name on, so everyone can get to know each other.”


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