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Page 2

by Alexa Rynn

  “What do you want?” she snapped, suddenly filled with attitude. “My dad has been out of that life for years now, so if you think you can come here and intimidate him into coming back or something then…”

  “Then what?” I challenged. She was kind of sexy when she got worked up.

  “Then you can forget it!” Her eyes looked like they were about to explode.

  “Bella!” Max said, pushing her a few feet away from me. “Would you relax? Nobody is here to do any damage, I knew Shooter was coming; I told Ghost it was okay if he crashed with us for a few days. I’m… I’m doing him a favor, that’s all.” He was trying to deliver the blow in the gentlest way possible; he knew she would disapprove.

  “Yeah,” I told her, patting Max on the back. “A favor, kind of like I did for you tonight.” I pulled my thing of floss out of my pocket and popped it open, tearing off a large piece and starting to floss right in front of her.

  Bella was looking at me like I was disgusting.

  Oh, what? She was allowed to have good dental habits but I wasn’t?

  “Red Sin favors always come at a price,” she pointed out.

  “What favor did he do for you tonight?” Max looked alarmed.

  “He didn’t do any favor for me!” Bella snapped. “And can you stop flossing in the middle of our kitchen? It’s not polite, but it doesn’t surprise me, most bikers don’t have the best manners.”

  I placed my hand over my heart, faking hurt. “Oh, feisty.”

  “What favor?” Max asked again.

  “Oh, it was nothing,” I assured him, still flossing away. “This guy was giving her trouble downtown so I took care of him. I recognized her from the pictures on the mantel place and I knew I had to step in.” I padded him on the shoulder. “Once a brother, always a brother, right?”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you were there. I told you I hate that you go out down there at nighttime alone, maybe it’s not such a good idea anymore. So what if it’s a small town? Things can happen anywhere, I always say.”

  “Oh, God,” Bella said, picking up the rest of her stuff off the ground and starting to shove it inside of her purse. “It wasn’t some dangerous creep, it was Carl and I had the situation under control!”

  Was she kidding? She looked frozen, ready to just stand there and let whatever the fuck his name was have his way with her. “Oh yeah, it really looked like you had it all under control.”

  “I did!” she yelled. “Besides, you didn’t have to break his nose!”

  “Fuck,” Max told me, worry coming across his face. “Did someone call the sheriff?”

  “It was Carl! What do you think?”

  Max sighed. “It was nice of you to look out for her, Shooter, but you have to be careful while you’re here, you can’t get yourself in any trouble or people might… start to ask questions.”

  “Ask questions about what?” Bella asked suspiciously.

  Max looked stunned; like he had just remembered his daughter was in the room. “Nothing, about nothing, Bella… don’t you think it’s time you went to bed, huh? Don’t you have to go shopping tomorrow or something?” He shot me a look as if to say ‘women, what can you do?’”

  I smirked and nodded; mostly because I knew it would piss Bella off.

  “Oh, okay, because that’s not sexist,” she snapped and pushed passed her father, stomping toward the stairs in the back of the house. “I’ll try not to wake you guys when I wake up early and put my pink dress on and go out for shopping and tea with the girls,” she called sarcastically. A few seconds later I heard her bedroom door slam shut after her.

  “Ah, don’t worry about Bella,” Max said shaking his head. “She’s just really over protective about me since I left the brotherhood behind. She saw too much as a kid and she thinks it’s the reason her mother left.” He ran his hand through his thinning brown hair. “She’s always ready for something else to go wrong which is why it probably isn’t the best idea for us to tell her the real reason that you’re here if you know what I’m saying…”

  I knew exactly what he was saying, he didn’t want his daughter to know that he was helping harbor a wanted man and I couldn’t blame him for that. When Ghost had sent me here until he could get the men who were after me caught, he had assured me it was for my own safety. I hadn’t wanted to go, I wasn’t one to run away from my problems or let someone else handle them for me; I was a real man.

  But the brotherhood had enough problems right now; Ghost’s children weren’t even speaking to him and one of his committee members was under suspicion for murder so I didn’t want to add fuel to a burning fire by giving him a hard time about it.

  Besides, I was the one who had fucked up and took out one of the kids of a high-end member of a Misfit, a rival club. His father was after me and Ghost wanted me to stay away until the whole thing calmed down. AKA until he could hunt him down and kill him himself, he was pretty sure he had his goons out looking for me most nights. It was extra drama to an already fucked up situation. The whole thing was extra cautious to me but hopefully, things calmed down with his kids soon and he could stop being so damn unreasonable all the time.

  I understood he didn't want to lose any brother's at a time like this but it killed me being away from the rest of Red Sin; no place felt like home unless I was with them.

  “I get it,” I told Max. “I won't tell her.”

  Max nodded. “You’re a good boy, Shooter, always have been. Now get some rest, you had a long ride here.” Max grabbed his work boots off the floor by the table and slipped them on. “I’ll be back by the time you two wake up.”

  I paused at the bottom of the steps, watching him pull on the rest of his work gear. The guy had left the brotherhood behind so that he could work a string of shitty jobs and provide for his family himself. If he was a brother, everything would have been taken care of, all his needs paid for. Maybe the money wasn’t made in the most honest ways, but it was the brotherhood, they always took care of their own.

  Still, there was something about it I admired.

  He had the balls to stand up for what he wanted and walk away and that made him okay in my book. Plus, it was clear he was still a brother at heart, he could have turned away Ghost when he called and asked him to let me hide out here for a while.

  I took the stairs up two at a time and rounded the corner toward my room only to crash right into Bella. She looked startled to see me, and jumped back a few feet, crashing her back into the wall. I looked her up and down, the little makeup she was wearing was off her face, revealing her olive skin even more than before. Her brown eyes looked naked, matching her long brown hair, it was so long it almost hit her waist. She had replaced her earlier outfit with long flannel pajama pants and a matching top.

  “Oh,” she said, wrapping her arms around her body, suddenly embarrassed by her silly outfit. “I didn’t… I mean I thought you were… I was just brushing my teeth,” she finished lamely.

  I titled my head to the side. “How’d that go?”

  “What do you mean how did it go? How do you think it went? It’s brushing your teeth.” She crossed her arms across her chest, turning cold and unattached just like she did downstairs.

  “You don’t like me very much, do you?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I would have to care about you to not like you, which I don’t. But you know who I do care about? My dad and he’s come too far to have some brother show up here and try to rip him back into the illegal and dangerous life he left behind! He’s past that now! We have a life here! A good life! And no one is going to ever hurt him again!” Her nose was all scrunched up around the edges and her eyes looked like little squares that were about to pop out at any moment.

  I considered giving her a hard time for a second, busting on her the way I had downstairs but something about the look on her face made me not, as mad as she looked I could tell under the surface that she was really worried, she didn’t want her dad to have anything to do with Red Sin ever aga
in. The very thought terrified her. “Hey, hey, you can calm down, I’m not here to try and pull your dad back into the life, okay?” I shifted a few steps closer to her. “I just need a place to crash for a few nights and your dad was cool enough to help me out. That’s it, okay?” I titled my head down, forcing her to meet my gaze with my eyes. “I promise.”

  Bella looked at me for a second, trying to decide if she should believe me or not. Finally, she let out a loud sigh and her shoulders slumped down a little. “Okay, fine, I’m sorry, I just… we’ve been out of all that for so long, you know? He’s different now, he’s happy.”

  The image of his tired gaze flashed through my mind, I wasn’t sure he was as happy as Bella wanted to think, but who was I to judge the life they had built for themselves? She was already worked up enough, I wasn’t going to push it, I just needed to do my time and get the fuck out of here.

  “Like I said, Bella, I’m not here to take your dad away from you.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, trying to keep her eyes from drifting down to my bare chest. “That’s good… that’s really good.” She shook her head and snapped her gaze back up to my eyes, trying to focus.

  I half smiled in a cocky way and moved closer to her. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re cute when you're nervous?” I ran the tip of my finger back and forth over the collar of her nightshirt, letting my eyes drift down lower.

  She laughed uncertainly. “What? I’m not… I’m not nervous.”

  Her body told me another story, tense at me touch. It occurred to me that a guy might have never been all over her like this, running his hands up and down her skin. The thought only made me want to make her more uncomfortable. The thought of me waking up her sexual desires was thrilling, and if I was being honest I was completely open to her waking up mine.

  Bella was fucking sexy and what was even better was that she had no idea. She wasn’t forward or over the top the way her slutty friend had been back at the bar. The girl had pretty much offered to suck my cock inside of the fucking bathroom. Talk about desperate.

  Bella was different, though, and I liked different, I wanted to taste different.

  Not that I was in the market for a girl, especially one who lived so far away from the brotherhood and thought they were all bad news, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun while I was here. Only, something told me she wasn’t that type of girl.

  I fiddled with the top button of her shirt and leaned in closer to her. “If that’s true, then Bella, why are you trembling?” Her body shook under my touch, giving herself away.

  She inhaled for a second and then titled into my touch.

  I slipped my other hand around the edge of her back and started to let it travel up her shirt, not stopping until I was all the way up to her boobs, her skin was bare and I raised my eyebrows. “No bra, Bella? I may have underestimated you.”

  She gasped. “I don’t… I never wear a bra to bed.”

  Ugh, I could feel my cock starting to rise below me. Did she even know how bad she was turning me on? “Sure,” I whispered. “You can tell me the truth, you’re a bad girl under all those layers, aren’t you, Bella?”

  Her eyes snapped open, looking stunned. “I… I have to go.” The trance she had been in moments earlier was broken and now she just looked shocked by herself, the thought of a man she had just met tracing lines over her skin was making her feel ashamed of herself. What was even worse, was that she was enjoying it, and that scared her. It scared the shit out of her; I could tell.

  And it made me want to devour her worse than ever.

  She pushed passed me and practically ran into her bedroom, shutting the door tightly after her. I smirked and went into my own room, flopping down onto the bed. It amazed me that a woman like Bella could still be in awe of her own sexuality, exploring all that her body was capable of. The thought was hot and extremely arousing.

  I could feel my cock bulging out of the fabric of my pants and when I couldn’t take it anymore I let it spiral out and wrapped my hand around it tight, stroking furiously up and down the top of it. Bella’s innocent face flashed through my mind and my bulge shot up even more.

  Ugh, what the fuck was wrong with me? I couldn’t get her out of my head.

  The image of her on her knees while she looked up at me, begging for guidance flashed through my mind as I beat my cock over and over again. I groaned deeply and finally came all over. I let the thick white substance shoot straight up into the air and fall down onto the sheets around me.

  The thought of Bella washing them after I left appealed to me. It was her fault that I had cum so hard beyond control and the needed to understand right from wrong. I pictured her scrubbing extra hard to get the cum stains out and wondering to herself what the hell it was. She would have no idea it was a result of a late night jerking session with her as the star of my fantasies.

  I forced my breathing to calm down and grinned up at the ceiling.

  I hadn’t felt that satisfied in a long ass time.

  And it felt fucking amazing.

  Chapter Three


  I stared up at the ceiling in my room, unable to move. The morning sun was burning through the corner windows of my room, reminding me that the day had begun and I was still hiding away in my room. I tried to tell myself it was just because I was enjoying the weekend, a time to do nothing. I worked hard all week, I deserved to have a day where I did nothing but sleep and lay in bed all day.

  But deep down I knew better, I was too afraid to leave my room. And it was because of the worst reasons possible, it was because of a boy. Or I should say, a man. Shooter definitely wasn’t like any boy I had ever met. I kept thinking about the way he had touched me last night, how defined and perfect his body was. How could I not be aroused by him? I was only human.

  But he was bad news. He belonged to Red Sin; he stood for everything I knew was wrong. He stood for everything I had begged and begged my father to leave behind. It figured that as soon as I let my guard down about the brotherhood they would show up back in our lives again. I didn’t want anything to do with Shooter or the life he was a part of.

  And neither did my father.

  All I wanted him to do was leave and fast.

  But the aching between my legs hadn’t gotten the memo.

  I had been turned on since I had run into my room like a child and left Shooter standing in the middle of the hall last night. I’d resisted the urge to touch myself all night, forcing myself to go to sleep. Which resulted in a lot of tossing and turning and sexual frustration. And now that morning had hit I wasn’t sure I could hold it in anymore.

  My legs were literally shaking, wanting me to take care of the need that my body was desperate to have met. I told myself it was for the best, it was better to go downstairs after I had just gotten off so that way when I saw him, the chances of me being turned on would be nonexistent since I had just satisfied myself.

  I reached into the front of my pajama pants and inside my underwear, slowly starting to rub back and forth over my sugary spot. I tried to think of someone else besides Shooter, of anyone else, but it was no use. No matter how much I thought about another man, his face kept popping into my mind. My body wanted him and only him, it had little interest of getting off while it thought of anyone else.

  Finally, I gave in and let myself go while I thought about Shooter. His dark features and shouldering face, his perfect body, and defined arms. I bet he had an amazing dick too, big and thick, manly just like him. The image of his lips all over my body flashed through my mind and my body started vibrating, jerking and shaking in a downward direction.

  In my head I was tracing my fingers up and down his chest, feeling every inch of him while he tasted every inch of me, feeling all over me while he moaned into my ear and told me how sexy I was. How bad he wanted me right now and always, how I would be his forever.

  I gasped loudly and allowed myself to hit the edge of my pleasure, releasing myself all ov
er my fingers. I breathed deeply, trying to make my heart calm down. That had felt good, too good, but now that it was over and I had come back down to my senses I was annoyed with myself. I shouldn’t be thinking about Shooter while I masturbated in my room in the early morning hours. I didn’t even like him! So, why was I touching myself to him?

  I sat up in bed, not wanting to waste another moment sitting in here while I thought about him. Suddenly, I wasn’t as safe in my room as I had once thought. In here I was trapped with my own thoughts, thoughts that wanted me to touch my most private parts while I thought about a bad boy Red Sin member.

  I jumped out of the covers, desperate to get to the bathroom and shower; I needed to get myself cleaned up. Unexpectedly, I suddenly felt dirty and like I needed to be scrubbed clean. But when I swung the door open, there he was in all his glory.


  He was all clean and dressed, wearing a pair of tight black jeans and a white t-shirt that hugged every part of his body perfectly. His hair was wet and sticking up a little bit in the front, like he had just showered. I inhaled his scent deeply, he smelled incredible. That smell must have been enough to attract any woman within a ten-mile radius.

  I thrust my hand behind my back, not wanting him to spot any of the excess juices on my hand. I felt guilty: like he somehow knew what I was doing behind that closed door.

  “What were you doing in there?” he asked, smirking.

  “What?” I yelped. “Nothing. I… I just woke up.”

  He let his eyebrows crease into a cocky arch and licked his lips. “Really? I thought I heard you in there…” He took a step closer to me and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Nope,” I said way to fast. “What do you want?”

  “Whatever you say, Bella,” he said in a tone that made it clear he knew exactly what I was doing in there. “I made breakfast, come downstairs and eat, it’s already been sitting a few minutes. I didn’t want to… interrupt you.” He chuckled and turned around, starting toward the steps.


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