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WEDNESDAY: With Lots of Cream (Hookup Café Book 3)

Page 6

by Fifi Flowers

  “Here? As in your loft?” He looked confused, squinting his icy blue eyes and wrinkling his brow at me lying next to him.

  “I own my loft.” I bit my lip, sucking it in. “We both like this area… I thought maybe we should keep it for vacation purposes or to get away from the freezing weather… I remember it well.” My last words I uttered without really thinking.

  “I love the idea. I thought you were leasing like I was.”

  That answer brought more questions to the front and I bravely asked him why he was in San Diego in the first place. I knew he went to see several bands and solo artists several nights a week—most of the time I stayed behind waiting for him to return. I never asked why or who. I knew after our one run-in with the groupie situation that I had nothing to worry about and besides, he usually rushed back home to me, right into my bed or his where I was ready for his full attention.

  “What have you been doing in this area… I mean why did you come here?” I was quick to ask my question first because it seemed like the wheels were turning in his head and I wasn’t certain what I was going to tell him about my life back in Chicago.

  Come to find out, most of the people he went to see performed his songs or wanted to have him write songs for them. He had even helped a few of them get gigs in the area since he had leased a loft for the summer months. Another plus for him was being able to attend several free outdoor concerts and acts in clubs in different parts of the whole southern region. He had done the same thing last year in downtown Los Angeles.

  “I take it you’ve been to Chicago. You mentioned knowing the cold weather.”

  It was my turn to let him in since we were going to commit to each other. And so I told him that I had been born in his hometown, as well, and partially raised there when I wasn’t out on the road traveling with my parents who are in the music business. I left it at that, figuring we had plenty of time to discuss our childhoods and upbringings.

  He didn’t push except when it came to us. “Let’s stop off in Vegas on the way to Chicago. There’s a show I want to catch and I thought we could get married in a little chapel. I already bought two tickets.”

  Wow! I was blown away with his words. I had said yes, but I hadn’t thought that it would happen so soon. “So I guess you’re not asking, but telling.” I tilted my head and looked at him smiling at me.

  “I’ll help you pack.” He bit his lip, something I had never seen him do, and then released it spouting a newsflash, “Our flight departs in three days.”

  For some reason it didn’t freak me out and over the next two days, like he said, Nate and I packed up my things and had them shipped to his place in Chicago—I prayed he had plenty of room for my stuff. Mainly clothing since we left behind everything but my favorite guitar and laptop, regarding big items. Then with two overnight bags—mine a new Singer Summerfield thanks to the Cafélicious girls—we boarded a plane that touched down in Las Vegas sixty-five minutes later.

  A bit nervous looking up at the hotel marquee as the cab pulled up to valet for us to unload and check in, I slipped out and walked with my head down. Safely checked in, up to our room we went to my relief. It quickly dissipated as Nate told me to get something fancy on so we could head out. Were we already rushing to the altar or out to the show he wanted to see? Either way, I stepped out of my jeans, pulled off my tank top and slipped a plain red mini dress over my head that had a flirty, frilly ruffled bottom and the same detail on the three-quarter length sleeves. Black platform pumps completed my outfit and the look on Nate’s face was priceless. “Wow, Evie! You’re so beautiful… and you have your green eyes.” I hadn’t put my contacts in that morning, but he hadn’t noticed until he was close enough to kiss my lips painted to match my dress.

  I guess I did appear a bit different from my usual couture. Summer by the ocean calls for something a bit more casual. This was my dress-up-be-a-grown-up look. And I had to say that I, too, have my jaw dropping as he stood before me in dark slacks and a steel blue dress shirt that made his eyes stand out even more. Then with his sleeves rolled up showing a hint of his musical tats, I had to fan myself. He looked incredibly sexy and both of us made comments about maybe staying in the room, foregoing a night out. But in the end, Nate pulled me gently out the door, down the elevator, and to the first bar we found in the lobby.

  Sitting on a bar stool at the crowded bar with Nate standing next to me, I sipped a B-Train-to-Georgia cocktail while Nate had his signature beer and then my other life came crashing in.

  “Evangeline!? What are you doing here?” A huge man pulled me right off of my stool into strong arms that came in handy lugging heavy equipment.

  “Hey Trevor!” I exclaimed and then begged him to set me down, after swinging me around, before he showed the whole world my red lacy panties.

  Setting me on my feet, he asked me a question that had me tensing. “You here, Doll, to see your parents’ show? I didn’t see your name on their list.”

  “We…” That was when it hit me that I had not introduced Nate nor even looked to see if he was still near me or in shock. Turning, I reached for Nate and pulled him closer to me. “We just came into town and we’re going to some show that he wants to see.” At that point, I introduced them to each other with titles.

  “Nonsense! You have to see your parents’ show. I’ll get you backstage passes and prime seats. They’re going to be beyond thrilled to see you. Damn, Evangeline-doll, it’s been too long. Love the new hair color. You look good as a brunette, but I miss your blonde hair. Now! Stay right there! Grab another drink… they’re going to flip…”

  Before I could say a word, he disappeared amongst the wall of people drinking, walking, and, of course, gambling. Not sure what to do, I did the only thing I could do, and faced the music—pun intended. “Do you mind if we go see Raine Winters and Lonnie Shore perform tonight… I know you wanted to see a band but…”

  “You are the Evangeline? Raine Winters and Lonnie Shore’s biggest… most well-know… hit song? Your parents… they are your parents?

  Sucking in my lip, I stopped remembering I was wearing lipstick, and answered quietly, “That’s me. Is that a deal breaker?”

  “Hell no! I love you, Evie and I’m marrying you tonight.” Nate took me into his arms.

  “Marrying my little baby girl?” My mother’s distinct voice was behind us.

  Released from Nate’s warm embrace, I shouted, “Mama!” and I threw my arms around her. It had been too long and I felt a tear run down my face.

  “You and you’re country twang. How did two rockers get a country girl?” Another familiar voice was close to my ear and I turned right into his arms.

  “Daddy!” I was sure I was making a scene, thank goodness they had bodyguards with them to keep people from swarming them even with their semi-disguises in place. My mother was like me or I was like her, wearing a bright colored wig and beanie while my father wore a Peruvian beanie complete with a big pom-pom and dark sunglasses.

  Pulling back, I looked to see Nate standing back a ways, taking in the whole scene unfolding in the casino lounge and I grabbed a hold of his hand and led him a few steps, right up to my parents. He immediately held out his hand to my father, “Nate Jensen.” And then as he put his hand toward my mother he finished his next sentence with her arms enveloping him into a big hug, “Nice to meet the both of you.”

  I saw my father rubbing his goatee with his head tilted, “Nate-the-Great?” Nate nodded, hesitantly. “I knew you looked familiar. I saw your name on the list tonight. Our baby girl is your plus-one, a-fucking-mazing!”

  “You know him… You know Nate,” I questioned hesitantly, wondering what I was missing. He obviously didn’t know that they were my parents. He was taking me to see them? Things were getting weirder by the minute.

  My mother lunged at my question. “Of course we know him. We also know how great he is… Award-winning-great. We’d like to work with him. Now it will be easier to get a hold of him… our future son-

  “Are you kidding?!” Nate sounded tongue-tied. I had never heard him fumble his words, but then again, I had seen most people forget how to speak when in the presence of my parents. I guess he wasn’t any different I realized as he was finally able to get through a complete sentence. “It would be an honor to write for you guys.”

  Then another piece in our puzzle fell into place. Another secret that was between us. “Wait! You didn’t tell me that you have won awards!”

  He smirked at me in a way that always got to me. “Is it a deal breaker?”

  “Definitely not.” I threw myself into his arms. Revealing our backgrounds was turning out better than I had anticipated.

  Chapter Ten…

  “Excuse me, guys, sorry to break up the reunion, but I think we better get all of you backstage. Word is spreading that you’re both in the lounge. We need to get you out safely before they swarm in wanting photos and autographs.” Trevor, always abreast of everything, was there telling the bodyguards.

  And just like that, we were on the move, surrounded until we have been secured behind the locked doors. There we stayed until the houselights went down and we were brought to seats upfront. As usual, Raine Winters and Lonnie Shores put on an amazing show—never ones to disappoint, and I beamed up at them with Nate at my side. My smiles never stopped until we were done applauding them and escorted backstage again where champagne awaited us for a toast to our pending nuptials. I was taken by surprise as I hadn’t even processed the elopement part of our stop in Vegas. Especially thrown off by seeing what hotel we were staying at and then with the unveiling of my parents and his star ranking.

  But it was real, made clear by my mother’s question and then my father’s input: “So you guys mind if we tag along to your wedding? We know the perfect chapel.” Then once we agreed, we heard all about how they were in Vegas doing a show, opening up for a well-known band at the time. When the headlining band took to the stage, they took to the streets in search of a little white chapel and that was what they found. With a license in hand, they were married within seconds.

  I had heard the story a million times but I was surprised to hear Nate chime in about how they met. He was a fan who obviously read articles about them. “Your parents met at a coffee shop—like us—and they ended up buying a cottage from the owner…”

  My mother took over telling the story. “Actually, we rented the cottage. It was our song-writing-bungalow until they needed it for a family member. Which worked out—by that time we could afford a bigger beach house up on the hill with a view. Sadly, the coffee shop is gone.” She was frowning with pouty lips finishing her last sentence.

  “But we have our memories.” My dad nudged my mother’s shoulder and they both smiled at each other. “Enough about us, your turn.”

  It was our turn and it happened in about the same way they had just described their own ceremony. And before we knew what had hit us, we said, “I do,” and pressed our lips together to seal the deal as the next couple was ready to head to the altar.

  “I love your style,” I heard from the next bride dressed in a traditional, full-length, white wedding gown.

  “Leave it to my fashionista daughter to get married wearing a bright red frilly mini dress. Evangeline, you are one of a kind, baby girl.” My mother cupped my face and kissed my cheek.

  “Now, let’s really rock this celebration,” my father said as an obnoxiously long white limo pulled up filled with people I had grown up seeing backstage. “Sushi and karaoke!” It was not what I pictured my wedding being, but strangely enough, it was perfect for us.

  The place they took us to was great. Nate and I were big fans of Japanese food and had it delivered from a couple different places regularly. This display was much better than takeout—each piece was a work of art and so fresh. The drinks were equally good with umbrellas and they even presented us with a wedding cake that my parents, obviously, had arranged. And in front of the whole restaurant we sliced it and fed each other. Thanks to karaoke starting up, I had my father-daughter dance courtesy of a cowboy singing Through the Years by Kenny Rogers. Not to be undone, Nate twirled me to the sounds of a punker-looking-chick with blue hair singing A Thousand Years—the Twilight song. My parents and several other people joined us dancing around the tables for the rest of the night, along with all of them singing their selected songs.

  Even Nate got into the mix, “let’s sing a song, Nate,” and agreeing with my father, they got up and sang H.O.L.Y together serenading my mother and me: High on loving you… shine for me… my ecstasy… saving grace… We clapped like mad as they finished and walked back to our table. My mother, well aware of my aversion to going on stage, declined their prodding to one-up them and, instead, plumped their feathers up by telling them that we couldn’t possibly top them. Then we both told them how much we loved their performance. I truly did.

  Apparently, my parents weren’t ready to be away from me again when my mother asked, “You guys want to join us on a camping trip? We’re heading to the Happy Endings Resort.”

  Something about that resort sounded so wrong. “Uhh… is that a nudist place?”

  “No! Do you really think that we would ask you to tag along to a nudist place?” My mother was upset that I would think such a thing and I laughed as she continued, “It’s a nice place in South Carolina—tents, trailers, cabins around a lake.” Even my dad laughed until Nate chimed in.

  “I have other honeymoon plans for your daughter, if that’s okay?” Nate grinned and I’m sure everyone saw my face turn bright red.

  My dad nudged Nate. “Of course! You don’t want to be hanging out with us. We’re just happy that we caught the wedding.”

  “On that note,” Nate stood up and pulled out my chair, “I think it’s time to say goodnight and start our honeymoon now.” Nothing like having your husband tell her parents that he wants to consummate his marriage to their little baby girl—more blushing for me. “And thank you for being our witnesses. Hope to see you back in Chicago soon.” Then to my surprise, he scooped me up in his arms and I grabbed for the bottom of my dress as he walked us out of the place to cheers, and rice being thrown by the hostess at the front door.

  Escaped back to our room, Nate had a few more questions for me lying in his arms after he performed a masterpiece on my body. I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk and tried my hand at changing things up, crawling under the covers, between his legs. And I had him in the palm of my hands, licking up and down his massive cock and sucking him deep into my mouth. But he had stronger willpower than I did, had he been running his tongue along my lower lips and sucking on my clit, I would’ve forgotten everything—including my own name.

  “Come back up here,” he urged me, pulling me up his body until I was lying on top of him, face to face. I could work with that position, I thought as he began his line of questioning about more surprises to come. I just shook my head and then I began to wonder why he was filled with wonder and then I had my own questions.

  “Is there anything else you want to tell me before we continue on to Chicago? Ex-wife, kids?” They always say beware the one with too many questions.

  “Well, my best friend is a woman and she’s my sometimes writing partner… and she works in my studio.” I looked him like “what?!” I didn’t need to add a crazy ex-girlfriend-turn-friend into our new life as newlyweds. “Relax!” He laughed. “Her name is Chloe and we have never been more than friends. You’ll love her, I guarantee it.”

  His confessions seemed to spark more thoughts in his head and a new line of questions were rattled off. “What about you, will there be a ticker tape parade for your return? Old boyfriends that will come looking for you? I’m okay if your best friend is a man as long as he’s nothing else.”

  “Take a breath.” I smiled into his icy blue eyes. “I think we exposed some pretty big parts of our life… or they were exposed to us tonight.”

  “Big-big-big… you being the daughter of rock idols.”
r />   “Nate-the-Great! That was equally a biggy for me to learn!”

  We both laughed.

  “So, I’ve been wondering if you were afraid that I’d be interested in you because of your parents’ fame or that I would want you to introduce me to them for help.” He has such a gorgeous face, I could stare at it for hours, but it was his crazy expressions that mesmerized me—he really should act.

  “Funny, I’ve been thinking you never told me about who you were since you thought I was a struggling artist looking for a break. Or maybe you thought I knew who you were and was another groupie after you… no wonder girls were draping themselves all over you…” I tilted my head, smirking.

  “I told you they were drunk and sick… no one wants a songwriter…”

  “I do! I absolutely one hundred twenty zillion times love a songwriter… my husband the songwriter.”

  “Good, now let’s get you home to Chicago tomorrow and put a ring on you!” He lifted my hand and kissed my bare ring finger, adding, “I love you the same amount, times two… or maybe even three times,” before crashing his lips to mine, rolling us over, and further consummating our marriage.


  Well, not really… find out what Saylor is doing at Cafélicious…

  Thursday: Bold, Rich & Strong (Hookup Café, book 4)

  Novella – Standalone – 6-Book Series

  He said he first noticed me on a Thursday morning. I noticed him when he asked me if I was named after a one-night stand my mother had with a stranger. He said I liked that he was Bold, Rich & Strong… I wasn’t sure if he was right or if I wanted to slap him… meet Deacon!

  Thursday: Bold, Rich & Strong

  April 27th release – pre-order available

  Excerpt from

  Thursday: Bold, Rich & Strong

  (Hookup Cafe, book 4)


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