RYLEN (The Tangled Web Book 1)
Page 28
Black Widow teetered as if growing accustomed to two legs but soon regained her balance. She kneeled down to the stone floor, extending her hand, allowing the small spider to climb aboard. She stood and held out her hand, waiting for her report.
“What do you have for me, little one?” She spoke with soft intoned words. Tilting her head, she listened to what the little spider told her. “I see. Well, that is news then isn’t it?” she spoke aloud.
“Get comfortable. I have things to do.” The little spider proceeded to crawl up her arm, onto her shoulder, and then into the nest of frazzled curls where it hid away. Black Widow sashayed to the monitor mounted on the wall across from where she rested. Her private nest was small and secluded. Areas remained in another location where she met with her personal arsenal of soldiers, but this was hers alone. Next to the wall was a small stand bare except for a red stone identical to the one she had Rylen and his team steal for her. Twin stones—stones unlike any others. Picking up the red gem, she held it tightly within her hands and whispered indecipherable words. She watched the monitor spring to life. The picture shook as her view began to open onto a scene in another location. The vantage point was from high in a corner looking down upon Rylen and his team as they scurried about within their Lair. She watched for a moment until she saw what she wanted to confirm.
“So the girl was right. They have been hiding something from me.” Black Widow cackled into her cavernous abode, the sound ricocheting ominously around the room. “Well played, Rylen. Let us see what your next move is, shall we?” She set her stone back on the table and watched as the monitor winked out. She felt no need to keep continuous tabs on Rylen now that she could. She didn’t want to spoil the fun—and she planned on having a little of her fun own. Widow hadn’t planned on Rylen finding his mate quite so soon, but perhaps she could work it to her advantage.
Her anger had finally subsided from the escape of Arturo Krestle who Rylen had let slip through his fingers for a girl… his mate. The information that Rylen was able to get her regarding Arturo’s purpose for the magic users had helped to curb her insatiable need for instant revenge. She liked her games to last a little longer. Black Widow paced in a tight path, fingers steepling together in a repetitive beat as she thought.
Feeling more herself, Widow gathered up her thick locks and pulled them up, twisting her hair into a large mess on top of her hair.
“That’s enough, my babies.” She slowly unfurled her body. “Back to work,” she ordered. A small legion of tiny spiders advanced out of her hair, down her neck, wriggling and creeping their way down her back and arms until they reached the ground. She whirled toward the arched entryway. On her way out, she blew a kiss toward the back wall of her home. Encased in webs, almost to the point of mummification, were three fresh victims awaiting her next pleasure-filled meal. Her recent enjoyment of the last vampire that tried to cross her was still fresh in her memory—he struggled just the way she liked them to. With intent and the renewed energy her little ones imparted to her, she sauntered into the darkness beyond her nest.
Thank you so much for reading RYLEN!
There’s more to come in the Tangled Web. Stay tuned for MATHER
Morgan Wylie published her first novel, Silent Orchids, one year after moving across the country with her family on a journey of new discovery. After an amazing three years in Nashville, TN and the release of two more books, Morgan and her family found their way back to the Northwest where they now reside. Still working everyday with great optimism, Morgan continues to embrace all things: “Mama”, wife, teacher, and mediator to the many voices and muses constantly chattering in her head… where it gets pretty loud!
You can find her and news on her books at the following:
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Also by Morgan Wylie
Silent Orchids (Book 1)
Veiled Shadows (Book 2)
Daegan (Novella 2.5)
Fractured Darkness (Book 3)
The Rise of the Paladin (A Short Story Prequel)
RYLEN (The Tangled Web Book 1)
Supernatural Chronicles: The Necromancers
(A New Orleans Collection Novella)