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Smith Dynasty (Trilogy Bundle) (BBW Romance)

Page 4

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Lucy was surprised when the man started to walk away from the boat. “Who is going to charter the boat?”

  Jake threw his hands up in the air. “Are you kidding me? You have one of the best captains of any fleet right here. If I can handle a large cargo ship, I can maneuver a small junk, don’t you think?”

  “I guess you have a point.” Lucy had no choice but to agree.

  “I have traversed these waterways and coves many times, my love. Do not fear, you are safe with me.”

  Lucy could not help but think of what he meant by safe. From the water, then yes. If from him, well, she did not want to ponder on that. What she did ponder on instead was his mention of being on these waters before. Coupling this bit of info along with his speaking Cantonese, Lucy was beginning to realize there was more to this man than met the eye. She was a little taken aback at the thought that she may be wanting to learn more, yet she refrained from asking about this knowledge out of fear it would encourage him further and that, Lucy was sure, was the last thing she wanted to do, wasn’t it?

  Jake pulled out from the dock and headed out to the shoreline. He wanted to stay just close enough so she could take in the beauty of the land. The mountains in the background along with the city laid out in splendor made for a breathtaking view.

  Instinctively, Lucy reached out and grabbed a camera and pointed it toward the mountains and started taking pictures. After a moment, she heard the click of a camera.

  “What are you doing?” Lucy asked, for when she looked up, he was taking pictures of her.

  “I wanted to take pictures of all the beauty this trip has to offer,” Jake replied. “And when I looked around, you were the most beautiful thing I see right now!”

  Lucy rolled her eyes and went back to taking pictures of the shoreline, but her head was all a mess. She may have even blushed when he said that, but she hoped not. Jake did seem genuine and determined. Well, it might be time for a call to Brandy and some good old-fashioned best friend advice.

  Jake pulled into Deep Water Bay alongside a breathtaking beach where locals and tourists alike were partaking of the glory that this place held. Lucy was sure she had never seen such beauty and splendor in one place; it was utterly breathtaking. She sat in awe for a moment before she started to take more pictures, silently thanking Jake for bringing the cameras.

  Lucy was so absorbed in the scenery that when Jake spoke she was startled for a moment.

  “This bay is on the south shore of the island, it is surrounded by those three mountains.” Jake pointed at one mountain. “That rather large beast over there is called Brial Hill, and that one over there is aptly named Violet Hill and last, but certainly not least is Shouson Hill. This area boasts a large golf course, neighborhoods and also several multi-national schools,” Jake stated with all the authority of a local resident.

  If Lucy’s curiosity had not been peaked before on his knowledge of the locality, it most certainly was now. This was a lot of knowledge to research in a short period of time or he had been here before, but why? Still, she could not bring herself to ask him about his personal life yet.

  On the way back to the dock, Jake filled her in on the history of the country, from how it came to be under British rule in 1841 to it coming back under Chinese rule in 1997. Lucy had to admit she was rather impressed with his knowledge of this country. He sounded like he was at home. He was so relaxed and content, like he never wanted to leave. She could not help but notice how gorgeous this mood made him.

  They arrived back at the dock exactly two hours after they had left. She had to admit the man was nothing if not punctual. They climbed onto the dock and were greeted by the same man Jake had spoken to a few hours before. Jake thanked him and handed him the cooler as he made plans for the two of them to go have a few beers later in the week and catch up. Now Lucy really was curious, almost to the breaking point of asking about all she had found out about him and this country.

  As they pulled out from the dock, Jake said, “Well, I hope you enjoyed our mini cruise.”

  Lucy looked at him, and thought before she spoke. She did not want to sound overtly enthused. “I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. This little island has a lot of beauty and sights to offer and you did well at being a tour guide.”

  She chuckled when she said this and Jake took note. He loved the sound of her laugh. And yet he had only heard it a few times. With any luck, this would change by Tuesday and he would be able to hear that laugh for the rest of his life.

  Jake pulled into a bustling little café, small but quaint. She could not help but notice the dated look of the place and remembered Jake had said it was a very old, but a very popular restaurant and had the best Dim Sum Hong Kong had to offer.

  They sat at a little table in the corner, the waiter came around and spoke, and Jake answered in the same language then asked her what she wanted to drink.

  “Hot tea with honey.”

  Jake smiled. Well, that explained it. Honey was exactly what her voice reminded him of. He looked back at the older Asian man in front of him and gave him their order. The man bowed and ran off in the direction of the kitchen.

  “I used to eat here a lot, back in the day. The food is magnificent and it is actually a tourist attraction. I don’t think you will have any complaints.”

  Lucy took this all in, noting the comment on him being here a lot. “I actually am rather addicted to Asian food and I am beginning to think the only reason the Chinese restaurant on the corner is in business is because of me.”

  Jake chuckled and Lucy realized that sound was becoming infectious to her. She was beginning to think she may have sold her soul when she agreed to his terms.

  They finished eating and Lucy had to admit nothing back in the states would ever compare to the meal she just had. If not for all her loyal workers back in California, she would have given serious thought to making Hong Kong her home office. They used to have a small office in Hong Kong before her father had moved it to mainland China about five years before.

  That was when it had struck Lucy as to just how Jake had been in Hong Kong and why. She realized with a start it gave her the perfect opportunity to question him but not seem personal.

  “So, Jake, were you one of the men who helped move the office from Hong Kong to mainland China?”

  Bingo! Jake had her hook, line, and sinker; now he just had to spend the weekend reeling her in. He signaled to turn left and checked traffic before glancing at her. “Yes, I was. I was actually head of the shipping department and was the one who was instrumental in finding the new office. I also brokered the deal, closed it and put into place the move of the offices and all personnel.”

  Lucy thought on this a moment before she spoke. “My father must have had a lot of trust in you, usually he oversaw deals like personally.”

  “Charles was like a father to me. He trusted me fully, even paid for my education and made sure I knew everything about this company as well as single handedly teaching me everything on the shipping business. He also oversaw my movement in the company to make sure I worked every department till I mastered it.”

  Lucy was taken aback at this, for this is more than even she had gotten from her father as far as preparation came. She could not help but wonder about her father’s intentions and why she had not been made aware of Jake and his position with her father before.

  She was pondering this when Jake pulled into a parking lot and turned off the car.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  Jake pointed to a building on the left. “This is Madame Tussauds of Hong Kong. You know, the famous wax museum. Well, one of them at least. Come on, we have a whole hour before they close.”

  Lucy was surprised, for she had been to all of Madame Tussauds except this one. She loved the craftsmanship of them and how very real they all looked. She climbed out and joined Jake.

  Lucy was awestruck and it showed on her face. She was smiling ear to ear. She even allowed him to take a few pictu
res of her standing next to Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, and her favorite one Johnny Depp. All in all, they had a wonderful tour. He was beginning to think his plan may just have been what was needed to jumpstart this relationship.

  Lucy climbed back into the car after leaving the museum and while she would not say it out loud, Jake had actually done a good job at preparing their activities. “So, what is next on your to-do list?”

  Jake pulled out into traffic. He had planned on dinner in his suite while they went over their plans for tomorrow’s meeting and had hoped it would end in another session of breathtaking ecstasy, but now he had changed his mind and decided to woo her slowly. He was going to make her beg for him and he would be the utmost gentleman while doing it. Time for plan B. “Well, I thought a nice dinner while we go over tomorrow’s meeting, just a little place I happen to love, as I am sure you will too.”

  Lucy noticed him turning toward the direction of the piers and assumed he was heading toward the docks to check on the ship first. She was quite surprised when he turned on Pekin Road and away from the dock. She was taken aback at the beauty of the building they pulled in front of and noticed as the valet opened her door that the name on it was Aqua.

  To say she was surprised would be putting it lightly. She used to eat at their sister restaurant in London all the time when she lived there and it was one of her favorite places. She loved the variety of food cooked by the best chefs in the world; they served Italian, Spanish, Japanese as well as Chinese cuisine.

  “Well, here we are.” Jake escorted her inside and up the elevators. “I think some fine dining with a grand view is just what we need to wind down from this day, what do you think?”

  “Most definitely. I use to eat at their London restaurant all the time when I lived there and do miss their dishes.”

  Jake escorted her out of the elevator and into the main room. He was glad to find out they had a table currently and that it overlooked the water. This was just what he was hoping for.

  Lucy stood in the foyer, looking at the beautiful artwork as Jake came up next to her, put his arm out for her to hook an arm into his and stated gallantly, “Your chariot awaits, my lady.” Jake took note of the little chuckle she gave. She did not resist and took his arm right away. This was working out very well so far.

  Jake pulled the seat out for Lucy before going to his side of the table. He couldn’t help but notice the look of pleasure on Lucy’s face as she looked over the water and the city. “This is magnificent, the city and all its colors lit up at night and the way the light dances off the water, the ships coming in and out. I am rather impressed by your selection, Jake.”

  “Your father and I used to eat here a lot when he would fly in. He loved looking over his ships in dock and the city all lit up too.”

  The server brought them their drinks and told them he would return in a moment for their order.

  “My father and you were very close, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, as close as a father and a son. He told me many times I was the son he never had and he always made me feel like that too.”

  Lucy was going to further the discussion on this when the waiter returned.

  “I will let the lady order first,” Jake said as the waiter turned toward her.

  Lucy did not hesitate whatsoever. “I will have the Paccheri Verrigni tossed in a duck ragout flavored with orange and rosemary.”

  Jake looked at her and was very impressed, for he just realized she had not opened the menu at all before she ordered.

  “And you, sir?” the waiter asked.

  “I will have the pan-seared fillet of Alaskan salmon served with green asparagus saffron sauce.”

  And with that, the waiter was off.

  “Well, Lucy, what is your game plan for tomorrow?”

  Lucy had to think for a moment and reached into her purse and pulled out a manila envelope. “I had my secretary go back into the proposal and change the bid amount by adjusting the captain’s pay. I then had her change the availability of ship to immediate instead of two weeks from signed agreement. This is the new proposal. She sent one over to the client as well.” As she told him this, she slid the new proposal over to him for viewing. “I am impressed with you having the ship in port already and do believe it will be an asset to us at the time of negotiation.”

  Jake was pleased at her praise and he agreed with her on it being an asset as well. “That was my plan. This new proposal looks air tight, as did the first one. I do believe we will win this, it is just a matter of impressing the clients tomorrow.”

  As Jake looked at Lucy and saw the smile on her face, he could not help but think that if her beauty alone did not impress them, nothing would.

  Dinner was served, much to their delight, and Lucy could not wait. Bigger girls like her usually shied away from eating too much while on a date. Her friends in college who were considered voluptuous to put it kindly would come home after a date and proceed to eat first. Not Lucy, she never cared what anyone thought. If they did not like her size, they did not have to be in her presence.

  After dinner, Jake asked if she wanted dessert and she genuinely did not. She was stuffed. She had not had her favorite dish in almost a year and she quite enjoyed it.

  Jake sat looking at her as she stared out over the water. She was everything he had wanted in a woman and more. Beautiful, brilliant, funny, quite the savvy business owner to boot and her voice melted his heart and made him think of doing things to her that to say the least, were not very gentlemanly at all. And before she left on Tuesday, he planned on doing most all of them.

  Jake paid the bill and escorted Lucy out the door and into the lower lobby. While waiting on a valet to retrieve his car, he told her he would pick her up at noon for a light lunch and a last-minute briefing before the meeting. As they were pulling away from the restaurant, she assured him she was ready for battle now and most certainly would be tomorrow.

  At that, Jake headed back toward her hotel.

  He escorted her up to her room and kissed her cheek and headed toward the elevator. Lucy let herself in and was surprised at the loss she felt when he walked away. She was actually looking forward to being properly kissed goodnight by this man, yet it was not to be.

  Jake got back in his car and headed toward the ship. He would go onboard and check in with his first mate and make sure all was well with the maintenance check they had done. He wanted the ship in tip-top shape when they headed out. It was prime storm season and they had quite a few already that packed a good punch and several ships from other companies had been lost at sea. He did not want this fate for his crew or him, yet he knew it did not matter how well they prepared, when the sea called your number, it was the sea who won every time.


  Lucy waited in the foyer for Jake the next morning. It would be at least another half hour before he arrived, which gave her time to check her voicemail and email. Upon doing so, she realized she had received a new email from her secretary. Odd, it was still too early for her to be in the office. This could only mean the email was of upmost importance.

  She opened the email, which read, Lucy: The opposing bidder has noted your ship in port and has commissioned their ship to head to the same port at once. It will take them approximately twelve days to reach port and they should be leaving dock as I type this. Sincerely, Mrs. Shelton.

  Jake pulled into the front of the hotel, prepared to check in with valet only to find Lucy standing outside waiting for him. He hoped she was there because she couldn’t wait to see him.

  “We have a new development!” Lucy said as she let herself into the car. “It appears our competitor has learned of our ship in port and has sent one of their own. Good news is that it just left port about a half hour ago and will take twelve days to reach Hong Kong.”

  Jake headed toward the meeting. “This should not be a problem. On their way and already in port ready to go is two different things. I do not think that this will affect us at all in t
he negotiations.”

  Lucy sat staring out the window. “Yes, I had come to the same conclusion also, just best to be prepared and have every bit of info at hand. I did not want to leave you out of the loop on that angle.”

  Jake smiled at that. At least she acknowledged him on the business end of their relationship. “Well, you ready to meet our destiny?”

  Lucy gave him a sidelong look. “Of course I am. Ready as I will ever be and prepared for battle to bring this proposal home.”

  Lucy’s heart stopped as they exited the car. She had not noted how he was dressed before, but he was magnificent in his suit. He exuded confidence and professionalism and raw sex appeal at the same time, and she could not help but stare in admiration.

  “Glad you like what you see!” Jake said with a wink.

  Lucy was beginning to get nervous as Jake escorted her into the building and up to the third floor. She had never been this nervous before, but she had never had so much at stake either. This was the culmination of everything she had prepared for her whole life, and she was determined it would be hers.

  They entered the meeting room to find that their adversaries were already seated, all nine of them. A little overkill, yet they all looked ready to do battle.

  She took a seat across from them with Jake to her left and listened as the man at the head of the table.

  “Welcome, everyone. My name is Trevor Lee and I am C.E.O of Lee-Chang exports. We all know why we are here today, I have brought you here as you have both entered bids and terms that meet our present needs for this shipment. This being said, I wanted to meet all of you to help me make my decision, I will begin with Doiche Shipping Lines, then will proceed with same questions for Smith Shipping.”

  Lucy and Jake sat listening intently as the other side gave their answers. They gave each other knowing looks and had come to the same conclusion. The other side going first gave them the added advantage of being able to think on and prepare their answers. This was proving to be a huge plus when it came their time to speak.


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