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Smith Dynasty (Trilogy Bundle) (BBW Romance)

Page 7

by Hart, Melissa F.


  Jake and Alex stood on deck, looking up at the stars, glad to be alive. “From the looks of it, we should limp into dock sometime tomorrow afternoon.”

  Alex concurred and noted the Coast Guard helicopters in the distance. Unfortunately with no running lights they had not been able to see the ship. Jake sent a crew member down below for the emergency kit with the flair guns in them. Next time they turned back toward this direction, he would set one off in the hopes they seen it and send word they were all ok and headed home.

  Jake went down to the engine room. That wall of water had ripped all the antennas down and had stalled one motor. While they had come out of the storm, they did so barely. But all cheered at the first glimpse of real sunlight as they broke the edge and the water calmed down to a somewhat normal level. There was nothing they could do to get the ship back up and running as far as communication went. He was glad he kept his manual equipment with him and knew how to read a compass and guide by the stars; for this looked to be the way he would get them home. As far as the motors went, half was better than none; they would go at half speed so as not to overwork the motor they had left. They may be a couple of days late; but late was better than never. And you know what they say; absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe when it came to Lucy, this would be the case.

  They next day, Jake and Alex stood on deck and watched for the helicopter again. They saw chopper lights in the distance and shot off one of the flare guns into the sky. It worked, the flare had been spotted and the helicopter turned and headed toward them. When it got near enough, Jake and Alex turned on several flashlights and pointed them toward the chopper.

  “Woo hoo!” exclaimed Alex. “Looks like we have been found! Everyone should know we are ok and headed home in about an hour.”

  Jake looked up as the chopper hovered above. He watched as the man repelled down from it and landed on the deck of the ship a few feet away. “Hello, glad you have finally found us; we have one motor and are slowly but surely creeping toward port. We should dock about Wednesday, can you send word back for us?”

  “Absolutely,” said the man. “We have been looking for you for a few days, glad to see you are all safe and sound, what happened?”

  “Rogue wave, about sixty feet high hit us dead on, took out all the communication antennas and one of the motors. Blew the entire electrical grid as well but we were able to repair that. Just been slow going and worry for our loved ones, I am sure they think by now we have sunk,” Alex replied.

  “Well, I will take the message back up with me. We have notified the main Coast Guard station that we have located you and will follow up with your condition. Does anyone here need medical attention?”

  “I do have one crewman who received a nasty bump to the head in the impact; I will send him back with you for a check-up and observation.” Jake went below to notify the crew and retrieved the injured man.

  While he was there he wrote a brief note to Jeb and instructions for the person delivering it. He thought of Lucy and what the future may hold for them.

  Jake watched as the helicopter flew off into the night, grateful they did not have to wait till they reached port for all to know they were ok. Christmas was two months away and there wer going to be many happy families this year with much to be grateful for. And he was one of them. He was so grateful to have found Lucy and to love a woman like her. He was grateful for the chance to be able to tell her in person as he looked down into her beautiful face. He was grateful to get the chance to hold her and love her again. And he was not going to waste a second of their life together, not one.


  Lucy sat in the dock watch tower and listened intently to the search team when suddenly she heard it, what she had been waiting for. “We have spotted The Abigail and are making contact; please await further instructions.”

  “They found them, they are alive and making contact now!” she yelled.

  “What?” exclaimed Jeb as he crossed the room and grabbed the transmitter. “Coast Guard, this is Smith Shipping, I understand you have located the missing ship and crew?”

  “Yes,” came the reply. “We are awaiting further reports on the condition of the ship and crew, we will advise you in a moment when we have them! Out.”

  Jeb looked up with tears in his eyes. “They’re alive, thank you God, they’re alive!”


  Jake pulled into dock and came to a stop and the crew secured the boat. He could see Lucy standing on the dock; she was even more beautiful than he remembered. He was drinking in her beauty like a man who had been lost in a desert. And in a way he had, if only briefly. He lowered the stairs and started to descend when all the men started to move to the side. He heard his name and looked up.

  Lucy was running up the stairs with tears in her eyes. She reached the top and threw her arms around him as she kissed him, calling out his name and begging him to never leave her again, ever. Jake knew at that moment she was his forever, and he was the happiest man on earth.


  Later the evening, after they had dinner with Brandy and Landon, who seemed to really be hitting it off, Jake and Lucy went back to her penthouse apartment.

  Jake poured them both some champagne and came to sit down beside Lucy. He held his glass up and tapped hers. “Cheers, here is to our future.”

  Before he took a sip, Lucy looked up at him, amazed at his strength and could not believe he was all hers. She was thinking of their future when she heard her name. “Lucy, your wine, you’re not drinking any; are you ok?”

  Lucy realized it was now or never, and she couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he found out. “Jake, when I passed out the day when we realized you may be missing and I was taken to the hospital, one test came back with an answer I was not expecting to hear.”

  Jake looked at her for a moment, worry lines creased his face. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?”

  She nodded. “I’m pregnant.”

  Jake was momentarily shocked before he gave the biggest whoop she had ever heard as he stood up and pulled her with him, dancing across the room. He stopped and took her face in his and kissed her deeply. “Lucy, marry me! I told you I wanted you forever. Please say yes, Lucy, please!”

  “Yes! I want more than anything to be your wife, Jake.”

  Jake held her as they both wept. They knew they were about to set out on an adventure so few people get to make. A lifetime with their soul mate, and they were going to cherish every moment of it.


  Jake went into Landon’s office on Monday. He couldn’t be happier and it showed in his walk.

  “Jake, you are looking well, my friend. I see the thought of the old ball and chain weighing you down sits well with you. I am happy for you both. I had you come here to give you this. Mr. Smith left it with me for when this day came. He was so sure you two would find each other and fall in love. He thought the world of you, Jake.”

  “I miss the old man; he was like a father to me. If not for him, who knows where I would be right now? I know Lucy would not be in my life and for that alone I owe him a debt of gratitude.” Jake reached up and took the envelope. He noted Charles’s handwriting on the front and that the envelope was made out to both Lucy and Jake.

  “There is one provision,” Landon told him with a smile. “You have to read it together, Lucy and you; at the same time.”

  Jake laughed whole heartedly at this. “That ornery old man! Well, he always knew his business well, and I gather he knew Lucy and me better.” With that, he headed out the door and back to his office, he had a contract to finish and a date to make with his future wife!

  After dinner that night Jake pulled out the envelope. He had filled Lucy in on this new development from her father that afternoon. They had both spent the day in anticipation of what was in it; but both deciding to wait till they were home to open it.

  Jake took out the letter and read it aloud as Lucy sat beside him, her head on his chest.r />
  “My dearest daughter and son-in-law: If you are reading this, my intuitions were right and you are married or soon to be married. And unfortunately, I am not there to witness this. I want you both to know how much I love you and wish nothing but happiness for you. Lucy, my beautiful daughter; the spitting image of my beautiful Abby. You are my greatest accomplishment in life, never a moment when you have not made me feel as if I was the luckiest father on earth. Jake, my boy, If ever I would have had a son; you are exactly what I would have wanted in one. I consider you my greatest find in life. And as you both grew and matured into the people you are today, I knew the two of you would share something special. If you are reading this now; I consider your marriage my greatest merger ever. And know I am with you in heart always. I leave my business in your hands, Lucy. But in Jake I leave my life, my heart and soul; my Lucy. Take care of her, Jake; as I know she will you. Love, your father.”

  Lucy had tears streaming down her face as Jake read this. She did not realize how much of a part her father had played in all of this. She knew now why he sold part of the business. It was to keep Jake around so they could find each other. And it had worked.

  Jake was staring at the letter with tears in his eyes too. She patted her belly and silently thanked her father, he was right; this was his best merger ever.


  The next two months passed so quickly; too quickly actually. Lucy and Brandy had barely pulled it off when it came to the wedding and the planning. Lucy had met Jake’s mother and they had loved each other instantly. She was a warm caring woman who was waiting anxiously for her first grandchild. Brandy and Landon had fallen in love, and Lucy knew her friend would not be far behind her in this walk down the aisle. She thought of this as she put on her dress and had her make-up done.

  Lucy sat at the end of the bed, holding the necklace her mother wore on her wedding day. This was the something borrowed. She decided the something blue would be her heart; sad that her parents were not here to see this day. She looked up at the portrait of her father; so handsome and strong. Much like Jake. Tears welled in her eyes and threatened to spill over.

  She fought them back; she did not want to ruin her make-up before the ceremony. As she stared at her father, she whispered to him, “Thank you, Daddy, for all that you taught me and gave me in life; but mostly for Jake. You were right about him all along. He is a wonderful man and no one else will do.”

  Brandy opened the door and took Lucy’s hand. “Are you ready?”

  Lucy smiled. “More than you will ever know. Let’s do this; I have a promise to keep.”





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