The Billionaire's Bluff

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The Billionaire's Bluff Page 30

by Nella Tyler

  Then, with a smile, he slipped the key back into his pocket and moved around the desk. He gestured for me to follow him and we made our way down the hallway and through the kitchen. He offered a brief wave to the chef, who nodded, glanced between the two of us, and then shrugged and went back to his business, stirring something that smelled absolutely delicious on the stove.

  Luke opened the French doors leading into the backyard, allowed me to step through, and then closed them softly behind us. He offered me his elbow, and I glanced at it for a moment, then up into his eyes, and then placed my hand on his arm. It was firm, solid, and muscled beneath my touch. Well, I certainly hadn't expected that. He slowly made his way down the stone path. He obviously knew where he was going, although I wasn't quite so sure. I hadn't yet explored the back portion of the estate.

  "It's very lovely out here," I commented. In fact, the beauty of it took my breath away. Flowered borders and well-tended beds of roses in full bloom filled the air with a lovely scent. Nearby was the arbor, completely covered with trailing vines of jasmine. Everything was very well cared for and landscaped, and it was obvious to me that no expense had been spared in this area of the property.

  "No, it's not just lovely, it's gorgeous," I amended.

  He nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, Molly. I'm trying very hard to bring it all together, but I can't help but think that it needs a woman's touch."

  There it was, I thought. Was he flirting? I realized that he wasn't when he looked down at me, his expression serious.

  "If you have any suggestions, I'll be open to them. My mother had the green thumb in the family, and while I have a good eye for color and placement, I leave the details up to the gardener. Then again, the gardener mentioned that if I had any suggestions, to feel free. So, I'm passing the suggestion box on to you, as well. After all, you work here now, and I hope you will be able to spend at least some of your time every day out here, weather permitting."

  "Thank you very much," I said. We continued to slowly stroll along the stone pathway, and I admired everything we passed. It seemed as if every shrub native to the region was to be found in the garden area, which rivaled my own mother's garden.

  "My mother loves to garden," I commented. "In all honesty, I can say that she would envy this one."


  I nodded, saying nothing more. After all, there were boundaries, weren't there? I wasn't sure where we were going, but I enjoyed being outside walking, which I didn't get a chance to do as often as I'd like anymore. Besides, he smelled good and was keeping a polite distance. So, not flirting, just friendly.

  We continued walking, and soon the stone path disappeared behind the tall hedge. "Where are we going?" He smiled down at me.

  "You'll see."

  I did and gasped in delight. There, behind the hedge and toward the back of the estate, was a massive swimming pool. Because it was surrounded by the hedge and with lush, green shrubbery, my first impression of it was an island paradise. From here, not even the house could be seen. The pool was pristine, outlined with the same flat stones that lined the pathway. Each side at the shallow end had four circular steps leading down into the pool. A number of lounge chairs were situated along one side of the pool and in the far corner was a cute little cottage or bungalow structure which I can only assume served as the pool house and changing rooms, mainly due to the fact that there were open spaces at the top of the wall and beneath the roof to allow circulation. It was absolutely delightful!

  When I glanced up at him to mention that, I was startled to find him gazing down at me as if an expectation.

  "You like it?"

  I offered a half laugh. "What's not to like?"

  "Would you like to go for a swim?"

  The question caught me off guard. Maybe I had been wrong. Maybe he was flirting. Maybe he wanted a maid that did more than clean. Suddenly, I felt less sure and more uncertain. After all, we couldn't even see the house from here. What if he got some funny ideas? What if-

  "You can if you'd like, you know," he commented.

  I tried to think of a polite way to decline without being offensive or giving him the impression that I was having second thoughts about him altogether. "I'm…I'm not prepared."

  "I've got that covered," he said. He moved to the bungalow, which had doors on either side with an open bar in the middle. He moved to the left side, opened the door, and without stepping completely through the entrance, reached inside to the right and seconds later turned toward me, holding in his hand a one-piece dark blue swimsuit.

  For a second I didn't know what to say. Perhaps there was a collection of swimsuits hanging inside, ready and waiting for guests who didn't have one. Then again, the thought of wearing someone else's bathing suit didn't sit too well with me.

  "I took the liberty of buying you one," he said, smiling. "Hopefully, it's the right size."

  To be quite honest, I wasn't sure whether I was flattered or creeped out – especially as the bathing suit looked to be my size. I wasn't sure what to do. I had never been in such a position before. I didn't think that he was flirting, but if he wasn't, what was going on here?

  "I hope you're not offended?" he asked, with concern in his eyes.

  He looked concerned, and I got the distinct impression that he didn't date much. I took another look at the bathing suit. Not wanting to insult him, and because it was tasteful and a one piece at that, I guessed I didn't see any harm in taking him up on the offer. After all, it was quite warm out, and he was keeping his distance. Not to mention that we were going out on a date tomorrow after work. I smiled. "I think it's perfect," gesturing toward the swimsuit.

  "You can change in there," he gestured over his shoulder toward the door he had opened just moments earlier. “I've got a pair of trunks in the men's side on the other side.” He smiled. "Oh, and there's a small bathroom on the other side of the bungalow if you need it." He paused. "Meet you in the shallow end in a few minutes?"

  Still feeling a bit uncomfortable, I nevertheless offered him a smile. I wasn't sure where this was going, but then again I wasn't getting any dangerous vibes from him. I nodded and stepped into a changing room. Several moments later, I heard the door on the other side of the little structure close.

  Chapter 7

  When I stepped out of the changing room and saw Luke standing by the side of the pool in a pair of swimming trunks, I stared. My heart skipped a beat. I felt a tingling down in my nether regions. I already knew he was a good-looking guy, but I had no idea that underneath those casual clothes was such a hard body. Broad shoulders, defined biceps and triceps, tight buttocks, and when he turned around, I felt my stomach do a flip-flop. He didn't just have a six-pack, he had a twelve-pack and gorgeous pecs. I could see every muscular attachment to his ribs. Damn, he was hot!

  For a few moments, I felt incredibly self-conscious. He was in such good shape. While I considered myself in decent enough shape, I didn't work out. I liked walking and hiking, but hadn't had much of a chance to do that lately. His gaze, as it passed over me, looked appreciative, though. My full bust line, narrow waist, and hips fit the bathing suit he had chosen to perfection. If I didn't know any better, I would've said he had taken my measurements when I wasn’t looking. Then again, he had spent enough time watching me that he could have pretty much guessed my measurements.

  "You look great," he told me.

  "Thank you, the bathing suit fits perfectly," I replied. I almost blurted out that he looked pretty good, too, but then decided to keep my compliments to myself. I wasn't sure why, but I had to be careful not to overstep the boundaries between employer and employee. I still wasn't clear of his intentions, but since he was not making any overt advances or suggestions laden with innuendo, I got the impression Luke was just being friendly.

  That got me wondering whether he had any friends in this new circle of moneyed existence. I knew how difficult it was for “new money” to be accepted into communities where “old money” had existed for
generations. In fact, some of the families with old money had owned land in the Raleigh area since the early 1600s.

  I wished I could bring up the topic of Luke's situation, but it was certainly not my place. Which was too bad, really, because I think I could've offered him some help, some ideas, some tips, and a few suggestions.

  I watched as he dipped his toes into the water before planting his feet firmly on the first step. It was quite amusing and endearing. He glanced back at me and grinned.

  "Ever since I was a little kid, I always had to test the water first. The temperature has to be just right, not too cold, but not too warm, either. To me, there's nothing worse than jumping into cold water. I think there are better ways than that to give myself a heart attack."

  I laughed and moved to the side of the pool, following him into the water. While I didn't exactly test my toes, I also got into the water one step at a time. In fact, when I was a little girl, I had gotten into the pool so slowly that my parents grew exasperated. I would take the steps one at a time and then hang onto the edge of the pool as I acclimated myself to the water, allowing my body to lower an inch at a time until it came up to my shoulders.

  While Luke wasn't exactly doing that, he was taking his time, wading back and forth in the shallow end, the water lapping at his waist. I took the next couple of steps until the water came to my thighs. "No need to explain, Luke, I do the same thing. My older sister always just jumped right in, but no matter how hot it was, I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

  He smiled. Neither one of us said anything for several minutes, just enjoying the cool, refreshing water. The water came up to my waist now, and I gently waved my hands in the water down by my thighs, getting used to the temperature. The evening was still quite humid, but the temperature was coming down a bit. Before long, however, the silence grew awkward.

  "Have you lived here very long, Luke?"

  He said nothing for several moments and then shook his head. "About six months, I think. I just got this part of the property fixed up." He smiled. "As a matter of fact, you and I are inaugurating the pool this evening."

  I glanced at him in surprise. "No pool party?"

  He shook his head, but didn't offer an explanation. I had to wonder why he had asked me to join him. Was he just shy? Did he have no one with whom he could share his new home, his newfound wealth? Again, I knew that I could probably have been some help breaking the ice with people I knew, but that would be way overstepping my bounds. As far as I knew, he didn't know anything about my background. I certainly hadn't mentioned my parents in my over-the-phone application and briefer than brief interview. All I had mentioned was that I recently graduated from college and was looking for work.

  He hadn't asked regarding my major or minor or why I wanted to be a maid, which was good because if he had asked, I'm not sure I could've explained it in a way that made sense. Even though it made sense to me, no one else understood, not even my parents. I hadn't spoken to them since I started working here, but I would call them over the weekend to let them know how I was doing. The job would remain a secret – for now.

  Eventually, we both got wet, even going so far as to dip our heads under the surface. He swam a few laps, but I pretty much stayed in the shallow end. I wasn't the best of swimmers. While I certainly knew how to do the breaststroke and I could float on my back, when I swam, I tended to dog paddle. It amused my friends to no end, and I didn't want to have Luke laugh at me.

  When darkness began to settle over the pool and the pool light came on, I decided it was probably time for me to go home. Still, the question niggled at my mind and finally, I succumbed to it and asked.

  "Luke, why did you ask me to join you here this evening?"

  He swam back to the shallow end and sat down on the step, not saying anything for several moments. I almost thought that he wasn't going to answer the question at all when he spoke.

  "Like I said, I just had this section of the backyard and the pool finished." He shrugged. "I just wanted someone to share the moment with me."

  I frowned. "Don't you have any friends that you could've asked to come over?"

  He stared off into the darkness and shrugged again. "Since my change of circumstances it's been difficult to maintain some of my old friendships. Of course, my chef and gardener are very nice, as well, but it would've seemed kind of weird to invite them to come swimming with me, wouldn't it?"

  I stared at him a moment, then saw his grin. I laughed. Actually, he had a good sense of humor, subdued though it was. His comment only made me more curious about him and his background.

  "You have to be anywhere this evening?”

  I stared at him for several moments, watching the water drip off his chest, my eye on one drop of water than streamed along his jawline and hung onto his chin for a moment before dropping into the water. Was he flirting now? This was so confusing. "Not particularly," I said. "Why?"

  He gestured with his chin over his shoulder. Another drop of water flipped from his jaw into the water. I got an exquisite view of his profile, once again admiring his bone structure and his undeniably handsome features.

  "Would you like to have a drink? The bar is fully stocked."

  I hesitated. I knew it wasn't appropriate – not just swimming in his pool, but also accepting the offer of a drink. He was my employer, my boss. What was he suggesting? Was this a mere gesture of friendship or was he expecting something? He seemed to sense my hesitance.

  "Just a drink, Molly," he smiled.

  I thought about it for another second and then shrugged. "Why not? I'd love one."

  Chapter 8

  As it turned out, Luke was quite knowledgeable about mixing drinks. He admitted that during his college years, he had worked part-time as a bartender, hence his familiarity with a variety of concoctions. The first drink he mixed for me was a Cosmopolitan, while he had a shot of bourbon. I raised my eyebrows that. I had tried bourbon once and didn't like it at all. It was definitely an acquired taste.

  I sipped my Cosmopolitan while we talked a little bit more, not about anything serious, but mainly about the house, the work he had done on it, and then when that had been finished, he had focused his attentions on the backyard. I complimented him on its appearance and instead of bragging about it, he pointed the compliments to where they were due – his landscaper.

  "I just gave him an idea of what I was looking for, and he provided a few drawings. All I really had to do was pick one and then the rest was up to him." He gestured with his arm. "I don't know much about plants, trees, or flowers, so I left all of the selections up to him. From what he told me, most of these are natural to the region, so they should do quite well without causing a lot of extra maintenance."

  Again I had to admire the selections of plants, flowers, as well as placement. While I knew a little bit more about flowers and plants and trees than Luke did, I certainly wasn't an expert. I did know, however, by looking at the plants, that the landscaper had opted for a variety of seasonal plants and shrubs that would flower during different times of the year.

  "Excuse me for a minute, will you?" he asked suddenly.

  I nodded. “Of course.” I watched, curious as he disappeared around the far side of the cottage and figured he'd had to use the restroom. He was only gone for a few minutes, but by the time I finished off my Cosmo, he emerged, wearing a huge grin and carrying two flotation rafts under his arms.

  He lifted an eyebrow and gestured to the pool area. Why not, I shrugged again. It was nice out here, not too many mosquitoes, and besides, I was having a nice time with him. I nodded and he quickly tossed the rafts into the pool.

  "Can I fix you another drink?"

  I hesitated. After all, I had to drive home. Again, it was as if he could tell what I was thinking.

  "Don't worry, if you need a ride, I'll make sure you get home okay."

  I wasn't sure about that. I certainly didn't want to get plastered and it probably wouldn't take much. I didn't drink that often
and already felt a light, though pleasant buzz. "Maybe just one more."

  I headed back to the pool as Luke stepped behind the bar.

  "Let me fix you something nice," he suggested. "I guarantee you'll like it."

  "Okay," I agreed. "But just one more and then I've got to go home."

  Standing in the shallow end, I pulled on the flotation devices closer to me and scrambled onto my back, using my hands as paddles to guide the raft closer to the side of the pool in the shallow end. I watched him prepare the drinks, admiring his physique and his obvious skills as a bartender. In a matter of minutes, he approached the pool carrying a bright green drink in a cocktail glass for me in one hand and a bottle of beer for him in his other hand.

  "Ever tried a Grasshopper?" he asked, extending the glass.

  I shook my head. "What's in it?"

  "It's sweet and minty flavored, with crème de menthe as the main ingredient. This one has a splash of vodka instead of the cream. Go ahead and try it. If you don't like it, I'll make you something else."

  I sipped did and nodded in approval. "It's good, thank you."

  "Up in Wisconsin, they make Grasshopper milkshakes. Instead of cream, they substitute mint chocolate chip ice cream."

  "Oh? Is that where you're from? Wisconsin?"

  He shook his head. "No, I just went to school up there for a while."

  He didn't offer any additional information and I didn't pry. While I sipped my drink, he took several gulps of the beer and then placed the bottle on the side of the pool. He climbed onto his raft and we floated around the pool for a while. By the time I finished the Grasshopper, I was definitely feeling the alcohol. It was dark now and a half moon had risen. While I was enjoying the time we were spending together and the conversation remained on neutral ground, I decided it was time for me to go home. After all, I had to get up and come back to work tomorrow.


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