The Billionaire's Bluff

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The Billionaire's Bluff Page 31

by Nella Tyler

  I glanced over at Luke, lying on his raft with his eyes closed. Once again I was struck by his handsome features. He had long brown eyelashes that would be the envy of any girl. "Luke? I think I'd better be getting home, would you mind calling me a cab? I'm feeling just a little fuzzy. I’m not used alcohol, and I would prefer not to drive."

  "No need for a cab," he said, turning to look at me.

  I began to frown, thinking that-

  "I can have my driver take you home and pick you up tomorrow."

  "Oh no, that's too much trouble," I began to protest. He lifted a hand, interrupting me.

  "It's my fault that you can't drive home, so accept my offer, please?"

  The look he gave me sent a thrill along my spine. No doubt about it, his looks were terribly distracting. I wasn't drunk, but I was definitely buzzed, and for a second, I briefly wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I quickly shoved that thought out of my head. "Okay," I accepted his offer. "Thank you."

  With that, I paddled my way to the steps of the shallow end and slowly climbed out. I sat on the edge of the pool for several moments as a short wave of dizziness swept through me. I laughed. "I'm a lightweight when it comes to alcohol." I grabbed the railing and slowly stood. "I'm going to go get dressed. Be back in a minute."

  Still floating on his raft, Luke merely watched me, smiled, and nodded. "I guess I should, too. I'll give my driver a call."

  I said nothing more, but stepped to the changing room, closed the door, and then leaned against it. I felt a little guilty for spending so much time in the pool with him, but it had been nice. Still, it was probably up to me to maintain the boundaries between employer and employee, wasn't it? No matter how attractive he was, no matter his charisma and his growing sexual lure, I had to keep my distance. Didn't I?

  Chapter 9

  I finished changing and hung the wet bathing suit on a hook by the door, and then stood in front of the little bungalow, staring at the pool while I waited for Luke to get changed. I still couldn't figure out what his intentions were. Either he was just a friendly guy or he was testing the waters, so to speak. I had no idea how he felt about me, or I about him, but I wasn't sure if I should encourage any further attention. After all, he was my employer. I was his maid.

  The drinks had left me feeling a little woozy, but not enough to feel dizzy. I felt nice and relaxed. I also felt a little guilty. What business did I have accepting Luke’s invitation to come way back here in a secluded area of his property to go swimming? What would the other employees think? Then again, the others probably didn't even know. The gardener didn't live on the estate and neither did the chef. In fact, none of his employees seemed to live there, which was rather unusual.

  My parents employed a number of staff that lived on the estate. Our chef had a small cottage to the rear of our property, and the two maids also had their own room downstairs off the kitchen. Of course, all of my parent's employees had the option to live elsewhere, but it was convenient, and most of the time, when offered, employees were more than happy to accept.

  The fact was that I was very attracted to Luke was neither here nor there. I was a maid – nothing more and nothing less. At the same time, I got the distinct impression that Luke, while rather shy, was looking for, I don't know…support maybe? Although I had never been a maid before, I knew how to clean, and I guess I had faked my experience fairly well, at least, in regard to knowing what needed to be done and how to go about it.

  Still, it was improper and I knew it. Regardless of the closeness in our ages, my attraction to him, and I assumed his attraction to me, he was still my employer. I couldn't quite get over it. My first job and for all intents and purposes it appeared as if my boss was making a move toward me. Did I want that? I wasn't sure. At the same time, the undeniable attraction I felt for him had definitely captured my interest. Maybe I should just play it cool and see what happened. So far, he hadn't made any overt suggestions, so maybe I was just reading it all wrong.

  "I called my driver. He'll be around front in just a couple of minutes."

  I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Luke approaching. I nodded and smiled politely. He gestured for me to proceed and we walked side-by-side along the stone path that wound its way from between the hedges and then curved through the garden and ended in a V: one path leading to the back porch, the other around the side of the house. He gestured me to go to the left and I did, wondering at his sudden silence. It was as if the camaraderie we had shared in the pool had suddenly disappeared and he once again was the employer and I the employee.

  I was so confused by the mixed signals. Should I say something? By the time we rounded the house and approached the curved driveway I was just about to ask, but then a dark four-door sedan pulled up into the driveway and stopped in front of the stone steps leading up to the front door. The driver opened his door and climbed out. He moved around to open the rear passenger side door.

  I turned to Luke, intending to thank him for the evening. To my surprise, he suddenly clutched both my hands in his and pulled me toward him. I stared up at him, eyes wide, not sure what to do. I glanced quickly at the driver, but he had discreetly turned his head, studiously studying something on the front tire. I looked back up at Luke, not sure what to say. I gazed up into his beautiful hazel eyes and was just about to say something when he stepped closer, leaned over, and placed his lips gently on mine.

  The kiss was gentle, feather light at first. Stunned, I hesitated only slightly. Then the tingling started and I succumbed to the urge to kiss him back. His lips were smooth, yet firm. I felt a thrill surge through me. I had never felt such electricity with a mere kiss. His tongue pressed against my teeth and I opened my mouth slightly. He wasted no time. His tongue dove in quickly, as if he had been testing the waters as he had done with the swimming pool only a couple of hours earlier. Then, the kiss deepened, grew a little more firm, but not demanding.

  My ears were buzzing, and it wasn't from the drinks I’d had. Every cell in my body burst alive with sensations. He still had my hands grasped in his and I squeezed his fingers lightly. Then, in the next instant, he broke off the kiss. We stared at each other for several moments. Not knowing what to say, I offered a smile and then quickly stepped into the car, my heart racing, my thoughts a jumble, and every nerve in my body alive with sensations.

  Chapter 10

  All through the next day at work, I didn't see much of Luke. As usual, he had sequestered himself inside his office. Nevertheless, I felt on edge, a little bit jittery and nervous about our date tonight. While everything had been aboveboard last night – until the kiss – I was still confused in regard to Luke's intentions. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was "one of those girls" who was an easy mark for those who ran wealthy estates. Oh, I have heard plenty of stories, and while my parents treated all our staff with respect and dignity, I knew that not all wealthy people did.

  In fact, I have heard plenty of stories from overheard conversations between my parents and their friends and even from maids who talked among themselves about their experiences. Many had been subjugated to unwanted advances, threats, bribes, and who knows what else during their employment. The problem was, many of these housekeepers, maids, nannies, gardeners, and cooks needed their jobs. They needed them desperately. While I had to admit that I couldn't understand anyone in the service of another feeling obligated to be taken advantage of, sexually or otherwise, I had to realize that many of these people relied on their earnings to support their families. Many of them didn’t have a choice, not really. They often couldn’t afford to say no. I remember one time my mother scolded a distant friend of hers for treating her house staff in a less than respectful manner. Their friendship had been severed over it.

  Because of my background and situation, I had the option of saying no if Luke made any unwanted advances toward me. But what about those who didn't have savings to fall back on or relied on their job, every penny's worth, to feed and support their
families? It was terribly unfair, and for the first time I realized that I had often taken our own house staff for granted. While I feel as if I had gotten close to some of them, I didn't really know their stories or backgrounds. I felt ashamed that I hadn't taken the time to talk to them, to get to know them better.

  At the same time, I realized that in doing so I might've overstepped my bounds as an employer and made the staff at my parents’ house feel uncomfortable or obligated to answer my questions.

  I was getting the impression that whether you were an employer or an employee, there were boundaries and sometimes the lines between those boundaries blurred. What did those boundaries have to do with Luke and me? As I dusted the living room, I had to admit to myself that I was attracted to Luke. Who wouldn't be? Not only was he good looking, but he projected this "little boy lost" demeanor that made me want to wrap my arms around him and comfort him. I had talked to my dad last night after I'd gotten home and asked him if he knew anything about Luke Benning, claiming that a friend of mine had mentioned him at a get together.

  Apparently, he had just come into a huge inheritance from a grandfather and had purchased the home in the nice section of Raleigh. Why, he couldn't say. From what my dad knew, Luke had grown up in a rather simple life in Ohio, had never known he had rich relatives and was quite startled to find that instead of leaving the family money to moneygrubbing uncles, siblings, and cousins, Luke's grandfather, who spent a lot of time with him in his adolescent years, had left his entire fortune to his grandson.

  Unfortunately, the action had all but severed communications with his family. Jealousy and greed were ugly betrayers of family affiliations, and in Luke's case, had gone to the extreme. Apparently, he had generously given his parents, uncles, aunts, and first cousins around one hundred thousand dollars each, thinking that they would be satisfied with that, but the opposite had been true. According to my dad, and I wasn't sure how he found out this information, they had wanted him to buy them fancy houses, cars, pay off their debts, and for some, pay off college loans.

  Luke had refused, knowing when he was being taken advantage of. As a result, most of his family turned their backs on him and left him pretty much adrift, the black yet rich sheep of the family.

  I felt really bad for Luke –this was the time in life when he should really be enjoying his newfound wealth and status. Then again, maybe he had been perfectly happy and content with the way things were before he had inherited all that money. Now it was too late to go back, and I had a sense that he had no idea to move forward.

  These thoughts kept me busy most of the day. By the time four o’clock came around and I was putting my supplies back into the cupboard, I heard a voice behind me.

  "Are you finishing up for the day?"

  I turned around and saw Luke standing a short distance behind me, wearing a pullover polo with a collar, tan chinos, loafers with no socks, and a grin. His grin was infectious, and I felt a surge of affection for him. "I am."

  "I want to show you something before you leave."

  I nodded and followed him as he left the kitchen area, moved down the hallway, and up the stairs. At the far end of the hall was a room with a locked door, much like his office. I rarely went in there. It was a spare bedroom, so I couldn't figure out why it was locked most of the time. As we neared the doorway, I was surprised to find a dress hanging from a hanger over the door.

  It was a beautiful dress in a deep, rich, plum color. It looked like silk chiffon, so airy that the fit-and-flair silhouette would emphasize any shape. A pleated V-neck with narrow straps and wide empire waist gave it a simple yet elegant appearance. I glanced at Luke, who carefully watched me.

  "You like it?"

  "It's beautiful," I commented.

  "If you like, you can wear it tonight on our date." He dipped his eyes, shifted his feet for a second as if embarrassed, and then glanced back up.

  "I was out for a while this morning and saw it in a store window. When I saw it I knew it would suit you to a T…but, of course, if you would rather not, I understand."

  I smiled at Luke, although my mind was whirling with curiosity and confusion. On the one hand, I was overwhelmed with his generosity, but on the other, could only wonder what he was doing. Last night the bathing suit in the swimming pool and then the kiss. Tonight a beautiful cocktail dress that must've cost hundreds of dollars. Still, the dress was beautiful, and I knew that I had nothing that could even compare to it in my closet back at my condo.

  "If you'd like, you can use the bedroom in here to change. It will save you a trip back to your place, at least."

  I thought about it for a moment, struggling with confusion. If I accepted the offer of the dress, was I also accepting any other advances? The same thought applied to the date tonight. Was he doing this to make me feel obligated to return favors? I didn't think so, but I wasn't sure.

  I decided that I would wear the dress and we would go out to dinner, and if he didn't bring it up himself, I decided that I would bring up the topic myself. I needed to know where I stood with Luke. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was interested in anything extracurricular. Besides, I did enjoy the time we had spent in the pool last night, and I did also have to admit that the kiss he had given me before I left had been more than nice, as well.

  Nevertheless, did I really want to get involved with my employer? At this very second, no, but he stood in front of me, oozing sexual charm, a handsome face, and an incredibly sexy and hopeful grin. Finally, I nodded. "The dress is beautiful, thank you, Luke. Just give me a few minutes to change and I’ll meet you downstairs, all right?"

  Chapter 11

  When I stepped into the room to get dressed, holding the beautiful cocktail gown up on its hanger, I was surprised to find a matching pair of shoes in a shoebox on the bed. I felt that the gesture was very thoughtful, but again wondered exactly what Luke's intentions were. That I was attracted to him was an understatement. Did he feel the same toward me? And if he did, what was I going to do about it?

  I still felt a little funny accepting his personal attention, but perhaps at dinner he would make his intentions clear. Only then could I really decide what to do. I could read guys pretty well…most of the time. Luke was a curiosity. He was hot one minute, cold the next, as if he himself didn’t know what he thought about anything. Was that just a quirk of his personality? A result of his new status in life? I couldn’t know. Maybe the dinner date tonight would offer me a chance to get to know him a little better – maybe a lot better.

  I quickly changed, leaving my work outfit lying folded nicely on an armless chair by the door. With a sigh and a hope to figure out what was going on between Luke and me, I stepped from the room. The hallway was empty. I was halfway down the stairs when Luke appeared at the bottom, staring up at me with what I could only term an expression of appreciation. Or at least, I hoped so.

  "You look beautiful," he commented. "That color suits your skin tone very well."

  I nodded in agreement. "It fits like a glove, doesn't it?" I loved the way the airy chiffon floated around my thighs. The structure of the dress was discreet, with the V-neck, the narrow straps at the top and the deep V-line in the back to the zipper offering just enough sexy to be appealing. The chiffon swirled around my legs, stopping just above the knee. I wore the dress barelegged and was more than comfortable in the two-inch high heels he had purchased.

  I gave him a look, only half joking. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you managed to get my measurements and shoe size while I was asleep!"

  He laughed. "I've always been good at guessing sizes," he admitted.

  As I neared the bottom three steps, he lifted his hand toward me. Again, I felt he was behaving as a perfect gentleman. Despite his family’s behavior toward him now, it was obvious that he’d been raised a polite young man. Either that or his grandfather had raised him. I placed my hand in his, thrilled by its warmth and strength. Just recalling what he looked like under his dress sl
acks and shirt, sans tie, had my heart hammering again.

  Who was Luke Benning, I wondered. What made him tick? I had spent less than a week in his home, but still hadn’t gotten an indication of what he liked, what he did for a living, and why he seemed so indecisive when it came to me. Of course, I was riddled with curiosity, but couldn't very well bring the topic up. I wasn't even supposed to know about his recent background, and the only reason I did was because I had asked my dad in passing, or so I had tried. My dad was a smart man. Telling him that one of my friends had bumped into Luke and wanted to know more about him seemed like a good excuse, but did my dad really buy it? I had no way of knowing. As with any other aspect of society, the grapevine among the rich and privileged was just as strong as those found in the hospital, a school, or an office building.

  He led me to his car, and I lifted my eyebrow in surprise. I had expected him to drive a Beamer or something, but instead, he had guided me to a dark blue Jeep Renegade. Though, it did serve to give me another angle to Luke's personality. The Jeep was an outdoorsy, adventurous vehicle. I smiled. Maybe I would get a glimpse of the real Luke Benning tonight. Apparently, at least in one aspect of his life, he opted for serviceable over classy, though the vehicle was brand-new and appeared to be maxed out with the accessories, including chrome light covers, a grill, and running board.

  Luke stepped to the car and opened the passenger door, and I smiled again. Okay, so he opted for comfort with customized leather seats. It still had a new car smell to it. So he opted for fun and serviceable, but had also went for all the perks. He was still an enigma.

  After he climbed in, he started the car and pulled out of the driveway, taking a rather roundabout way into downtown Raleigh. The warm summer evening had brought a lot of residents and city dwellers outdoors and the town was ablaze with lights, pedestrian traffic, and laughter.


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