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The Billionaire's Bluff

Page 44

by Nella Tyler

  I quickly exited Luke's e-mails and got back to the home screen. Feeling guilty, I wiped my fingerprints off of the phone and then put the phone back exactly the way I had seen it before my curiosity had compelled to pick it up. Now I wish I hadn't. I knew enough about finance to know that the SEC severely frowned upon any type of breach in fiduciary duties and even the slightest of tips when it came to information.

  I also knew very well that the SEC had brought insider trading cases against not only directors and corporate officers, but employees of corporations and companies. It didn't even matter if the tips came from a family member, friend, or even a business associate. Anyone caught providing inside information or knowledge even "hinting" that it might be a good time to buy or sell, could be held under the strictest guidelines of insider trading as defined by the federal government.

  Case in point: Martha Stewart. She had been given some information by a friend that worked for a company creating a cancer drug. It turned out that the drug had been rejected by the Food and Drug Administration. Stewart had invested thousands of shares in the company, and as a result of the information her friend provided, she sold her stocks right away. The problem was, she had done so before the information had been made public.

  Something as simple as that could be classified as insider trading by the SEC. I had no idea whether Luke was involved in that, but how could he not be? Could anybody be that lucky? Did he have some magic formula that enabled him to pick the best stocks and pick just the right time to sell?

  However, was Luke selling or trading public stocks based on information that he was getting from an informant, information that the public wasn't aware of? No doubt about it, insider trading was one of the most common security laws broken in the financial industry. Of course, punishment – if you got caught – depended on the situation.

  My mind was in turmoil now. Was I jumping to conclusions? Was I allowing one suspicion to run rampant? Was I jumping to conclusions and judging Luke unfairly without knowing all the facts? It was difficult to say. After all, I couldn't exactly come out and ask him about it, could I? I couldn't just tell him, when he came out of the bathroom, “Hey, Luke, I was snooping around in your phone. Are you involved in insider trading?”

  Great. Just when I had resolved one problem, I had resorted to my insatiable curiosity…no, I had snooped were I had no business snooping. Still, wasn't it better to know then go into a situation blind? The aspect of Luke's involvement in potential insider trading was disturbing enough, but what about my father? What if-

  I heard the water turn off in the shower. I quickly glanced around, made sure that his phone was where he had left it, and then put some distance between me and the bed. I moved to stand by the window. Luke, insider trading. What else could it be? My heart sank with disappointment, but didn't go so far as to tell me to cut my losses and run. Maybe I could find out more without letting him know I was on to him.

  A second later, the bathroom door opened and Luke emerged, first looking at the bed, and then turning his head to find me standing by the window. He grinned.

  "Hey, gorgeous."

  Maid for Him #4

  Chapter 1

  My heart skipped a beat as I watched him step further into the room. I clasped my hands together so he wouldn't see them shaking with nervousness. I don't believe I had ever acted quite so snoopy in my life before, but Luke wasn't exactly a talker and I needed to begin to figure things out on a deeper level – especially if I was going to throw caution to the wind and encourage a deeper relationship with him. Hence my snooping, even though I shouldn't have.

  And while I now knew what Luke was up to, I just couldn't come right out and accuse him of it. He would know I'd been snooping on his phone. What a way to engender trust, right? Could I be wrong? I didn't think so. I had grown up listening to my father wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, and negotiating. I had heard him talking about insider trading on many occasions. I knew the vernacular, the vocabulary, the abbreviations and slang of working the stock market. For some, there was a fine line between legal and illegal maneuverings, and I'm sure my father knew every trick of the trade to stay legal. The problem was that with Luke, he probably didn’t have similar skills and he could get himself into some serious trouble if he didn't tread lightly.

  "So, Luke, if you don't mind me asking, are you and my dad already involved in a business venture or are you just considering one?" Luke had moved to his dresser in the opposite corner of the room and opened the top drawer. I saw his hand pause as he reached into it. He turned to glance over his shoulder at me.


  "I'm just trying to understand this relationship you have with my dad."

  He shook his head and continued reaching in the drawer to retrieve boxer shorts. Without hesitance, or any indication of embarrassment or shyness, he dropped the towel to the floor, and with his back to me, stepped into the shorts, offering me a glorious view of his buttocks.

  "I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Molly. I don't consider it a relationship at all."

  He turned to face me and I tried to keep my gaze focused on his face or else I knew I'd be distracted. I hesitated, not sure how hard to push. "I need to know how deeply you’re involved with my dad…if I decide to talk to him about us, or this situation, I need to know where things stand, don't I?"

  Luke sighed. I could tell he wasn't exactly happy with the question, but at the same time, I think he knew that if he refused to answer, I would probably, and rightly, get a bit upset.

  "Let's just say that we’ve been tiptoeing around each other, okay? You know as well as I do that your father is a very influential businessman in Raleigh – the entire state, actually. I need to learn from the best, don't I?"

  I supposed he was right, but I still needed to broach the topic of his investments. I decided to just forge ahead. With a slight laugh, I stepped toward the bed and sat down at its base. "You know, Luke, I know a few good investors, many of whom work with my father. If you're looking for some good advice, I could definitely put you in touch with some very good people." He stared at me thoughtfully for several moments. I worried that I had overplayed my hand.

  "What makes you think I don't have my own ‘people'?”

  I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Well, you just mentioned my father, but not anyone else. You have a money manager then?"

  He frowned. "Not exactly, why?"

  I shrugged again. "Luke, I grew up around this environment. I know how cutthroat it can be. I also know how difficult it can be to find someone to trust, someone to show you the ropes, to understand regulations and stay clear of things that can get you into trouble."

  "What makes you think I don't know what I'm doing, Molly?"

  I shook my head. "I don't, Luke, it's just that…well, you yourself admitted to me that you weren’t really experienced at all of this. I'm just thinking that if there's any way that I can help…"

  He didn't look at me as he moved to the closet and opened the door. I was surprised to find that it was a walk-in closet. He disappeared inside for several moments, and I breathed a slight sigh of frustration. I was afraid I was messing this up. Was I giving myself away? My heart was thumping, not because I was afraid of Luke or anything like that, but because, well, I wasn't sure how he was going to react.

  I didn't want to be involved with someone who was doing anything illegal, but at the same time, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Without coming right out and asking him, I had no way of knowing, did I? I wouldn't have been surprised if he came out of the closet and told me to drop it, distracting me with some other comments or suggestions.

  I was surprised when he emerged wearing a pair of faded jeans, loafers without socks, and a dark blue T-shirt. However, it wasn't his clothes that surprised me, but the look on his face. He frowned at me, in what I construed as suspicion.

  "Look, Molly, this is going to sound harsher than I mean to imply, but to be honest, any concern you have ove
r my money should end at your paycheck."

  It took a moment for his words to sink in. I just sat there, staring at him in shock. Had he really said that? After the hours we had just spent in his bed? My surprise soon gave way to hurt, then anger. I just had spent another night with him in bed and he was talking to me like that? I stood, prepared to leave the room, go downstairs, and gather my work supplies. His words had cut me to the core.

  "Fine," I said, my voice short. "I keep forgetting that I'm just a maid," I muttered under my breath and then rose from the bed to make my way to the door. "I don't know what I'm talking about, so forgive me for being so forward-"

  "Molly, I told you-"

  "You know, Luke, you can be such a prick sometimes, you know that?" I said, turning to face him, hands on my hips. "I was only trying to help because I would hate for you to get caught up in something that might get you into trouble. Investing can be tricky, especially if you don't have people you can trust working for you and advising you.” I paused, glaring at him. “But you know what, I'll keep my mouth shut. I'll just do my work and then spread my legs for you in bed, and that-"

  "Molly, I didn't mean to imply that at all-"

  "Well, you know what, Luke? That's how it sounded!"

  "I didn't mean to imply anything of the sort,” he said, extending a hand toward her.

  I ignored his hand, reaching for the doorknob.

  “The thing is, I need to learn the ropes my way. I'm doing okay, better than okay, and-"

  "Oh, I know you are," I snapped, losing my temper. "I only brought up the topic as a courtesy."

  He scowled. "What gives you the idea-"

  "You know, Luke, I might just be your maid, but I'm not stupid. I grew up around money. I grew up around the stock market, investors, and, of course, my dad." I clamped my mouth shut and turned to leave the room. I had said too much already.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  I spun and turned toward him, throwing caution to the wind. I was pissed. "It means that more often than not, many of the people I've grown up with, including my dad, have skirted the law when it comes to their activities. Now, I'm not saying that my dad has ever done anything illegal, but I would hate to see you get involved in something like that because you didn't know the ropes-"

  "Like what?" he said, his own voice strained.

  My response blurted out of me, uncensored. "Like insider trading!"

  He stood, open mouthed and speechless. "What makes you think-"

  "It happens, Luke, more often than you might think. I'm just worried about you. You’re so new to all this, and someone might lead you astray-"

  "Why are you so concerned about how I handle my money?"

  I could tell that he was growing angry. Well, I was, too. He kept answering my questions with his own, trying to put me on the defensive. I wasn't going to have any of it. I wrapped my fingers around the knob and turned it, glancing over my shoulder as I did so. "You're the one that wanted a relationship, right?"

  "You don't?" he asked, flinging his arms out to the side.

  "Yes, Luke, I do," I said, although I spoke angrily. "But a relationship demands honesty, and I get the feeling that you're not being honest with me. About anything!"

  "Why, because I don't want to discuss my finances with you?"

  I stared at him moment and then shook my head. I had badly mishandled this. For now, I supposed I would have to keep my knowledge to myself. However, that knowledge disturbed me greatly. I didn't want to date a criminal. I didn't want to be involved with someone who thought no more of the law than that. Yes, a lot of wealthy individuals knew how to skirt the law, the regulations, and the rules, but that still didn't make it right.

  "I’m going home, Luke," I said.

  "Molly, let's talk about this," he said, taking a step toward the door.

  I held my hand up. "No, Luke, I'm going home." My thoughts raced and then I commented, "Have you noticed that we have great sex together, but the minute the conversation turns to something personal, we end up arguing or disagreeing about something?"

  He stared at me and offered a self-conscious laugh.

  "Isn't that what relationships are all about?" he replied.

  "Not the kind of relationship I want," I said. "I don't want to fight with you, Luke. I want to trust you. I want to believe in you. But that's kind of hard to do when anytime I get even a little bit personal, you deflect. You want your privacy? Well you better decide what you want more because this emotional turmoil is driving me crazy."

  With that, I left the room and slammed the door behind me. Of all the gall! Yes, I had been the one that snooped on his phone, and I was the one that had information that he didn't know I had. At the same time, it disturbed me greatly that he wasn't willing to open up to me and tell me the truth. If Luke was involved in insider trading, he had to put a stop to it. I wasn't going to put the emotional effort into developing a relationship with anybody who had a good chance of ending up in jail. It was as plain and simple as that.

  Chapter 2

  To my surprise, I had only gotten halfway down the stairs when I heard the door to the bedroom open behind me. I didn't look around, didn't want to see the look on his face. At this moment, I didn't care whether he was angry with me or not. I had to stand my ground. Besides, what he had said to me was nothing short of insulting! My concern should end at my paycheck? What the hell kind of thing was that to say to somebody?

  I don't care if I was his girlfriend, his wife, or just his maid. He had no right to speak to me like that. Even more so, I didn't want to work for someone who was willingly and without any apparent concern engaged in illegal activities. He could deny until he was black and blue, but I wasn't stupid.

  "Molly! Stop!"

  "I have nothing more to say to you," I said, making my way down the stairs. This was humiliating. Was the chef here? Had he heard us arguing? I quickly made my way to the kitchen, relieved to find that he had not yet arrived. Thank God for small favors. This was the second time I had gotten so upset with Luke that I didn't want anything to do with him. What kind of a relationship was this? Hot, cold, rinse, and repeat. I didn't need this rollercoaster ride.

  "Molly, listen to me!"

  I was surprised when Luke grabbed my upper arm and spun me around. He didn't do so in a violent manner, but at the same time, he had no right. I glared up at him. "Don't you dare, Luke," I warned.

  He removed his hand from her arm and then held up both as if in surrender. "Okay, Molly, I'm sorry. It's just that we need to talk!"

  "As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing much to talk about," I said, reaching for the cupboard that held my purse. "After all, it's none of my business, right? I just need to collect my paycheck and keep my mouth shut, right? Is that really the kind of relationship you want with me? Because I can tell you, if it is, then you can just forget it!"

  Luke stood frozen, and then closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and took a deep breath. "I keep putting my foot in my mouth, Molly. I always end up saying the wrong things."

  "No excuses," I said sharply. I was getting tired of this.

  "I've got some questions."

  "Tough luck." I tried to move past him, but he blocked my way. I looked up at him with warning.

  "What gave you the idea that I was involved in insider trading?"

  I froze. What could I say? I looked up into his face and saw that it was flushed, perhaps with anger. In fact, it looked like he was well on his way to becoming enraged. For a second, I was worried about what he might do, but then he surprised me by taking a step back and shoving his hands in his pockets. He stared at me.

  "What, you think I'm going to hit you?" He shook his head and laughed, but it wasn't an amused laugh – it was rueful. "Molly, I've never struck a woman in my life, and I'm not about to start now. But before you leave this house, we need to get this settled."

  "I'm your maid," I said. He nodded in agreement. "I'm not sure if you realize this, but maids know a l
ot. In fact, maids inadvertently know far too much about their employers, and that goes for you, too." I didn't know how far I could go with my lie, but I decided that most of it was true, at least. "I don't go around snooping into everybody's business, but I will tell you, based on your reaction to my suggestion, how I got the impression that you were involved in negotiations or business endeavors that were iffy at best. The fact that you didn't deny it confirmed my suspicions."

  "Molly, you don't understand-"

  "What I do understand, Luke is that you didn't deny it. And I'll tell you another thing. I certainly don't want to work for a criminal. Therefore, I'm leaving!"

  Luke said nothing for several moments, and I moved toward the hallway leading to the front door. I held my back straight and with my face turned from him, trying not to display my emotions. I desperately blinked back tears as they warmed my eyes. Just as I reached for the front doorknob, he spoke. To my surprise, he didn't speak from a distance, but from right behind me.

  "Molly, will you even listen to what I have to say?"

  I thought about it for a moment and then slowly shook my head. "Luke, I like you, I really do, but this back and forth between us is driving me nuts. I can't take it! We’re great in bed, but seriously, is there some reason why we always end up arguing or have some kind of a dispute when we’re not in between the sheets?" I didn't even give him a chance to respond. "I don't want to fling, Luke. If we’re going to have a relationship, it's going to be a serious relationship. Oh, don't worry, I'm not asking you to marry me. I just want you to take it seriously. I don't like to be played with."

  "Well, neither do I, Molly," he said, once again extending his arms out to the side. "I just don't understand what it is you want from me. I also want to know why you suspect that I'm involved in insider trading."


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