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Billionaire Husband

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you think everything is going to be okay?”

  “Yes, I do. We’re together, and there’s no one going to take you away from me. Everything is going to be just perfect.” He leaned over, taking possession of her lips as he held her tightly against him. He loved her with all of his heart, and he knew everything was going to be okay.

  Chapter Eleven

  Three years later

  Addison finished rolling out the pastry as her twin girls kept pressing on the pastry with their cutters. They were cutting out little disks, and she talked toward the camera that was pointed at her. It was Christmas in the Woodside country house, and she was filming her mince pie recipe. She had already made the sweet mincemeat recipe, and now she was finishing it off using her two girls to help her.

  “Mommy, ‘is okay?”

  Chloe held up a round circle, and Addison laughed. “Yes, honey.”

  They moved on, and started to fill the pastry with the mincemeat, and Shaun came into view, holding his girls against him as she finished what she was saying, and placed them in the oven.

  Darla shouted cut, and the cameraman turned off the device, and gave her a thumbs up.

  “That was so damn good,” Darla said. “I mean this is going to be massive next year.”

  Addison hadn’t wanted to film a Christmas episode unless it was Christmas. She wanted it to be the right season, and Paula had made sure she got her wish. Not only did she get to film several Christmas episodes for next year, she also got to film her next cookbook in advance as well.

  “I hope so.” She placed a hand on her swollen stomach.

  “How are you holding up?” Shaun asked.

  “I’m doing okay. Your son is growing stronger every single day, and he’s making it hard for me to see my ankles.” She glanced down, and let out a breath when she did in fact see her ankles. “Look at those,” she said, laughing.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me.”

  She smiled. “You know how to say the right things.”


  He gripped the back of her neck, and pulled her in for a strong kiss. Three years they had been blissfully married.

  After their parents tried to ruin their reputation, they had been under scrutiny by the press. It didn’t take long for them both to return to work, and Shaun could no longer be by her side even though he wanted to. She knew he hated leaving her behind, but it wasn’t something they could do anything about. Their work called, and she had already agreed to the book tour. For the first three months of their lives after the big reveal of the beginning of their marriage, most of the questions they received were about each other.

  Addison’s cookery show deals had been taken from her, which she didn’t mind. It had taken a second successful cookbook, and for her videos to be one of the most popular on the internet before she was offered a cookery show again.

  Paula negotiated hard, and made sure the company she finally went with, knew they shouldn’t have pulled out of the cookery show talks. Shaun had agreed to be present, and they had decided to move out of her apartment. They had bought a large house, especially as she had also fallen pregnant. The house was out in the country, and the views simply inspired Addison. She also had a mini vegetable garden out in the back, and she loved grabbing ingredients and just getting to work without any struggle.

  Her first series was filmed as she was pregnant, and she took her viewers through the reveal of her twins, to the day that she was actually filming, and her waters broke. Her viewers were not allowed when she gave birth, but they also filmed her returning from the hospital with the two new loves in their lives. Shaun helped where he could, and when she was filming, Paula and Darla helped to keep them happy.

  She didn’t want a nanny as she’d grown up with a nanny, and hated every second of it. Her family would be normal without a nanny. Some families may love having a nanny, but she didn’t.

  Dean was also part of her life. Darla and Dean were happily married, and glancing over at her friend, she saw her friend was also swollen with child. They were expecting their first child together.

  “They look happy,” Shaun said.

  “They do. We know what they’re going through as we were there for them as well.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  Shaun placed his hand on her stomach at the same time as Chloe did, and their daughter squealed. “Mommy’s tum-tum kick.”

  Laughing, Addison caught her daughter up in her arms, and blew little raspberries on her cheek.

  “Those pies smell so damn amazing, and I want one when they come out,” Dean said.

  “You know you can, after me,” Shaun said.

  Even after all this time, Shaun was possessive of her food.

  “Damn, you’re a hard ass. So what else do we have to film?” Dean asked.

  “I’ve got to serve the mince pies, and then I’ve got a handful of ideas for gifts. Christmas day, I’m going to be filming doing the main dinner.”

  “I can’t wait. We’re staying right?” Dean asked.

  “We’re staying here,” Darla said. “I’m the one who keeps the cameramen in line.”

  Addison handed Chloe over to Dean so that she could finish gathering up some ingredients, and weighing most of them out before filming would continue. Her life was perfect, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Shaun moved by her side, and started to help her, and she smiled up at him.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked.

  “I was just thinking about what happens later tonight.”

  “Is my woman getting horny?” He whispered the words against her ear so only she heard.

  “Yes, and I need you. I will always need you.”


  Three months later

  Shaun paced outside of the hospital at the same time as Dean did. They were pacing opposite each other, and every now and then they stared at each other. He should be in the room with his woman, but Addie had told him to wait with his girls. Glancing over at his daughters, he saw they were still asleep on the chairs where he’d placed them twenty minutes ago.

  He should have hired a nanny or something so he could have been with his woman.

  “Why wouldn’t she want me with her?” Dean asked. “I should be in there with her.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Darla had refused to let Dean into the room, and told him to stay out and help Shaun with the two girls. Neither of them was happy to be held back from the women they loved.

  “I’m going to spank Darla’s ass when she’s well again.”

  They went back to their pacing, and Shaun was losing his mind.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late,” Paula said, rushing into the room.

  Shaun was confused. “What are you doing here?” he asked. Paula had become part of their family over the last three years. She stayed with them over Christmas, and had dived right in, helping out with the episode that Addie had wanted to be perfect and filmed with family love.

  “Darla called me and said you needed me to take care of the twins. I was in a meeting, and I only just got out. I’m so sorry. Go and be with your women. You’re about to become fathers again.”

  She ushered them away, and Shaun didn’t question her again.

  He rushed towards his wife’s room, and as he entered, the sound of a scream filled the air. Going to his wife’s side, he held Addie’s hand as she collapsed against the bed exhausted.

  “You’ve got to push one more time. Come on, Addison, you can do this,” the doctor said.

  Addie took a deep breath, and he kissed her temple.

  “I’ve got you, honey. Squeeze my hand, and hold me.”

  “Who’s looking after the twins?”

  “Paula. You need me right now, and there’s nowhere else I want to be than here with you, giving birth to our son. Come on, push one more time.”

  She sat up again, and he helped her. Locking their fingers together, he urged, and
squeezed her hand. “Come on, baby, push for me.”

  Addie pushed, screamed, and cried out as their son was finally with them. His screams filled the whole room, and the nurses took him, wrapped him up in a blanket, and brought him over to them.

  Kissing Addie’s hair, he stared at the little screaming bundle.

  “Shaun, we have a son.”

  “We have a son.” He held his woman as Addie reached for their boy. She moved a little of the blanket out of the way, and he saw his son, reaching out.

  Shaun leaned down, placing his finger within reach, and his son grabbed hold of him.

  “Hey, son,” he said, and such protective love swept over him, just like it did with his twins. “You’re going to want for nothing.”

  Addie lifted him up and pressed a kiss to his nose. “You’re so beautiful. It’s going to be nice to sleep all night without you kicking me.”

  Shaun laughed. During the nights, Shaun woke up so that Addie had a good night’s sleep. He’d find a couple of hours during the day to sleep. Shaun always made sure Addie was strong enough during the day.

  They had been lucky with the twins as they had started to sleep throughout the night really quickly.

  The moment they started talking to their son, he stopped screaming.

  “How’s Darla doing?” Addie asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Will you go and check?”


  He moved toward the connecting door that had been closed for the birth, and he saw that Darla and Dean were also smiling down at a beautiful bundle.

  “We’ve got a little girl,” Dean said.

  “A boy,” Shaun said.

  Opening the doors, Shaun got the staff to move the bed toward Darla’s. The staff had only kept them apart for the birth so no mistakes were made.

  The two women shared a smile, and wrapped an arm around each other.

  Shaun went and got Paula, bringing their daughters into the room. Standing behind his wife, he stared down at his woman, before glancing around at his family. This was his family. They were part of his world, and he loved all of them, even Dean.

  Paula took the twins for the night, and promised to be back in the morning to help. They were all a family, taking care of each other, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Addie handed him their son, he sat down by her side, watching as she drifted off to sleep.

  “This has to be the best thing in the world,” Dean said.

  “It’s one of many.”

  “What’s the next?”

  Shaun smiled. “I can’t pick one. I can tell you a few. For me, it’s always when they hold my finger. They are so young, and they need love and support. Then there’s the moment they start crawling, and talking to you. Not words, but garbled noise that you know they’re trying to talk to you.”

  He locked his hands with Addie, and as she slept, she snuggled closer toward him.

  “Then there’s their first word, and helping them grow. You’re in for a treat.”

  Their marriage had started out rocky, but now they were stronger than ever. He loved Addie with all of his heart, and she made him a better person.

  They had been married six years. The first three years didn’t count. The last three had been the best of his life, and he couldn’t wait for the next fifty years with her.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Evernight Publishing




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