Book Read Free

Bec Adams

Page 6

by A Guardian's Awakening [Shy River Pack 3]

  “What’s this room?” Gavin asked, moving closer to the internal wall that Kade had added after moving in here. He laughed self-consciously.

  “I suppose the correct description would be a ‘panic’ room. I built it when I first joined Dry Creek pack, but these days I use it for storage.”

  “Does it have another exit?”

  Kade could feel himself blushing. “It does. The floor has a hatch that drops into the cellar, and the cellar has a secret exit.”

  “You built it?” Gavin asked with an impressed smile on his face.

  “A long time ago.” He shrugged trying to make it sound like no big deal. “There were a lot of wolves who didn’t particularly want a human joining them forty years ago. Lisbeth and Shaw weren’t interested in protecting me so I was…um…fair game for a few years.”

  The look of horror on Gavin’s face was probably understandable. Most humans tried to curb their instincts to bully weaker members of society, but for a long time in Dry Creek pack it had been encouraged as a type of learning experience for the stronger pack members. Fortunately, when the current alpha had taken over he’d discouraged the practice.

  “Come here,” Gavin said, pulling Kade into his embrace. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you.”

  Kade held onto his human mate, taking comfort from the man’s compassion. He probably didn’t need to mention that it all happened before Gavin had even been born.

  “Where’s the bedroom?”

  Kade’s cock immediately jumped to full attention, so the smack on his backside was unexpected. It didn’t, however, deflate his arousal one little bit.

  “Behave, brat,” Gavin said with a laugh. “Maggie is asleep again. She’ll be more comfortable in a bed.” Kade nodded, but the admonishment to curb his arousal was a little hard to react to when Gavin’s hands pressed Kade even closer to him. He moaned as the heated friction against his cock set his insides ablaze with need. “Does your bedroom have windows?”


  “Huh?” His brain was so focused on getting this man inside him that he didn’t have a clue what the word even meant.

  “Concentrate, baby,” Hensen said with a soft laugh as he moved to stand beside them. Maggie was fast asleep in his arms. “Does the bedroom have glass windows?”

  He immediately felt guilty for putting his own needs ahead of Maggie’s safety. He pulled away and tried really hard to forget how amazing it felt to be held by one of his mates. “Glass, yes, but I still have the boards I used to seal it up years ago.” He shrugged at the concerned look on Gavin’s face and the anger he could sense building in Hensen’s mind. “It was a long time ago.”

  Hensen nodded, perhaps understanding werewolf culture better than a human might, but Kade couldn’t complain about the warm arms that slid around his middle and pulled him close. “We’ll get it organized,” Gavin said to Hensen as he urged Kade toward the storage room, “and we’ll clear a path in case we need to use the emergency exit.”

  “Thanks,” Hensen said with a relieved smile. That was something Kade had noticed on the few occasions he’d watched the werewolf from afar. He’d always seemed to carry the world on his shoulders. It was good that he had a mate as capable as Gavin to share the load, but Kade vowed then and there that he would be there to support them as well. He’d always abhorred stories where the lead character was a vapid, empty-headed twit in need of a big, strong man. He sure as hell wasn’t going to let himself become one just because he had two very capable, very dominant mates to deal with.

  He smiled at Maggie still sleeping in Hensen’s arms. She might be willing to follow instructions when it was a life-or-death situation, but he’d sensed enough of her emotions to know that she wouldn’t want to be anything less than a full partner in this relationship either.

  * * * *

  Hours later, Gavin stood guard over three sleeping werewolves. Both he and Maggie had made the necessary phone calls to make sure they didn’t get listed as missing and spark massive missing-person searches, then the four of them had eaten a quick dinner, and settled down for the night.

  Gavin wasn’t certain that Hensen was asleep, but at least he was getting a measure of rest. It was an unseasonably warm night and with the windows boarded it didn’t allow for any airflow, so they were all sleeping naked. Thankfully Kade had lifted a sheet over them, perhaps realizing that Gavin didn’t need the distraction while on guard duty.

  But the sheet covering them didn’t erase the memory. Maggie’s beautiful shape and soft skin was already indelibly imprinted on his mind, but Gavin had tried hard not to look at Hensen or Kade when they’d been traveling. He’d tried not to look as they’d crawled into bed, but the brief glimpse of Kade’s lean, athletic body and Hensen’s huge musculature had his own body crying out for relief.

  It was almost ridiculous that the small curiosity he’d recently discovered had in one day blown out to a fully developed need. Just the idea of pushing his cock deep into Kade’s ass had him rock hard. He glanced at the arm Hensen had wrapped around Kade’s upper body and wondered if he’d ever feel comfortable in Kade’s place. When he’d imagined himself with another man, he’d always been the one on top. Submitting to anyone hadn’t been part of his thoughts. Just the thought of letting Hensen do to him what he was imagining doing to Kade made his gut cramp with anxiety.

  Despite the feeling of belonging here, perhaps the reality was that he truly didn’t.

  It took a few more minutes of introspection to realize Maggie was watching him. Her head rested on Hensen’s chest, but her eyes were on him.

  “What are you doing awake?” Gavin whispered.

  She shrugged slightly and gave him a soft smile. Hensen moved his hand to caress her hair, proving that he wasn’t actually asleep either. “It’s time for me to take over so Gavin can get some sleep,” Hensen said quietly. “Since you seem to have so much energy now, why don’t you go help our man get comfortable?”

  Maggie smiled shyly as she moved toward Gavin, but it was Hensen’s gaze he sought first. The man was watching him closely, perhaps waiting for a reaction to the word “our.” Gavin didn’t give him one. Instead he admired the beautiful woman walking toward him. She seemed very comfortable in her nakedness as she moved to stand in front of the chair he was sitting in.

  He couldn’t stop the hand that lifted to rest on her hip, his thumb caressing over the smooth skin as she swayed toward him. “Please,” she whispered.

  “Please what?” he asked in a confused voice.

  “Please make love to me.”

  “But…” He glanced at Hensen, concern for Maggie’s safety uppermost in his mind.

  “I’ll let you know if there’s a problem.”


  “No buts,” Maggie said with a soft giggle. “Well, not yet.” She dropped to her knees in front of him. “I need my mates.”

  “Maggie, I can’t,” Gavin said, even as his cock tried to unzip his jeans all by itself. Holy fuck, he was so hard he just knew he was going to be left with permanent marks. He lusted for all three of these people more than he’d wanted anyone else in the past two decades, but he was too confused. It was obvious that Maggie believed Kade and Hensen had some sort of link to her, but surely that didn’t include him.

  Maggie turned back to Hensen, but not before he caught a glimpse of the uncertainty shining in her eyes. Gavin felt like a complete asshole for turning her down, but surely that would make it easier for them to part ways once he was sure she was safe.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Hensen said, holding his hand out and inviting her back into the bed. “He can watch this time.”

  She gave Gavin another tremulous smile but turned and crawled back onto the bed, her ass and pussy very clearly and very deliberately on display. As if he needed another reason to regret turning her down. He closed his eyes, trying to will away his erection.

  Kade woke at her gentle touch. He smiled as he wrapped a hand around the back of her hea
d and pulled her down for a long deep kiss. Still on her hands and knees, Maggie moaned softly and wriggled sensuously. Just watching two people that he was drawn to kissing each other was almost enough to make Gavin come in his pants, but when Hensen moved toward him, he thought he might explode into a million tiny pieces.

  “It’s okay,” Hensen said, urging him to get up. As soon as he climbed to his feet, Hensen moved to stand behind him, his massive body pressed against Gavin’s back, his arms going around Gavin’s shoulders as he held him close. “Just relax and watch our mates together.”

  “Relax?” he asked in a nearly breathless voice. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.” He breathed out and pressed his forefinger and thumb to the bridge of his nose trying to think clearly, trying to find his bearings in a situation so unexpected.

  * * * *

  Maggie could feel Hensen’s approval as she kissed Kade over and over. She could also feel his satisfaction that he held Gavin in his arms. But the feeling she caught from him most clearly was his determination to keep them safe.

  The glass windows were boarded up, the outer doors were all locked—an anomaly in their small community where everyone knew everyone—and the panic room had been cleared so that if they needed to leave in a hurry they could do so without being seen. Maggie had slept through it all, but she could very clearly see it all in Hensen’s memories.

  “Relax,” she heard Hensen say inside her mind. “I want you to enjoy your first time with one of your mates. I promise we’ll keep you safe.”

  “Is that why you’re all the way over there?”

  “It’s the only reason, Maggie. Otherwise I’d be all over you and Kade and Gavin instead.”

  She could sense Kade’s nervousness, and it took a moment for her to realize the most likely cause. “How long has it been?” she whispered anxiously.

  He lifted a hand to her face. “Over eleven years,” he confessed with a small smile. “Once I met you I simply wasn’t attracted to anyone else.”

  “Oh.” That certainly made her feel guilty that she hadn’t done the same.

  “Hey,” Kade said with a soft smile. “You had no idea I was more than a just a wild wolf. I never expected anything from you, especially not that.” Apparently he could read her emotions as accurately as she seemed to be able to read his.

  “Why can I hear Hensen’s thoughts but only sense your emotions?” Even before the words finished leaving her mouth, she kind of understood the answer. Kade smiled as if he understood, but explained out loud anyway. Interestingly his voice was loud enough for Gavin to hear easily.

  “It’s called the true-mates link. It happened when Hensen bit you. When we claim each other, you and I will have the same link.”

  “But not before Hensen claims you,” she said in a voice filled with wonder. It was incredible to somehow have knowledge in her head that belonged to someone else.

  “That’s right,” Hensen confirmed. “As a made wolf you need to be claimed by a born wolf before you can claim anyone yourself, but since I plan to claim you as soon possible that’s not going to be an issue.” He was holding Gavin in a casual embrace but it was obvious that the human wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable with the conversation or the challenge such a relationship presented to his own sense of self. “Enough talking.” Hensen winked at them both. “Gavin and I need to watch.”

  Maggie giggled self-consciously. Was she really going through with this? She’d met these men only a few hours ago. How could it feel so right to be with them like this? She felt desperate to connect with all three men in a very physical way, despite the fact that she’d never enjoyed sex all that much.

  Hell, she wasn’t even certain she’d experienced an actual orgasm. The feeling she’d always considered as “climax” had seemed nothing like she’d read in books.

  She heard Hensen groan in her mind, but he spoke out loud. “Baby girl, as selfish as it sounds I’m very happy to hear that. Kade our girl has never had a real orgasm. Maybe that’s something you could change.”

  “I’ll try,” he said winking at Maggie before he turned to look at Gavin, “but I’m kind of out of practice. Maybe if I had someone willing to help.”

  Maggie saw the longing on Gavin’s face, but Kade didn’t wait for him to react. With a wide grin he rolled Maggie onto her back, his hands and mouth moving over her skin as he arranged her body almost like some sort of offering to the gods. Her legs were wide open, her pussy pulsing juices onto her labia as Kade lay beside her, his hard cock pressed against her thigh, his mouth suctioned over her breast, his fingers parting her pussy lips as Gavin and Hensen watched.

  * * * *

  Gavin practically whimpered at the way his cock ached. He barely knew any of these people, but it didn’t stop the feeling of certainty that he belonged here. It was ridiculous, but silly human concerns didn’t seem to matter in this room.

  And he hadn’t exactly been a saint while in the Navy. He’d bedded women he’d known for even less time than he’d known Maggie. He shook his head, but couldn’t deny his need.

  Gavin let Hensen lift his T-shirt over his head. He shivered as the big werewolf caressed over his chest and stomach, then dropped his hands lower, pushing Gavin’s sweatpants down his hips and carefully lifting them over his hard cock.

  He held his breath as Hensen’s hand inched toward his dick, but a part of him knew he wasn’t quite ready for that. Gavin moved slightly, perhaps in an unconscious signal of what he was thinking. Hensen didn’t push the point. He merely pressed a kiss to Gavin’s neck and moved his arms away.

  “Go make love to our girl. I’ll stay on watch.”

  Gavin was nodding and moving forward even before he’d consciously made the decision to do as Hensen suggested. He crawled onto the bed in between Maggie’s thighs, slid his hands under her ass and lifted her wet pussy to his lips. It wasn’t until that first intoxicating swipe of his tongue that he realized Hensen probably had a perfect view of his ass.

  Despite the uncertainty he felt, the thought seriously turned him on.

  * * * *

  Maggie moaned as she felt Gavin’s hands on her ass. She shook as he licked over her pussy lips, and she damn near exploded when he thrust his tongue inside her. Kade kept sucking at her breast, flicking the beaded nipple with his tongue, his other hand exploring and caressing over her stomach and upper thighs. She practically dangled helplessly in Gavin’s grip, her body seemingly no longer her own, the sensations running through her foreign and brand new.

  Fuck, if she’d had any doubt that she was wrong about the “never had an orgasm” thing, Kade and Gavin were proving her belief in a very convincing way. She’d never felt anything like this.

  Kade wrapped a hand around her knee, pulling her legs wider, laying her open for Gavin’s torment. She wriggled against their combined hold, Gavin’s fingers thrusting into her as he sucked harder and harder on her clit. She gasped, writhing away, overwhelmed.

  “Come for us, baby girl,” Hensen sent straight into her mind, reminding her of his presence in the room. She nodded, whimpering as sensation began to burst inside her.

  She screamed, arching against them, forcing her pussy harder against Gavin’s mouth and her breast deeper into Kade’s. Both men moaned, never relenting, never backing away as they forced her into orgasm and then pushed her toward the next one.

  Maggie shook in climax even as she tried to get away, oversensitive to their touch, dazed by their attentions. “No,” Gavin growled, pulling her back, thrusting his fingers harder and harder into her pussy. “Come again.”

  Fuck. Heat blasted her from all directions, exploding over her, showering her in sensation. She shook violently, clinging to her men now, unable to let them go as her world tilted on its axis and her understanding of orgasm changed forever.

  Every cell she owned seemed to shake in reaction, her body no longer a thing she understood.

  Gavin and Kade held her cradled between them as she slowly recovered, her
deep satisfaction slightly muted as she sensed their pain. Both men were hard as granite, their cocks pressed against the outside of her thighs.

  Kade smiled at her, nodding when Gavin reached over to touch his face. She didn’t know what passed between them at that moment, but she sensed their connection deepen. Gavin leaned over to press a kiss to her lips, her juices still shiny on his face, but a hand in his hair stopped him. He tensed slightly, perhaps not having realized that Hensen had moved, but then his eyes darkened and he let himself be controlled. Maggie’s pussy pulsed more cream as Hensen leaned over and licked her juices from Gavin’s lips before plundering his mouth in a carnal act of possession.

  When Hensen finally moved away, Gavin seemed dazed, his emotions erratic as he struggled to comprehend everything that was happening. Maggie hadn’t even noticed Kade move until she felt him settle between her thighs.

  She squeaked in surprise, but moaned sensuously when he lifted her legs over his shoulders and pressed his cock to her opening. But he held still, refusing to thrust into her. She wriggled impatiently, desperate to have him inside her, damn near vibrating with need, but he held her captive, his eyes searching hers as he waited for something.

  “Please,” she whispered, reaching for him.

  “Please what, sweetheart?”

  Her eyes widened at the realization that he was waiting for her to say the words out loud. She glanced at Hensen, and was tempted to smack the smirk off his face. She growled low in her throat when Gavin watched with an amused smile.

  “Please fuck me,” she said, her words deliberately crude, her patience at an end.

  The slap on her bottom left her gasping in surprise.

  “Try again,” Gavin said as he smoothed a hand over the place on her ass where he’d smacked her.

  “Fuck you,” she said with a laugh in her voice as the humor of the situation suddenly tickled her funny bone. She was in bed with two men while a third watched. It was her wildest fantasy come to life, but she’d never, ever expected it to become reality. She was a naughty, naughty girl, but somehow they didn’t want her to swear? Fuck that.


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