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Divine Desire: A Lotus House Novel: Book Three

Page 17

by Audrey Carlan

  I smiled. “We’re probably not supposed to have alcohol here,” I warned.

  “Wildcat, I’ve learned in life that it can be easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Cheers.” He tapped my glass. “To us and whatever the hell we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

  “Atlas, you often say the exact right thing.” I clinked his glass, and we both took a sip. The dry champagne hit my tongue with a sharpness and crisp sensation I rather appreciated in my champagne.

  “Let’s hope you remember this moment then when I’ve screwed something up in the future. It will be like my ‘get out of jail free’ card.”

  I snickered and popped a grape into my mouth. He took out the plastic cutlery and served me three sandwiches, a handful of grapes, two Babybel cheese circles, a couple pickles, and six crackers.

  “I have more food, so eat up,” he said while layering up his own plate.

  “Are you trying to fatten me up? My goodness. The way you eat blows my mind.” One by one, I put half of the stuff he piled onto my plate back into its container. I may have a voracious appetite on a good day but this was way overboard.

  “You blow my mind, Mila,” he blurted and then sucked back all of his champagne in one gulp. It was as if he surprised himself with his own outburst.

  I lifted my hand and brushed his hair out of his eyes. Then I leaned forward and kissed him. Just one, simple kiss. “Thank you for this. It’s really amazing and so thoughtful.” We stared into one another’s eyes, and while we did, something flickered in his. A deepness he’d not shown me before, as if I was seeing the real Atlas for the first time. I now saw the broken boy who’d been abandoned by his dad, the aspiring musician who wanted nothing more than to make music, and the man who was trying desperately to impress a woman.

  He cupped both my cheeks in his warm hands. I couldn’t help but nuzzle into them.

  “You scare me, Mila.”

  “How so?” I whispered, holding myself up by leaning on his thighs, keeping our close proximity. Our faces were only an inch or two away from one another in this position. I felt like I could hold the pose all night if it meant I could be this close to his essence.

  “I think about you all the time,” he admitted breathlessly.

  “Me too.” I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

  “I want to be where you are. Be near you constantly.” He whispered the words as if they were a secret he was confiding.

  “Yeah.” I closed my eyes.

  “Look at me,” he urged, a desperate tone to his voice.

  I wanted to keep my eyes closed, because I knew with my entire being that something important was happening. Something I might not understand and possibly wasn’t ready for.

  “Mila, baby…” he begged, kissing my lips, “stay with me.”

  I opened my eyes. “I’m with you.”

  “Be with me. Be mine.” His voice cracked. “Let this thing we have going be… I don’t… Can we just let it be us?”

  I smiled against his lips and nodded. As much as I was afraid of making this type of leap, everything he said was a mirror of what I was thinking, feeling, and desiring. He’d just been able to voice it.

  “Okay. So we’re an us? Whatever that is. You and me?” he reiterated, almost as though he needed to hear it, too.

  “You and me, curly.”

  He grinned. “Damn, wildcat. See, now you’ve got me all hot and bothered and wanting to fuck you, when I really need to take you to see the nudes.”

  I kissed his lips. “I’ve seen the nudes many, many times. I’d rather see you nude many, many times.”

  He snort-laughed and nibbled on my lips. “You are wicked.”

  “No, just committed.” I looped my arm around his neck and pressed my forehead to his.

  “Committed to me. Right? To being an us.” Even though I’d agreed, he’d needed to hear my words.

  “Yeah, curly. Now let’s finish this picnic so I can show you some art, then we can go to your pad and fuck like rabbits.” I pulled back and slammed my entire glass of champagne. “More please.” I held out the glass.

  He shook his head. “You’re something else.”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know.” I grinned and bit into my champagne-infused strawberry. The flavor exploded across my tongue, tart and sweet in one go. Kind of like us. Only I was the tart, he was quite obviously the sweet.


  “God, yes. Fuck me! Harder!” she screamed out, her head falling forward toward my bed. I was behind her small body, slamming my cock into her pussy from behind. Her curvy ass felt like heaven against my groin and pelvis.

  “I love your ass, wildcat. So fucking juicy.” I squeezed both cheeks while stirring my cock. I spread those cheeks so that I could watch her little pucker wink with every thrust into her wet center. My dick pulsated as her pussy clenched around it. Excitement and lust filled the air with its heady scent as I plunged in and out of her.

  Mila moaned as I palmed her ass. One of her hands curled around the front of my low headboard while the other flattened against the wall. She was up on her knees spread wide for me, just the way I wanted. Her hair was a wild mane of messy curls. I leaned over her and thrust deep while gripping the roots of her hair and pulling her head back enough so that I could lay my mouth on hers. So dirty, so sexy, so every-fucking-wet-dream.

  Her tongue tangled with mine as I fucked her, using the grip on her hair and her ass to grind my cock deep. Ribbons of lust coiled around the base of my cock making me twitch and moan in bliss.

  Mila lost her breath, panting. “I’m going to come. Fuck.” Her pussy locked down tight around my cock. A searing pleasure-pain weaved from my cock around my back to settle at the base of my spine.

  I gritted my teeth, leaned over her farther, so I could pluck at her clit. It was wet, coated with my saliva and her juicy cunt. “Yeah, you are, wildcat. I’m going to fuck you so many times you can’t remember how many times you came. Now let me hear my kitty scream!” I growled, sinking my teeth into her shoulder, tasting salt and sweet while rubbing her hot button in furious circles.

  She screamed. Loud and deep like a full-body groan. I fucked her through it, waiting for the spasms to subside, my own gripping every sensation with the claws of ecstasy. I lifted back up and ran my hands up and down her silky spine. My cock throbbed hard, my balls pulled up tight to my taint, but I wanted to commemorate today somehow and fucking the daylights out of her sounded like a good plan. She definitely hadn’t complained, the greedy girl and her tasty body always up for more pleasure.

  Christ, and I was the lucky bastard who got to give it to her over and over. The thought rammed home with a hit of emotion I had to swallow down and manage later. Instead, I put all the warring emotions I couldn’t deal with now into my lovemaking.

  “Get up on your hands and knees. Gonna fuck you harder, baby,” I demanded, knowing how she loved the dirty talk.

  She moaned, wiggling her ass in small circles that drove me wild. I lifted my hand back and brought it down on her ass with a hard whack.

  “Oh! Shit!” She popped up onto her hands.

  “Listen next time and maybe you won’t get punished,” I goaded and smiled at her reaction.

  “It’s not my fault that you…” she started with her back talking.

  Not happening. I lifted my other hand and brought it down on her left cheek. The flesh bounced, and both sides had matching pink handprints. Seeing that pink skin, I knew was hot and throbbing because of my hand made me harder than iron.

  “Fuck!” we both exclaimed at the same time for different reasons.

  “Curly!” she yelled at the same time I brought down my hand on the sensitive curve where her curvy ass met her thigh. “Oh!” she screamed and then moaned.

  I grinned checking out my handiwork and loving it. “You gonna keep being a bad girl with a greedy pussy?”

  She hummed in pleasure as I smacked the other side in the same spot. That time her body jerked, b
ut she didn’t call out. She just mewled and swirled her delectable ass in the air.

  I palmed both ass cheeks again, thrusting my cock deep as I spread her cheeks wide. Her asshole spread apart and my mouth watered. I licked one of my thumbs and rubbed a circle around that small rosette. Every touch felt like I was touching myself, I was so damned connected to this woman.

  “Atlas…I’ve never…” She moaned and then stiffened when I pressed my thumb into her forbidden hole. “Oh God, I don’t know…”

  Her ass was tighter than I’d imagined. My mind splintered at the thought of taking her there. That possessive streak I tried to tamp down roared, making me want to pound my chest and take every inch of her, but I knew she wasn’t ready for that step just yet. Instead, I settled for leaning forward and placing small kisses around her neck, nibbling her ear, and stirring my hips so she’d remember I was balls deep in her pussy, as much as my thumb was encroaching on her tight ass.

  “Relax. Baby, I’m going to make you feel so good. And I will have every inch of this body one day. Your pretty asshole is part of that.” I pushed my entire thumb in and started moving it in and out. As that tight ring of muscle loosened up, she picked up my pace and moved with me. “That’s it, Mila, nice and easy. Fuck yourself on my hand.”

  “Atlas…” she sighed, moving her hips.

  I reached my left hand around and tugged and twisted her erect nipple. Her mewls and sighs encouraged me, made me feel strong and desired. When her body got into the movement, I lifted back up and watched while I powered into her pussy with my cock and finessed her little hole with my thumb.

  Sweat misted on both of us as I got lost in her body, in the sensation of mating with the most beautiful woman alive. Sex had been good before, but never like this. An overall pleasure that rippled through every limb. My cock pulsed and throbbed as I plowed into my woman. I couldn’t get close enough, fuck her hard enough. Everything felt so good, so right, so complete.

  “Baby, I’m gonna come. Want to coat your insides.” Just the thought of blowing my load into her pussy made my head spin and my world tilt on its axis. I held on to her hip, keeping my balance waiting for her answer, hoping and praying I could go off inside her bareback.

  “Go ahead. On…the…pill.” Oh, fuck yes! Her body started to tremble.

  “You trust me, wildcat?” Her trust was more important than my pleasure, but I wanted her to be absolutely sure before I did what I’d never done before.

  Her head fell forward. “Yes, just fuck me!”

  I pulled out, quickly slid the condom off, and slammed back into her. Bare. There weren’t words to describe this intense feeling of complete nirvana. Taking Mila without anything between was beyond sacred. It was angelic. It was fucking divinity incarnate wrapped around my cock. I’d never had better.

  “God!” she roared.

  “Fucking tight! Fuckin’ A!” I held my thumb deep, gripped her hip, and went to town fucking my woman bare. Her tight sheath locked down on me, her back arched, and she went into a full-body quiver. I fucked her through every shudder, every shake, until I couldn’t anymore. I pulled out and twisted her body around where she flopped into place, her legs automatically going wide in invitation.

  “Curly?” she gasped.

  “Want to see your face when I come in you. Kiss your mouth,” I said like a heathen and plunged into her perfect heat in one go. There was no finesse, just straight rutting. Again her sex sheathed my cock like dipping your toe into a hot tub that first time. Splendid right to the core.

  Her legs came up and wrapped around my body, her heels digging into my ass. I cringed with the burning prick of that tender flesh. Then she offered up her throat, and I licked and sucked her taste until my balls were ready to erupt.

  “Shit, gonna come again,” she moaned.

  “Greedy fucking pussy!” I growled and took her mouth. She bit down on my lips, and a searing fire hit my muscles as I convulsed and exploded inside of her. Long spurts poured into her while I kept thrusting. Mila encased me in a full-body hold as I let go, her pussy squeezing every last drop until nothing remained but a throbbing, sated man.

  I wrapped the clean hand around her chin and held her face while I kissed her. It was my best kiss yet. Messy, sopping wet, no finesse whatsoever as I took her mouth. I needed that connection with her in every way. With my filthy hand, I held the back of her head, forcing her to take my kiss. She took it all willingly and gave even more. Wet, drugging plunges of her tongue as if she also wanted to devour me.

  Once my breathing resembled something more even, I softened my kisses. I tasted her slowly, sipping from her lips, licking across the swollen bits of flesh, wanting to soothe and mend my harshness. “Mila…” My voice broke.

  I expected her to pull away from the emotion that scored through my body. I felt like weeping, crying all over her, and I’d never felt that way in my life. Not with any woman, not even when my dad walked out on me and my mom. But this woman, this feisty wildcat had my number. She brought out a side in me I myself didn’t recognize.

  “I know, me, too.” Her voice was rough, and I couldn’t tell if it was the fucking or if she was feeling something hard to define.

  I held her face and forced her eyes to meet mine, my heart pounding out a steady anxious beat. Her eyes were glassy, sated, and…more. So much more. “Curly.” She ran her hand through my hair, scoring her nails along my scalp the way I loved.

  My entire body responded with a shiver. “You’re making me fall…” I spoke so low I could barely hear it.

  “Don’t fall…” Her eyes got more wet, and a single tear slipped down the side. I captured it with my lips, tasting her salty tears.

  “What if I can’t help it?”

  She croaked, “Try?” Her words held a note of panic, of concern I knew I’d heard but wanted so badly to change.

  “Maybe I want to fall,” I admitted, playing my cards wildly, emotionally, and all for this woman who had shocked me to no end with what I could feel for her.

  She shook her head and ran her nails down my scalp again. “I don’t know how to be what you need.”

  I knew my girl was scared. Hell, I was cross-eyed with fright, but no one fucked the way we did and it meant nothing.

  This time I ran my hand through her hair. “Have you ever been in love?” I asked.

  Her eyes went sad. “No. Not that I know of.”

  I smiled. So Mila.

  “Have you?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “No, but I’m starting to think I now know what it should feel like.” Because I was falling ass over dick for a mocha-colored wildcat with a mean streak a mile long, a feistiness I wanted nothing more than to tame for myself, and a pussy that tasted like the sweetest nectar.

  “You think?” She swallowed and frowned.

  I kissed her frown away until she smiled softly.

  “It’s a definite possibility.” I’d give her that at the very least after all we’d experienced.

  She hummed and continued to play with my hair. Chills made the hair on my arms stand up. Her touch lit me up.

  “Since we both don’t really know what that specific feeling is, how’s about we make up something of our own?” I offered in compromise.

  That statement garnered me a wide smile and a leg clench. “I like that.”

  I thought about it for a second, taking in her caramel eyes, her high cheekbones, her fantastic body, the way she made me feel…dazzled.

  “I’ve got it.” I leaned forward and kissed her full, wet, and so deep her pussy clenched down on my dick, making it perk back up. I shifted my hips and started to move around in her heat. She was much wetter with the combination of my release coating her. That alone made my dick go from limp to rock hard.

  Her eyes widened at the feeling of my hard shaft filling her again.

  “Mila Mercado…wildcat, you dazzle me.”

  She chuckled, lifted her head, and kissed me so sweetly my heart figuratively stopped. “Atlas Pow
ers…curly, you dazzle me, too.”

  Then we dazzled each other, repeatedly, all night long.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As you work on managing this chakra, try to gain insight into your understanding of power, individuality, and how you identify yourself. Maybe there are areas of your life where you feel powerless? Why? What brought those feelings on? In some individuals, a misaligned third chakra can make thoughtful self-expression challenging. Negatively, it can manifest as aggressive, overly rigid, or controlling behavior, or on the flip side, it could breed a victim mentality, neediness, and lack of direction or self-esteem to stand up and take positive action. Aligning this chakra will help obliterate those feelings of lack of self-worth.


  For the next few weeks, Atlas and I became an us. We didn’t define it, definitely didn’t discuss it, somehow, we just worked. On the nights we spent together, we fucked like animals and cuddled like lovers. I painted a new canvas of him each week in various poses, detailing his godlike naked body. While I worked, it seemed as though we laughed more, spoke more deeply of our desires, figured out that both of us were up to our eyeballs in making our dreams happen.

  At some point in the last month, Atlas had a very brief meeting with Knight & Day Productions. Apparently, they asked him to write two or three new songs to add to the originals he’d already written. If they liked what he brought to the table, further discussions would be held. So while I painted him naked, he toiled away at his songs. It worked famously. He had another couple weeks to write, and I had a willing, gorgeous subject. Win-win.

  “What about this?” Atlas’s head was hanging down, shoulders curved forward while he strummed out a clever acoustic tune.

  He had his guitar resting across his naked thighs, and his hair was a wild mane since only minutes ago, I’d been riding his cock and tugging it incessantly. He didn’t mind. He loved when I pulled and tugged his hair, but more when I scraped my nails down his scalp. I swear it was a direct line to his dick. The second my nails touched his head, he was hard as stone. Today, I’d taken advantage. We were in my studio at Moe’s. She was at work and Lily was at preschool.


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