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Assassin of the Heart: Book Two: The Temple Islands Series

Page 15

by Richard Parker

  “What do you suppose they’re discussing?” she finally asked, ignoring the smug look Krys was giving her.

  “Oh, I’m sure we will find out soon enough,” he answered and wondered at Samantha and Gwaynn. It was obvious that they felt something for each other; they even showed it at times, but afterwards they both retreated and almost immediately the tension between them would build. He didn’t get it. “I’m sure whatever he has planned will not be boring.”

  Samantha almost smiled. “No, not boring.”

  Across the camp Zarina Jess na Gall studied Gwaynn critically for a moment.

  “I will do as you ask…if you agree to train with me. You are nearly at the same level as Laynee. She is very close to her first bridge,” she finally said using all of her influence to coax him into conceding. Gwaynn must agree to train. The knowledge of the Travelers could be lost, there were now so few of them. Only two Zars. They were on the very edge. They needed other talent desperately. Gwaynn must be made to agree to join the other students she’d brought with her for training. Even so, the last few minutes had been a revelation and did not seem possible.

  Gwaynn claimed to have not been trained, but his mental discipline and power were incredible. She did not think it possible for anyone to develop such focus without extensive practice. Of course he’d trained with the Tars of Noble…and even the Solitary Tar Nev. Perhaps he had…the truth came to her in a flash. Tar Nev could Travel! She tried to keep the shock of the thought from her face, but found the young Prince staring at her with amusement. For the moment she decided not to press him, but in time she would have her answer, of that she was sure.

  “I will train with you…in my free time,” Gwaynn answered carefully. “I make no promises. Winning back Massi is my main objective for the moment.”

  “Agreed!” na Gall said happily and held out a hand. Gwaynn shook it with a wry smile.

  “When would you care to leave?” she asked.

  “Tomorrow morning. Krys and Sath will accompany us.”

  Jess nodded. “I will be strong enough. Eno is not so far as the islands.”


  That night Samantha found herself sharing a small two-man, or two-woman tent, with Jess na Gall. There was enough room for Sam to stand in the center of tent, though na Gall being a few inches taller had to stoop just slightly. The two cots on either side of the tent were only about six inches off of the wet ground, but it made all the difference.

  “It’s going to get colder tonight,” na Gall said trying to break the ice with the young Massi woman. She had the distinct impression Samantha did not think too highly of her, though why that should be she could not imagine; as far as she could recall, she’d given the girl no slight.

  Samantha nodded but did not reply. She would have liked to get out of her clothes, at least for a while; she’d worked up a serious sweat during the fighting that day. The temperature was quite warm for the middle of May. But the Traveler was most likely correct. Here on the edge of the mountains, it was going to get chilly during the nights. With a sigh, she climbed fully clothed under the thick wool blanket she’d been issued from the confiscated Deutzani supplies. She rolled over onto her side facing the center of the tent, using her left arm as a pillow. She watched as na Gall removed her Traveling clothes and even in the dim light of the tent she could see that while the woman’s breasts were full, the rest of her body was slender and firm. Samantha grimaced a little, but then Jess suddenly looked down at her.

  “I have another set of silk sleep clothes. They may be a little long, but you are welcome to wear them if you wish,” the older woman said softly.

  Samantha frowned, not wanting to say yes, not wanting to like the woman before her. She was careful to keep any of these thoughts from showing on her face however. As she wrestled with the decision, Jess sat down on the cot opposite her.

  “I am Cassinni,” na Gall said, “not Deutzani.”

  Samantha blinked at her, surprised once more. She’d not given the Traveler’s nationality any thought, but now as she looked at her, Samantha realized that Jess could be taken for Deutzani with her dark eyes and brown hair.

  Samantha shook her head. “That’s not…”

  “I have no political motivations other than the survival of the Travelers,” na Gall said.

  Samantha sat up.

  “You’ve been cold to me,” Jess continued. “I’d like to know why. I know you’ve been through a lot and if I have in some way offended I’d like to know, so I don’t repeat my mistake.”

  “No,” Samantha tried to explain. “It’s not that…”

  “Would you like these?” Jess interrupted, holding out the set of light blue sleep clothes.

  “Yes…yes, thank you,” Samantha stammered, completely caught off guard by the confident woman before her. na Gall’s overly deep voice just seemed to add to the self-assurance she so naturally exuded. Samantha took the clothes and not knowing what else to say began to change. She did so quickly, slightly embarrassed having the Traveler sitting so close and watching her, despite the relative darkness. A horse whinnied somewhere up camp, and the quiet voices of the men around the main fire filtered through the thin walls of the tent, and though they were hidden from sight, the night noises somehow made Samantha feel more exposed.

  The silk pajamas were wonderfully soft and light, though as na Gall warned, they were a bit long in the legs and arms. When she was finished changing Samantha picked up her dirty clothes and stepped quickly outside. She moved quietly, trying to avoid attracting the attention of the men around the fire. She quickly hung her clothes from the low branches of a nearby tree so that they would air out overnight. When she turned to head back to the tent she couldn’t help but notice that all the eyes around the fire were now on her.

  “Miss,” one of the men greeted and she could hear the friendliness and respect in his voice. She smiled; slightly embarrassed, and then hugging herself she moved back into the tent and sat cross-legged on her cot.

  “So, you don’t like me,” Jess started again.

  And again, Samantha shook her head. “I like you fine,” she said and then plucked at the silk blouse. “Thank you for these; they feel wonderful.”

  Jess nodded. “So what is it?”

  Samantha flushed again and remained silent for a time, thinking. How do you tell someone you were jealous of them, even though you were not completely sure of how you felt about the person you were feeling jealous about? A year ago Samantha would have probably tried to hide her feelings, but now for some reason she found the strength to be honest about them.

  “I’m jealous,” she finally said with a shrug. She looked up, directly into the Traveler’s eyes and it was na Gall’s turn to be surprised.

  “Jealous?” She repeated, as if trying out the word.

  Samantha nodded. “You’re so beautiful…and the way Gwaynn looks at you and you at him….”

  She stopped talking as Jess began to laugh. Her laugh came out high in comparison to her low, sultry voice, and Samantha flushed again, the beginnings of anger tickling her psyche.

  “I’m sorry,” na Gall said, holding up a hand in reconciliation. “You surprised me. I admit Prince Gwaynn is a good looking young man, but he is nearly half my age.”

  “And that matters?” Samantha asked.

  “How many nine year old boys are you attracted to?” Jess answered back.

  “That’s different,” Samantha insisted.

  “Is it? I admit some people’s taste may run in that direction but I assure you I am not among them.”

  Samantha stared at her suspiciously.

  “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”

  Now it was na Gall’s turn to think. Yes, she probably had looked at Gwaynn in a way that could be construed as attraction and in fact, he did attract her, though not romantically. He was an enigma to her…and as so, was fascinating.

  “Travelers work through the manipulation of space,” she said choosing her words carefu
lly. “It takes enormous mental discipline and many, many years of training. The Prince appears to have a great deal of natural ability. He may be on the verge of becoming a Traveler, though he’s never been to the Isle of Light. He and his training are a deep mystery to me.”

  Samantha said nothing and na Gall remained quiet for a moment, clearly considering the implications of the statement.

  “His mental discipline obviously comes from training with the Tars, but I can think of only one reason why he might be so skilled at the manipulation of space.”

  Again there was silence, na Gall in deep thought.

  “And that is?” Samantha finally asked impatiently.

  The Traveler blinked and looked at Samantha as if only just remembering she was there.

  “I believe some Tars may be able to Travel,” she answered boldly, though the thought sounded strange when spoken aloud.

  “Travel?” Samantha asked and na Gall nodded, and a worried look crossed her face.

  “If they can, the skills of the Travelers may not be in danger of completely leaving this earth, but it may also be the reason we were singled out for attack by the High King.” She shook her head. “In any case, I find Gwaynn intriguing, but not in a romantic way. Please believe me.”

  Samantha stared hard at Jess, but suddenly found that she did in fact believe her. She nodded but said nothing, thinking about what the older woman revealed to her.

  “I will be leaving with Gwaynn in the morning,” na Gall announced, breaking the silence in the tent.

  Samantha nodded again.

  “You are alright with that?”

  Samantha smiled. “Yes…” she said softly, feeling much relieved. “Look after him and don’t…don’t tell him about what I said…please,” she added in a kind of panic.

  Jess laughed again. “I won’t. I know how to keep a secret.”


  Samantha woke early the next morning to see Gwaynn and the Zarina Jess na Gall off. Afton Sath and Weapons Master Krys Logan were also going along. They left strict orders for Lonogan Bock to keep what amounted to their army high in the hills. He was to avoid all contact with the Deutzani. As the Zarina worked she mouthed instructions to Gwaynn who stood very still and very close to the Traveler. His eyes were closed and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. A bubble soon formed in the air before them and solidified into a bridge revealing a cobbled road running along a flat sandy coast, farther in the distance was a high wall with a pair of impressive city gates. As Sath and Krys moved through the bridge, Gwaynn opened his eyes and with a quick turn, caught Samantha’s eye. He held it for a brief second then turned and followed the two Weapons Masters into the land of Toranado. Jess followed his gaze and gave Samantha a reassuring smile then moved off. Seconds later they and the bridge disappeared and all became forest once more.

  It was warmer near the sea, almost hot, and the smell of sea salt in the air reminded them all of the Temple Islands. Gwaynn thought briefly of Vio and wondered how her training was going. He felt a strong urge to see her but it would have to wait. Eno was standing before them, impressive and immense. It was a large city, second only to the huge Cassinni seaport of Parma.

  The sea road to Eno was busy and their arrival gathered much attention from the locals and many stopped in the middle of the road just to stare at them. No one greeted them however, so Gwaynn and the others turned and began heading for the gates which were located to the west, nearly half a mile away. Sath thought it wise not to materialize unannounced inside the city proper, and na Gall agreed with him, though she expected no trouble. But she felt it prudent after recent events to practice a bit of caution.

  Their decision was reinforced when a large column of city guards rode out to meet them before they were half way to their destination.

  There were exactly thirty horsemen riding three abreast and forcing many of the carts and wagons from the road as they hurried out of the city.

  “Zarina na Gall,” an older officer in the very front of the column said with a smile. “We spotted your entrance from the gates. It is good to see you alive.”

  “You’ve heard of the attack on Light then,” na Gall answered, aware that she’d met the man before, but was unable to recall his name.

  “Indeed, the Queen is very concerned,” he answered, then took to studying her companions for a long moment.

  “Master Sath?” he asked, looking hard at the older man, and Sath inclined his head.

  “Captain Rumbek,” Sath said returning the greeting, and the Captain of the guard seemed well pleased to be remembered. He quickly looked to the pair of younger men on either side of the old Weapons Master. “May I present,” Sath continued, “Prince Gwaynn Massi and his Weapons Master Krys Logan.”

  Rumbek wore a shocked expression on his face as he stared down at Gwaynn. He was momentarily stunned into forgetfulness then bowed his head respectfully. “I am honored Prince Gwaynn,” he finally stammered, then turned and motioned four of his men to dismount. They did so immediately. The displaced horsemen would walk back to their stations, but voiced no complaint.

  “Please ride with me to the city,” Rumbek said with as much formality as he could muster. “The Queen will be very intrigued by your visit.”

  They rode quickly to the city gates and then were guided through a maze of narrow cobblestoned streets until they came to a wide central thoroughfare which cut the walled city in half, east to west. The palace of the Queen towered over the surrounding city and was built entirely of polished white granite. The palace sparkled brightly in the early morning sun, reminding Gwaynn of the buildings on Lato.

  They passed through several more gates before they finally dismounted and continued through a set of massive oak doors that hung on equally massive iron hinges. As Gwaynn passed through, he noted that the doors were nearly two feet thick. Captain Rumbek then led them deeper into the palace and up several flights of stairs before they came before two men. The two could not have looked more different; one was a fat man with closely cropped hair, but he made up for his lack of hair by sporting a full, bushy beard that was quickly going gray. The other man was much younger, perhaps mid-twenties, thin and spry. He moved about on the balls of his feet like a dancer, but Gwaynn knew that any dance he performed would be deadly.

  “Ah ha!” The fat man whooped with a large, genuine smile, his eyes lighting on Gwaynn. “The rumors are true then; you have survived. You look a lot like Arnot…at least the way he looked thirty odd years ago,” he finished with a laugh and held out a hand in greeting. “I’m Admiral Cantu, and this is the Queen’s Weapons Master Alba Tabernas. Alba did not offer his hand, but bowed slightly at the waist. He eyed everyone but took special interest in the Traveler na Gall.

  “The Queen will be anxious to meet with you,” Cantu continued. “She’s in an audience with an envoy from Rhondono. The Palmerrio are on the march and we’re in search of allies.”

  “Thomas,” Tabernas said quietly, frowning at the delicate information the admiral was freely revealing.

  Cantu glanced at the Weapons Master and his eyes went wide. “Oh yes, yes, quite right, quite right. Alba here will see you to the Queen’s antechamber. I regret that I must return to my fleet.”

  Cantu quickly left them and the group followed Alba, who walked beside Gwaynn.

  “You have studied on Noble,” the Toranado Weapons Master said, more a statement than a question.

  Gwaynn nodded as they ascended a large winding staircase that led to a wide impressive hall. It finally ended in a set of intricately carved mahogany doors. “Yes,” Gwaynn finally said.

  “I have heard,” was all Alba said in reply, and then he led them through a smaller set of doors directly to the right of the larger pair. They entered a good-sized rectangular room, comfortably furnished with several clusters of soft looking chairs and sofas. The furniture was placed close together, near the two fireplaces which burned on either side of the room. There was a small group of men sitting in the furnitu
re closest to the door. They looked up expectantly, but when it was obvious they were not to be summoned they continued with their conversation.

  “If you will wait here,” Alba said, “I’m sure you will be called upon soon.” He turned and made to leave, then suddenly stopped again and addressed Gwaynn.

  “I’ve heard rumors of your talent,” he began, but Gwaynn just stared at him without commenting. “You trained with Tar Nev, did you not?”

  “Yes,” Gwaynn answered.

  Alba nodded and remained quiet for a moment. “If you remain in Eno for a time, I would be honored if you would exhibit your skill for me. I have a private training room on the fourth floor.”

  “My pleasure,” Gwaynn answered with a slight bow. Alba gave a half smile, then turned and moved gracefully from the room.

  “Creepy,” Krys said after he’d gone.

  “I remember him from the Competitions,” Sath said. “Won the kali his last two years I believe…trained under Tar Banal.”

  They waited for a quarter of an hour before finally a door opened and a small, very old gentleman stepped into the room. The three men on the other side of the room stood, but the old man did not look their way.

  “Prince Gwaynn Massi,” he said in a very strong, formal voice despite his size and age.

  The entire party stood. The little man looked for a moment as if he might object, but he said nothing and just led them out of the room, then quickly through yet another set of impressive doors.

  “Bloody maze,” Krys whispered under his breath.

  They walked into a surprisingly small intimate room, half the size of the room in which they’d waited for the audience. Waiting inside was Queen Ramona Toranado. She was sitting on a large comfortable chair rather than an actual throne, and she waved them all forward.

  There were two men sitting on either side of her, they both stood as Gwaynn and his group moved forward. The man on the right was tall and fit, near his prime and the other was young, perhaps only three to four years older than Gwaynn himself.


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