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Assassin of the Heart: Book Two: The Temple Islands Series

Page 21

by Richard Parker

  “We’ve placed squads of men around the perimeter in case the Deutzani decide to hit us directly,” Sath said stretching his back. “It will be good sleeping in a bed…my old bones can’t stand to be outside anymore.”

  “How far out?” Gwaynn asked.

  “On the road to Manse, three miles, toward the south only a mile out,” Bock answered. “The Toranado are still forty-five minutes away, I’ve sent out scouts to see if Prince Phillip would like to ride ahead.”

  Gwaynn nodded and Anda Botnick beamed. ‘Two Princes in my town at the same time…it’s a glorious day for Colchester!’

  “We’re planning a celebration,” Botnick said happily, “to the end of Deutzani rule. Here in the square. We’ll have music and dancing and food. I hear an army marches on its stomach, well we’ll fill yours with much that is good to eat.”

  Botnick noticed that Gwaynn and Samantha glanced quickly at one another at the mention dancing and smiled inwardly. It would be good to have a King…and a Queen again, that way the Massi people could celebrate the arrival of new little Princes.

  “I would be honored if you and your lady would take a room in my own home. It’s modest, but very comfortable,” Anda paused for a moment as he noticed the color coming into Gwaynn’s face. “My wife, Raisa would be very disappointed with me if you do not accept the offer,” he hurried on, misinterpreting the looks he was getting from all those around him.

  “Well…” Gwaynn began.

  “We’d be happy to accept your hospitality,” Samantha interrupted, moving forward to shake Anda’s hand, which he returned heartily with a wide smile.

  Gwaynn glanced first at Samantha, who would not look at him, and then at Krys, who only raised his eyebrows slightly. Sath and Bock, however, were both smiling at everyone. They prudently made no comment however, and Gwaynn just stood in shock, quickly growing very uncomfortable. He could think of nothing to say that would alleviate his current situation so he just stood there and tried to act normal, feeling once again like a frightened young boy. And he was nervous and a bit afraid, the realization that Samantha wished to share a room with him was somehow more frightening than the entire Deutzani army…Temple Knights included. But it was also very exciting and he did not dare contradict her and it was all he could do to keep from grinning like the town’s fool with a new toy.

  When Samantha stepped back and took her place once more at Gwaynn’s side she stood just that much closer to him. It seemed strange to him now, in the middle of the war for his country, among all the worry, blood and killing, that he was happier than he could ever remember being.

  The next hour was a blur. The magistrate introduced Gwaynn to a host of people he would never remember, told him stories about the town he would never be able to repeat, and generally just led the Prince about showing him off to his friends and neighbors. Gwaynn took it well, showing no impatience, perfectly content, because through it all Samantha stayed planted at his side, moving through time with him. Gwaynn’s only show of agitation came when Botnick finally arrived at his own home, which was a grand three-story affair not far from the town square. Gwaynn glanced about nervously as if coming out of a trance. Samantha was still with him, casting shy glances his way every few moments. Sath was also tagging along, but Krys and Bock were nowhere to be found, and Gwaynn realized he had no idea at all when they’d departed.

  Raisa greeted them at the door and led them inside. She was a round bundle of energy, clearly proud, nervous and a bit surprised at the prospect of the future King of Massi spending time in her home.

  “This will be where you will stay, M’lord,” she said so fast she could hardly be understood. She held open the door to a room, which was much larger than Gwaynn expected. It had a small fireplace along one wall, which was already sporting a bright little fire; two small wooden chairs and a plain spun rug sat before the hearth. There was a narrow cherry table along the wall opposite the door that held a porcelain pitcher bowl filled with water and a few towels neatly folded alongside. The only other piece of furniture in the room was a large four-poster bed opposite the fireplace. No matter what Gwaynn did his eyes continued to gravitate toward the bed, and when he glanced at Samantha he noticed that she too was staring at it in seeming wonder. She looked up and caught him watching her eyeing the bed, she colored slightly, looked down at the floor momentarily, then back up at Raisa.

  “It’s a lovely room,” she said with a calm, steady voice and Gwaynn could only admire her courage. “It will do just fine.”

  Bock caught them at the front door of the Botnick home. “Phillip Toranado has arrived,” he said a little breathless, eyes filled with excitement.

  “His men?” Sath asked.

  Bock smiled. “Hard men. All of them.”


  Prince Phillip was dusty and sweaty, but he smiled brightly as Gwaynn approached. Lonogan Bock and Captain Marcum were already with the Toranado Prince.

  “Well met Prince of Massi,” Phillip said by way of greeting and gripped Gwaynn’s hand tightly. “Your army grows.”

  Gwaynn nodded. “Yes, but most are untested in battle.”

  “Still your people are clearly behind you,” a voice came from behind. Gwaynn turned to see the Alba Tabernas, the Toranado Weapons Master. Alba bowed his head slightly in greeting and Gwaynn gave him a returning nod; they did not, however, shake hands or touch in any way.

  “Magistrate Botnick,” Gwaynn said loudly and the big man ambled forward. “Could you please see to our guests? They’ve ridden long and hard and would no doubt like a room to rest and clean up a bit before the celebration.”

  “I am grateful,” Phillip said. “But we’ve little time. How soon can your men be ready to march on Manse?”

  Gwaynn raised an eyebrow.

  “What news?” Sath asked.

  “Our Speaker tells us that the Deutzani have nearly broken through our defenses at the Gap,” Tabernas said in his soft, almost feminine voice.

  “So soon,” Gwaynn asked looking directly at Prince Phillip. He felt a soft brush of a hand on his elbow and glanced to his right to see that Samantha was still a fixture at his side.

  “I’m afraid so,” Phillip answered, clearly worried. “We need to take Manse…and then Cape and threaten the Deutzani rear with as much haste as possible. Pachout is holding the Temple Knights at the Mac, but it will be only a matter of time before Eno is threatened from the west as well as the south.”

  “The Temple Knights?” Samantha said and regretted speaking as the Toranado Prince turned his attention to her. He smiled kindly but his eyes moved over her with a certain willfulness she found disquieting.

  “Yes M’lady,” Phillip said grasping her hand and bowing low. “And you are?” he asked when he was once again looking into her eyes.

  “This is the Lady Fultan. Samantha Fultan,” Gwaynn said before she could speak. Her spine tingled warmly at his use of the title ‘Lady’ and she shivered slightly. Phillip smiled, still holding her hand, misinterpreting the movement and Samantha pulled her hand free quickly.

  “She is also one of my Captain’s,” Gwaynn added. He might have also misinterpreted the exchange had not Samantha placed her hand back on his upper arm.

  Phillip glanced once more at Samantha, then at her hand on the Massi Prince and bowed slightly once more.

  “We can be ready to march in the morning,” Marcum said to Gwaynn, who nodded.

  “We’ll need to scout,” Krys and Sath said simultaneously. Sath glanced at the younger Weapons Master and smiled.

  “Yes, it does us no good to march on Manse and lose the battle for the Scar,” Gwaynn said, but when Phillip made to speak he held up a hand. “We’ll do our scouting quickly,” he added. “Tonight let your men rest and relax. We may not get such a reprieve for a very long time.”

  Phillip smiled at the younger man. “Very well, Magistrate our rooms please,” he said and he and Tabernas were led away.

  “I would like to fight him,” the Toranado W
eapons Master whispered to his Prince when they were a fair distance across the square.

  “Why?” Phillip asked his tutor and friend, instinctively knowing he meant Gwaynn and not either of the Massi Weapons Masters.

  “You learn much when fighting another,” Tabernas answered. “He is young and confident, and has a manner about him. I would like to confirm my suspicions.”

  “What suspicions?”

  “That the Massi Prince is the deadliest person we’ve ever met.”


  The celebration was well attended by the townsfolk, but both Gwaynn and Prince Phillip thought it best for the troops to remain outside the perimeter of the town and on alert. Gwaynn was still nervous about the Deutzani, though the arrival of two thousand professional soldiers from Toranado helped to ease his mind. Still, according to all the reports, they were going to be heavily outnumbered in the coming battle for Manse, even if the claims of ten thousand enemy troops were exaggerated. It was still very probable that the Deutzani would be able to field more than the four thousand that they could muster.

  The town’s square was brightly lit with hundreds of paper lanterns; food was plentiful even with the vast amounts of meat being taken out to the Toranado and Massi troops, and musicians were piping out a constant stream of merry music. Gwaynn ate heartily with Samantha sitting at his side, but before the meal was even finished Prince Phillip was up and asking Samantha for a dance. She glanced momentarily at Gwaynn before accepting. Gwaynn nodded and watched them work their way through the dancing throng before joining a large group of dancers. He had little time to fret, however, because Jess na Gall was suddenly standing before him. She gave him a graceful curtsy.

  “May I?” She asked with a smile, which Gwaynn returned and rose to join her. They found their way to a different group on the dance floor, but he still was able to keep a close eye on Phillip and Samantha. Krys and a local girl soon joined them along with Sath and Raisa, who joined yet another large circle. Bock and Gaston soon had dancing partners as well, as did Alba Tabernas, the Toranado Weapons Master. Tanner, Marcum and Hahn, Gwaynn’s other Captains remained with the troops to ensure a vigilant watch against any surprise attack. Marcum and Tanner felt themselves too old and crusty for such foolishness as dancing, and Hahn was still sporting a damaged foot.

  Gwaynn danced three dances with Jess, who was truly lovely and a very fine dancer, but after each stoppage of the music Gwaynn’s eyes went immediately to Samantha, and he was very gratified to see that she also searched him out. When she was finally able to break away from the Toranado Prince, Gwaynn instantly took his own leave from na Gall. The beautiful Traveler was not slighted in the least, but before he could reach his intended, Laynee Whitener, the young Traveler, was standing brave and breathless before him, shyly asking for a dance. Gwaynn, killer though he was, could hardly refuse the young girl and shot a rueful smile Samantha’s way. He accepted Laynee’s offer with a deep, low bow. Zebo Sorbello, the round Speaker, quickly snatched up Samantha, but led her to Gwaynn’s group much to his surprise and pleasure. For even though Laynee was on his arm at the beginning, the circle of dancers moved methodically through all the others present until finally, at the end of the dance, you were back with your original partner.

  Gwaynn smiled when he realized that time was teasing him, slowing down agonizingly; playfully keeping Samantha from his side. But slowly, steadily he worked his way through the other smiling females until finally she was standing close, her hands at last in his. Her face was flushed and happy as they dipped and spun to the music, and all too soon she was gone again. They suffered through one more dance a part, until it finally ended. Krys, the Prince’s Weapons Master and champion, came once again to Gwaynn’s rescue and bowed deeply before Laynee, pleading for the next dance. He took and kissed the back of the young Traveler’s hand so softly that she giggled and accepted. Krys straightened, winked at Gwaynn and led the young woman off. Gwaynn quickly strode directly to Samantha, who threw her own curtsy his way and they took up their positions next to one another.

  His right arm wrapped around her waist as he held her left hand in his. She felt good where she was and he pressed her close when he was able.

  “I’ll share your bed Gwaynn Massi…but not my body,” she spoke softly so that only he could hear.

  Gwaynn’s heart fluttered as if he were going to battle when she spoke of sharing a bed, but he wondered at her motives if she were not willing to share all. It would not be to save her reputation, because everyone would believe she’d done all, no matter what truly happened behind the closed doors.

  “Why?” Gwaynn asked courageously, but before she could answer they were forced to switch partners. Round and round they went before eventually they met once more. They looked briefly, shyly into each other’s eyes and then Gwaynn took her in close.

  “I’ll know you better first,” she finally answered in a breathless whisper. Gwaynn’s heart soared, for though he would have to wait, all he heard was the promise that she would be his in time.


  “You remain here in the room,” Cyn de Baard told Robert Huntley, who was still posing as her brother. “When you come, come quickly and be prepared to kill.”

  Huntley nodded. He was fully aware of the plan but did not like it. He was not, however, prepared to challenge the Tarina about it.

  de Baard smiled to herself, a bit surprised that she was becoming excited about the coming confrontation. She could feel her lower belly quiver slightly beneath the full skirt she now wore to appease the Massi girl, Emm. In fact, Emm’s advice to dress more conservatively and hide the shape of her body in bulky, unflattering clothes worked out nicely, though not in the manner Emm imagined. de Baard knew though; she could tell that by hiding what she’d previously shown she’d somehow made the soldiers and men on the streets even more interested in her. The stares and catcalls increased in the past few days, much to her surprise and pleasure.

  Now was the time. Sergeant Raga knew what to do and knew what was coming. When de Baard informed him of the part he was to play in the little charade his crotch almost immediately started to twitch and grow. Raga was a large, powerful man with a full black beard. He wet his lips and allowed his eyes to wander over the Tarina’s now mostly hidden body.

  “Tomorrow Sergeant. Just you and Lacombe, and she must be watching,” de Baard said and when Raga’s eyes were still wandering around her chest area she pulled a long, sharp knife from the folds of her skirt. She moved so fast that the Sergeant was not aware of the danger until he saw the glinting blade waving slowly in front of his nose.

  “Understand me Sergeant,” she said slowly, menacingly. “The girl must see. Make sure Lacombe is sure.

  Raga swallowed hard and nodded, wondering perhaps if all of this might be too good to be true. But as he watched the Tarina turn and walk away, her hips swaying seductively, he decided it would be well worth the risk.

  de Baard left Huntley sitting in his room and moved up a flight of stairs to find the girl. Emm was pulling the sheets from the bed in the very first room.

  “I’m going for some fruit,” de Baard said just poking her head in the room. She reached quickly up to make sure none of her hair had broken free of their tight restraints.

  Emm smiled at the gesture, feeling happy that she was helping Cyndar, who she no longer considered a stranger and was even beginning to think of her as a friend. She thought for a moment of leaving her chores for a while and heading out with the woman, but knew if she did, she would never finish all the rooms. Mistress Maybel would not favor that at all.

  “Be careful,” Emm said. “I’ll watch out for you,” she added then went back to her work.

  “Thank you,” de Baard said sweetly, meaning it for once.

  de Baard moved down the stairs to the main floor at a leisurely pace and left the inn only to move even more slowly out across the street. She sauntered out into the warm morning air resisting the temptation to look back at the windows of t
he third floor; instead she concentrated on Lacombe who waited several buildings down, leaning against a post outside the grain store. The Deutzani soldier alternately watched de Baard approaching and the windows of the inn for the appearance of the girl. When Emm’s face finally appeared in a window on the top most floor, he nodded almost imperceptibly to the Tarina and turned to glance meaningfully at Sergeant Raga.

  de Baard continued to walk slowly past Lacombe toward the barn and Raga, who she could tell was waiting impatiently. Even through her own growing excitement de Baard was fearful the Sergeant might blow the entire thing with his obvious fidgeting. She sped up, deciding to look away from Raga to the opposite side of the street. When he grabbed her, he placed a dirty, strong hand across her mouth and lifted her easily from her feet. She kicked several times for affect and then let herself be carried into the dark recesses of the nearby barn.

  Once inside Raga set her down and de Baard backed away from him, moving even further into the darkness. Raga also moved, following her, his eyes intense and wanting. As Lacombe walked in through the entrance of the barn, de Baard reached up and with a violent jerk ripped open her blouse, tearing the thin fabric easily and exposing her breasts in the dim light. Raga stared at them, licking his lips. Her breasts were not overly large, but they were full with dark pink nipples that stood out in the morning air. Raga, now breathing heavily through his mouth, took a small step forward. de Baard smiled and lifted her skirts, pulling away her undergarments in swift, graceful movements. Then she raised her skirts higher, and then higher still, revealing her long, toned, cream-colored legs. She continued to raise her skirts until they were bunched about her upper waist. Raga’s eyes shifted to the dark triangle where her legs met and they lingered there, mesmerized.


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