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Assassin of the Heart: Book Two: The Temple Islands Series

Page 37

by Richard Parker

  Tomm nodded and led them into the house. Samantha was reticent at first but as she saw how little everything had changed, she began to treasure the memories that welled up inside her. Tomm led them to the kitchen and Gwaynn sat in the very chair Sath had occupied so long ago, and then they were all sharing stories of the past year.


  That night Gwaynn and Samantha stayed at a well-to-do couple’s house in the very center of Millvale. Samantha didn’t think she would be able to sleep within the nest of memories that surrounding her old home and Gwaynn was just as happy to rejoin his army. Tomm and Lonney rode along with them and Gwaynn took them to Tanner and informed him of the special place they held in Samantha’s heart and therefore his own. They would stay with the army but be well protected at all times.

  Samantha seemed to grow more content as they traveled north up the finger of Massi, her sickness beginning to ease. Gwaynn was happy for it, thinking it a sickness of the soul that had perhaps finally run its course. Samantha however, was not so sure, but she kept her suspicions quiet and wrapped herself in the utter calm found in those who finally accepted what they could not change.

  Both Gwaynn and Tanner grew much more cautious the farther north they went, both expecting to either run into an ambush or be confronted by what was left of the Deutzani army. The finger was not a place to be careless. Nearly three times the number of scouts were sent into the surrounding countryside, and the flanks of the army were pushed out over ten miles on either side of the main body, but day after day and mile after mile passed with no word or sign of the enemy. The army entered the small city of Drake, the place of Arnot’s defeat, after nearly a week of easy marching.

  Bells from the town rang out so loudly that they could be heard three miles away, and many of the top citizens rode out to meet them.

  “No, the Deutzani are gone,” they all said and the air around them was one of overpowering jubilation and satisfaction.

  “We’ve heard rumors they’ve abandoned Solarii as well,” the newly elected Massi magistrate told Gwaynn as they drank warmed cider in his elegant study.

  “You’ve seen no sign of the Deutzani army?” Krys asked, standing in the doorway to allow Emm and Samantha a place to sit. Tanner was out seeing to the creation of the camp along the Bone River which ran through the northern edge of town all the way to the western shore of the finger and into the Inland Sea.

  The magistrate shook his head. “No, the five hundred or so troops that occupied our city, left early one morning ten days ago. No word was given. They headed northeast toward Solarii. There have been other parties, mostly smaller, coming up from the south as you did, but they only hurried past. They didn’t even molest us for food or drink.”

  Solarii was only a little over a day’s ride for a fast rider and a few good horses, but it would take three to four to move the army up to the Capital of Massi.

  “We should send riders out,” Emm said, and Gwaynn looked at her and broke into a smile.

  “Emm, the General,” Krys said with a smile, though she frowned at him, thinking he was making fun of her.

  “Yes we should,” Gwaynn agreed, suddenly realizing that the mousy girl they’d found in Manse was making his friend very happy. He was glad for Krys…and glad for Emm, though he was still a bit puzzled by the attraction. “We should send out riders. Send out five of your best, all by slightly different routes,” he ordered his Weapons Master. “And see that they mind themselves.”

  Then Gwaynn turned to Tanner as he entered. “See to our defenses here, but don’t dig in. I want to be able to retreat down the finger if necessary, so keep a very close eye on the route south. I don’t want my army trapped like my father’s.”

  Captain Tanner agreed happily. The farther up the peninsula they marched, the more his worry grew. He’d not fought at Drake with Arnot, his cavalry group battled farther down the finger at Graff, which was the only reason he escaped with his life. As a lieutenant of Sath’s, he had complete confidence in the decisions of his King but after the resounding defeat his confidence was shaken badly. It took Gwaynn’s masterful defeat of the Deutzani at Koshka to begin to renew his belief, and the twin battles for Manse just reinforced it.

  Tanner gave little thought to the fact that the young King was fifteen years his junior. Gwaynn had a keen mind for tactics, bordering on genius in the Captain’s estimation. But Tanner could also see something of Sath in the way Gwaynn approached an obstacle or an upcoming battle and knew the old Weapons Master had taught the Prince well. It didn’t hurt that many of Gwaynn’s decisions mirrored his own and the Prince often gave orders which Tanner would have recommended. But there were occasions when the young King came up with ideas which were well beyond any tactical plans he could have come up with himself…some ,Tanner felt, were even beyond Sath.

  Yes, Captain Tanner was well satisfied with Gwaynn’s leadership. He found it to be the perfect blend of boldness and caution. Of course it didn’t hurt that the young King fought like the Black Horseman himself…and with a large quota to fill. Without even being fully conscious of it, Tanner would have followed the young man anywhere, even to death.


  It took just over three days for the first of the riders to travel the thirty-three miles to Solarii and back and he echoed the rumors which were spreading out in waves all over Massi. The Deutzani had fled. They’d taken to the sea and sailed back to the seaport of Malche from where the invasion had begun nearly two years prior.

  The news was welcomed with glad hearts, but Gwaynn was still cautious and sent another group of riders to Heron, at the very tip of the peninsula, but four days later the news was the same, the Deutzani had fled. During the wait a strange new tension began to fill the army, a tension of tempered euphoria.

  “It is time to claim Solarii, to take back your city,” Tanner urged.

  “My father’s city,” Gwaynn corrected. “I will build Manse as my own. It was foolish of him and the rest of my forbearers to choose such a location for the heart of their land.”

  “Long ago we used to be a great sea power,” Tanner explained, defending those who’d come before them.

  “Then Solarii should have died when we stopped being so,” Gwaynn snapped, but then placed a hand on Tanner’s shoulder to soften his words.

  Gwaynn looked from his Captain to Krys and then Samantha. “Come, all of Massi is now ours. Let’s go visit my old home,” he said mostly to the young woman at his side but everyone broke out into great beaming smiles. They all refrained from shouting for joy however, because their victory did not yet seem real to any of them.

  “Captain!” Gwaynn said smartly.

  “Yes M’lord.”

  “I leave the army in your most capable hands. You must be prepared to push back down the finger if you do not hear from us in a week.”

  “We won’t be taking the army?” Krys asked, concerned.

  Gwaynn shook his head. “No, only five hundred of our best horseman. We’ll leave the rest of the cavalry to guard our army’s flanks. We’ll take Solarii symbolically. We’ll not be staying.”

  They rode at an unhurried pace, Gwaynn, Krys, Samantha and Emm heading the long column of Massi horsemen. They moved down the wide lane that led to the old capital city as if on a Sunday outing. All along their course people lined the way, throwing flowers, cheering and crying, for their King had returned to them, and returned their land to them. Every heart in Massi soared with pride, a pride which was felt all the stronger for the past humiliations visited upon them. All the people that came out to see Gwaynn pass, young or old, man or woman, would gladly die rather than feel such shame again. Unwittingly, the Deutzani helped to mold the conquered people; through disgrace and mortification the Massi were now the most powerfully united people in all of the Inland Sea. But this was something no one, not even the new King, was aware of as yet.

  The city gates of Solarii were thrown open and the walls were decorated with the banners of the Massi family. The city
was perched on the edge of mighty cliffs which overlooked the eastern sea and Gwaynn realized now why his father and those before him chose to make it their capital. Solarii was, in his mind, the most beautiful city in all the lands.

  As they slowly rode through the western gates, hordes of citizens pressed around them from all sides. Woman, men and even children were reaching to them, all hoping just to touch any one of them and on occasion, some would boldly grab a hand and pull it to their lips, and everywhere great cheers echoed off the stone walls of the castle.

  The cities elders were waiting for Gwaynn at the steps of the inner keep, and if any harbored doubts about whether their King had truly returned to them, one look at Gwaynn erased them instantly. Here was a strong, handsome and young Arnot. Here was the King of Massi.

  “M’lord Gwaynn,” the eldest man of the group said when the noise from the crowd finally allowed him to speak. Krys signaled to a young lieutenant and a ring of horsemen quickly surrounded the King and his group, holding back the press of people. Krys feared that in their joy, the crowd might injure or even accidentally kill their new monarch.

  Gwaynn dismounted with Samantha. Krys and Emm did likewise, though the young Weapons Master quickly signaled his men to remain where they were until the King was in a more secure location.

  “M’lord Gwaynn,” the old man said again, taking Gwaynn’s hand, tears running freely and unashamedly down his face.

  “I am Daniel Kenton, city elder,” the man said. His face was a mask of wrinkles, some so deep that they reminded Gwaynn of the Scar which ran from one end of his land to the other. The old man’s hair was nearly gone, but there were a few wisps of white here and there, grown coarse and thick with age. The man was indeed an elder, though how old Gwaynn could not guess, but Kenton’s eyes were a clear blue and watched the young King alertly.

  Suddenly it came to Gwaynn that he knew this man, had met him on numerous occasions, but in his memory the man was not nearly as feeble. Gwaynn’s face lit up in recognition and the man smiled back with such pride and happiness you’d have thought him just named Weapons Master.

  “I remember you Elder Kenton,” Gwaynn said and shook the old man’s hand gently.

  “And I you,” Daniel answered, suddenly aware that the crowd was again growing restless. “Come with me…the people of Solarii need you now.” And without another word the old man, along with the council, led Gwaynn and his small group up into the keep. Gwaynn followed, hit by memories at every step. His eyes watered and cleared as they moved through well known hallways and up familiar stairs, but even though he knew his surrounding intimately he did not realize the elders were leading him to the massive audience balcony where his father so often greeted the citizens of Massi.

  Daniel Kenton and the other elders stopped before the massive twin doors which led out onto the large veranda.

  “You must go to them,” Daniel said. “Let them see their King.”

  Gwaynn paused for several long moments, then reached out and took Samantha’s hand. Tears sprang into her eyes as he led her out and to the thick stone rail at the very edge of the balcony. The crowds below erupted at the sight of them. Together they looked out over the sea of cheering people, neither able to even a guess as to the number present. On and on the crowd roared their approval and Gwaynn found himself awash with love for them all. The joy emanating from the throng spread out and immersed everyone present. The emotion continued to build until it was so strong that suddenly Gwaynn threw up his hands to them, along with one of Samantha’s which was clasped in his own. Cheers erupted so loudly it was as if all was quiet beforehand.

  Gwaynn’s skin bumped and tingled as waves of pride and happiness washed over him. He’d never felt such joy, such satisfaction and contentment. He felt like a King…felt like the King of the entire Inland Sea. He felt stronger and more powerful than anyone had the right to feel. And, under the waves of adulation, he felt in control of his destiny, like nothing could ever touch him, like nothing could ever surprise him. He was the master of all he surveyed, the master of the world and he was sure that nothing could surpass this feeling of triumph. And somewhere deep inside, Gwaynn knew he would never feel this way again, never feel this complete, never feel this powerful, never feel this happy. But then Samantha shattered his preconceptions as she leaned over and ever so gently pressed her lips against his ear and whispered.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  The End





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