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Guarding Her Heart (Renegade Love Bodyguard Novel Book 1)

Page 6

by Jade Webb

  After a few seconds, Liam pops his head in. He offers his hand to help me out and then seeing me, furrows his brow as he reads my panicked expression. Without saying a word, he turns away for a few seconds before jumping into the backseat beside me and directing the driver to a nearby alley.

  “We are going to drive around back and go through that entrance,” he says.

  I fall back against the seat in relief, catching his eye. “Thank you.”

  I’m grateful when he says nothing, simply nodding in return. When the car slows to a stop, he jumps out first and holds out his hand for me. I hesitate before placing my hand in his. I can’t explain it, but his touch seems to set my nerves on fire. It’s as if each touch between us brings us closer to this intangible…thing. I shake the nonsensical thoughts from my head and place my hand in his. As expected, the second our hands touch, a rush of heat races down to my core. I do my best to ignore it and step down onto the concrete. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I pull my hand away.

  Luckily someone is already waiting for us by the back entrance, so we are ushered in quickly. I go in first, and Liam follows closely behind. As we enter the crush of people, I feel Liam’s warm hand come to rest on the small of my back. He guides me through the crowd until we safely cross to the other side, to the roped-off VIP section.

  In keeping with its Moroccan theme, the VIP section has six large cordoned-off white canvas tents. Colorful upholstered poufs in rich burgundies and burnt oranges surround an intricately carved wooden table in each tent. On the table rests an impressive assortment of different bottles of expensive, top-shelf liquor and mixers. Already Daphni and Drizzle are tipping back glasses of something. Dismayed, I see that Drizzle has invited his friends, whom I have had the misfortune of meeting before. Each one is creepier and sleazier than the last. Reluctantly, I step into the tent and take an empty seat next to my sister.

  “Gabby!” Daphni squeals as she sees me. She claps her hands together and presses a messy kiss on my cheek.

  I am surprised to see that she is already wasted. She only had a ten-minute head start getting here, and the only thing I saw her drinking in the car was a bottle of water.

  “Gabby drink this,” my sister orders, handing me a glass of some clear liquid.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s Everclear!” she shouts, a bit more loudly than needed, her words already blurring together.

  I wave my hands in front of me, rejecting the glass. “I’m good, Daphni. You know, I was actually hoping we could talk tonight. You know, just the two of us.”

  Daphni rolls her eyes dramatically. “Gabby, I promise we will talk. But tonight is the first night of my tour! At least have one drink with me.” She pouts her lips and bats her lashes. It’s a pathetic ploy she has used on me since we were kids to get me to join her in whatever devious scheme she has devised. It always worked then, and as I take the glass from her and nervously sniff the contents, I can’t help but admit it still works today.

  She clinks her glass with mine and tilts her drink down her mouth. I do the same, guzzling down the contents even as I feel the liquor burning my throat. Finishing half of it, I slam the drink on the table and cough.

  “That’s disgusting!” I make a face at my sister and she grabs a bottle of dark-red liquid and pours it into my drink.

  “Try it now.”

  I tentatively take another sip, and the sweetness of the cranberry juice masks the harshness of the liquor. The drink thankfully goes down smoother and a pleasant, warm and tingly sensation courses through my body. That feeling swiftly disappears when the overwhelming smell of cheap cologne overpowers my senses and one of Drizzle’s friends takes the empty seat next to mine.

  “Hey, Gabby. Looking good.”

  At the sound of his voice, I feel my body tense up. I recognize that voice, made nasally by one too many Clove cigarettes, and a quick tilt of my head confirms it: Elijah, Drizzle’s super creepy childhood friend who awkwardly follows him everywhere. He has an uncomfortable habit of staring for far too long and is always a bit too touchy. I should have guessed he was coming.

  I offer him a polite, tight-lipped smile in return and shift in my seat to try and scoot closer to Daphni. I find my eyes darting around, searching for Liam. Though there is something about Liam that sets me on edge, I undeniably feel safer knowing he is nearby.

  I feel my body relax a bit when I find him standing at the edge of our VIP tent. He is facing away from us, likely looking around at the crowd and ensuring that no fans or groupies get too close and bother us. And with his tall frame and bulky muscles, I doubt any sane person would try and get past him. He looks like a UFC/Jolly Green Giant hybrid. You would have to be a complete idiot to try and mess with him.

  Tonight, he is wearing a fitted black long-sleeve shirt, with the collar unbuttoned, revealing a glimpse of his hard chest. He has rolled up the sleeves, pushing them to his elbows. From my vantage point a few feet away, I can see the dark ink of a tattoo spilling out from under his sleeve and wrapping around his right forearm.

  He shifts slightly, almost imperceptibly, and I can see the ripples in his arms move as he flexes. He looks so tense and uncomfortable. Then again, I can imagine having to play babysitter for a spoiled pop star and her high-maintenance entourage might not be his idea of a fun night out. I wonder what a fun night out would be for Liam. Is he the type to prowl around town for ladies? God, with a body like that I bet he could have any woman he wanted in his bed with a snap of his fingers. Egh, why does the thought of him with another woman send a shaft of disappointment through me?

  A tug on my wrist pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Daphni standing over me.

  “Come on, bitch. We’re going to dance,” she declares, her words slurring together.

  I inwardly groan. When Daphni drinks too much, her alternate personality comes out. Daphni likes to call her Bianca. Bianca enjoys flirting, tearful confessions in bathroom stalls, and calling everyone “bitch.” Incredibly, Bianca is even more high-maintenance than Daphni, and a complete psychopath. Unfortunately, it looks like Daphni has already checked out for the night and Bianca is in full-force.

  Drizzle practically carries Daphni out of the tent, and I slam back the rest of the contents of my glass. I rarely drink, but I am going to need some liquid reinforcement if I’m stuck with Bianca for the rest of the night.

  Daphni won’t leave until she sees me following, so I push myself out of my seat and obediently trail behind her and Drizzle. To my annoyance, Drizzle’s friends also follow along and we form a long train down to the dance floor.

  Daphni’s security team, with Liam at its helm, forms a protective barrier around us. On the dance floor, Daphni and Drizzle immediately begin to grind on each other. Drizzle is still supporting most of her body weight and Daphni has wrapped her leg around him. The whole scene is cringe-worthy and is veering dangerously into porno territory. Luckily Liam and his team are on the ball and the instant they eye a cellphone camera, they push the offender away.

  Unfortunately, I am not having similar luck deterring Drizzle’s friends. I can feel Elijah’s bloodshot eyes on me as I awkwardly sway back and forth. The loud thumping of the bass coupled with my sister’s behavior is starting to frustrate me. I had planned my whole speech out for her tonight and the evening is going to shit. Luckily the last time I checked online, the news still had not broken about our mother’s death, but I know I am working against the clock.

  I tug on the sleeve of my sister’s dress and she shoots me an annoyed look before pushing me away. I land on Elijah, who takes the opportunity to pull me closer, so my ass is uncomfortably close to the growing bulge in his pants. Swallowing back a desire to vomit on his shoes, I pull away and signal a nearby waiter for a drink. At this point, I don’t even care what comes—I just need something to distract me and give me enough courage to confront Daphni and rush back to my inviting hotel bed.

  Thankfully, the waiter arrives quickly, and I gr
eedily down the contents of the glass. Elijah’s long fingers curl on either side of my hips and he pulls me back against him. I manage to swivel out of his grasp and shoot him a warning look. I am usually good about withholding my anger, but if he touches me one more time, the rest of this drink is going down his shirtfront.

  I take a few steps back and Daphni shimmies over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She teeters in her stiletto heels and I feel myself getting dragged down with her. Luckily Drizzle is close by, and he disentangles her from me and continues dancing with her.

  The few drinks I’ve had are finally beginning to kick in, and a pleasant warmth washes over me. My swaying finally falls in line with the beat, and I let my eyes fall closed as I relax into the music.

  That is until I feel long, spidery fingers wrap around my wrist. I open my eyes again to see Elijah in front of me. His dark-blue eyes are blatantly lustful and oddly, a bit terrifying. I pull my wrist away, but he is surprisingly strong, given his lanky frame. He pulls me toward him as I continue to try and wriggle my arm away.

  The smell of his drugstore cologne hits me again. Annoyed, I press the heel of my stiletto into his shoe. He recoils at the sharp sting and drops my hand. I spin around and march back to the tented VIP section. I’m grateful to find the tent empty, and I fall down into my seat and reach to make myself another drink. This time, I forgo the Everclear and pour cranberry juice into the glass. Whatever good mood the alcohol had tricked me into thinking I had achieved was now long gone. All I feel now is frustration and annoyance.

  My body tenses as I watch Liam lead Daphni and Drizzle back to the tent. Daphni’s face is scrunched in anger and I can see her hands bunched at her side. The minute she walks back into the tent, she stalks over to me.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Gabby?” she hisses, as her eyes narrow to glare down at me.

  I force myself to stand and look her in the eye. “What is wrong with me? Look at you!” I point my finger at her accusingly and she scoffs at me, rolling her eyes.

  “God, you are such a priss, Gabby. How dare you come to my tour, to my party, and insult my friends?”

  “Well, I rather be a priss than be…whatever this is,” I reply, waving my hand in her direction. I reach for my bag and move to walk around her.

  Daphni squawks and blocks me from leaving. Liam steps farther into the tent and places his hand on Daphni’s arm. “Daphni, let your sister—”

  Daphni swivels out of Liam’s grasp and glares at him. “You have no right to touch me!”

  I use this moment to side step out of Daphni’s grasp. As I walk away, Daphni continues her acrid assault. “Gabby just go home. I don’t even want you here. Aren’t you embarrassed that you have nowhere else to go? Lawrence is too busy for you, and dad and mom didn’t even care enough to see you graduate. God Gabby, take a hint.”

  Her words are laced with venom and hit me right where she intended. I blink back tears and continue to walk away.

  “You see, babe? I told you she wouldn’t do anything,” Daphni continues. “She has no backbone. I think the reason she’s such a tight ass is because she’s still a virgin. She just needs to get some and then maybe she can finally loosen up.”

  The sound of Drizzle's snicker finally sends me over the edge and I spin on my heels. Anger courses through my veins as I close the distance between my sister and me. Heat rushes to my cheeks and a satisfied smile tugs at Daphni’s lips. I feel my hands trembling and my jaw tick as the blood pumping inside me boils.

  This is it. This is what it looks like when someone finally hits their boiling point, I think, as I finally reach her.

  “Fine, Daphni. You want the truth?” I spit out, rage taking over my body. “I don’t want to be here, either. The truth is mom is dead, and everyone is too scared to tell you because they’re worried you’re going to fall off the deep end.” I wave my hand over her. “Which, clearly has already happened. And now, I have to watch over you and make sure you don’t have another mental breakdown so dad will bankroll my law school and then I never have to see you again!” My chest heaves as I hiss out the final words. Everything I said had come out so hastily. I look at Daphni and watch with unbridled disgust as she lifts her glass in a mock toast.

  “To my beloved mother, who gave me life and a record contract! Rest in peace, wherever the hell you are.” She downs her drink and I feel my stomach turn.

  Grabbing my purse, I rush past my sister out of the tent. Not able to see the nearest exit behind the tears clouding my eyes, I make a split-second decision to take the stairs up to the rooftop bar and clear my head.

  I’m grateful it’s a clear, cool summer night. The lights from the city illuminate the cozy rooftop bar, filled mainly with couples wanting to catch a romantic moment of peace and quiet. I walk over to the edge of the roof and drop my elbows on the ledge. Peering down below, I gaze at the dots of people walking by and pathetically wish I could be among them, an anonymous dot on the street.

  I pull out my phone, immediately regretting that I don’t have a smartphone so I could call a cab or order an Uber out of here. I had seen how all my classmates had gotten so distracted from their studies by their phones, with all those stupid games and apps, and had decided I would only get one once I had graduated from law school. I had never really been in a situation where I needed one before, but now that I would be stuck on tour with Daphni for the summer, I should seriously consider amending my rule.

  Law, Daphni is a disaster. I type out to my brother. I don’t think I can make it through the summer. I think thirty years of crippling debt would be worth it.

  True to Lawrence, my phone beeps back with a response in just a few minutes. G, she’s our sister. She needs you right now.

  I groan at his typical, responsible, big-brother reply.

  Well, what about me? I press the “send” button before I give myself a moment to re-read it. I cringe at how pathetic I sound, and feel even more pathetic when a second later, my phone lights up with a call from my brother.

  “Gabby, what’s going on?” my brother’s concerned voice asks.

  I let out a quiet sigh. “Nothing, Law. Sorry to bother you. I’m just feeling dramatic tonight.”


  “No, seriously. I’m fine. Daphni’s just wasted and I’m frustrated. I’m sure everything will be fine tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks, and I know he doesn’t fully believe me.

  I steel my voice before I respond. “I’m sure. Go to bed, Lawrence. I’m good.”

  “Gabby, I know it’s not easy. And I’m sorry we dumped this on you. But I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you could do it. You are the best one out of all of us, Gabs.”

  I shake my head as I bite back a bitter laugh. “Right.”

  “Gabby, I know our family is a mess. And I know you haven’t had the best role models growing up, myself included. And not a day goes by that I don’t realize that. But we can’t give up on each other. Daphni needs you. And hell, maybe you need her, too.”

  I let his words sink in and let out a long exhale. “Maybe you’re right, Law,” I concede.

  My brother laughs, and the familiar sound instantly sends a smile straight to my face. “Of course I’m right, Gabby. I always am.”

  I roll my eyes and we say our goodbyes before I hang up and return the phone to my clutch. I feel calmer, and though I am not eager to return to Daphni, I reason I will have to do it at some point. I slide away from the ledge and turn around to see Liam leaning against the wall across from me. His eyes are locked on me as he pushes off the wall and walks toward me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, his concerned eyes burning into mine.

  I do my best to offer a nonchalant shrug. “I’m good.”

  A surprisingly adorable dent appears in between his brows as he narrows his eyes down at me, a concerned expression on his face. “You don’t look good.”

  I paste on my practiced smile before responding. “Well, I’m

  He shakes his head and crosses his arms at his chest. “You’re all bum and parsley,” he mutters.

  I arch my brow in response. “Eh, translation please?”

  “You’re full of it, girl. You’re not good.”

  I prop my hands on my hips. “Oh, I’m full of it, eh? Well then how aboot this: move out of me way so I can get oot of here and show you how good I am,” I say, mocking his Scottish brogue.

  My pathetic impersonation draws an amused upward quirk to his lips and he gallantly bows away, allowing me to pass. I straighten my shoulders and walk down the steps, back to the VIP section. I brace myself for another confrontation, but am surprised to see the tent empty, with a mess of overturned bottles in its former occupants’ wake.

  I turn back to face Liam. “Where is everyone?”

  “After you left, Daphni was in a sour mood and everyone decided to head back to the hotel.”

  A wave of relief washes over me. “Oh, thank God.” I look back at him. “Wait, why are you still here then?”

  He offers a simple shrug. “I didn’t want to leave you alone here.”

  I nod in response and follow Liam out of the packed club and onto the empty street. He pulls his phone from his back pocket. “They took the car, so we’ll need a cab.”

  “Wait,” I say, looking for the street sign. “Do you know how far are we?”

  “About six blocks, I’d wager.”

  “How do you feel about walking back?” I ask, before I can call the question back. I have a lot on my mind, and am hoping a walk in the city can help remedy this unsettling feeling I have lingering from my fight with Daphni.

  Liam nods, tucks his phone into his back pocket, and offers me a warm smile. “Let’s do it.”


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