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by Marc Secchia

  For was that not his Dragon-Name? Fireborn.

  This fate had been written in the stars since long before her eggling-spirit twirled in its first dance of life.

  With an inchoate scream, Jin rushed at her, the blade held high.

  Hualiama opened her mouth and breathed forth her fire-soul, directly into his face. Thou shalt be reborn of fire and spirit, Jinichi of the Nikuko. I adopt thee. I name thee Jin the Dragon.

  The teenager crashed to his knees. Eyes bulging. Helpless. Overcome. The blade spun into the darkness, plinking off an unseen stone planter. He clawed momentarily at his throat as if burned, but he was mistaken. This was a type of fire that penetrated deeper, eternal and ever-burning, embracing the very soul. Then Jin exhaled in wonder, and Hualiama breathed in a curl of cinnamon-vanilla scent.

  There in his inmost being stood a soul-tracery etched in the whitest of fires, nascent of wing and paw, a living flame.


  The End of Book 3

  Hualiama’s story continues in Dragonstar, coming in 2017.

  About the Author

  Marc is the bestselling author of over a dozen fantasy books. Born in South Africa, he lives and works in Ethiopia with his wife and 4 children, 2 dogs, a rabbit, and a variable number of marabou storks that roost on the acacia trees out back. On a good night you can also hear hyenas prowling along the back fence.

  When he’s not writing about Africa or dragons, Marc can be found travelling to remote locations. He thinks there’s nothing better than standing on a mountaintop wondering what lies over the next horizon.

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  Twitter: @marcauthor


  Other Books by Marc Secchia

  Shapeshifter Dragons: (Young Adult and older readers) Three allied series of bestselling Dragon adventures. Prepare to wing away to a unique world of mighty Dragons and volcanic Islands above the deadly Cloudlands!

  In chronological order (Island-World timeline):

  Dragonfriend series: Dragonfriend, Dragonlove and Dragonsoul

  Shapeshifter Dragon Legends series: The Pygmy Dragon and The Onyx Dragon

  Shapeshifter Dragons series: Aranya, Shadow Dragon and Song of the Storm Dragon is planned for 2016

  Standalone Book: Dragon Thief

  The Equinox Cycle: (Young Adult and older readers)

  Trapped in a car wreck, crushed by a train. In seconds, Zaranna’s world is torn apart and she must start life anew, as a survivor. A double amputee. Yet why does this promising equestrienne remember a flash of sulphurous fire, and a crimson paw hurling her mother’s car onto the train tracks? Why does a tide of beguiling butterflies flood her increasingly chaotic dreams?

  As Zaranna Inglewood adjusts to life minus legs, plus gorgeous Alex, the paramedic who cut her body from the wreckage, she learns the terror of being hunted. Relentless and inimical, the enemy lures her to a world where dreams shape reality. Equinox. A world of equinoctial storms; lashed by titanic forces of magic, dominated by the Pegasi and their centuries-old enmity with Human Wizards and the Dragons. This is a world where a girl can Dream her destiny. Where her soul can fly, or be chained forever.

  She is Zaranna, the Horse Dreamer. Survivor. Fighter. A girl who doesn’t need legs to kick an evil fate in the teeth. All she needs is courage–the courage to Dream.

  The Horse Dreamer (Equinox Cycle Book 1)

  The IsleSong series: (Young Adult and older readers) A story for anyone who loves the ocean and its whales, salt water in their hair, and the gentle rasp of beach sand between their bare toes. This story will transport you to a beautiful, unspoiled ocean world where people have to rely on Whales to travel between the islands. A world where danger can, and does, lurk beneath any wave.

  The Girl who Sang with Whales (IsleSong Book 1)

  The Shioni of Sheba series: (Middle Grades and older readers) Unique African historical fantasy adventures set among the myths and legends of ancient Ethiopia.

  Shioni of Sheba #1: The Enchanted Castle

  Shioni of Sheba #2: The King's Horse

  Shioni of Sheba #3: The Mad Giant

  Shioni of Sheba #4: The Sacred Lake

  Shioni of Sheba #5: The Fiuri Realms

  Shioni of Sheba Box Set – Books 1-5

  Epic fantasy (New Adult and Adult readers) Epic length tales of unique worlds and powers.


  The Legend of El Shashi




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