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Page 12

by Riana Lucas

  The entire table looks beautiful and well thought-out, but what holds my attention is the centerpiece. It is a large crystal vase that looks to be Fae-made. Intricate patterns and designs weave their way around the outside of the glass and are far too difficult for any human or machine to have produced. The design depicts a forest scene with animals, trees, flowers, and even a young Fae couple. It holds beautiful, fragrant flowers that look like the ones in Anna’s garden outside. The entire setup is carefully considered and intended to be a place for a peaceful and loving dinner.

  Regretfully, it is a wasted effort.

  I move stiffly to the seat on the far side of the table, and Anna moves to the seat next to me, leaving the only available seat on the other side of the table for Reed. At first I am relieved not to have to sit next to him, but as we all take our seats and I look up, it is directly into Reed’s eyes. Glancing away, I avoid the questions and hurt I see there.

  The argument we had caught me so off guard that I cannot form a coherent thought now. My feelings for Reed have grown increasingly stronger, but that is not my issue. Knowing that he has some sort of feelings for me is something that I am unsure how to deal with. We came to the human world to see his mother, and now that we are here, I can see how much they need each other. If Reed knew how I felt about him, it would make our parting that much more difficult for both of us. I do not wish to put him in a situation where he feels like he must choose.

  I give myself an internal nod. Reed cannot know my feelings. I will not be the cause of his and his mother’s separation, or be the one who takes him from everything and everyone he loves. Although my heart is breaking, and the pain is almost unbearable, the knowledge that Reed will be happy here in the human world helps a small amount.

  Relying on my strength to get me through this, I straighten in my chair and look up at Reed. He stares at me as if he is willing me to do something. Unsure of what to do, I smile as if the last half hour never happened, as if my heart is not breaking with the knowledge that I will be leaving him here. The smile does not reassure him. Instead, his eyes squint slightly shut as his head tilts to the side. Intense eyes watch me as he tries to figure out what is going on, no doubt trying to get into my head. I am unsure how this connection between the two of us works, but I put everything I have into blocking him out. Hopefully, once we are in separate worlds again, the connection will break entirely.

  Not trusting my smile to stay in place under Reed’s scrutiny, I look over at Anna. She looks at me oddly as well, and it is more unnerving than Reed. If I did not know any better, I would swear she was the one that could get into my mind. The look on her face is as if she knows exactly what I am trying to do. I offer her the same smile as I did Reed, and when I do, she smiles back but winks as well.

  This only confuses me further, but it is definitely not a discussion I wish to have. “Anna, this all smells so wonderful. I have to admit, I was very nervous about eating in the human world. I did not think a human would understand our needs or be able to provide the proper nourishment. After getting to know Reed so well, I should have known better…” I shrug, finding myself at a complete loss for words. For the first time in my life, I am babbling like a human under pressure.

  Anna, sensing my nervousness, reaches her hand across the table and gives mine a gentle squeeze. “There is no need to explain yourself, dear. I am probably one of the only humans in this world who knows of your kind and what you need. Thankfully, or else my wonderful son probably wouldn’t have survived.” She offers a smile with her words, but it does not mask the sadness.

  Raising a Halfling here in the human world would have been extremely difficult and dangerous for her. Fae need so many different things than humans do. Finding the right foods and the proper balance between the human world and what is in the Faery Lands would have been nearly impossible. Then there were the added threats of humans discovering the truth as he grew up, or enemy Fae coming to steal her child away. I am still unsure who helped Anna raise Reed and what their motives where, but thank the Faeries they did or else Reed may not be alive today.

  A wave of sadness courses through me at that thought. I have only known Reed for such a miniscule amount of time, but I know that a world without Reed would not be a world I would have wanted to know. Again, as if Anna can read my thoughts, she mumbles, “I know, honey, I know.” She pats my hand before moving it away to the serving dishes. Then louder, she says, “Let’s eat. The food is getting cold.” She lifts one dish and passes it to me, then lifts another, passing it to Reed.

  Reed and I obediently take the dishes and serve ourselves before passing the dishes along. It turns out that Reed’s favorite dinner is one of my favorites, as well, which is a nice surprise. A hodgepodge of different dishes cover the table. There is chicken and steak, salad, asparagus, rice, rolls, and delicious strawberry shortcake. All of which are made with fresh herbs and spices, fruits, vegetables, fresh perfectly cooked meats, and warm homemade crisp breads. Unfortunately, the delightfulness is lost on all of us. We eat dinner in relative silence, only asking to pass various items or answering Anna’s halfhearted questions. Reed and I barely exchange more than five words throughout the course of the entire dinner.

  As the meal finally comes to an end, there is an excruciating awkward silence. Thankfully Anna does not let it drag on. “Poppy, would you mind helping me clear the table while Reed washes the dishes?”

  “Sure,” Reed and I both answer at the same time. Avoiding eye contact, and eager to be separate from him, I begin to pile dishes so Anna can take them to Reed in the kitchen.

  We both work quietly side by side for a few moments before she takes the first set into the kitchen for Reed to wash. When she returns, she comes to stand beside me. She does not continue to clean up but just watches me. I get the sense that she wishes to speak with me, so I stop what I am doing and look at her.

  “I really didn’t mean to, but we both know I heard the two of you in there arguing. It’s a tiny house. I can hear everything.” Her voice is soft, so that Reed will not hear everything like she did.

  I nod, but do not bother to reply. There is a point and she will get to it when she is ready.

  “The two of you have only known each other for a very short time, and as a mother, I know I’m supposed to discourage a relationship or dating as far as my son is concerned.” She smiles slightly with a knowing look. “But this is different. You two are different. You have something that is extremely rare and special. You cannot turn your back on that.”

  My back straightens slightly. She is referring to our ability to hear and read each other’s thoughts. This is something I have never heard of, so for her to be aware is odd and intriguing. “How do you know?”

  “I’ve seen it before.”

  My heart rate speeds up in excitement over the possibility of not only getting a deeper look into her past, but also at getting answers for what it is that Reed and I share. Barely able to maintain my composure, I ask, “Who? What is it? Where are they now?”

  She raises her hand to stop my rapid-fire questions. “All you need to know right now is that it is a very rare gift and something you should not throw away too hastily.”

  My head snaps back a bit at the accusatory words. “I was not intending…”

  She cuts me off once more. “Yes, you were. I could see it in your eyes. You think Reed is better off here with me and without you. You’re wrong. Trust me, I know.”

  “But…” This time I stop, unable to argue her words without lying. “How?” I finish lamely.

  She shakes her head sadly, and I wonder if she is speaking from experience, but that would be impossible; she is human. At least Reed is half-Fae, which helps explain our connection a little.

  Anna interrupts my thoughts. “Now is not the time. I know you want answers, and I know Reed does as well, but there are things I can’t talk about right now. You must trust me on this one thing. The two of you need each other. Please, just think about it. O

  “But what about you? What will you do without him? You will miss him terribly if he is in Faery Land with me, and I saw how much he missed you. I have only known my own mother for a short time, but the thought of being without her…” I shake my head at the thoughts, not able to voice them aloud. Instead I continue my argument, “And I could not bear for you to be here all alone. What if something happened to you? Reed would never forgive himself, neither would I.”

  “Oh hush. I’ve lived this long by myself. There’s no reason why I can’t do it longer. I’m the one that took care of Reed, not the other way around. And now he’s older, and it’s time for him to go out on his own. I always knew this day was coming. From the time he was born, I knew one day he would need to know his full heritage and it would lead him into the Faery world. I’ll be fine.”

  “But what if something happens to you? I do not know your past, but I know that you have had far more contact with the Fae than is safe. You should not be left here alone, without someone to protect you. You are vulnerable to any Fae who might wish to harm you.”

  “You’re right, she is. That’s why she’s going back to Faery Land with us.”

  Anna and I both turn at the sound of Reed’s voice from the doorway. I had not heard him enter the room, and I am not sure how long he listened, but by the set of his jaw and the stern stance he has taken, it seems to have been quite a while. He looks angry and unreasonable.

  “Reed, I do not know if that will be acceptable.”

  “I didn’t ask you.”

  My head jerks back at his harsh words as Anna scolds him.


  “I didn’t ask you either, Mom. I won’t hear any arguing, and this is not a topic for discussion. We are leaving in the morning, so pack your bags with whatever you’ll need for a while. I don’t know when we’ll be returning to the human world.” With that, he turns his back to us and strides angrily from the room.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Anna gathers blankets and pillows for me then leads me into the back part of the house where the other family room is. Apparently there is some sort of bed back here. I follow behind her just as quietly.

  After Reed stormed from the dining room, Anna and I both stood there staring after him for a few moments. Neither one of us knew what to say or do. She was the one who finally broke the silence by telling me it was time for bed.

  I was thankful for the distraction and the direction.

  Anna bustles around the room, removing pillows and cushions from the couch and setting them neatly in another chair. Then she reaches in the couch and begins tugging at it. I watch for a minute, confused. When I finally figure out what she is trying to do, I reach past her and finish pulling it out for her. It folds out into a large, comfortable looking bed. Anna takes over once more, making up the bed with soft sheets that smell like they are fresh from the wash. She places a thick, warm comforter over them all, and then places a few plump pillows at the top. Once finished, she glances around the room as if trying to find something else to busy herself with, but there is nothing. She sighs, too soft for a human to hear, but my Fae ears have no problem hearing the sound.

  Feeling as if she needs comforting, I walk over to her and hesitantly place my arms around her. This is the first time I have initiated this sort of contact with anyone. Even my mother has always been the one to pull me into an embrace. At first I am scared she will turn away from me, but she pulls me tighter, and my attempt to comfort Anna turns into her comforting me.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. It will all work itself out. You’ll see,” she whispers into my hair.

  “I am not so sure.”

  She runs her hand from the top of my head to the bottom tips of my hair, the movement soft and comforting. My body relaxes at her soothing strokes. “Trust me. I know my boy. It’ll all be okay.” Her voice is as soft as her hand. Soothing and calming. I cannot help but to want to believe her words.

  “Thank you,” I whisper back softly as my eyes begin to flutter shut with sleepiness.

  Anna must hear the weariness in my voice, because she pulls back gently and guides me over to the bed. “I know you’d probably be more comfortable outside under the trees and stars, but I would sleep so much better knowing both you and Reed are safe inside.”

  The thought of sleeping within the walls of this house made me nervous. I had planned to sneak out at some point and curl up under one of the beautiful fruit trees in the back yard. But now, hearing Anna’s confession and the relief in her voice, I cannot. After everything she has done for me, I do not want to scare her or make her worried.

  “I will stay here,” I manage to mumble as I slip under the heavenly sheets and snuggle as deeply as possible into the bed. Anna tucks me in, just like Willow and my mother did right after losing Rho. This time I am able to appreciate the attention and care. It is a nice feeling.

  My eyes are already closed, and I am drifting into dreamland when Anna leans down and kisses my cheek softly before whispering, “Sleep tight, Princess.”

  I smile at the endearment, beginning to like it. Just before drifting away completely, I manage to cast a spell of protection.

  Sleep sound

  Sleep tight

  Protect this house

  Throughout the night.

  Then, I am lost to the world.


  Faery Land is so beautiful, day or night.

  Faery Land in a dream state is absolutely breathtaking.

  I find myself wandering through the woods, not knowing my destination but clearly drawn to one. Consciously knowing that I am in a dream state is a wonderful reprieve. I am able to let my guard down fully and actually enjoy all that is around me. I know that nothing and no one here can harm me. As I carefully pick my way through the trees, I am conscious of the fragrant flowers with all of their effervescent colors. I stop occasionally, bending down to get a closer look or better smell of the rarer or especially beautiful ones, like the roses that smell of sweet candy and fade deep red to light pink.

  I listen to the wind blow through the leaves of the far-reaching trees. The sound is soft and soothing. The birds sing harmoniously high above in the branches, and the crickets chirp within the grass below. It is like a perfectly orchestrated symphony with all of nature working together to create the most wonderful environment.

  My unknown destination still has a pull on me, but I do not feel an urgency to get there. I feel peaceful and sure that once I arrive, whatever is waiting will still be there. So, I continue to stroll along, taking in all of the wonders of Faery Land.

  When the pull deep inside begins to recede, I know I am close. The trees and bushes before me begin to thin out. Hints of sunlight seep through, beckoning me forward. As the light begins to pour through, I step around a large tree and find myself in a familiar place.

  I am standing in the meadow of many of my dreams.

  The meadow is large, surrounded by a wall of trees, and covered with tiny flowers, giving the appearance of confetti sprinkled all over the ground. There is a small break in the color that is a winding dirt path which leads to a sparkling pond. The sun shines on it just right, making it appear as if there are thousands of tiny diamonds covering the top.

  Sitting upon a rock, gazing into the pond is the same person who also appears in many of my dreams.

  Reed sits with his back to me, knees bent up with his arms wrapped loosely around his legs. His body is relaxed, and although I am sure he has sensed me, he does not turn to greet me. The beauty of the scene before him has captured his full attention. I decide to take this opportunity to observe him.

  I stare at his head and watch for a moment as the wind dances through his hair. The sun shines on it and catches the blond highlights as it moves about, making it appear even lighter at times. It has grown a bit longer since we first met, the slight wave causing it to curl around his ears, and I know without seeing the front of him that it occasionally sweeps in front of his eyes.

  My eyes move past his long hair to the nape of his neck and across his broad shoulders. The light blue shirt he is wearing is snugger than it would have been a few weeks ago. Reed has always been larger and more muscular than most male Fae, who tend to be lean and muscular, but now he is even more defined. The shirt allows me to see the bulk of his shoulder muscles and the line down his back that is broad and firm. His arms are a bit flexed as well, revealing hard, firm muscles.

  His skin is smooth and tan, with tiny blond hairs that are barely visible. This also sets him apart from most male Fae. Fae are pale and have very little to no body hair at all. Usually I would find this weird or unappealing, but not on Reed. His differences make him more appealing and unique. They make him who he is — a strong Warrior Fae of the Seelie Court and the most important thing in my life.

  A wave of sadness goes through me when I recall the last few hours before falling asleep and entering the peacefulness of my dream state. The words that were said, the anger, sadness, and confusion by both of us, the horribly awkward dinner, and then Reed’s final declaration to his mother; they all sweep through my mind.

  It saddens me that we had a disagreement and that I hurt him, and it terrifies me when I think of losing him.

  My selfish side is happy he wants to bring his mother back to Faery Land instead of remaining in the human world with her, but I know this cannot happen. She will not be welcomed at the Seelie Court. My mother will not approve, and the right thing to do is to forbid Reed from attempting it, but I do not think I can.

  Reed finally turns to look at me. Although he still appears relaxed, I can see in his eyes that he is anything but. His eyes are serious and concerned.

  Now I feel a sense of urgency. I want to rush to him and soothe his worries, to tell him all will be okay, as his mother told me. Just as Anna did for me, I want to hug him, but I cannot do this because it will not help. It will not change what must be done.


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