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Prince's Triplet Babies

Page 6

by Sophia Lynn

  "I can't believe how very good that feels," she murmured, her eyes almost entirely shut. His chuckle woke something deep inside her, a heat, but one that did not yet have the urgency that she had come to expect. Right now, everything was slow and easy. There was nothing to fear here, nothing to worry about, and she simply let herself rest in Askari's care.

  He worked the shampoo deep into the roots of her hair, and she groaned at how good the scalp massage felt. It was pure pleasure, and when he rinsed the suds out, she was almost regretful.

  Surely he will want a turn at some point, Erin thought hazily, but he was only working his way down her body, giving her entire frame the same gentle pressure that he had given her scalp. It felt so good that it didn't matter when it became slightly more intimate or when it made the heat inside her inch up by degrees even as the water was cooling.

  Erin was nearly as limp as a noodle when he massaged her arms, traveling from her shoulders to her forearms to her wrists to her very fingertips. It felt so good that she didn't protest when he leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss along her neck.

  Then his hands were cupping her heavy breasts under the water, and Erin couldn't stop herself from moaning slightly.

  'They're... they're not very sensitive," she managed, but his only reply was a soft chuckle that made her shiver.

  She had never thought that having her breasts touched was particularly enjoyable, especially not the way her ex had done it. He had seemed shocked that she didn't enjoy having them pinched and pawed.

  Askari, on the other hand, was patient. He stroked the fullness of her breasts with a kind of gentle mastery, avoiding the nipples entirely at first to play with the soft skin at the sides. She had never understood how very sensitive she was before, and now she was pressing forward into his hands, wanting more. When he plucked lightly at her dark pink nipples, she purred with pleasure and shuddered just a little.

  "What a beautiful thing you are," he growled in her ear. "So perfect and shivering with pleasure for me..."

  She realized that she was, and though a part of her warned her about danger, she didn't think she could run away if the townhouse caught on fire. Instead, Erin only looked at Askari through her long lashes, observing him as he moved to the side of the tub and reached down to caress her hips. Erin tensed a little when he brushed against her thighs, but then he worked his way down to her calves and her feet and her toes. Somehow, his hands were magic and made the sore spots disappear, working them out in a way that was a pleasure all unto itself. She had worked since she was fourteen, and it felt like in this moment, he was banishing all the aches that had lived in her since then.

  He massaged the hard ball of her foot before pressing his fingers hard against the high and slightly delicate arch. When he worked on her calves, it felt as if her entire frame had melted into the hot water, and she was barely aware that her thighs had parted.

  When he slid up to the core of her, his hands hidden under the murky water, she was too limp with pleasure to stop him. At this point, turned utterly into a being meant to receive pleasure, she was not sure that she could.

  "I'm going to touch you now, beautiful," he crooned. "I am going to make you feel so good..."

  She shivered when he passed the edges of his fingertips along her slit. There was a part of her that was still afraid, still worried that even after all of his patient ministrations that he would find her unforgiving and frigid. It was smaller than it had been, however, as if it had been melted away in the bath.

  He found the nubbin of pleasure between her legs, but he did not linger there. Instead, he swept his fingers along her entrance, helping her become accustomed to his touch, soothing her when she shivered. Soon, Erin was shivering with pleasure instead of anxiety, and then his fingers returned to her clit, working that sensitive knot of flesh with a gentle thoroughness that made her gasp. Her hands flew under the water to join his, but instead of stopping them, she simply hung on to his wrists, needing to find some kind of stability in a world that seemed as if it had started to shake.

  Her body was quivering in a way that she had never experienced before, and Erin's eyes flew open as she started to rock against his hand.

  It was almost too much. No one had ever touched her so intimately or with such simple power. As the sensations continued to climb, Erin thought that she would tell him to be gentler, to slow his movements. However, with every moment that passed, it felt as if her entire body was being lit up from within, and all she could do was groan at the pleasure he was making her feel. Her mind might have been afraid of the intensity of the sensations that were running through her, but her body only knew that it craved more and more.

  "Oh, oh god, Askari, please!" she cried. Her voice echoed off of the tile of the bathroom, louder than she thought it would be, but Erin was long past the point of caring.

  "Reach for it, my little beauty," he crooned. "Reach for it, and I will give it to you, I promise..."

  At that point, she felt as if she had no option but to obey him, and her body arched like a bow. It felt as if every muscle in her was drawn aching and taut, and then in one glorious moment, all of that energy released.

  She threw her head back, her mouth opening in a loud cry. Her legs clamped down around his hand, and she gave herself up to the power of his touch. Every part of Erin's body seemed to light up all at once, and her pleasure shot through her with a kind of power that made her cry out.

  The pleasure didn't suddenly stop. Instead it receded in waves, leaving her progressively more aware. It took her a few moments to stop shivering, and then she turned to Askari with wide eyes.

  Her lover - because that was what he was now, in truth - smiled at her, and for once, there was not the least hint of smugness in his gaze. Askari reached down to brush her damp hair out of her eyes.

  "Are you all right?" he murmured.

  Her only response was a bewildered laugh.

  "How can you even ask me that?" Erin asked. "I think you heard. Heck, I think maybe your neighbors heard..."

  "I promise, you were not that loud," he said with a grin. "Though perhaps if I truly apply myself and work very hard, you could be."

  Erin laughed in disbelief, shaking her head a little.

  "If that wasn't you working very hard, I am going to end up burned into one very happy little cinder..."

  She paused, and then she felt a twinge of guilt.

  "But that was all about me," Erin said a little shyly. "What... what about you?"

  Askari's laugh had more than a trace of disbelief in it.

  "Do you really think that was all about you, and that I got no enjoyment from it at all?" he retorted.

  "Well, I don't know, I mean, you didn't, uh, touch me or... or anything else."

  How strange it was that after everything they had done together that she could still want to blush and stammer around him. This time, however, she was spared, and he only laughed.

  "There are many ways for a person to enjoy themselves with another," he said, his voice slightly husky. "I enjoyed what we did together here very much. However, you are right in that I have not come to my own climax yet... I was thinking that after I dried you off, we could begin to consummate our arrangement."

  There was an unspoken question in his voice, and she felt a part of herself warm to him. He hadn't, as she had expected, simply taken her with the understanding that his contract would hold up. Instead, he needed her consent, her willing participation, and she knew he always would.

  "Yes, please," she said, looking down into the murky water. His eyes were so intense that it was difficult to meet them. "Yes, that's what I want..."

  The words were barely out of her mouth before she uttered a startled gasp. His mouth was on hers, and his kiss was hungry. The image came to her mind of a starving animal falling upon his prey at last, and then it was all obliterated with his stunning kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth as if he needed to claim her more than he needed anything else in the world, and she w
rapped her wet arms around his neck, clinging to him.

  In a casual display of strength that left Erin breathless, he swept her up into his arms, uncaring of the fact that she was sopping wet. His mouth only left her when he went to wrap an enormous soft towel around her shoulders. Her heart beat faster as he rubbed her dry quickly, almost roughly.

  Inside her, she could feel that echo of desire grow louder and louder again. Her climax had left her sprawled and limp, and it was stunning to her how quickly she could recoup, how easy it was to have that need awakened all over again.

  In a matter of seconds, he had dropped the towel on the floor and swept her up in his arms again.

  "You're so strong," she murmured, clinging to him, and his response was only a strangled laugh.

  "For you, I am weak," he said, and that statement might have confused her a little if she had had any thought to spare. Instead, Askari was carrying her into the master bedroom and laying her out on the impossibly soft silk sheets as if she was a prize he had conquered.

  Erin watched with awe as he started to strip. With every piece of clothing that was discarded, she could see more of his splendid body. She had spent her life surrounded by perfect bodies in the movies and the advertisements around her, but now she saw what a real body looked like, one that had been toughened by everything from riding to sailing to martial arts. She marveled at the broadness of his chest, his powerful muscled arms and thighs, the strength of his legs.

  Finally, her eyes fell to the part of him that she could see wanted her so much. His member was thick, jutting proudly in front of him, and for a moment, Erin felt slightly apprehensive. Then he crawled into bed with her, kissing her fervently all over her body, and she forgot fear, forgot everything except this crazed desire.

  His weight pinned her to the mattress, and she gloried in how it felt to have him over her. Erin twined her arms around his neck, dragging him down for a kiss even as his hands sleeked down her body. When one muscular thigh pressed up between her legs, she spread them wider, eyes wide at the sensation of his rougher skin sliding along her softest part.

  "I can smell how much you want me," he murmured, and she groaned, her cheeks red. Somehow, there was no humiliation to it, just an eagerness that told her that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  "I do want you," she said simply. "Please, Askari? Haven't I waited enough?"

  Those words seemed to strike him like a hammer. Before she said that, she could still feel the restraint that ran through him. He had still wanted to tease her, at least a little. Now that was gone, and his mouth claimed hers with a desperation that left her breathless.

  In another moment, his knees were sliding hers apart, and he had leaned back, cupping her round hips in his hands.

  Erin had always thought that she was a little too curvy for real beauty, but now with Askari's dark hands roaming her curves, she felt truly beautiful, and more importantly, as if her body was designed for need and pleasure. There was no thought of hiding any part of herself from him, not when he wanted her so very badly.

  For a few moments, Askari nudged the tip of his cock against her entrance, making her whimper with need. Then, she could feel him gather himself, right before he drove himself deep inside her with one long thrust.

  Erin's eyes opened wide at the sensation, and she reached up to grasp his arms, digging her nails in. She was shivering all over, and threaded through the pleasure was a slight sting as well. She was no virgin, but it had been a long time since she had done it, and her body protested the quick invasion.

  "Erin? Erin, are you all right? Should we stop?"

  Her fingers tightened on his arms because the last thing in the world she wanted was for him to stop. She shook her head frantically, and somehow, she managed to find the words she needed.

  "No, no, please don't stop," she murmured. "Just move slowly? At least at first?"

  He nodded at her words and gave her a kiss that was more comfort than passion as he started to move. His powerful body shifted over hers, and she gasped as he started to press into her. There was a slow grace and sweetness to his motions, and sooner than she would have thought possible, the sting disappeared and left her with a kind of abiding pleasure that went all the way to the heart of her.

  "How is that?" he asked, nuzzling her ear and causing a bright spot of sensation to run through her body. "Is that better?"

  She whimpered and somehow managed to find the words to answer him.

  "Feels good," she said huskily. "Please, keep doing that..."

  He chuckled, his amusement soft and whispery in her ear, and then he started to move over her. For what felt like a small eternity, she lost herself in his movements, but soon, it was impossible to ignore the pleasure that started to echo through her again.

  She hadn't thought that she would respond to him again in this way, at least not until she had had a bit of a break, and now it was happening again. She almost thought that her body was too raw and sore for more, but now that it was happening, she knew that it was perfect.

  Almost as if he could sense her rising need, Askari quickened his movements, his body pressing into hers with more power and more need. Her arms looped around his chest, not to stop him, but instead to urge him on.

  "Oh, you feel so good," she groaned. "Oh, I need you so..."

  With a muffled curse, he leaned forward to press one hand down between their bodies. Erin gasped as he found her clit again, his clever fingers working it even as his hips thrust into her over and over again.

  The twin sensations of being filled and of having his fingers in that sacred spot made her entire body come alive with what felt like living flame.

  In another five breaths, she was soaring high again, her cries echoing through the room and her fingers digging furrows into Askari's back. She shouted her climax this time, her body reaching up to embrace it entirely. She knew what it was, and she knew this man would guide her through it.

  The power of her arousal was just beginning to fade when she felt Askari quicken his own motions. Before, his movements had been mindful of her pleasure, aware of every shiver that radiated through her. Now he was focused on his own fierce need, and with every thrust, he barely avoided pushing her into the headboard.

  With a final ferocious thrust, he spilled inside her, a growl twisting his lips and making her burn with desire for him. She had never seen a man embrace his own pleasure like Askari was doing now, and it made her body and mind echo with awe. All she could do was wrap her arms around him, whimpering her pleasure into his damp skin.

  After a long moment, he pulled away from her. The sudden emptiness after their passion was somehow sad and upsetting, but he was still there to cradle her in his arms, to kiss her hair and to stroke her until she was calm again.

  Erin had almost drifted off to sleep when Askari spoke.

  "Are you all right, Erin?"

  "Of course I am," she said drowsily. "I promise you, I am not delicate..."

  If she had been more awake, she might have heard the hesitation in his voice.

  "You flinched a little when we first... when I first took you," he said. "Almost as if you were in pain."

  "Oh, that. I suppose there was a little bit of a sting there. It's been a few years since I've been in bed with a lover, I suppose, and the last time was nothing like this..."

  She frowned, looking up at him. She was slightly more awake now, and she wondered if she saw something odd in his face before he schooled it into a smile.

  "Is there something wrong with that?"

  "Not at all," he said. "I promise you that. Now, I find that I need a shower of my own. Do you care to join me?"

  Erin groaned.

  "I want to, but I think that jet lag has caught up with me..."

  His laugh was musical in her ears, and he pulled himself away from her, turning to tuck the covers around her and to kiss her forehead.

  "Sleep then. Tomorrow, I have an entire country to show you..."

drifted off into a deep warm slumber, and in her dreams, she chased a desire that she knew would make her world bloom.


  After his shower, Askari found himself buffeted by a number of different feelings. They were hard to register because over all, he felt a sense of absolute wellness and peace. It was an unfamiliar feeling, to the point where he only half-jokingly wondered if he had been drugged.

  There was something perfect about making love to Erin, something wonderful that left him feeling whole. He was an adult, and he had thought that he was far too old to think that a single act of lovemaking could fix his world, but now he was beginning to wonder.

  He had had many women in his bed, and though it had always been enjoyable and pleasant, it had never been like this before. He had wanted nothing more than Erin's pleasure, and by the time he took his own, the resulting climax was enough to shake him to his core.

  He wondered if part of that was the fact that she had apparently only had one other lover. On one hand, he wanted to shake the other man for being so bad at the job that Erin had thought she was frigid, and on the other hand, there was a fierce victory in how thoroughly her body belonged to him.

  It was a barbaric sentiment, but one that he thought his forebears would recognize well enough. Hazn had given up the harem system long before some of the other countries of the Middle East, but there was always something about having a woman that was entirely his like that that had captured Askari's imagination.

  Erin had the confidence that he associated with women who were more worldly than she had turned out to be. She was brave and bold, but there was an untouched quality about her that tugged at him. The attraction was perfectly real, and he was smart enough to realize that it was dangerous for both of them.

  There is an arrangement, he thought grimly. Money has exchanged hands.

  If it was to stay a business arrangement, Askari realized that he needed to be very careful. He needed to make sure that his heart didn't get caught up in his attempt to look after the interests of his country. It would be far too much power to give to any woman, and even if Erin was more innocent than other women, she was still a strong woman who had her own agenda.


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