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The Crimson Road

Page 8

by William Wells

  More cheering, as Richie moved from his position at the fence. We stood only inches apart, my eyes at his neck. The man was huge, and moved gracefully. He would be a good challenge under normal circumstances.

  I reached out with the ether, to feel Richie cycling. He didn’t give the aura of a mage, and I knew I was facing a Potential that hadn’t been discovered. I began to cycle as well, breathing deep and even.

  Somewhere a bell rang, and instinctively I dodged the elbow that had been thrown with enough force to take out a horse. Already on the defensive, and with only cycling, I dodged blows by a hair.

  The movement had me circling, trying to find an opening for more substantial attacks than my quick jabs. Richie stayed in the center, slowly pivoting to keep me in front of him. He had stopped with the quick barrage of blows, and began to pick them with care. I slipped on the mud from where the last man had been awakened and was knocked back a fair distance with a blow to the ribs. Despite my blocking at the last second, my feet briefly left the ground.

  A cheer from the crowd at the violent contact, and I waited for Richie to come to me. My back was to the fence as I dropped my hands in a taunt. It worked, but even though he looked like a dumb animal, the man made a living from fighting. He moved side to side quickly in order to cut me off from running away, all while closing the distance. I kicked out, and he used the opportunity to slip by and get within close range again. We traded blows, with me going for vital spots and him just hitting hard enough to make me wish for Charon’s training again.

  The next clean hit was mine, when I thrust an elbow into the gap in his ribcage using all my body weight. Richie stumbled back a bit, and I knew his cycling was briefly broken. Capitalizing on the opportunity, I jumped towards him and broke his nose with my knee before landing and sweeping his feet.

  Fighting experience showed, as my opponent rolled out of the way just before I could land a final elbow to knock him out. The crowd was a dull roar, and I gave Richie time to get to his feet. He spat out a tooth, and grinned at me before waving me over. I couldn’t help but grin back at him as I dug my foot into the ground. The small depression gave me a good base to spring off of, but Richie was able to block my punch and counter with another to my shoulder that threw me off balance.

  I twisted, landing roughly on my hands and feet only to throw myself to the side to avoid a kick to the face. This time it was Richie who gave me the respite as I moved my shoulder to make sure it would still work properly. I nodded in acceptance of the gesture, and by unspoken agreement we slowly moved to the center of the area.

  Again we traded blows, mine were quick and accurate hitting him two or three times while he threw one. His one blow packed more power, and did as much damage to me as my two or three could do to him. I finally got him with a combo, two to the chin which had him sag just enough for my elbow to get him under his chin and snap his head back. He fell like a puppet with his strings cut, and I stayed on the defensive for a second before dropping my guard and walking away to retrieve my winnings, swords and shirt.

  Chapter 15

  It was an hour or three later, and outside the City where I schooled the boys on their sword forms while the rest of the group ate lunch. Olivia was regaling her parents with the Tower and how her testing was conducted. They accepted Anwher easily, and he made assurances that despite the limited time of knowing Olivia, his intentions were honest.

  I glanced over at that, and shrugged noncommittally. Ash and Lorraine both knew that I would keep Olivia from physical harm, but that there was nothing I would do if she stayed involved with Anwher. Yulia, despite being less forthcoming about her past and the relationship we had, was also accepted with minor reservations.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t Gantz!” The booming voice was followed by Rolf as he wandered up with a few of his men in tow. “Long time!”

  The group all turned, as I left off instructing the boys to go and greet the new arrival. “Rolf, it’s been a few months.”

  “Aye.” He stopped short of the group, “No longer the lone wolf, huh?”

  “Maybe.” I kept my hands clear, “I would have thought this area was out of your territory.”

  “It used to be, but I created a new section of the Dire Wolves group in order to go after bigger game.” The men behind Rolf all had their weapons close to their hands. “Speaking of... “

  I walked up to him, placing myself between the two groups. “Yes?”

  “I didn’t realize the bounty on your head was still active, and large enough to make any man retire for life.” Rolf shrugged, “There’s the stipulation of you being presented to the King alive that is an added challenge.”

  “It saved my life a couple times.” I sighed, “I’ll give you and your men a few seconds to leave while I’m in a good mood and on break.”

  Rolf began to laugh, “We were even a few months ago, and yet you think you can take us on?”

  I looked between them, sizing them up even further. They were all a little taller than me, and built out of solid muscle. “I could, or I could ask you to wait until after the Equinox Festival.”

  “Why wait?” Rolf didn’t draw, but his body was ready to move. “What’s my guarantee no one is going to claim it?”

  My smile had him hesitate, “No one’s been able to claim it yet despite their best efforts.”

  Rolf shook his head back and forth, mulling it over. “In two days then, here.”

  I stuck out my hand, “Agreed.”

  We shook, and with a gesture Rolf and his men went back to the City. I turned to the group and shrugged.

  Ash stood, “Care to explain what that was about?”

  “I’m a wanted man.” I shrugged again, “Your king wants to speak with me about what Charon did, in person. I’ve sent messages, but he refuses to believe anything until he hears it from me.”

  It took Ash a second to think, before he asked the obvious question. “Why don’t you just go and see him?”

  “Because that would be doing what he wants.”

  “That’s it!” Ash exploded, “You sound like a child, going against their parent just to spite them.”

  I sat at the basket full of food, and began to assemble a plate. “Yes. Yes I do.” After my selections were on my plate I looked around, “I’m afraid I have other reasons, but I can’t discuss them right now.”

  Ash calmed down, if only a little, “Is my family in danger?”

  “Not because of me.” I began to eat, “At least they aren’t in any more danger than before, having the man that forged the Kingslayer’s sword as their father.”

  Now Ash was fully deflated, and his wife looked at me, “Why are you doing all of this?”

  Yulia spoke up, “I’m sorry, but Gantz and I can’t say anymore.” She gave me a look before standing herself and walking over to where Kane and Philo had resumed their half-speed practicing.

  I kept eating, and while the mood was more subdued, everyone else followed suit. We finished eating shortly after, and I headed back to the Tower with Yulia while Olivia and her family went to explore the City.

  “We need to talk.” Yulia waited until we were back in my rooms at the Tower before she spoke with me.

  I flopped onto the bed after hanging up my swords on the pegs by the door. “About?”

  “You. Charon. This whole quest of yours.” She sat in the chair opposite the bed, just far enough that I couldn’t reach out for her.

  I sat up, “Let’s play a game. You ask a question, and then I’ll ask a question. We answer truthfully.”

  Yulia looked at me sadly, “The last time we played this game…”

  “We both learned a lot.” I waited for her to ask her question. During her thought process, I studied Yulia. Her hair color changed regularly, but I knew it was originally a deep black in color. The small scar on her chin was from when she fell from a tree after I had chased her up it during the first time we met. Her build was slight, but anyone who underestimated her strength end
ed up regretting it quickly. The unusually high amount of ether that flooded her body when she was growing up had left its mark.

  Yulia opened her mouth, “Why won’t you meet with the king?”

  “He’s going to ask me questions.” I shook my head, “I don’t have the answers, but I will soon.”

  She nodded, accepting my response.

  “When did you promise the king you would bring me to him by?” I could see the shock on her face.

  “How did you learn that?”

  “Answer my question, and then I’ll answer your question.”

  Yulia struggled for a second, “On the shortest day of this year. Your turn.”

  I took a breath, “To answer your question, I have to talk about the past. After… after Charon saved you, and we left to go back to my training, he had Talkide look after you. During my training, whenever we left the forest, Charon asked his old contacts how you were doing. He shared everything he learned about you with me.”

  “You knew, since the first time I found you. You knew that I was trying to get you to see the king. You knew and didn’t say anything?”

  “I didn’t care.” I made sure that we were locking eyes, “I still don’t care. As long as I get to spend time with you, I don’t care about the circumstances or how long it is for.”

  Yulia stood up, and crawled onto the bed, “I don’t care either.”

  Chapter 16

  For the second time in as many days I woke up to find Yulia still in my arms and our clothes strewn about the room. We got dressed in fancier clothes, and this time I only wore the short sword on my waist and left the longsword in my room.

  I tugged the silk shirt down, “Sometimes I really hate these clothes.”

  Yulia looked over from where she was inserting her earrings, “They look nice, but you really need to get a haircut… and a shave.”

  I rubbed my jaw, “I shaved last week.”

  “It looks that way, and hair is worn short now.” She looked at her outfit in the mirror, admiring how it hugged her body.

  “Shave and a haircut, do you know anybody who can do it in time?“

  “Talkide used to want to style hair, before he was tested and found to be a Potential.”

  The water in my mouth spurted out at my shock, “What? How did you know that?”

  “From my years of being his student, I learned a lot about most of the older mages here.”

  I sighed, before sending out a request in the form of a small wisp. Yulia watched as I spoke to the small light before sending it to find the Archmage. She went back to getting ready, while I took off my shirt and waited.

  It only took a few minutes before the Archmage showed up with a leather roll of tools in hand. “Of all the things to send a summons for… this has to be a first for me.”

  “It’s a first for me too, Archmage.”

  “Just Talkide, when we are among friends.” He sighed and gestured to the chair by the sink. “How do you want it cut?”

  I sat and gestured to Yulia, “Ask her. She knows the current style.”

  Yulia gave the Archmage a series of directions that made only a little sense to me. I usually cut my hair myself whenever it got long enough to interfere with my fighting ability. Despite my reservations, I relaxed while the Archmage went to work without the use of ether manipulation. It took some time, but at the end of it my head felt lighter.

  “Thank you, Talkide.” I looked in the mirror, “It’s refreshing.”

  “Hm.” He eyed me critically, “Much better. Will it interfere with your match in the Arena?”

  “No.” I began to get dressed again. “I wear the mask.”

  Yulia looked over from where she was putting on the finishing touches, “You’re fighting? When did you have time to register?”

  “I didn’t, so I sent a Doppel.” I grabbed my pack and left my swords, enchanted weapons weren’t allowed. All participants had to use the weapons provided by the Arena.

  “A Doppel?” Yulia turned, “I’ve never heard of that before.”

  Talkide crossed his arms, having already put away his tools in their roll. “Not many mages have been able to create one, if you don’t mind.”

  I nodded, creating one would be a drain on my reserves, but I would still have enough left for emergencies. There was no spellwork allowed when fighting, just cycling. I cupped my hands, and began to whisper a chant as I moved my fingers in a pattern. Not even Charon could work such high level manipulation simply by concentrating.

  The shape began to appear, first as a clay doll in my size. Slowly the facial features filled in, with my new haircut and all the scars that I had accumulated in my life. Clothes were picked from the closet and worked their way onto the Doppel, and I changed the chant. I laid instructions in the form for how it would act, and the knowledge it possessed. The whole process took half an hour for me to complete before I dropped my hands and sagged a little from the exertion.

  Standing in front of me was a perfect replica, down to the smallest detail. Before anyone could say a word, the Doppel walked over to Yulia and bowed, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  The Doppel then went to stand in front of the Archmage, “Good morning, Talkide. I have to say that it was a huge shock to me when Yulia revealed you like to cut hair.”

  After saying it’s piece, the Doppel went over to the bed and sat down. I took a breath, “And that is a Doppel. Depending on the complexity of the task I would need to lay down more instructions, but I think this suffices.”

  Yulia’s mouth was hanging open, “How do you make it so animated?”

  I coughed and grabbed a glass of water, “A Doppel isn’t just given instructions and then completes the tasks. That would make them an automaton. The key difference lies in the fact that the creator has to give up a portion of their memories and soul so that the act is convincing. Too much, and you could leave yourself crippled. Too little and it becomes apparent to others that something is wrong. Also if the Doppel is destroyed and the creator isn’t nearby… those memories and part of your soul don’t come back.”

  I laid my palm on the Doppel’s forehead and concentrated. It disappeared, and I breathed back in the pieces of myself I had given it.

  “Amazing.” Talkide walked over to where the Doppel had been formed. “Creation, Illusion, Warding, and Enchanting all executed perfectly on a Master level.”

  I nodded.

  “How long have you been able to do this?” Talkide looked from me to where the Doppel had appeared.

  “Since yesterday.” I winced at the soreness in my body. Using that much ether at once was a strain. “I needed to go and do somethings, but didn’t want to abandon Yulia after so long apart. After the test, I woke up and tried to create one by copying what I’d see Charon do when he needed to be in two places at once.”

  “Incredible,” Talkide breathed. “I’ve read stories, but never seen it done in person before. Everyone thought Charon would be the only mage in the kingdom with the strength and diversity to be able to pull one off.”

  “He was. Not anymore.” I strapped on my blades. I wouldn’t be able to use them while fighting because they were enchanted. Everyone who fought used weapons provided by the Arena. The fighting for adults wouldn’t begin until after lunch, with the children having the morning to prove themselves. I hadn’t been able to convince Philo and Kane to not apply for the Warrior’s Guild, and instead gave them tips for fighting in a melee.

  Yulia and I met Ash and his family outside the Arena. After a brief talk with one of the guards, Kane and Philo were escorted to the holding area for fighters. The rest of us were led to a box that I had reserved when I signed up for the tournament.

  As we walked through the Arena’s halls, I felt through the ether and checked all the wards that had been placed to prevent an attack as well as protect the combatants from accidently dying. There were a handful of Journeymen mages placed in and around the area to keep the wards powered and deal
with any injuries that the wards didn’t prevent.

  Whenever we passed by one of the mages they made a slight bow to me before continuing with their duties.

  Ash gave me a look, “What’s with the bowing?”

  I sighed, “A sign of respect to a superior.”

  “You’re a superior? Most of them look your age, or a little older.”

  “Superior in ranking, as a Master.” I acknowledged another bow, “Hopefully your sons make it past the melee.”

  In order to save time, and make the situation as close to real battle as possible, the entrants all fought at once until there were a handful standing. Then the elimination tournament began with one on one bouts.


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