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The Crimson Road

Page 13

by William Wells

  “I used the wind.” Olivia was able to individually control the arrows and made them dance around her.

  “Why did you stop them?” I grabbed another quiver. “I said block, not to keep them right in front of you.”

  “I did block them.”

  “Again, not in the most efficient way possible. Why not use a small breeze to redirect them so they don’t hit you? Or they can be used to hit other attackers. You are weak, so use your damn imagination to cover for your lack of strength.” I began to fire arrows again, but instead of redirecting them Olivia used the ones she still had control of to knock them out of the air as a mobile shield. “Better.”

  “No more arrows?” She grinned at the praise, and kept the arrows slowly rotating around her.

  “My arrows are already at you.” In an instant, the arrows were pointed at Olivia. “Your control is good, but I can take the control from you because you are weak.”

  “Why are you harping on my weakness?” Olivia was getting frustrated. “I know I’m weak! I’m nowhere near as strong as you.”

  “Then get stronger!” I threw the bow away. “I’ve been coddling you, giving you answers too easily. You need to come up with your own methods and stop stealing my techniques. Now go, work out with your brothers and come up with an answer.”

  Pissed off, I stalked back to the house. Over the next couple weeks I left Olivia alone, watching and hiding from the shadows to see how she came up with her own method for manipulating the ether. It sucked but soon she would truly be on her own and I could not let her be defenseless.

  I finished the enchantments on the daggers less than a month after the Equinox. Summer was coming quickly and I began to take forays out to the nearest villages to complete contracts. Olivia was still struggling with coming up for her own style, taking her frustrations out on Kane and Philo.

  She had the advantage over them because of the benefits from cycling, but they had more experience now with fighting. Sometimes I joined in, having the three of them team up against me part of the time or making it a melee. Whoever won got the prize of dinner, which meant they went without eating at night almost every day.

  The boys grew quickly as the summer progressed, having hit that age. They could swing their swords for hours and while being unable to cycle, their training let them run all day. Ash and Lorraine looked in sadness as their boys were entrenched in increasing their skills. It was only a few more years until they left to go on their own adventures.

  Chapter 25

  I stayed with Ash and his family for the next few months, until Yulia appeared a month before the shortest day of the year. Her hair was longer, and now blonde. She rode up on a horse looking no different than when we had last said goodbye. Everyone was happy to see her, and we all spent the night catching up. Lorraine ended up having to lead her husband to bed after he over-indulged celebrating. The others turned in shortly after, their bodies having adjusted to a schedule of sleeping early and waking early.

  Yulia and I turned to each other, with her speaking first. “It’s time to go.”

  “To bed?” I grinned, “It has been awhile since we’ve seen each other.”

  “To see the King.” Yulia smiled, “There will be plenty of time during the trip. It’ll take almost a cycle to get there.”

  “So if we push it we can be there faster.” I shrugged, “Traveling at night isn’t advised. Lorraine would be sad you couldn’t stay for breakfast.”

  Defeated, Yulia nodded, “Fine. We can stay the night.” She got up, “Where’s my bed?”

  “I’ll show you.” I had to undo the wards that denied anyone but me entry. As I turned to put them back up there were the unmistakable sounds of clothes coming off. I turned back around to see Yulia in just her shirt, “Wow.”

  “I hope the room is soundproof.” She walked up to me, breathing heavily and hands at her sides.

  I unfocused my eyes for a second, “It is now. No sounds out.”

  “Good.” She took the final step so that our bodies were just brushing, “Now hurry up and kiss me.”

  The night passed by quickly, and it was the sky growing lighter that told us our time was up. We didn’t sleep at all, resting in between sessions with kisses and softly spoken words. Yulia stayed wrapped in my arms until the scent and sounds of breakfast being prepared urged her to move from on top of me. Still she lingered, as I kept my arms wrapped around her until we were both standing.

  “You’ll have to let go of me sometime.” Yulia’s arms were also wrapped around me.

  “I’m a Master Mage, I could figure something out.” I grinned and kissed her deeply.

  Yulia groaned both in pleasure and frustration. She lifted her arms until they were on the back of my head, and pulled it down so that I was too close to kiss her. “We have to go.”

  “I agree.” I continued to hold her close.

  “Gantz. We have a cycle of traveling to continue this.”

  I dropped my arms slowly, running them down her sides, “I don’t think it will ever be enough.”

  “Keep saying things like that.” Yulia took the chance to step back and gave me a quick peck. “Now freshen up, we’ve got a full day of traveling ahead.”

  “Yes ma’am.” I walked over to the chest containing my clothes and pulled some out. Yulia did the same from her travel bag. Keeping our backs to each other more to avoid temptation, we got dressed.

  There were some stares as we came late from my bedroom, and that my blades were on my body with bags in hand. I gave a small smile, and headed out to tie everything to my horse. When I got back the cheer around the table was forced. All of us ate in strained silence, and when we were finished I helped Lorraine to clean up. Yulia moved her bags to her horse, and everyone moved outside to say goodbye.

  Ash stepped up first giving me and then Yulia a hug, “If you both ever need anything don’t hesitate to contact us.”

  “Of course.”

  Lorraine was next, “Here’s some traveling rations. Not as good fresh…”

  “It’s perfect.” Yulia took the bag, giving Lorraine a big hug.

  I gave her a hug as well, while Yulia tied the bags with the others. The boys and Olivia also said their goodbyes with hugs. We mounted up, waving goodbye and I had to force myself to keep from looking back.

  Chapter 26

  The weeks flew by as Yulia and I pushed our horses during the day and stayed up late most nights. There was only a couple days until the shortest day of the year, which also was the final day of the year. The next few days would be filled with celebrations to usher in the new years.

  We could see the Capital a full half day ride away. It sprawled out around the bay that housed a full harbor of ships. The King’s Palace had a visible gap between the rest of the populace and it. The wall around the grounds extended above the rest of the buildings. I shook my head at the waste.

  Yulia led us through the streets as I had never been there. Before going to the Palace, we got a room at an inn close to the Palace. The innkeeper handed the key to Yulia before she could say a word, giving me an appraising look.

  In our rooms I looked around, “Been here before?”

  “A few times.” Yulia stored her gear. “The innkeeper works for the Spymaster, so these rooms are safer than a normal inn.”

  “With escape routes?” I pushed open a hidden door on a wall. “Nice addition. Does he charge extra for this?”

  “The Matron pays for it. Our lodgings in the Capital are paid for on a yearly basis for whoever needs the room.” Yulia sat in the chair, “Are you ready?”

  I nodded, “It’s been long enough.”

  “He does remember you,” Yulia looked at me in the reflection, “I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.”

  “It depends on how I act. Do I swear fealty to him? Embarrass him in front of the court?” I shrugged, “I still haven’t decided.”

  “You could always run away again. Like you did last time.”

  I rubbed m
y chin, “As much as I do like the idea of you chasing me again, it won’t accomplish anything in the long run.”

  “I realize that.” Yulia stood and turned to me. “Let’s get some dinner, and we can tour the Capital tomorrow.”

  “That sounds like a plan.” I looked outside, “There’s a couple hours until dinner…”

  “Not happening. I’m already sore from all the traveling.” Yulia smiled at me, “There is a tub in the bathroom big enough for two, and unlimited hot water.”

  I sniffed myself, “I could do with cleaning.”

  Yulia and I filled the tub with water and threw in some herbs to aid in relaxation. The water stung at first before I could feel the muscles in my body let loose the tension. An unconscious action had me set up a few wards for protection around us.

  At the casting, Yulia shuddered. “What was that?”

  “Setting up wards to prevent attacks.” I tilted my head back, “I do it whenever I plan on spending some time in the same room.” Shocked I bolted up, “You felt me casting?”

  “Yeah…” Yulia was on the other side of the tub.

  My heart fell, “You shouldn’t. Not unless it was strong enough to be felt by a Common. When was the last time you felt ether manipulation from an insignificant casting?”

  “Just before I met you and Charon for the first time and saved me.” The hot water had flushed her face, making it harder to concentrate.

  I shook my head, “This… this isn’t good. When is your birthday?”

  “Sometime around now. I never really knew the exact date so when the Tower found me they determined it was sometime during the end of the year. I always celebrated it on the last day of the year.”

  “I need to contact Charon tonight, but it will be dangerous doing so here.” I sighed and leaned my head back again, “Let’s just enjoy this moment.”

  The splashing was the only warning I had before Yulia’s back was pressed against my chest. Eye’s still closed, I hugged her into me and we stayed that way until the water grew too cold to stand. We disentangled our limbs, and toweled off quickly.

  Down in the eating area, the innkeeper brought us wine as soon as we sat down. I refused and requested an ale instead. After a couple drinks, we were both served with a dinner not listed on the menu that Yulia requested. I cast a small detection spell for poisons before eating, and despite my care she was still able to feel it. I received a questioning look, which elicited a shrug and we both began to eat.

  During the trip to the Capitol, we rode until the horses were spent which meant more than half the time our nights were outside of towns. I preferred those nights, as the lack of people made it easier to sense threats. Also Yulia and I were able to talk about our pasts becoming closer the more we shared.

  After dinner, the exhaustion from non-stop traveling got to Yulia and she went to sleep shortly after we went up to the room. I set up the wards in order for Charon to be able to project through. With a deep breath I set off the pulse to alert him that it was time for him to visit. Everything set up, I laid down next to Yulia and went straight to sleep.

  Charon was waiting, sitting in his chair. “Gantz, your sending seemed urgent.”

  “Master,” I bowed, before making my own chair appear. “I have some questions I need answered.”

  “Did you find the third person? Judging by your location you already talked to Talkide and saw my recorded message.”

  “I haven’t yet. Today something unusual happened with Yulia. She felt me using the ether, even when it wasn’t directed at her or above Novice level power.” I shrugged, “It’s just like a Mage, but as the Child of Magic it wasn’t in her wheelhouse to manipulate the ether. She should only be able to sense the manipulation and resist anyone trying to use it on her.”

  “Correct.” Charon steepled his hands, “Yulia just had her birthday, right?”

  “She doesn’t know her exact birthday, but according to the Mages who adopted her it should be around this time.”

  “Fifteen years ago, I saved her before. You need to get to me before the end of the next year. Otherwise we won’t be able to save her again.” Charon leaned forward, “Find the third person, then get to me.”

  “Understood.” I closed my eyes, but before I could wake up Charon spoke.

  “Are you a Master now?”

  “In all Disciplines.”

  “Good. Maybe you won’t die now.” Charon ended the dream before I could ask him anything.

  Chapter 27

  Yulia got us past the outer guard of the Palace, and the inner guard had me drop my weapons off at the armory. I gave them up without a fuss, laughing as they tried to lift them before I was allowed to go in and place them on racks. The guards were open-mouthed as the racks held up the blades without a problem.

  As we got to the doors that lead to the Audience Hall, an announcer stepped in front of us to stop us. “Excuse me, I need to announce you to the King before you enter. Lady Yulia is known, but I do not know you, sir.” The look that accompanied his words spoke of his distaste at my appearance. I was wearing a set of clothes that Yulia and I had bought and had tailored.


  An exasperated sigh escaped before the announcer composed himself, “A title? Last name? Anything?”

  “Gantz, Master Mage and Charon’s Apprentice.”

  The blood drained from the announcer’s face, “That is not a good joke, sir.”

  “I’m not joking. If I have to prove it you’ll need to answer to the King.” I took pity on him, “Just announce me as Master Gantz, the King knows who I am.”

  The announcer glanced at Yulia who nodded. He bowed to me, and then signaled the guards to prepare for the ceremony of announcement. It took a full minute for the Hall to be prepared before the doors opened. We walked in, arms entwined and backs held straight as we tread down the walk way. As we reached the halfway point, the announcer spoke in a hail that would do a commander on the battlefield proud, “Lady Yulia. Master Gantz.”

  At my name, the whispers hushed entirely and I could feel the weight of those in attendance stare at me. The rest of the walk was uncomfortable as the weight of a dozen Experts trying to gauge Yulia and me. I kept myself veiled, and Yulia as well. There were only two Expert Mages visible next to the King as the rest were dispersed around the Hall to deal with any surprises.

  We stopped at the end of the rug, a dozen paces from the King. I gathered the information from him, the worry lines on a man just into his third decade from having been thrust upon the throne. His form was solid muscle, as it was common knowledge the King trained with his Guard almost every day. The eyes peered out with guarded intelligence.

  Yulia curtsied, “My King.”

  I stood straight, “I heard you were looking for me, Nathan. Even offering a big reward. You can deposit it into my account with the Bank.”

  King Nathan’s eyes narrowed a little, but he didn’t speak. There was a surge from the crowd and the Experts began to form strong spells. I spoke again, “If your Experts don’t stand down I’ll take it as a threat.”

  “Stand down.” He spoke without moving. “Gantz is protected under the rules of hospitality. Any further hostility will be considered disrespectful and against my orders.”

  The tension in the air didn’t drop, but I could no longer feel the Experts manipulating the ether. Nathan waited for me to speak, and I let the silence stretch as we locked eyes. I nodded to him, “You’ve gotten stronger. Good.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “You’re the one with all the spies.”

  Having had enough, one of the nobles stepped forward, “You will address the King with his proper title and respect in your voice!”

  I glared at him, “Speak again and you won’t for a month.”

  Nathan coughed to get my attention, “Don’t threaten my nobles.”

  “There wasn’t a threat. Just a promise.” I sighed, “Maybe this was a bad idea. I’ll get going.”

asps rang out as I turned my back on the King and began to walk away.

  “Gantz!” Yulia yelled out at me and forced me to stop. “Stop being a child.”

  I closed my eyes to control myself. “Fine.” I turned back around and stood beside her.

  “Gantz, I need you to answer one question.” The King leaned forward, “Why?”

  “I swear I don’t know, by the Three I don’t know why. I’m trying to learn the answer as well.”

  Nathan crumbled a little, “I was afraid of that. Very well, send out word that the bounty on Master Gantz is canceled. He is no longer wanted by the Crown for questioning.”


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