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Meet Me at Oakham Mount

Page 2

by Melanie Schertz

  “Well, if I tell you that my sisters dislike her, does that improve your outlook on her?” Bingley laughed. “Miss Bennet is the eldest of five daughters. Their father, Thomas Bennet, owns the next estate over, Longbourn. His family has been there for five previous generations, and the estate has flourished. Land wise, it is larger than Netherfield, though the house is smaller, which makes Caroline constantly belittle the Bennets as poor. She does not know the truth of the family, nor have I told her.”

  “And that is?” Bingley took a sip from his glass. “Mr Bennet is successful. He has preferred to live comfortably, though reservedly. Mrs Bennet sets a fine table, and makes sure her daughters are well dressed and educated on being proper young ladies. Mr Bennet’s income is near my own. But, because the Bennets do not spend frivolously or put on a show of their wealth, Caroline sees the family as country nobodies.”

  “I must admit, when I am at Pemberley, I have no desire to worry over dressing properly in the eyes of upper society, and I prefer comfort to ostentatious décor. You say that there are five daughters? No sons?”

  “No, the only son was born after the third daughter, and he died of influenza when he was a small boy. The estate is entailed to Mr Bennet’s nephew, who is in Scotland at his father’s estate. The nephew is the second son, so Mr Bennet made him the heir to Longbourn. A cousin was supposed to inherit, but he died recently. As a matter of fact, the cousin was your aunt’s parson.”

  “That strange little man who was always fawning over Lady Catherine when we visited her last year?” Darcy asked

  “Mr Collins. He was with your cousin in the carriage accident.” Bingley knew that, though Darcy was grieved at his cousin’s death, he was relieved his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, would no longer hound him to marry her daughter.

  “I remember him. I cannot say I was impressed with him.” Darcy shook his head. “So, there is to be an assembly. Do I truly have to accompany you, or could I stay home and enjoy some quiet time, reading?”

  “You know, as well as I do, that if you stay here, Caroline will insist on staying with you. It is your choice though.” Bingley knew what his friend’s reaction would be.

  “What time is the assembly to start?”

  ~~ ** ~~

  The Bingley party arrived just after the assembly had begun. Bingley was pleased to make the introductions of his friend to some of his new neighbors, all the while he was searching the crowd for Miss Jane Bennet. Finally, he spotted her from across the room. “Come, Darcy, there is Miss Bennet.”

  Mrs Bennet was pleased to see Bingley coming towards her eldest daughter. She had always believed Jane to be the most beautiful and serene young lady, as sweet natured and kind as Mr Bingley appeared to be. “Ah, Mr Bingley, it is a pleasure to have you here at the assembly.”

  “Mrs Bennet, wild horses could not keep me away. Miss Bennet, you look very pretty tonight. That shade of blue does your eyes justice.” Bingley bowed over Jane’s hand.

  “Mr Bingley, you flatter me, Sir. And you seem to be in high spirits. Are you looking forward to the hunt on Friday?” Jane asked.

  “Yes, I am. Sir William has proclaimed it will be a most promising day. Will your father be attending?” Bingley asked.

  “He will be, as he enjoys a good hunt.” Jane smiled as she spoke. “Forgive me, ladies, might I introduce you to my dearest friend? Mrs Bennet, Miss Bennet, this is Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire. Darcy, this is Mrs Frances Bennet and her eldest daughter, Miss Jane Bennet, both of Longbourn.”

  “Ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you. My friend has spoken of your family fondly.” Darcy bowed as the ladies curtsied.

  “Welcome to Hertfordshire, Mr Darcy. I pray you will enjoy your time here.” Mrs Bennet stated. “I am sure I will, Mrs Bennet. If you will excuse me, Bingley, I wish to make my way to the

  refreshment table for a glass of punch. Do either of you ladies desire a drink?”

  “Thank you, Mr Darcy, but I am fine.” Mrs Bennet replied. Jane agreed with her mother, and Darcy walked off, leaving his friend in the ladies’ company. As Darcy picked up a glass of punch, he heard a most whimsical laugh coming from a young lady nearby. Looking up, he saw the most beautiful young lady he had ever seen in his life. With hair the color of dark chocolate, curls hanging loosely about her neck, while the rest of her hair was pinned in a most becoming manner, and a smile that was infectious, Darcy could not resist smiling himself. She had a light and pleasing figure, with curves which made him blush that he had taken such notice. He estimated she was near twenty, and very good natured. But it was when she looked up and caught his eye that his heart nearly stopped. He could lose himself in the depths of those eyes. Light brown, with flakes of gold, which sparkled with life, those eyes looked as if they could see into his very soul.

  The young lady smiled at him and he nodded his head towards her. She then returned her attention to the young lady with whom she had been speaking. How he wished he could walk up to her and introduce himself. Where was Bingley when he needed his assistance? Looking around, he found Bingley dancing with none other than Miss Bennet. Turning back towards the young lady, he found she had moved. She was now speaking with two much younger girls, who skipped away from her towards the refreshments. They must be her sisters, he thought as he watched the girls. Returning his gaze towards the young lady, she had yet again moved, further away from where he was standing. He continued to watch her, moving whenever needed to keep sight of her.

  From the looks of things, the young lady was well known in the neighborhood and well liked. Everyone greeted her with the utmost kindness and genuine affection. Darcy suddenly heard Miss Bingley walk up beside him. “Mr Darcy, what do you think of this quaint gathering? I feel as if any moment now, someone will release a greased pig onto the floor for everyone to chase about.”

  “Do not be ridiculous, Miss Bingley. You may not be accustomed to country ways, but this is a very cultured gathering for country society. I am quite impressed by the people I have seen here.”

  “You cannot be serious.” Miss Bingley stated. “The fashions are outdated, the people are vulgar in their manners. I am shocked you would approve of being acquainted with such people.”

  “It is not me who will be neighbors to these people, but, from what I have seen, I can find no true fault with anyone here.” Darcy was irritated with Caroline Bingley’s snobbery.

  Turning his attention back towards the last location he had known the young lady to have been, Darcy was frustrated when he could not find her in the crowd. Giving a slight growl, Darcy moved away from Miss Bingley and continued his search. All the while, Darcy thought “if only Bingley would stay off the dance floor for a few moments so he can introduce me to the young lady, then I would be able to speak with her rather than search everywhere for her.”

  Finally, Bingley took a break from dancing. “Come, Darcy, I must have you dance. There are many pretty girls here, I am sure you can find someone to dance with. Oh, there is one of Miss Bennet’s sisters. She is quite pretty and I am sure she would enjoy a dance.”

  “Bingley, you were dancing with the only pretty girl in the room. While she may be nice, she is not handsome enough to tempt me.” Darcy replied, his eyes still scouring the crowd.

  Just then, someone bumped into him as they walked past. Surprised, Darcy glanced towards the person, who had come from behind him, only to see the young lady he was looking for. “Dear me, Darcy, I do believe Miss Elizabeth heard you.”

  Darcy’s eyes rolled back in his head. “What an idiot I am. I was frustrated in not seeing her and end up accidently insulting her. How can I speak to her now?”

  “Miss Elizabeth? You know the young lady who just passed by?” he asked. “Why, of course I do. Miss Elizabeth is the young lady of which I was speaking. She is Miss Bennet’s sister.” Bingley replied.

  “Good God, could it get worse?” he asked himself. “Bingley, would you do me the honor of introducing me to Miss Elizabeth so I
may beg her forgiveness?”

  “Of course, old friend. Come with me.” Bingley smiled as he led the way towards where Miss Bennet and Elizabeth stood, speaking of what had just happened.

  “Miss Elizabeth, my friend has begged me to introduce you to him. If you will allow, Miss Elizabeth, this is Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley. Darcy, this is Miss Bennet’s next eldest sister, Miss Elizabeth Bennet.”

  “Miss Elizabeth, I am pleased to meet you. I would ask your forgiveness for my comment of moments ago. I was frustrated and had not even turned to see to whom my friend was referring when I spoke. I wished him to leave me be and I foolishly opened my mouth when I should have remained silent.”

  “I accept your apology, Mr Darcy. Might I ask what has frustrated you tonight?” Elizabeth asked politely. “Those eyes, they are even more entrancing up close.” Darcy needed a moment before he could speak. “To be honest, Miss Elizabeth, I had been searching the room for a young lady to which I wished to have my friend introduce me. I had been watching her from across the room all evening and suddenly she was missing. When Mr Bingley finally arrived at my side, and I could not locate the young lady for him to introduce me, my frustration became such that I spoke so foolishly. Little did I know, the young lady for whom I was searching was standing behind me, becoming the object of my foul behavior.”

  Elizabeth blushed. “You had been searching the room for me?” “I was quite taken when I first spotted you. With Mr Bingley on the dance floor, I could not have him make the introduction, therefore, I could not approach you to speak with you.” Darcy felt bold in his declaration. Standing beside him, Bingley was shocked at his friend’s behavior.

  “Well, Mr Darcy, as you have spoken so openly of what led to the statements, I do not know whether you are quite suave at speaking to ladies or if you are speaking from the heart.”

  Bingley nearly choked from laughter. “Miss Elizabeth, let me tell you, Mr Darcy has been my dear friend for nearly seven years. In all that time, I have never seen him speak to a lady outside his family and close friends, let alone speak so openly as he has to you. I am amazed at his behavior. It is also my privilege to tell you, my friend is one of the best men in all of England.”

  Darcy blushed with his friend’s portrayal of him. “Miss Elizabeth, now that we have been introduced, might I finally have the honor of asking for the next dance?”

  “After so much effort, Mr Darcy, how could I deny such a request?” Elizabeth chuckled. Darcy offered his arm, and Elizabeth placed her hand gently upon it. He then led them to the line forming for the next set. Bingley quickly claimed another set with Miss Bennet and they stood next to Darcy and Elizabeth.

  From the side, Caroline Bingley was fuming. Darcy never danced, with the only exceptions being members of his family or sisters of very close friends, and only then to keep from offending his friends. How was it he was now on the dance floor, with that country nobody?

  Watching his partner from across the dance floor was pure delight, and Darcy enjoyed dancing for the first time in his life. As Elizabeth moved, a healthy glow formed in her cheeks, adding to her already beautiful face. Never in his life, had Darcy found such pleasure in dancing.

  As the set came to an end, Darcy escorted Elizabeth to the nearby chairs. Bingley and Jane followed them, Jane taking a seat beside her sister. Bingley smiled at his friend as he spoke. “I have asked if I may have permission to call on Miss Bennet tomorrow, at Longbourn. She has been most kind in obliging me. Perhaps, Darcy, you might wish to join me.”

  “I believe that is an excellent idea, Bingley.” Darcy turned towards the ladies. “That is, if you would not mind my presence, Miss Elizabeth.”

  A blush came over her cheeks as she looked at her sister first. “Mr Darcy, I believe you would be welcome to visit Longbourn with your friend.”

  “I thank you, Miss Elizabeth. I will look forward to the treat immensely.” Seeing that the dance was ending, and carriages were being called for, Darcy was deeply disappointed in not having more time to spend with Elizabeth. “Shall we assist you in gathering your wraps?”

  “Thank you, Mr Darcy, your efforts would be appreciated.” Elizabeth and Jane stood and took hold of the arm each man offered to their particular favorite Bennet sister. Once the ladies had their wraps, and the gentlemen had their coats and hats, the men escorted the ladies to the foyer to await the arrival of their carriages. The Bennet carriage arrived first, and it was with great pleasure that Bingley handed in Miss Bennet, and Darcy followed suit with Miss Elizabeth. Both men watched as the carriage pulled away, lost in the delights of the evening.

  Caroline Bingley sauntered up to Darcy and wrapped her hand around Darcy’s arm. “Mr Darcy, I must tell you how disappointed I was not to have had the chance to dance with you myself. Seeing how light you are on your feet, I am quite envious of Miss Eliza for her ability to charm you into dancing.”

  Disgusted by her obvious attempt at belittling Elizabeth, as well as her wish to capture his attention, Darcy pried himself free of his friend’s sister. “It was I who charmed Miss Elizabeth into dancing. And, as you know, I am not fond of dancing.”

  “Forgive me, Mr Darcy, I only wished to convey what pleasure it would have brought me to have had such an opportunity. I should warn you, Charles believes he has fallen in love with the eldest Miss Bennet, and I know that it will be the ruin of our family to be connected with them, as they are obviously so far beneath us.”

  “Miss Bingley, I would suggest you leave your brother’s choices to him to make. He is a grown man. And to be honest, I see nothing wrong with the Bennet ladies. From what I understand, they have been raised as the gentlewomen they were born to be. You, on the other hand, are wealthy by your father’s and grandfather’s ties in trade. Bingley would actually be raising himself in society by marrying Miss Bennet.”

  Caroline was shocked. Standing in stunned silence, she watched as everyone, except her brother, entered the carriage. When Charles handed her in, she took the seat next to her sister and stared out the window the entire journey to Netherfield.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  CHAPTER 3 Caroline fumed as she paced in her rooms. I am to be the next Mrs Darcy, Mistress of Pemberley, not that country nobody. How could she have used her arts and allurements to turn Darcy’s head? The best young ladies the ton had to offer, who did everything they could to land the illustrious Fitzwilliam Darcy, had been unsuccessful. And then Eliza Bennet comes along and leads the man to the dance floor. Darcy had not even danced with me, why would he make a fool of himself with that chit?

  I have to put a stop to this, immediately. I have to secure him, tonight, before it is too late. Caroline walked into her dressing chamber and selected the most transparent nightgown she owned, quickly donning it. She would slip into his bed, and be compromised. She had the keys to the entire house, so he could not lock her out.

  Once she had dressed for the night, she went to her desk and began to write. As a young child, she had learned to copy the handwriting of most everyone. It had been a useful ability, and she had used it quite often. Pulling out a letter from one of the drawers, she opened it up to examine the

  handwriting. It was a strong hand, the script was precise and elegant.

  She began to write a message to her brother. It would do no good if she were compromised if no one knew it. She had to plan for her brother to discover her in Darcy’s room.

  The note stated for Charles to meet Darcy at his rooms in half an hour. That would give her time to get into Darcy’s rooms and into his bed, before her brother arrived.

  She then rang for her maid. Agnes had been her maid for many years, and would do as she directed. She handed her maid the note, asking that she have a footman deliver the message to Bingley. Then she made her way from her rooms, sneaking through the servants’ corridor until she reached Darcy’s rooms. She slipped inside the darkened rooms, with the only light coming from the fire.

  Quietly, she made her way to the side
of the bed, only to discover the bed empty. Caroline did not care; she pulled back the bedding and made herself comfortable, thinking Darcy would return shortly. As the minutes ticked away, Caroline grew nervous. How can Charles catch us in a compromising position if Mr Darcy is not here with me?

  ~~ ** ~~ Darcy had been excited after spending time with Elizabeth Bennet. His mind was wrapped around the feel of her hand in his as they danced and when he handed her into her family’s carriage. As he entered his rooms, his valet handed him an express which had arrived from his mother. Bingley had given him use of the Mistress’ study to use while Darcy stayed at Netherfield, so he went to the study to read the express and respond.

  The news that was so dire was that Lord Matlock had suffered a bout of apoplexy. He was still alive, though he was quite weak. Lady Anne insisted there was no need for her son to travel to Matlock, for she knew he needed the rest after the harvest had been completed. She promised to keep him updated on the news of her brother’s condition.

  Darcy wrote a letter to his mother, thanking her for informing him, as well as her advice that he should remain at Netherfield for the time being. Then he decided to tell his mother of his evening, and his meeting of Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

  As he finished his letter and posted it to be sent express the following morning, Darcy made his way back to his rooms. He had dismissed his valet for the evening, so he was planning to have a glass of port and do some reading before sleeping. Walking down the hall, he heard Bingley call out his name.

  “Darcy, I was just on my way to see you. I got your note, is everything fine?”

  “Of what note are you speaking?” Darcy asked, a crease formed on his forehead.

  “The one asking me to meet you here. The footman delivered it to me.” Bingley was confused. “Perhaps we should step into my rooms as we determine what is going on.” Darcy said as he opened the door and stepped inside his bedchamber.

  “Fitzwilliam, I have been waiting for you to return.” Caroline coo’d from the bed. “I came, just as you asked me.”


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