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Live Free

Page 9

by Shyla Colt

  The door opened and a statuesque woman with strands of gray in her hair and a heart-shaped face with kind, chocolate-brown eyes answered. “Evonne!” Pure joy curved her full lips into a wide grin that flashed perfect white teeth. “I’m so happy to see you, honey.” Her gaze flicked up toward him and she froze. “Oh—who—who’s your friend?”

  “This is my…” She glanced up at him, unsure what to call him.

  “Her man, Rocky,” he finished, playfully squeezing her belly.

  “Oh, I see.” A stern frown curved her lips and something suspiciously like fear appeared in her eyes.

  “Did I hear you say Evonne was at the door? Paul and I were just talking about her.” An older man with salt-and-pepper hair, a high forehead and thin lips stretched into a line of disapproval appeared behind her. His skin was light brown, weathered by the sun and, Rocky suspected, a career in the military. “Huh. She’s more your daughter than I ever imagined,” her father sneered.

  The disrespectful tone made Rocky raise an eyebrow.

  “Please, come in.” Her mother fixed a fake smile on her face and stepped inside.

  They followed her into the house. A quick sweep revealed clean lines, perfectly placed items and a coldness that surprised Rocky. Evonne might’ve been clinical at times, but she was never frigid.

  “Paul! You’ll want to see this,” her father barked.

  The disconnected tone of her father’s voice set Rocky on edge. Did they always treat her like some sort of second-class citizen? Perhaps he was one of those macho, patriarchal types who thought women weren’t worth as much?

  “Look, you guys were worried and I wanted to come by and reassure you I’m fine, in person. I took some time off work. I was burning the candle at both ends and I needed a break.”

  “So you take a vacation and get back to it. You don’t shut down and go…seeking thrills.” Disdain dripped from her father’s words.

  “I’m not thrill seeking,” Evonne said in a small voice full of hurt.

  “So, slumming then?” a new voice said.

  Rocky watched her brother enter the room, a younger version of his father. His forehead, broad shoulders and sharp, almond-shaped brown eyes were a dead ringer for the man already glaring at him.

  “You got something you want to say to me? I’m right here, don’t pretty it up and force it on Evonne.”

  “Son, there’s a lot I’d like to say to you, but we’ll start with the obvious. You’re not the right fit for my daughter. Not only can she do much better, it’s clear to me you’re already taking her down the wrong path.” Her father shook his head. “My daughter would never blow off work to take some extended vacation and do God knows what with some stranger.”

  “I ain’t a stranger. But I’m sure you know next to nothing about her life,” Rocky said.

  “Before you, we knew plenty. The girl came over weekly,” her father retorted.

  Her mother wrung her hands, looking from Rocky to her husband.

  “Dad, you don’t even know his name,” Evonne said.

  “Don’t need to. I know his type,” her father said.

  Paul sneered. “Not only are you stepping out on tradition, you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.”

  The words weren’t lost on Rocky. “Watch how you talk to her,” Rocky warned, staring down the man he’d already pegged as a bully.

  “Or what?” Paul stepped closer, edging out his mother as he stood shoulder to shoulder with his father.

  “Or, I’ll break your jaw,” Rocky deadpanned.

  “Big words,” Paul sneered while his eye ticced.

  “A promise,” Rocky said.

  “You threatening my son in his own home?” her father asked.

  “No, I’m letting you know your days of talking down to Evonne and bullying her into what you want are over,” Rocky said calmly.

  Her father scowled. “I didn’t bully. I guided her. She needed a firm hand, so I gave it.”

  Evonne ducked her head and Rocky ground his teeth. How long did it take a grown-ass man to break his little girl down so much she didn’t even open her mouth to defend herself? “Not how it looks from over here.”

  “You plan on staying with this, Evonne? ’Cause I’m going to tell you now, it won’t be welcome in my house. I’m disappointed in you. Coming here just to upset the balance. How often do we get to have Paul home? This is a blight on his visit that could’ve been avoided entirely.”

  Rocky watched Evonne practically shrink into herself and retreat behind the wall of pretense she’d kept erected to keep them happy.

  “We’re leaving,” he stated, sick to his stomach.


  “Now,” he whispered.

  She nodded, and he spun them around, walking her to the door.

  “You’re just going to let this white man order you around like that?” Paul snapped. “You know slavery is over, right?”

  The words halted his stroll. “Go stand by the door, Firecracker.”

  “Rocco, please don’t hurt him,” she whispered.

  “Not your concern now.” Their gazes locked and he ignored the watery film that made her brown eyes sparkle.

  “That’s right, take the white man’s side over your own flesh and blood. Fucking disgusting, Evonne,” her father yelled. Drops of spit flew from his mouth.

  Rocky spun around and decked the pretty boy who went down like a pile of bricks. “Don’t you ever disrespect what’s mine again!” Rocky barked. “What the fuck is wrong with you, treating your child like this?” He shook his head. “If you ever decide to get your head on straight and apologize, you know her phone number.”

  Her father rushed forward.

  “You want to get knocked on your ass too, old man? ‘Cause, I have no problem laying you out,” Rocky said.

  “Get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back,” her father said.

  “Not a problem, trust me.” Rocky paused to look at Evonne’s horrified mother and shook his head. She should’ve been the first one up and defending her only daughter. Say what you wanted about the M.C. but you didn’t fuck with them or their family. He strode to the door and walked out with Evonne at his side. Too angry to speak, he placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her to his motorcycle. Her shoulders shook and her broken sobs carved at his heart like a jagged knife. “They aren’t worth the upset.” He massaged her neck, pulling out their helmets.

  “D-didn’t want you to see me like that.” She hiccupped.

  “Hey, I’m not mad at you, mama…okay? This shit ain’t on you; it’s on them.” He jerked his head toward the door.

  “When I’m there I can’t—it goes against everything drilled in my head to rail against them. Look where my rebellion landed me the last time, ya know?” Her voice shook. “It makes me fucking sick to my stomach.”

  “It’s always been like that?” He tilted his head.

  “Long as I can remember. I used to fight it, then I got ground down under the wheels of monotony and after the accident…” She shook her head. “I just—I didn’t have it in me anymore. It was like I proved them right and they never let me forget it.”

  “Some people can’t stand to see a free soul. So they lock it in a cage. Never again, you hear me?” he asked.

  She peered up at him. “Until you get sick of it too.”

  Rocky could see the abyss of fear in her eyes. “I ain’t leaving you. You’re the only one I ever wanted to keep.” He placed her helmet on her head, strapped her in and did the same for himself, starting up the bike and pulling away from the place that must’ve been like hell to grow up in.

  Chapter Eight

  Shame ran through her veins, chilling her from the inside out. Her family had a way of ruining everything she wanted for herself. They would fatally wound her, then leave her bleeding and raw on the floor until she returned, crawled back into the box they made for her to lick her injuries. Only then could she feel like she was worth something. It became a
vicious sick cycle, yet it was all she knew. She’d hidden it well, buried the truth, so she wouldn’t have to face it head-on.

  The accident had been a turning point, but the family discord went so much deeper than that. Her father had never been a fan of his daughter. Her mother had always been cowed into silence and Paul—well, he could do no wrong. Bitterness mingled with anger and embarrassment. By the time Rocky and Evonne reached the club, she felt ready to blow. All that progress dashed by the mere presence of her father and smug-as-shit brother. It felt like starting over again—from the bottom.

  She’d done so well, allowing herself to live on her own terms, rediscovering who she was and what she wanted. They pulled into the compound and the gate shut behind them, a reassuring rattle of metal that made her feel safe. They made their world small and protected it with everything they had.

  Rocky brought the bike to a halt and she removed her helmet, wary of his response. He’d seen her at her lowest. Just looking him in the eyes took a Herculean effort.

  Rocky gripped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “Don’t let them fuck us.”

  She nodded.

  “No, I want to hear you say it. What they have going on has shit to do with us¸” Rocky said.

  “I-I know. I won’t let them fuck us,” she whispered.

  “We’re going to have a good time tonight, mama. No worries about anything. Yeah?” he said.

  She nodded, grateful to have him in control.

  He smoothed her hair down the side of her face and kissed her forehead. “Damn, girl, you’ve got me ready to murder motherfuckers. I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.”

  “Me either,” she whispered.

  He chuckled and they walked into the clubhouse. The place seemed slow but there were little spurts of happenings going on in small clusters. She scanned the area and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Fancy. There were plenty of biker bunnies, but Fancy she could tolerate. Selective about who she slept with, funny and chill, she didn’t rub the old ladies and girlfriends the wrong way. A feat in itself, considering they all knew what sometimes went on.

  “Hey man, can I have a word?” A blond prospect with a wiry build and hazel eyes stood close to them.

  “You good for now?” Rocky asked, studying her carefully.

  “Yeah, I’m going to hang with Fancy while she’s still unoccupied.”

  Rocky chuckled and nodded, walking off with the prospect.

  Evonne waved at Fancy.

  Fancy grinned as she walked over. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting you here tonight,” she said as they exchanged a hug.

  “Us either, wasn’t a great day,” Evonne said.

  “Ahh, looking for some R-and-R?” Fancy asked.

  “Exactly,” Evonne said.

  “I have something that’ll help you out, come on,” Fancy took her hand and guided her to the bathroom.

  “No way in hell I’m going to do ecstasy, Fance,” Evonne said, eyeballing the dark-haired girl with porcelain skin.

  “No, nothing like that.” Fancy pulled out a vial filled with white powder. “Just a little coca to make you numb and get you through. You ever do a bump before?”

  “No.” Evonne shook her head. She didn’t live under a rock. Being intelligent had her running in a crew with wealthy kids. They liked their recreational drugs.

  “Here, just a half a line and you’ll be flying,” Fancy said.

  Evonne shifted her weight. “I don’t…”

  “I won’t pressure you.” Fancy shrugged, took out a square compact, rolled a dollar bill and tapped out a bit of a powder.

  Feeling as if she’d been cast in a movie, Evonne watched, fascinated.

  Fancy held a finger to her nose and inhaled, tilting her head. A silly smile lined her face. “It takes a minute to kick, but when it does?” She whistled.

  What would a little taste, hurt? “I want to try,” Evonne said, ready to throw caution to the wind.

  “Yeah?” Fancy smiled. “Only a small bit, like half a bump.” Fancy cut the product, and spread it out. “Now plug your nose and inhale, like you’re using a nasal spray.”

  She took a breath and inhaled from the mirror. Her nose stung and she blinked repeatedly as her eyes watered.

  “Just wait for it,” Fancy whispered.

  Her heart raced and a bubble of happiness encircled her. She giggled.

  “Oh yeah, you’re feeling it.”

  Suddenly, none of her issues mattered. The world was her oyster.

  “Better?” Fancy said, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “So much better, thank you.” She felt as if she were floating on a cloud. The numbness coated her bruised and battered soul like a salve.

  “Come on, friend, let’s get some alcohol in you to mellow it out. We’ll keep this between me and you. I’ve never seen ol’ Rocky partake and I’m not trying to rock the boat.”

  “He’s all healthy smealthy ‘cause of the fighting,” Evonne said, waving her hand.

  They made their way to the bar. Two beers later, she felt pleasantly buzzed when Rocky returned.

  “Didn’t think it’d take so long.” Rocky rolled his eyes. “Fucking prospects.” He nodded at Fancy. “Fance.”

  “Rocky. Now that you’re good here, I’m going to go on the prowl.” Fancy winked and sashayed away.

  “That chick kills me. She screams class, but I know for a fact she comes from one of the worst projects around,” Rocky said.

  “Is that why her name is Fancy? Like the Reba song”

  “Yeah, you never knew?” He lifted a brow.

  “No, names can be touchy with the…ladies here. So, I keep it to myself.”

  Rocky laughed. “Oh, Candy and Peaches gave you T.M.I., huh?”

  “Ugh.” She grimaced. “I’ve seen and heard more of and from those two than I want to remember. You promised me a good time, Rocco. I’m still waiting.”

  “Damn, baby. I won’t make you wait any longer,” Rocky said.

  “Good.” She grinned.

  He finished his drink in one gulp, slamming the glass down on the bar. He placed his arms on either side of her body, boxing her in. He nudged her legs open and grasped her hips, rubbing her over his thigh.

  She whimpered, closing her legs to add friction.

  “Damn, you want it bad, don’t you?”

  “I want to feel good, Rocco Maurizio, no more sadness.”

  “I can do that for you, mama.”

  Her core dripped. Every nerve ending felt alive and stimulated. With her inhibitions gone by the wayside, she gripped the edge of the bar behind her and rode him.

  “Fuck, baby, light up for me.” The pressure built up inside her and her body began to shake. Her walls flexed and she ground her pussy into his jeans. “Do it for me, Firecracker.” His husky voice sent her coasting over the edge and she bucked against him, eyes slamming shut as she gave herself over to decadency. Putting herself first was a foreign concept and now she was a woman long starved.

  “So sexy. Now how about we take this to the room, so you can do that on my cock.”

  She laughed as she caught her breath. “I think we can arrange that.”

  He gripped her hips and lifted her into the air as if she weighed nothing. She snaked her legs around his waist, aroused by his display of strength. “I love how easily you lift me up.”

  “Trust me, mama, I know how you like to be handled.”

  The lust in his eyes set her on fire.

  “Evonne! God, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  Juliette’s panicked voice acted like ice water. Her stomach twisted into knots. “What’s wrong?” she asked as Rocky set her on the ground.

  “There’s been an accident. Your brother—he’s in the hospital and it’s not looking good.”

  Her head spun and her legs failed. Moans spilled from her lips.

  Rocky caught her seconds before she slammed into the hard concrete floor. “What are you talking about, Libr
arian? I just saw that punk, laid him out myself not three hours ago.”

  “There was a hit-and-run outside the house.”

  A wail resounded through the space. Evonne’s throat grew raw and she realized the sound had originated from her. “This is my fault. He told me! He said he’d go after my family.”

  “You can’t—”

  “No. I need to be with him,” Evonne said, cutting Rocky off. The thought of Levi doing this again burned her insides like a hot poker.

  “Not alone, you don’t,” Rocky growled, gripping her forearms hard.

  “You can’t go in with me, Rocco. I won’t bring drama to them in the hospital when Paul might…” Her voice cracked. “Die.”


  “Whatever you need, Rock,” Shooter said.

  “Don’t let her out of your sight. I’ll be in that hospital, a phone call away and if you need me you better dial; you understand me?” Rocky said.

  Evonne peered up at Rocky, dazed, and nodded.

  “I know this is a lot, but I need you to hold tight. I think this is just getting started. Boys, we ride out now. I want some people investigating what happened. See if there’s proof this is linked to Levi. Shooter, you take point. You know where we’re going,” Tiny said.

  The ride to the hospital brought new meaning to the word torture. Her mind made a list of all the reasons this was her fault. Rocky brought the bike to a stop. She climbed off the back and started for the automatic doors at the entrance.

  “Hang on, quicksilver.” Rocky grabbed her arms, stilling her. “You need to take off your helmet and wait for Shooter to escort you. You go nowhere without him.”

  She nodded numbly, stilling as he unbuckled the chin trap and removed the head covering. “All you have to do is say the world and I’ll come for you,” Rocky said.

  “I know,” she whispered, knowing she would never call him up to the room. This was her mess to clean up.

  He gripped her chin and peered down into her eyes. “Remember, you’re mine now, so you’d better take care of number one. Don’t take that shit from them anymore.”

  “I won’t,” she said.

  Rocky squeezed her chin harder. “No, don’t bullshit me, Firecracker. I meant what I said.”


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