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Glenn, Stormy - Cowboy Keeper [Blaecleah Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Stormy Glenn

  “Do you see what you do to me, baby?” Rourke asked as he grabbed Billy’s hand and pushed it down between them. Billy’s eyes widened as his hand was pressed against the large bulge in Rourke’s pants. He started panting, unable to keep the air in his lungs.

  “You…” Billy licked his lips again. He glanced down between them even though he couldn’t see anything through the press of their bodies. But he sure could imagine. “Can I see?”


  “I’ve never…” Billy shrugged. “I’ve never seen…”

  Rourke suddenly growled then claimed Billy’s lips with a hunger that shook Billy down to his toes. This wasn’t the slow, thoughtful kiss he’d received from Rourke before. This kiss was fueled with hunger, and desire, and a wildness that Billy had never encountered. It was a little exciting, a little thrilling, and a whole lot scary.

  Even with his lips pressed against Rourke’s, Billy couldn’t prevent his small cry when Rourke suddenly lifted him up and carried him toward the side of the barn. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on when Rourke set him on the ground and leaned him back against the barn wall until he saw the man’s hands go to the buttons on his jeans.

  Billy swallowed hard as he watched Rourke unbutton his jeans then slowly separate the sides until his cock popped free. Rourke gestured with one hand. “You wanted to see…”

  Billy took a hesitant step forward then quickly glanced up at Rourke’s face. He watched the man carefully as he lowered himself to his knees and reached for his cock. He didn’t want to do anything he wasn’t allowed.

  The small shudder that worked its way through Rourke’s body when his hands wrapped around his erection concerned Billy, but the man didn’t pull away. Billy took it as a good sign and scooted closer.

  “You’re much bigger than I am,” Billy whispered as he fit his fingers around Rourke’s cock over and over again. He glanced up in surprise when he heard a small grunt. Rourke’s lips were pressed together, his brows drawn down in a deep frown. “I’m sorry, should I have not said that?”

  “No, baby, it’s fine,” Rourke said. “Your hand feels good wrapped around me.”

  Billy flushed and dropped his eyes. He could imagine a lot more he’d like to do than use his hand, but that was just a fantasy, maybe. So far, Rourke seemed to be a willing participant in Billy’s fantasies. He only hoped that continued.

  “You’re a lot longer than I am,” Billy said again as he worked his hand over Rourke’s cock, “but I think I’m thicker.”

  “Thicker?” Rourke’s deep swallow was audible and enough to catch Billy’s attention. He looked up.

  “I think so.” Billy frowned. “Is that wrong?”

  “No.” Even though his words said differently, Rourke sounded a little strained.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure, baby.”

  Hoping Rourke was right, Billy returned his attention to the long shaft he held in his hand. Rourke was very long, but Billy could fit his entire hand around him. He couldn’t do that with his own cock. But Rourke was very silky, and Billy loved the texture moving under his fingers.

  “Keep that up, baby, and I’m going to come.”

  “Really?” Billy masturbated, well, a lot, especially to images of Rourke. To know he could bring Rourke the same pleasure was mind-boggling to him. He tightened his grip and the rhythm of his strokes, wanting more than anything to see Rourke come and know he’d done it.

  Soon, Rourke started moving his hips, thrusting himself into Billy’s grasp. “Just a little tighter, baby,” Rourke whispered.

  Billy squeezed harder. A thrill ran through at the long groan that came from the man standing over him when he did.

  “I’m getting close, baby.”

  Billy almost groaned himself at the deep growl he could hear in Rourke’s voice. It made him feel achy. He kept one hand wrapped around Rourke’s cock and moved the other one down to his own jeans, fumbling with the buttons until they came free.

  Billy cried out as he wrapped his free hand around his own cock, stroking it quickly to catch up with Rourke. It wouldn’t take him long. He was already incredibly aroused just from touching Rourke. This was a fantasy come true.

  “Oh, damn, you’re touching yourself, aren’t you?”

  Billy froze. All the pleasure he’d been feeling was suddenly sucked out of him at Rourke’s words. He dropped his hand from around his cock and tried to cover himself, to hide what he was doing.

  He’d been punished by Clem for masturbating before. He knew he wasn’t supposed to do it, but being with Rourke was such a fantasy that he couldn’t help himself.


  “I’m sorry,” Billy whispered as he dropped his head forward. He squeezed his eyes closed when tears of fear threatened to fall. “I was just kind of caught up in the moment. I won’t do it again, swear.”

  Chapter 6

  “Come up here.” Rourke held out his hand. Billy seemed confused but did as Rourke said, taking his hand and standing up. He kept his arm wrapped around his waist, his hand pressing over his open jeans. His eyes stayed staring down at the ground.

  “Billy, look at me.” Billy’s head came up slowly, hesitantly. Rourke could immediately see the fear in Billy’s deep blue eyes. Rourke reached out and cupped the side of his face. “It is never wrong for you to touch yourself if you want to. Granted, there are some places you just shouldn’t do it, but it’s never wrong. It’s your body.”

  “Yo-you don’t mind?”

  “Well, I’d like to watch if you’re going to touch yourself. It’s very hot.” Wide blue eyes just blinked up at Rourke. It was adorable and sad all at the same time. Rourke reached down and pushed Billy’s hand aside then grabbed the man’s cock.

  A soft gasp fell from Billy’s lips.

  “Do you like that, baby?”

  Billy nodded rapidly.

  “Do you want more?” Rourke didn’t think it was possible, but Billy’s eyes grew even wider.

  “Mo-more?” he stammered on a breath.

  Rourke wrapped one arm around Billy’s waist to keep them close then thrust his hips closer and grabbed his cock, bringing the two of them together. He watched Billy’s face as he started stroking both of their cocks in his hand. The wonder there took Rourke’s breath away.

  “Does that feel good, baby?”

  “Yes,” Billy hissed.

  “It’s going to feel so much better when I’m deep in your ass.”

  Billy’s eyes glazed over. The man stiffened for just a moment then his head fell back on his shoulders and a deep cry fell from his lips. Rourke felt his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth as Billy climaxed and filled the space between them with hot seed.

  The quiet sobs of a long pent-up release that filled the air were music to Rourke’s ears. Knowing that he’d brought pleasure to a man that had so little in his life, and that he was the only one to do it, gave Rourke a sense of power he’d never felt with any of his previous sexual encounters.

  It also brought an obsessive need to possess and protect Billy to the forefront of Rourke’s being. Billy was indeed special, just as Rourke said, and he was going to make sure that specialness was only his.

  Rourke kept his eyes glued to Billy’s face as his own orgasm took him over the edge. The intensity of his climax surprised him. It made his knees shake, and for a moment, he thought he might not be able to hold him and Billy up.

  Billy’s hands suddenly gripped the front of his shirt. His head tilted back up. Rourke had just a moment to see a deep hunger in Billy’s blue eyes before Billy’s lips claimed his. Rourke groaned and leaned into the kiss as his own spunk joined Billy’s between their bodies.

  When Billy finally pulled away, they were both breathing heavily. Rourke yanked his hand out from between their bodies and licked away the cum covering his hand. He glanced down quickly when Billy inhaled, only to find the man watching his hand like he couldn’t look away.

  Rourke turned his hand and h
eld it out to Billy, groaning deeply when Billy sucked his fingers in. “Oh, damn, I can’t wait to feel you do that to my cock.”

  Billy’s eyes blinked up at him then he chuckled. “It might make less of a mess than this did.”

  “Oh, this is nothing, baby.” Rourke grinned. “Just wait until I get you in my bed. I’m going to make you plenty dirty.”

  Rourke growled when Billy’s eyes widened then glazed over. His breathing hitched and stuttered in his throat. Despite having come just moments before, Rourke felt a strike of desire shoot through him that shook him to his very core.

  “Yo-you’re taking me to your bed?” Billy whispered.

  “Oh, yes, I have every intention of taking you to my bed.” Rourke yanked Billy against his chest. “I plan on taking you in my bed, against the wall, in a chair, and on just about any flat surface I can find. I plan on taking you wherever and whenever I want to.”

  Billy shuddered. His eyes faded closed to narrow little slits.

  “Does that frighten you, baby?”


  “I may push your boundaries a bit, introduce you to some stuff you’ve never tried before, but I won’t ever hurt you, baby.”


  Rourke stroked his hand down the side of Billy’s flushed face. He loved the feeling of Billy’s soft skin beneath his fingers and wondered if the rest of Billy felt just as silky. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  “I promise, baby.”

  Billy drew in a deep breath, the color slowly seeping back into his face and returning it to normal. “Okay then.”

  “I’m so glad you agree.” Rourke chuckled, but despite his words, he knew he would never do anything Billy was truly uncomfortable with. He wanted Billy in his bed, true, but Rourke wanted him there willingly.

  Rourke reached down and shoved his spent cock back into his jeans, grimacing when cold spunk met warm skin. Ignoring the wet feeling, he quickly did up his pants then pointed to Billy’s own mess.

  “Are you going to button up or leave yourself hanging out for everyone to see?” Even as Rourke said the words, he felt a rage of possessiveness spike through him, a previously unknown feeling. He never grew jealous over his partners in the past. So, why Billy? The mere thought of the man being seen naked or nearly naked by anyone else made Rourke want to seriously hurt someone.

  Rourke waited until Billy got his clothes in order then reached over and gripped the man’s chin in his hand, tilting Billy’s face up to his. “No one sees you like this, baby, do you understand? No one. Your body is for my eyes alone.”


  Billy looked a little wigged out. His eyes were kind of wide, and his hands fluttered, plucking at the cotton fabric of his shirt. Rourke personally thought he looked adorable, but he’d never tell Billy that. No man wanted to be considered adorable.

  “Come on, baby.” Rourke wrapped an arm around Billy’s shoulders and started leading him toward the house again. “Let’s get you cleaned up and settled in then we can play a little more. How’s that sound?”

  “That sounds good.”

  It sounded wonderful. Rourke was already envisioning Billy in his bed, preferably spread out with his hands tied above his head. Rourke could feel his cock start to harden just thinking about it. Billy would look stunning.

  “Is this him?”

  Rourke stopped, his head snapping up to see Asa and Lachlan standing several feet in front of him at the bottom of the porch steps. Asa’s hands were clenched tightly, a scowl on his face. Rourke dropped his arm from around Billy’s shoulders and stepped in front of him. The animosity coming from Asa was aimed at Billy, and Rourke couldn’t allow that.

  “Is this who?” he asked carefully.

  “Don’t fucking mess with me, Rourke,” Asa snapped, pointing at Billy. “He tried to kill Lachlan.”

  “He didn’t do anything.”

  “He burned the barn down with us in it!”

  “Clem burned down the barn, not my baby.”

  “Baby?” Lachlan shouted, stepping forward to stand next to Asa. “You’re calling Billy Thornton your baby? Are you out of your mind?” Lachlan waved his hand to the man cowering behind Rourke. “He’s nothing but trouble.”

  Rourke clenched his hands. He felt a flush fill his body as anger swept through him. No one should be talking about Billy like Lachlan was doing. Billy wasn’t bad, just misunderstood. Why couldn’t people see that? Why hadn’t he seen it before now?

  “Yes, I’m calling him my baby. He’s mine.”

  “He’s Billy Thornton!” Lachlan shouted.

  “I know exactly who he is, and he’s still mine.”

  Rourke could feel Billy shaking behind him. Billy’s hands were clenched in Rourke’s shirt, and his face was buried in Rourke’s back. Rourke reached back and gently patted Billy’s hip, wanting the man to know he was safe. Rourke wouldn’t let anyone hurt Billy, not even his brother.

  “Billy is mine, and that’s the end of it.”

  “If you think I’m going to allow a Thornton to stay on this ranch then you have another thing coming.” Lachlan’s face turned red with his hastily shouted words. “There’s no telling what he and his brother might do. They’ve already tried to kill me once, Asa twice. I will not let them be a threat to my husband.”

  “This ranch belongs to all of us,” Rourke shouted right back. He shook his finger at his brother. “You don’t get to say who comes and who goes.”

  “He’s not staying!” Lachlan shouted. “I’ll have his ass put in jail for trespassing before I allow him to stay.”

  “That would be pretty hard to do, considering he has my permission to be here.”

  “He’s not staying!” Lachlan shouted.

  “He is staying!” Rourke shouted right back.

  “Please, stop.”

  The words were whispered so softly, Rourke almost didn’t hear them. If it wasn’t for the fact that Billy gripped his arm as he came around the front of him, Rourke probably wouldn’t have heard Billy at all.

  “Please,” Billy whispered again. His eyes were desperate and filled with tears as he looked up at Rourke. “Don’t fight, not over me.”



  “Baby, I’m not sending you back there.”

  Billy glanced over his shoulder. Rourke did the same, looking past Billy to the men standing a few feet away. When Billy turned back to him, Rourke stared down at the man. He would leave and take Billy somewhere safe if that’s what he needed to do.

  “You can’t fight with your family.” Billy’s hand trembled as he patted it against Rourke’s chest. “They love you. You don’t know how very rare that is, how important. Don’t mess it up because of me. I’m not worth it.”

  “Baby.” Rourke grabbed Billy’s arms and gave him a little shake. “You are worth it.”

  “No, I’m not.”


  “I knew what Clem was going to do, about him burning the barn down. I knew, and I did nothing to stop it. Lachlan’s right. I’m trouble.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “It’s true.”

  While Rourke knew Billy was probably telling the truth, he also knew there had to be more to the story than that. Billy really didn’t have a mean bone in his body. He cared too much for other people to hurt anyone, not on purpose.

  “You may be telling the truth, baby, but I know there’s more to the story than that. You wouldn’t let Clem hurt me.” Somehow, Rourke just knew he spoke the truth. Billy would do everything within his power to keep Rourke safe.

  “No, but—”

  “Clem locked Billy in the cellar so he couldn’t warn us.”

  Rourke looked beyond Billy, Lachlan, and Asa to see his da standing on the porch. His arms were crossed over his chest, a stern look on his face. “Da?”

  “Go ahead, Billy, tell them,” Da said. “The boys need to hear this.”

  “Oh, but—” Bill
y whimpered as he swung around.

  “Billy,” Da said simply.

  Billy shuddered. Rourke placed his hands on Billy’s shoulders to give him courage and gave him a light squeeze.

  “Clem was talking, saying that Asa and Lachlan humiliated him, made him look bad in front of everyone in town,” Billy said softly. “He was real mad. When he started getting the gas cans together, I knew he was going to do something real bad. I had to warn you. I tried to sneak out, but Clem caught me, and he…well, he…” Billy shrugged. “He locked me in the cellar.”

  “Did he beat you first?” Rourke asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting Asa and Lachlan to understand the pressure Billy was under, the threat from Clem.

  Billy’s head swung around to look at Rourke. His face looked incredibly pale in the dim moonlight. “It weren’t nothing.”

  Rourke absently noticed with Billy's words that his speech always seemed to revert back a little when he was nervous or afraid. It was a great barometer for how Billy was feeling.

  “Clem is beating Billy?” Lachlan’s voice was filled with shock and a bit of horror.

  “Show Lachlan and Asa your back, baby.”

  “Oh, I…” Billy’s hands twisted together in front of him. His eyes started to go a little wild as they jumped from place to place to place, never staying on any one person for more than a moment. Rourke knew Billy was about to lose it and stepped forward, wrapping his arms around the man and pulling him against his body.

  “It’ll be okay, baby, I promise.”

  Billy’s face pressed into Rourke’s chest. Rourke allowed the man to cuddle closer and slowly raised the back of his shirt, letting everyone see the marks on Billy’s skin. The audible gasps of horror could be heard throughout the small area they stood in. Rourke waited just a moment then lowered Billy’s shirt.

  He cradled Billy in his arms as he glared across at his brother. “Clem has been beating Billy for quite some time. None of us, including me, looked past Billy’s actions to think of why he was doing what he did.”

  “But why would Clem…” Lachlan shook his head, but he couldn’t seem to stop looking at Billy’s back. “This just isn’t right, Rourke.”


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