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The Visitor - New York 1871-1873

Page 5

by Barbara Svetlick

  Mr. Sampson stood up against the doorway sipping on his whisky thinking about their conversation. Louis had propositioned Mirisa with an obscene offer that was better than any woman had ever been offered and she had politely thanked him and told him that she would never entertain a marriage proposal from any man unless she was in love with him. Louis then asked if he would have to take her away from four men or just her husband. Mirisa told him that he would have to make her love him more than her husband and he would have to always share her because she never intended to live without any of them being an important part of her life. Louis found her extremely unusual but it was obvious when you watched Mirisa dance what her feelings were for her husband. He had no idea why Dominic would allow her to slip out of his arms but maybe he really didn’t. Louis, however, shared no woman when he was picking up the tab.

  Mirisa felt so alive and so beautiful in her husband’s arms that she never wanted to be anywhere else. As the clock struck midnight, Meeks leaned down brought her up to him and kissed her. James got her cape as they walked toward the door and handed it to Meeks who put it around her. Mr. Sampson thanked them for coming and put her hand to his lips and told Mirisa she was the most beautiful woman in the room and he enjoyed dancing with her. She thanked Louis for his hospitality and conversation. Louis smiled and thought she would be easy to spoil.

  Mirisa fell asleep in her husband’s arms on the way home and he had to carry her up and put her to bed. He closed the door quietly and went back downstairs.

  They toasted another great year. James said he had a clandestine date with Catherine and would catch them later as Garnett and Dominic headed out to get into trouble.


  “In 1872, suffragists brought a series of court challenges designed to test whether voting was a "privilege" of "U. S. citizenship" now belonging to women by virtue of the recently adopted 14th Amendment. One such challenge grew out of a criminal prosecution of Susan B. Anthony for illegally voting in the 1872 election. The first case to make its way to the Supreme Court, however, was Minor vs. Happersett (1875). In Minor, a unanimous Court rejected the argument that either the privileges and immunities clause or the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment extended the vote to women. Following Minor, suffragists turned their attention from the courts to the states and to Congress.”

  The first week of January brought fresh snow every day and the temperature remained below freezing. The men spent days down at the financial district and holed up in the library at night working on contracts and plans. Mirisa and the children stayed busy in the nursery or playing in the snow. She took Maggie uptown for the final fitting of the dress. They told her that her dress would be delivered at the end of the week along with all the accessories for both dresses. Then she took her over to the church and walked out through the cemetery placing a small bouquet at her grandmother’s grave.

  Mirisa told Maggie all about her grandmother but Maggie was too young to understand anything except she knew that she loved her mother as well as the alabaster angels that stood over the snow covered graveyard with their wings spread and their heads bowed. They were walking through the snow along the path when Mirisa stopped and read the name on the large headstone. She walked up to the tall monument that was topped with a large ornate carved cross. The names of the family members were carved on all four sides with Meeks’ father’s name facing the path. She ran her fingers along the letters as Maggie watched her before Maggie pulled on her skirt. Mirisa picked up her small daughter and told her the story of her grandfather. She placed her hand on the granite and closed her eyes thanking God for not only the angel in her arms but the never ending love that created her. She stepped back and realized that his grave faced that of Meeks’ mother’s grave as though he wanted to always be able to watch her.

  When Garnett came out of the library to get a folder of papers he had left on the dining room table he saw Mirisa laying over the back of the chair stretching as though she were reaching for something. He leaned over her and put his hands around her ankles. She pulled herself up so she could see him before she laid back down closing her eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “My lower back hurts and I’m trying to stretch it out.”

  “Do you need some help?”

  “What are you offering me?”

  “Depends on what you need.” Mirisa pulled herself up to the point that he reached for her hand and pulled her all the way up so that she was facing him. “I want you to go upstairs with me.”

  Mirisa looked at Garnett seriously. “Are you going to be mean?”

  “Probably but that’s because you make me that way.”

  “I’m not mean to you.”

  “You torture me constantly like you are doing right now.”

  “But you never want anything from me...”

  He ran his finger along her chin. “I always want something from you; I just know that it’s not good for you.”

  Mirisa looked into Garnett’s eyes as he leaned into her and kissed her to the point that she tightened her grip around his wrists and he increased the passion in his kiss. She could feel his body react and his heartbeat actually slowed. Garnett took her hand and led her up the stairs and closed the door behind them. He kissed her and put his hand on her back bringing her even closer. His actions were so controlled and precarious.

  Garnett unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall to her feet; slowly removed her jeans as he pulled off her camisole. He picked her up backing her against the wall and took her with fervor so beyond feelings into a compulsive obsession. Her fingers dug into his arms as he tightened his hold running his lips down the side of her neck as she kept whispering “Oh God” over and over until she felt like she was going to explode. Garnett never stopped kissing her and when he took her he pulled out all the stops.

  Mirisa didn’t know how to describe the way he made love but it was so different than anything she had experienced. Garnett put Mirisa down and told her he had to get back to the library before they came looking for him. He looked into her eyes running his hand along her face as his thumb went across her bottom lip and before she could respond he took her to the floor and held her arms above her head as he took Mirisa into a world so foreign to her senses. Garnett kissed Mirisa, redressed and headed back downstairs. She redressed and went into the kitchen to get a cup of hot cocoa. Mirisa sat in the dining room stirring her cocoa and thinking about him. Garnett’s raw vigor was so palatable.

  “Are you thinking about anything interesting?”

  She looked up and James was standing across the table from her.

  “No.” She sighed and took a sip of her cocoa. “James.”

  “What Mirisa?”

  “If all of you are so different, does that mean I am different when I am with you or am I always the same no matter who it is?”

  “You ask the damndest questions.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I mean I just seem to react without thinking but you are all very different and that’s to be expected but I’m me. So, am I always the same?”

  “You react differently because you allow the man to set the stage.”

  “Do you react differently to each woman you are with?”

  “Men actually seek out certain women for certain sex. The nice thing about sex is that it is never the same even if it's the same woman unless she doesn’t enjoy it." James guessed women just thought about these things while men just assumed they were whatever they were. “Why are you thinking about this tonight?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Damn, I knew Garnett was gone too long.” He poured a cup of coffee and leaned up against the sideboard. “You have to be careful with him because he’s always kept the wall up for a reason.”

  “He’s completely opposite of you.” James suppressed a smile. "Do you think it's the darkness that I find so appealing?”

  James laughed shaking his head. “Are you attracted to the danger of our souls? Most women are so I
don’t know why you would be any different except you have gone past that layer and have crawled into us like no one else has ever done. I don’t think there’s ever been a woman who has been able to hold any of our attention more than a few weeks and you have done it for over eight years with absolutely no sign that any of us would willingly walk away from you or not pray for those days when you are seeking attention.”

  “Thank you for always talking to me.”

  “I love talking with you. I find your curiosity so refreshing but I find your passion for sex to be unique and constantly growing.” He leaned across the table and kissed her. “Yes, I definitely know what took Garnett so long.” James winked at her and went into the kitchen. He came back out as Meeks walked into the dining room.

  “I should have known you found Mirisa.” He walked over and kissed her then looked at her closely. “We’ll be through with the work tonight so you can have me the rest of the week.

  “Alexander it’s Saturday night. The week is over.” He looked at her trying to remember what day it was.

  “We weren’t supposed to get married tonight were we?”

  “If we were then we’ve missed it.”

  “Do you miss me?”

  “No.” Meeks raised his eyebrows and looked at James.

  “Well, that definitely explains why Garnett couldn’t find the papers.” Meeks kissed her neck.

  Garnett walked in and took the coffee pot from James and poured a cup. Meeks looked up at him. “Next time I’ll go looking for the papers.”

  “I don’t mind doing it when you are too busy.”

  “Well that’s great except you are the one who has been keeping me too busy.”

  Garnett smiled and James broke out laughing. The three of them were so comfortable with each other.


  “Yes Alexander.”

  “What have you been doing all week?” He poured a cup of coffee and they all sat down with her.

  “Well, the children and I helped take down all the holiday decorations not that any of you noticed. We went to a puppet show on Tuesday, had lunch in the hotel and that should be on someone's bill. We played in the snow and built a snowman right outside the door which you might see if you ever leave the library. We went sledding in the park on Thursday without an escort and without anyone trying to offer me money. We had lunch with Charisse and the children at her house and Jack tried to corner me to apologize and begged me not to say anything to his loving sweet wife. I told him that I would only agree if he bought her something outrageously expensive and he only has a week to do so. I really enjoy watching him squirm. We went and had our dresses fitted before we visited the church. Then Maggie and I got our hair cut for the wedding and bought some outrageously wonderful orange crème filled chocolate candy and ate it all. We both got new boots and scarves that match. We read a new book and today we baked blueberry pies. Then we picked up Garnett’s new book which is on the living room table.”

  “We have pies?” Garnett went into the kitchen and came out with one and put it on the table.

  “Garnett is that the only thing you heard?”

  “No, the candy caught my attention but you said you ate it all.”

  James smiled. “He’s always hungry after having sex.”

  “Oh, I forgot to add that one. I had absolutely incredible immoral sex with Garnett tonight but he was actually trying to help me because my lower back has been hurting.”

  Meeks looked at Garnett. “Did it work?”

  “Well, he’s eating pie so it must have.”

  “Mirisa, did it fix your back?”

  “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I think it’s that technique up against the wall or maybe when he had me pinned down.” She reached over and picked out a blueberry and put it in Meeks mouth and kissed him.

  James watched her. “You went for the final fitting without me?”

  “You were busy and we girls wanted a day out.” She cut a piece of pie and picked up a fork and took a bite. “They delivered the dresses today.”

  Dominic came in, poured a cup of coffee and sat down. “Well, now I know what happened to everyone.”

  “I also had lunch with my father and the children and got him to increase my allowance since he liked my New Year’s dress so much." They all rolled their eyes. "We went to the museum and saw the new exhibit and Jonathan tried to climb up on some big stuffed thing and we got in big trouble and the curator said he was going to send you a scolding letter on our behavior. I think that's all we did."

  Mirisa sat back. “Oh, no it isn’t. I went out today with Charisse and we stopped to pay our respect to Catherine who said she can’t attend the wedding because she is in mourning. I find it a strange custom but I imagine that it is more to give a widow breathing room before suitors could take advantage of her sorrow. Charisse said there are as many charlatans looking to fleece women of their money as there are women taking advantage of simple minded men. And I took my exams passing them all and I need to know if we’ll be here long enough to take a new class. Oh, but most important is that I bought a small handgun with ivory grips. It fits perfectly in my purse and I think they put it on Garnett’s account.” They all waited to see if she was finished.

  "Where were we?"

  "Working on your paper stuff I guess." She put a piece of pie in her mouth running her tongue along the fork. "Until Garnett came out I wasn't sure there were any men left in the house."

  “You bought a gun?” She looked at James. “Without consulting us?”

  “Seriously James. I think I am smart enough to purchase a gun.”

  He let out a sigh. “What did you buy?”

  “I think he called it a Wesson Pocket Pistol.”

  “You don’t need to carry an unsafe small pistol. The smaller they are the more dangerous.”

  “Then stop spending so much time working on papers.”

  Garnett smiled and told her the papers arrived from her father for her to sign. She leaned across the table and kissed him. "Thank you."

  Meeks took her by the hand and said goodnight to everyone. She smiled and they all knew she intentionally goaded him into taking her to bed. The boys decided they deserved a night at the club and locked up as they headed out.

  The next week was filled with last minute preparations for the wedding. Meeks woke up to find her sitting on the bathroom floor rubbing oil on her feet and legs. He watched her and decided she was having too much fun without him. He sat down facing her and took the bottle out of her hand. She put her arms back and Meeks slowly started massaging her legs with the oil. “I think I like this.” He put it up to his nose but the fragrance was faint. “What’s in it?”

  “Rose petals blended with lilacs.”

  The more he put on the more he was getting aroused. Meeks reached up and undid her towel and he put oil all over her. Mirisa laughed because they were really making a horrible mess. He leaned over her and she wrapped her arms around him and his hand slipped rolling him to the side and she laughed harder. They made love on the floor but had trouble just holding on to each other and she was laughing so hard that he finally gave in to her. Mirisa put the towel down and he rolled over on it. Mirisa sat on top of him rubbing the oil all over his chest and arms before sliding into his embrace. Meeks finally had to use the tub to pull himself up and she told him to move the towel near the sink so he didn’t slip and fall again. She cleaned up the mess then filled up the tub and soaked most of it out of her hair. Meeks finished shaving before he climbed in with her.

  They finally came downstairs and Mirisa fixed them both coffee and went into the kitchen. She came back out and sat down next to her husband.

  James lowered the paper and looked at them. “Mirisa, I can’t decide which one of you smells better this morning but it’s like a rose garden in the middle of summer.”

  “I dropped the oil and it took a while to get it all cleaned up.” She bit her lip to keep from laughing.

  “Isn’t that a little da

  “Of course, but having oil covering every inch of your body is a sensation that is unbelievably lovely.” Meeks tried to ignore the conversation and put sugar in his coffee.

  Garnett looked at her. “You had sex covered in oil?”

  “No, I said I spilled it and had to clean it up. Alexander had sex covered in oil.”

  Meeks continued to ignore them because he knew she wanted to play this morning.

  “So, let me get this straight. You cover yourselves with oil and exactly how do you hold on to each other to have sex?”

  She locked eyes with Garnett and just smiled. He loved the way she teased him constantly even if it pushed him to the limit of his control.

  Dominic came through the door and fixed a cup of coffee before sitting down. “Garnett, are we through with everything?”

  Garnett broke away from her. “We are. The only thing I have left to handle is Mirisa’s trust issues. James has already reviewed the numbers with her father.”

  Meeks looked up at him. “If you two think I am going to allow you to be behind closed doors in the library with her today you better think again.”

  James picked up the whisky and poured a shot in his coffee as he kicked back. “Well, she does have the right to meet with her lawyer and financial advisor.”

  “Absolutely not. She has been basically ignored all week and in her mood neither of you would be able to concentrate much less show her where to sign.” Mirisa looked back at James before she reached over and kissed him. “Point proven.”

  “Alright, I’ll go get the papers and we’ll do it right here.” Garnett left the room and came back with a folder. He handed her a copy of the portfolio and James went over the numbers and projected income from the trust, the cost of the upkeep of the apartment in Richmond, and the increase in her allowance.

  “Mirisa, if you need money why don’t you just ask for it?” Dominic had never said no to anything she wanted.


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