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Page 7

by C. A. Harms

  The moment his lips skimmed along my neck over my already sensitive skin, I whimpered. He trailed the tip of his tongue along the arch. Everything around me became a void. The only things I was well aware of were Jett and the way my body felt against his. “Stop fighting it. You already know we’re good together. Give me the chance to show you that was just the beginning. I want more, Quinn. I need more than just one night with you.”

  I could feel his arousal against my backside, only making the heat within me grow even more. He was dangerous. Having him near only caused my inhibitions to falter. I had no hope of refusing what my body wanted so badly. I was tired of giving up those things I truly wanted. I had let go of all possible chances of happiness for myself because I was afraid.

  He turned my body to face his, and my hands came to rest against his chest. I looked up. Jett’s eyes were so full of heat, a pure lustful stare.

  “Come home with me tonight?” he whispered.

  “You really have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. My life is a mess. You don’t want that.”

  He leaned in a little closer and pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. “I’m not afraid of your baggage. We all have some. I don’t scare easily.” He nipped at my lip before sucking lightly. “Stop pushing me away.” His lips connected with mine once again, only this time with much more intensity.

  Any thoughts of refusing him were long gone. I no longer had any hope of walking away. I lost the fight, and I was relieved to finally let my guard down. It may be a mistake and I may be setting myself up for pure destruction, but the ride would without a doubt be oh so sweet.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My pulse was racing, my body was in overdrive, and I felt like I was about to explode. This game Quinn had been playing had me humming with uncontrollable need.

  The moment we hit the front door of my place, I had her body pinned against it. I no longer cared who may witness me devouring her. My hunger was too strong.

  I worked the lock with my free hand and we stumbled inside. I don’t even remember the moment we began to shed our clothes. All I know is seeing her naked body sprawled out over the area rug in front of the couch awakened my animalistic needs.

  I feared if I blinked or paused for even a mere second, she would disappear. I had wanted this since the first night I touched her. I craved her.

  “Do we need a condom?” I asked, trying to control my heavy breaths.

  “I’m clean. There hasn’t been anyone but you, not in a very long time. I’m on the Pill. My doctor insisted, because of female issues.” Her chest rose and fell as she panted beneath me.

  “I’m clean too,” I assured her before I positioned myself over her. Wasting no time, I sank myself into her, to the deepest point. “Just you,” I whispered.

  Our bodies began to move in a steady rhythm. We didn’t speak, words weren’t necessary. Our bodies were speaking volumes. I had her, and this time, she wouldn’t be sneaking out in the middle of the night. She needed to face the fact that I would break down her walls. She had no hope of winning against this need I had for her.


  I woke up sometime during the night. It was still dark outside. Smiling to myself, I wrapped my arms around Quinn just a little tighter and pulled her back against my chest. I buried my nose in her hair, breathing in her sweet scent.

  I told her she wasn’t leaving, and she didn’t argue. In fact, she smiled and kissed my lips softly. Afterward, she tucked herself into my side and rested her head on my bare chest. Something was different, like the fight she was having with herself was gone.

  I ran my hand over her hair, tucking it back over her shoulder. She arched her neck upward as I touched her neck.

  I now had a full view of her face. I took the time to look over every feature and curve. I gently explored the light freckles on her cheeks with my thumb. She was like a little kitten leaning into my touch. She was beautiful, the kind of beauty that made your heart race and plummet at the same time.

  She opened her gorgeous brown eyes and took me in. “Hi,” she whispered, a shy smile on her lips, just before she wrinkled up her nose in cutest fucking way.

  “Hey,” I said in return. I still took the time to memorize her beauty. The deep brown of her eyes resembled the color of chocolate, a sleepy gaze still filling them. I placed my hand on the side of her neck and I tilted her chin up a bit higher, bringing my lips to hers.

  I don’t remember ever feeling so content with just kissing a woman. The touch of her lips against mine made my body instantly relax. There was nothing to rush, nothing forced. Her soft whimper filled the silence. I held her body securely against mine while slowly tasting her over and over.

  Quinn weaved her fingers through my hair as she pulled me closer and wrapped her leg around my waist. My body quivered with need for her. She was a fixation. One I had no desire to lose.

  “Maybe we should move this into the bedroom,” I said while continuing to kiss her. I rolled over on top of her and held her hands above her head.

  We were both still naked, and there was no hiding the fact that we were both ready for round two. I rocked my hips against her and she whimpered.

  I tilted my head down and flicked my tongue over her hardened nipple before biting gently and tugging. Her hips lifting off the floor, she was begging for more.

  Quinn reached between us and wrapped her hand around me. She guided me toward her, her eyes never leaving the spot she now gripped. We both watched as she positioned my hardness against her warmth. Within seconds we were moaning in unison, and for the next hour we were lost once again in each other.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “A smile looks good on you, Quinn,” Avery said from across the table. Four days after I finally gave in, I still hadn’t been able to wipe the smile from my face since Jett dropped me off at home this morning. “I take it you finally decided to stop running from that hunky boss of yours.”

  “He’s kind of hard to avoid.” I picked at the sleeve on my coffee. “He makes me forget about everything. All the shit with my mom, and then the fact my father, a man I thought never existed, may now be someone I’ll be able to meet soon.” I paused. “He’s been out of prison for four days now.” I looked up at Avery. “Four days of watching my mother sit in the house with this hopeful look in her eyes. I just know that any day she’ll cave.” I shrugged my shoulder and looked back down at my hands. “She can’t honestly think he loves her. How could he? It’s been twenty-five years, Avery.”

  “Have either of you heard from his sister?” I shook my head without meeting her stare. “Do you want to meet him? I know you’re curious.”

  “Yeah, I mean.” I took in a deep breath, thinking over the idea of one day meeting my father. “I do. He was always someone I thought about. I wondered what it would be like to meet him one day. I just never thought I would have the chance. Now that I know he’s close, I do want to know who he is.”

  “Have you talked to Jett about any of this? Does he know about your dad, or your mom for that matter?” Avery asked.

  “No, it has never really come up in conversation.” I smiled when she wagged her eyebrows.

  “No, I guess not. I’m sure your mouths were much too busy doing other things.” A low growl escaped her. “He is so yummy, Quinn. I don’t blame you one bit for not wasting time talking.”

  I smiled when she faked a shiver. Just then my phone vibrated on the table, and I looked down to find Jett’s name flashing on the screen. “Speaking of the man with skills, there he is,” Avery squealed.

  “Hello,” I said, holding the phone tightly. Avery was pulling at it, trying to get her ear close enough to hear what he was saying.

  “What are your plans today?” he asked without saying hello in return.

  “Nothing really planned, why?”

  “I was hoping I could kidnap you and hold you hostage at my place. Maybe swim, or roll around naked in bed, whichever
you prefer.” He was being playful.

  I too could play this game. “Why don’t we just combine the two and swim naked?” Avery’s eyes grew wide, and I put my hand over my mouth to hide my laughter at her surprised look.

  “I like the way you think. How long will it take you to get here?” he asked.

  I looked up at Avery and she winked. “I got your mom,” she whispered, and a sense of relief filled me.

  “I need maybe thirty minutes.” How I went from avoiding him to not being able to get enough was a huge turn of events, but it felt right. Who was I to deny either of us what we truly wanted?

  “Bring some clothes to stay over,” he stated.

  “I can’t, not tonight.” I felt the disappointment from my own words. It wasn’t fair to expect Avery to take care of my mother. Yes, she had been doing well lately, but I knew that wouldn’t last. I had to be there when she fell.

  “Why?” Jett asked.

  “I just can’t.” He was silent for too long. “I told my mom I would be home tonight,” I said as a form of explanation. Avery frowned at me instantly.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit.” He hung up before I could say good-bye.

  “Quinn,” Avery said, “don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” I asked as I began gathering my belongings.

  “Don’t let your mom stop you from the things you deserve. This is the beginning stages for the two of you. You’re supposed to be tangled in the sheets, forgetting about the world around you. You deserve this. Your mom will be fine alone. She’s stayed sober for over a week now.” I stood up and walked toward the garbage can, then tossed in my empty cup.

  “If you’re not going to stay with him, at least be honest with him as to why.” She followed behind me until I reached my car.

  I yanked my door open and turned around to face my best friend. “Why, so he can run in the opposite direction? ‘Oh, by the way, Jett, my mother is an alcoholic that gets so drunk she forgets where she is. I have to make sure I’m home at night to babysit her so she doesn’t fall down the steps or walk out into oncoming traffic. Um, yeah, and don’t let me forget about my father. The man I had no idea even existed until a week ago was just released from prison for killing someone.’”

  She stared back at me with what looked like pity, which only irritated me.

  “Just let me enjoy this without tainting it so early. I don’t even know what you would call what Jett and I are doing right now.” Suddenly the thought of spending the day with Jett felt like the wrong choice. Was I only setting myself up to fall for a man who was only looking for a little fun?

  “You’re right, Quinn, when it’s time to tell him, you will. For now just enjoy the high of being together when you can,” Avery said as she gave me a quick hug good-bye.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I need to get going,” she whispered as I kissed her neck.

  I pinned her against the side of her car, her arms at her sides. “You don’t have to go. You could tell your mom something came up.” Her head fell back, exposing her neck to me. I leaned forward and sucked the skin at the base of her throat. “We could spent the entire night naked,” I whispered. “You know you want to, Quinn.”

  “I have to get home,” she stated, her voice shaky but firm.

  I hung my head in defeat. There was something she wasn’t telling me. She had to be one of the most stubborn damn women I ever had the pleasure of knowing.

  I stepped back and let go of her hands. I wouldn’t push for an explanation. Obviously she didn’t feel the need to offer one, so I’d let it go. “All right, I’ll, uh…” I had no fucking idea what I would do. I honestly planned on changing her mind and convincing her to stay the night. My thoughts were full of nothing but her and me. Now I was left with nothing to do and no girl by my side.


  After walking back into the house, I attempted to busy myself, only to fail. I could still smell her on me and in every room. The couch cushions smelled like her shampoo, my bed like her body spray. It was insane just how much she had gotten under my skin in such a short time.

  I missed her already, and she hadn’t even been gone for fifteen minutes. I grabbed my phone and sent her a text, craving contact in any way I could get it.

  I can still smell you in every room.

  I pulled a beer from the fridge and walked out onto the back deck. Holding my phone, I waited for her response. Her bright purple bikini was draped over the railing, drying in the light breeze. I smiled to myself, remembering pulling at the strings as it slowly slipped away from her body. I would never look at the shallow end of my pool the same way. My knees were still sore from the friction the thrust of my hips created.

  My phone vibrated and my heart raced.

  Maybe I did that on purpose, so you wouldn’t forget me after I left.

  Yeah, as if that was possible. The damn girl invaded my mind whether I was awake or sleeping. Those deep brown eyes filled my dreams.

  I think you should ditch your mom and sneak back over here. I want to wake up next to you again.

  After I hit Send I shook my head. What the hell, when did I become such a damn girl?

  We’ll plan a night soon, promise. Tonight isn’t good. Mom isn’t feeling well. It’s a good thing I came home when I did.

  Disappointment filled my chest once again. Looks like I would have to tough it out and suck it up. I would be sleeping alone.


  I woke to the ringing of my phone. It had taken forever to fall asleep last night. I was pretty sure I had one too many beers. My head was killing me.

  “What?” I groaned as I picked up the phone, not even taking the time to see who was calling.

  “Real nice, Jett. Are you still in bed?” Alexis asked from the other end. A distant cry filled the silence. My nephew sounded pissed off.

  “What the hell are you doing to that kid, pinching him?” I chuckled.

  “He’s colicky. Colt is trying to soothe him, but nothing seems to be working.” She covered the phone and said something to Colt before returning back to the line. “I was calling to make sure you remembered to get your plane tickets. The wedding is in two weeks. You better be coming.”

  Alex sounded so different. She was in Georgia, surrounded by people who adored her. Her daughter Maddison had cousins to play with and a new brother to love. My soon-to-be brother-in-law worshipped the ground she walked on, and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. She had it made. Knowing she was fully taken care of was a great feeling.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything, sis. You know I’ll be there.” I paused, debating if I should even say anything. “I, uh...” Clearing my throat, I went for it. “I was thinking of bringing someone with me, if that’s okay.”

  Alex didn’t often squeal, but this was one of those times. “Oh my God, yes.” Baby Colton cried harder, Colt groaned, and Maddi screamed out. All I could do was laugh at the outburst that had started a ripple effect within her home.

  “Listen, you sound like you have your hands full. I’ll be there, no worries. Go take care of your kids,” I assured her.

  We both said our good-byes, and I pulled the pillow back over my head. I needed to sleep off this hangover and then come up with a plan to convince Quinn it was a great idea to come to Georgia with me.

  Chapter Twenty


  I was woken by shouting. I was never surprised when it came to loud noises and crashing in the early morning hours, not when it came to my mother. This time was different, though. It wasn’t the normal scuffle.

  I pulled myself from bed and slowly opened my bedroom door. A man’s loud roar filtered down the hallway.

  “Well, you didn’t try hard enough, Abby. You should have pushed. God damn it, twenty-five years. I had a daughter I never knew existed for twenty-five god damn years.” His snarl startled me.

  My heart raced and my breathing picked up. I was instantly nervous.

��Tell me what else I could have done, Beau. I tried to write and visit. You refused. I pushed for years and years to get just five minutes with you, only to get shot down every time. Don’t you dare show up here and blame me for not knowing you had a daughter.” The tremor in my mother’s voice made my stomach ache.

  Silence stretched between them, only making me more uneasy.

  “What’s her name?” he asked, his voice coming out much lower than before, the pain evident and the defeat overtaking his earlier rage.

  “Quinn Ryan Tucker,” My mother replied. I hated my middle name. I never shared it.

  “You gave her my middle name?” he asked. I squeezed the handle of the door in reaction to his words. Another puzzle piece revealed. Just one more thing my mother never explained.

  “I wanted her to have something of yours. She hates it, but she never knew the meaning behind it,” my mother explained.

  I rested my head against the edge of the door and let the entire realization run through me. I was only feet away from the man who was my father. The man who had spent the last twenty-five years in prison. It would only take two steps to reveal myself to him, yet my feet would not move.

  “I’d like to meet her. I know I can’t just barge into her life and expect a happy reunion, but I want to know her,” he explained. “Brandy only showed me a picture from her high school graduation. She has my eyes, Abby.”

  “I know she does. I’ve been looking into them every day for all these years. It only made your absence harder to accept.”


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