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Big Package_A Dark Vixens Novella

Page 61

by Vivien Vale

  At the same time, my mind is wondering about Claire. Why did she make such an early exit? I can't understand it. We had a night full of passion and I even topped it off by bringing her to breakfast, which is something I don't normally do.

  She seems spooked or something and I don't know why. Maybe Claire's afraid that I'll hurt her? I can't say that I won't. I'm definitely into her but my interest in women seldom lasts for very long.

  We finally get to the office and I take the private elevator up to my penthouse. Instead of working, I pace back-and-forth and think about whether or not I should be trying to buy Claire's company behind her back.

  This whole thing is Evan's idea, really, and I'm not sure if it's a good one overall. Sure, it’s good for Evan’s personal goals, and I can definitely help Claire. But how good will it be for Claire?

  Now that I know more about her, I know that she's honest and has integrity, and I respect her for her dedication. She's worked very hard to build her company. Who am I to take that away from her?

  It feels like I'd be betraying her, no matter what my intentions are, to try to buy her out or to spy on her.

  Brooding at my desk, I think about what I should do. I feel a weird desire to be transparent with Claire.

  I want her to feel like she can trust me so that she’ll give herself over to me fully. I want to be in control of her and that can only happen if she trusts and allows me to do it.

  There's a knock on my door and Evan appears. He's the last person I feel like talking to right now, but it might be nice to shoot the shit and forget about Claire for a little bit.

  "Hi, Liam," he says. "I thought we might have a midday drink and discuss a few things."

  I move over to the seating area of the penthouse where there are tufted sofas and a vintage coffee table. My interior designer did very good work in this place. It's masculine with a contemporary feel.

  "Sure, what will you have?" I say as I head to the carved wooden bar in my office. "I got this new Johnnie Walker in that's a blended scotch. You will love it."

  He sits on one of the leather couches.

  "That sounds great. You always have the best stuff in here."

  Of course, I have the best. I own several houses, a plane, and countless cars. Why should I drink anything less than the best?

  No doubt, Evan is certainly taking advantage of my lavish lifestyle. He may not be a billionaire but he's certainly enjoying the perks. What can I say? He's my vice president and I can't help but allow him to ride my coattails a little bit. Besides, who wants to drink alone?

  "So, have you seen Claire lately?" he asks, getting straight to the point of his visit.

  I wonder what his fascination is with Claire. Sometimes he seems more interested in her than I am. What is his angle in wanting to take her company? Is it because he wants to run Epica, or is there something else he’s not telling me?

  I hate that I can't trust my own VP. If he undermines me in any way, I'm gonna have to find somebody to replace him.

  For now, I let it go and I play his game.

  "Actually, yes, I saw her last night. We spent the night together," I say.

  His expression betrays a hint of surprise.

  "Oh really? Well, that's new. You don't let anybody stay over at your penthouse."

  His words are true. Rarely do I wake up next to a woman. I'm usually ushering them out the door at about 3 AM.

  I don't want to get into it with Evan and reveal too much of my feelings for Claire and how complicated it is. Asking about work is fine and normal. But he doesn't deserve to know my business.

  I sit across from him on the other couch and pour us both a stiff drink. I've been waiting to crack open this bottle for a while.

  He swishes the amber liquid around in his glass and thinks a minute before speaking up.

  "You know, this may be out of my territory but I don't think Claire is in the same league as you. You're used to dating models and socialites, people with class. So I don't get why you're falling so hard for this person, who has no money, no rank, and her company is about to fold because she's so bad at managing it."

  His words cause a swell of fury to ignite inside of me. The fact that he's demeaning Claire right in front of me enrages me. I need to put this dick in his place.

  "Number one, I'm not falling for her," I correct him. "And how do you know anything about her, huh? Maybe it's not always about money."

  "Clearly," he sneers.

  "If she's so awful and beneath me, why are you invested in getting her company? What's in it for you? Tell me the truth," I say to him, trying to hide the rage from my voice.

  He seems to waver a little bit under my brash tone as he should. I don't know where he gets off talking about this.

  I take a long slow sip of my blended Johnny Walker and wait for his response. Nothing he could ever say will sway my opinion of Claire. But it will reveal his true intentions.

  At last, after considering his words, he responds.

  "I care about this company, Liam. I care about you. I'd like to think we've become friends since I started working here and what I'm doing is looking out for you. Claire might be trying to use you to get ahead. Her company's about to fail after all and you're the biggest ad agency in town. I just don't think you should trust her.

  “Someone that's a little more high-society, someone that doesn't need your money, might be a safer bet both for you and the company."

  His words piss me off so much. He doesn't even know Claire. If he did, he would understand that she is entirely devoted to her craft and she doesn't care about society, or money, or any manner of things that don't really matter. That's what I find so intriguing about her.

  She's strong and she knows how to take care of herself.

  Suddenly, I'm feeling very possessive of her and I'm sick of hearing Evan's opinion about everything.

  "You're starting to venture into shady territory. I warn you not to talk about Claire like that," I say to him bitterly.

  He sips his drink and looks unfazed.

  "Come on Liam, you're not gonna let a girl get between us. I'm your wingman, someone you can trust. I just think you should watch out for Claire and keep your radar up. Purchase her company and then cut the tie to her. I don't think she is who she says she is."

  "And why is that?"

  "Just look at her Liam, she can't even afford her own Louis Vuitton. That's not the kind of girl you usually date. Claire's lack of finances might mean that she's using you," he says. "Besides, she's stupid for being invested in you when you're clearly such a player."

  I'm astonished at the words he's saying. I just gave him a warning which he totally disregarded.

  I've had enough so I stand up and motion for him to leave. He's lucky I don't punch him out right here.

  "Evan, I want you to get the hell out of here. You're crossing the line. I don't need your opinion on my personal life or anything else. I gave you a warning which you ignored. You’re skating on thin ice. Now get out."

  He looks bewildered that I've turned on him, but I don't give a shit. Evan's clandestine motives are on full display and I don't know how I didn't see it sooner.

  He's a sneaky son-of-a-bitch. I'm so angry about his deluded and scheming comments that it's hard not to want to unleash on him.

  I feel protective of Claire. I don't want anybody talking bad about her. She may not be my girlfriend officially, but I'd like to think I know who she is, and she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.

  And the fact that Evan is so obviously beguiled by money is disheartening. He seems to think that my money is his money. I'm the one that built his business from scratch. I'm the one that spent hours upon hours conceiving of it.

  This is my business, not his. Any money Evan has is because of me. He should be a little more grateful.

  I finish my drink and try to calm my pounding heart. The adrenaline of wanting to crush Evan slowly fades and I'm able to push these thoughts aside and try to work.

  I'm overseeing various ad campaigns, only one of which is Velvet Luxe. I make sure my team is hard at work on it. Throughout the day, I’m just steaming over Evan and wondering what's gotten into Claire.

  It's one of those days when things aren’t smoothly falling into place and that annoys me. Maybe I need to see Claire.


  I feel a little shaken after ditching Liam over breakfast.

  I just couldn't sit there another second longer knowing about my unethical behavior.

  I don't know why I feel torn over betraying him. It's not like we're committed. I don’t even know if he has feelings for me.

  Plus, I think what I did can't be considered that much of a big deal. I just took a little peek at his files on the Velvet Luxe campaign. One thing is apparent though, he has a team of people working on the project other than himself.

  Personally, I pride myself on being a hands-on boss. So I do not agree on his means of carrying out this project. But, it's not in my nature to snoop.

  The cab driver's trying to chat with me but I'm not in the mood. I just want to sulk in silence.

  I'm happy when he turns the familiar corner and I see my little vintage building. It never fails to induce a sense of excitement. I love my job and I love the advertising world.

  I get out, thank the cab driver, and give him an extra tip for being so friendly.

  I push open the heavy, wooden doors to my office and walk in to see the place abuzz. Everyone's working hard on the campaign.

  I stalk past Charlotte and she instantly follows because she knows something is wrong. Apparently, it's evident by my demeanor.

  She follows me around to my corner office and shuts the glass door.

  "What's wrong Claire?"

  "What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong. I took your advice. I did what we agreed. I spent the night with Liam and I snooped around his computer and now I feel horrible about it. The guilt is eating me alive."

  She sits down on one of the white modern chairs opposite me.

  "You spent the night at his penthouse last night?" she says. "Does that mean you guys are serious?"

  She seems more interested in my date with him than the fact that I did some spying. It was even her idea in the first place. Apparently, it could wait.

  "Wait, what? That's not the point Charlotte. The point is I betrayed him. I'm an awful person. I never should've done that."

  She sits back in her chair and judges my response.

  "Claire, you're a reliable, genuine person. The fact that you did a little bit of spying doesn't do anything to demean your character. It had to be done. Besides, he's not that into you."

  I glare at her and speak sarcastically.

  "Well, that's always nice to hear."

  "I'm sorry. That came out wrong," she says. "You know I don't mean that in a harsh way. What I mean is that we both know he's the biggest player in town. So, while you're having fun with him, it's not gonna go anywhere. Therefore, you shouldn't feel guilty about spying on him."

  I know she's right, but it doesn't make the truth easier to accept. I know that I'm Liam's little fling for now and that soon he'll grow disinterested. I’m not exactly serious about him either. I just want to enjoy what we have while it lasts.

  "You're right," I say. "I need to not get invested in this. In fact, I'm doing a pretty good job of that. I'm trying to keep my emotions out of it. But that doesn't mean I feel any better about being two-faced."

  "I promise you this one simple act doesn't define your character. You did it for the sake of the company," she says and it makes me feel a little bit better. "But now let's get to the good stuff, what did you find?"

  I smile up at her despite my glum mood.

  "Well, to tell you the truth, what I found was his entire concept. And let me tell you, I didn't even need to spy. Our stuff is so much better than his. It looks like he has a team working on it. I'm not even sure how many of the ideas are coming directly from him."

  "You don't think he's working on this himself?" she says incredulously.

  "No. He didn't even do his own presentation at the first meeting. But that's beside the point. His team, or whoever he has working on this, has nothing on us. Our campaign is so much better."

  "That's great," she says delightedly.

  "I know. I hate to say it, but having seen his ideas makes me feel more confident in myself. I know I can do this. I know I can win."

  My excitement bubbles up despite my guilt. I know that I can do this. I can save my company. I push this thought in the front of my thoughts. I will focus on this. I’ll put my job first.

  "If that's the case," she says. "Then I'm glad you did it. I've been trying to tell you forever that you're great, but you wouldn't believe me. It took you comparing yourself to another person, to him, to believe in yourself. It shouldn't have taken that to give you self-validation. You're good Claire. Correction, you're great."

  "Alright, alright," I stop her. "You're right. I should have listened to you and then I wouldn't have had to spy.”

  For once I feel like maybe she's right. Maybe she's not just trying to pump me up. Maybe I really should believe in myself and my talent.

  It's sad that it took my exploiting Liam to understand this but in truth, the guilt is starting to fade as it becomes more and more evident that I'm really good at what I do.

  This is the kind of confidence I need to fly forward. I always believed in myself to some degree, but it took comparing my ideas to that of one of the biggest agencies in town to fully realize my worth. This is something I'll never forget. It's kind of a gift.

  Charlotte wants all the dirty details of my night. Liam is the hottest guy in town and I don't mind telling her how he is in bed. In fact, talking about it makes me remember how hard he made me come, and the guilt fades away completely.

  We spend at least an hour in my office going over the details. I cover everything from his 12-inch cock, to his rock-hard abs, to the way he kisses me so tenderly that I feel like I'm the only one.

  I know it's not true. Liam probably has other women on the side, but for now, I don't have to think about that. He certainly is charismatic, and he has a way with women. I've fallen under his spell despite my strength, but I will never fully trust him.

  Charlotte gives me the reminder I need.

  "Keep your heart guarded. You have to remember his nature. He's never gonna change Claire, not even for you."

  It takes a best friend like that to tell you the truth. I know Charlotte is only trying to protect me. If Liam was any other guy, we might be planning the wedding by now. But as it is, he's not like that and I can't expect anything different.


  It's early morning and a fog has set over the city.

  I can see it from above in my penthouse.

  It's a rare thing to rise above even the thickest fog.

  The image is a metaphor really. I'm at the top...the top of my game and the top of the business world.

  I feel this way because of Claire. I can't stop thinking about her. I barely slept a wink last night because I was wondering what she was doing and where she's been these last couple days.

  A part of me wants to keep tabs on her no matter what. I wonder if she's been out with other men? Not possible. Having what I can offer, I’m confident I can stand against any competition, and win over any girl.

  I take the fact that I'm up so early, having gotten no sleep, to my advantage and I hit the gym. I need to keep my mind focused somehow. I like thinking about Claire, but I can’t be clingy on her.

  The gym in my place is outfitted with every kind of equipment you can imagine. I have the best of the best. That's how I like everything in my life. And to me, Claire is the best.

  Evan's scathing words about her are just untrue. Whether Claire has a fortune or not doesn't matter, she's fucking perfect. A woman with a talent like her can shine and climb higher in her career ladder when given the appropriate opportunities.

sp; She's literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and she's smart. She's so intelligent and witty, and she has a certain kind of strength that I admire.

  I keep thinking that I need to keep Claire in my life somehow, someway. I'm not sure how to do this considering I haven't had a girlfriend in ages. I never needed one since women satisfy me without having to go through the hassle of relationships.

  For the moment, I take my aggression out on the gym. I work out hard and fast. I make every second count. There's no better way to vent than in the gym.

  I take a hot shower and let the water fall over me. I think of her and how I wish she was here so I could bend her over the marble bench and fuck her brains out. My cock rises at the idea.

  The gym did nothing to squelch my desire for her. I know I'm gonna have to at least talk to her today. I need to hear her voice. Though nothing beats actually being with her.

  Electricity courses through my body and I feel connected to her. I'm dying to know where she is and what she's doing. If she were mine, I'd make her check in every minute. My possessiveness is taking over and it's hard to tame.

  I dress and intentionally think about my outfit in case I see Claire. I put on one of my finest suits and exit the building.

  In the limousine on the way to work, I make a call to Claire.

  "Hi, it's me. I can't stop thinking about you. Will you meet me for coffee?" I asked.

  "It's nice to hear from you. Sure, I'd love to meet you somewhere," she says.

  "Great, I'm having my limo pick you up right now," I say.

  My cock is hard at the thought of seeing her. I think about having an early-morning fuck right here in the limo, but I rein it in.

  We pull up to her place and she's waiting outside. Damn, she looks beautiful.

  She's wearing a little denim dress with an oversized sweater hanging off her shoulders. Her hair falls in waves down her back and those piercing blue eyes stare right at me, through me even, as I get out to open the door for her.

  I kiss on the cheek.

  "Hello, baby."


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