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Business Affairs

Page 3

by Shirley Rogers

  “You seem surprised,” Alex commented. He pulled into the driveway of her apartment in Hilltop, an upscale neighborhood not far from the oceanfront. He turned off the car’s engine.

  “I wasn’t aware you weren’t together.”

  “We weren’t ever together.” He emphasized the word, wanting to make it clear that there had never been anything serious between him and Lisa. “We dated awhile. She became too possessive,” he admitted. “I broke it off.” They’d been walking past a jewelry store one evening and Lisa had drawn him over to engagement rings. His palms had started to sweat and he’d ended things with her the next day. Lisa had been furious, but he’d made it clear from the beginning how he felt about marriage.

  “Oh.” She wasn’t sure what to say. Yippee! didn’t seem appropriate.

  He reached for the door handle. “I’ll see you in.”

  “Thanks anyway. I’ll be fine.” Before he could answer, she had her door open. To her consternation, he got out and came around to meet her.

  Since it was Friday evening, Alex wondered what she had planned for the weekend. He had no idea of how she spent her time. “I guess I’ll see you on Monday,” he commented as they strolled up the walk.

  “Yes. We have a meeting at eight with the Baker sisters,” she reminded him as she unlocked and opened her door. Mable and Dorothy Baker owned six flower shops. Until recently, the two older women had fought against using computer technology to run their business, but after several meetings, they were less apprehensive. Jennifer hadn’t been able to sway them, but after fifteen minutes with Alex, they were ready for almost anything. His charm never ceased to amaze her. Shaking her head, she turned to face him.

  “Right.” Alex’s lips twisted into a smile. “I haven’t told you how beautiful you look tonight.” His gaze caressed her face and shoulders, taking in her creamy skin, pausing a moment too long on her cleavage before returning to her face.

  Jennifer blushed at his compliment, the sincerity of his tone causing her heart to skip a beat. “Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself.” She smiled up at him as she ran her fingertips along his lapel. “A little like 007.”

  “James Bond, huh?” He grinned, liking the idea. James always got his woman, Alex thought, and his gaze fell to Jennifer’s mouth. His desire to kiss her again hadn’t diminished in the time it had taken to drive her home.

  She’d made it clear they should keep their relationship strictly business, so he had no recourse but to adhere to her wishes. She was right. If something personal happened between them, it could cause problems. Jennifer was a valuable employee. He wouldn’t want to lose her. Still, he had to fight the urge to kiss her again.

  Jennifer’s gaze connected with his. “Thanks for the ride home,” she murmured.

  “Anytime.” Knowing he couldn’t kiss her was killing him. He reached up and caressed her shoulder, then ran his hand down her arm. Lifting her hand, he kissed her knuckles. It was all he could do not to pull her into his arms. Releasing her, he said good-night and headed to his car.

  Jennifer went inside, then turned and watched Alex drive away. Closing the door, she leaned against it, savoring the feel of his lips against her skin. She tingled all over as she locked the door and went to her bedroom.

  Glancing at her watch, she started to call Casey right then and there, but something held her back. As much as she wanted to admonish her friend for leaving her stranded, she wasn’t up to talking to Casey about what had happened between her and Alex.

  She wanted to keep the memory of his kiss to herself. Casey would want a detailed account of everything she’d felt. And she’d press Jennifer about her plans to get pregnant, wanting to know if winning Alex as her bachelor tonight had changed anything.

  Jennifer didn’t want to admit it, but she was in trouble. Somehow she had to get out of this date with Alex. Because now that she knew how it felt to kiss him, she wanted him more than ever.

  But Alex Dunnigan wasn’t hers to have.

  Alex walked into his office after meeting with the Baker sisters. The conference had taken longer than he’d planned, and it was nearly ten o’clock. He saw the large brown envelope on his desk and picked it up, not needing to look at the return address to know it was the information from his aunt detailing his date with Jennifer. Knowing she’d want to find out what was in it right away, he picked up the telephone and punched the button for her intercom.

  “Can you come in here for a minute?” he asked when she answered. He replaced the receiver, then took his seat behind his desk. Jennifer walked in moments later and he could see the curiosity in her eyes as she sat across from him.

  “What’s in it?” she asked when she saw the envelope.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought you’d want to do the honors.” He handed it to her, then sat back.

  Jennifer bit her lip as she tore open the envelope, her anxiety kicking up a notch. Between wondering what kind of date they were supposed to go on and reliving Alex’s kiss, she’d hardly slept last night. She took the papers out and briefly scanned them.

  “Oh, no, this can’t be right!” she practically wailed. She looked up at Alex, stunned. “It’s a date for an entire weekend!”

  “A weekend? Where?” Alex asked, surprised to learn their date involved more than just one evening. “My aunt never said I was obligating myself to a weekend when she roped me into the auction.” He was a man who planned his life, and he hadn’t planned to spend any more than a night with the woman who’d won him. Of course, he’d made that decision before he’d learned the woman was Jennifer.

  The thought of sharing a weekend with her changed everything. He could spend an evening taking her to dinner and manage to keep his hands off of her. But a weekend alone with her? Alex wasn’t so sure.

  “Oh, my goodness!”

  “What is it? Does she have us climbing Mt. Everest or something?” He wouldn’t have put even the wildest stunt past his aunt.

  “Something just as ridiculous,” Jennifer replied, her voice shaking as she looked at pictures of a cozy ski lodge. There were huge beds and fireplaces in the rooms. “Here.” She handed the brochures to him. “It’s for a ski weekend in Vermont.”

  “Really? When?” Alex couldn’t suppress the excitement racing through him. He loved to ski, but living in Virginia Beach where it rarely snowed meant traveling to the mountains. Last winter he hadn’t taken the time for even a day trip. The idea of going to a ski resort—and especially going with Jennifer—turned his whole attitude toward being obligated into anticipation. He could see them having dinner in front of an intimate fireplace, her eyes beckoning him with desire that no man could resist.

  “This weekend,” she stated, pulling him from his fantasy.

  “Do you ski?”

  She looked at him. “What?”

  “Do you ski?”

  “Now wait just a minute.” Holding her hands out, she sat forward. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “It’s a simple question,” Alex noted. “Just answer it.”

  Eyeing him cautiously, she shook her head. “No. I’ve always wanted to try it,” she admitted reluctantly, “but I’ve never learned.” Oh, no, she thought, watching his eyes widen. She wished back her words.

  He took the packet from her when she held it out to him. “Then you’re in luck. I’m an expert skier and I can teach you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?” Alex asked, already thinking about sliding down the slopes and perhaps stealing a kiss or two.

  “Well, for one thing, we both have to work,” she reasoned, hoping their work schedule would be enough to discourage the sparkle in his eyes.

  Alex studied the itinerary for the trip, then looked at Jennifer. “We’d only have to miss this Friday. I think the company can live without us for a day.”


  “I’m the boss,” he stated, his tone firm. “And I say we can both take off.”

  “It’s not j
ust the time off.”

  “What is it, then?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I just don’t think it’d be right,” she insisted. “Um, you know, spending a weekend together. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize our working relationship. And what would everyone else here think?”

  Alex shrugged. “They don’t have to know, do they?” he reasoned. “And why should it affect our working relationship? We’ve traveled together for overnight business meetings before.”

  “An intimate weekend skiing is different,” she insisted, thinking of the romantic setup of the brochure.

  “It doesn’t have to be intimate, Jennifer.” Feeling a little guilty, he pretended interest in the brochure. It had obviously been designed to entice couples to stay there. And he’d already been thinking along the lines of kissing her. Now he’d have to make damn sure he didn’t step over the boundaries of their relationship and lure her into his bed. Holding a paper out to her, he said, “It states right here we have separate rooms. I don’t see a problem.” Alex said the words. He just wasn’t sure he believed them.

  Darn! Jennifer was trying to do the right thing here! She didn’t want to take advantage of Alex. Especially while they were spending the weekend together. If she did, she’d be tempted to do more than keep things between them platonic.

  But would Alex even want to? she wondered. He’d kissed her as if he’d enjoyed it, but one hot, lusty kiss didn’t mean anything, did it? Maybe she was making too much of this. If he wasn’t really attracted to her, then she had nothing to fear from spending time alone with him, did she?

  Or did spending time with him scare her? Because if she went to bed with him and conceived his child, she would have to leave him—forever.


  On Thursday, despite her efforts to leave work on time, Jennifer was running late. As she thought of all she had to do at home, panic set in. She hadn’t packed the first thing for the trip to Vermont, which meant she was going to be up half the night getting ready. Until today, she’d believed she could figure out a way to get out of going.

  Fat chance. Once she’d agreed to go, Alex had been so excited about the trip he’d insisted on taking her shopping. By the time they’d left the ski store on Tuesday, she’d been completely outfitted for the weekend.

  Though trapped into going, she’d done her best to put thoughts of seducing Alex out of her mind. Until lunch with Casey yesterday, she’d done a good job. Her friend had encouraged Jennifer to stop fighting her feelings for Alex and to live for the moment.

  Just think of the fun you could have. And if you’re lucky, a passionate weekend could solve your maternal dilemma, her friend had said.

  Jennifer had immediately put a stop to Casey’s musings. She wasn’t anything like Casey. She couldn’t just make love with Alex, then forget what it was like to be with him. To convince herself she was serious about keeping their relationship professional, she’d gone ahead and contacted a fertility clinic to begin the process of being artificially inseminated. Though it was an impersonal way to become pregnant, it would solve her problem with little risk to her job or her heart.

  Money wasn’t a problem. Alex paid her well, and with little time to enjoy spending it, she’d wisely invested her savings. Her obstacle was a lot more difficult than money.

  There was no one special in her life.

  For the past year she’d felt an emptiness inside, felt as if something vital was missing. Every day she listened as co-workers shared exploits from their lives. About their husbands. Their children. They recounted stories of first walks, ball games and dance recitals. They talked about problems, too, but Jennifer always heard the love in their voices.

  She needed something more. Having grown up in a large, loving family, she’d always felt anchored. Until now.

  Her mother’s call earlier in the day had only added undue pressure. Her sister was pregnant with her third child. Jennifer was happy for Lil, really she was, but she was jealous, too. Her sister already had a beautiful two-year-old daughter and a precocious five-year-old son.

  Jennifer wanted a baby of her own.

  She tucked a strand of her hair back into the twisted bun behind her head. Without a man in her life, it wasn’t going to happen. When was the last time she’d even had a date? Or sex? Sheesh, she couldn’t even remember! Her work demanded the majority of her time. She didn’t meet many men outside of the office.

  Artificial insemination had seemed the perfect answer.

  Until she’d kissed Alex.

  Then, foolishly, she’d wanted forever.

  Stop it! It was just a kiss! Don’t build it up to be anything more.

  She started gathering papers and stuffing them into her briefcase when an idea struck her. She’d bring her laptop along. Alex knew she was working on a project for the Baker sisters. Their deadline was looming. She’d insist she was too busy to ski. He could ski and she’d remain in her room.

  As far away from Alex as possible.

  But even as she picked up her briefcase and started out of her office, she knew the memory of Alex’s kiss would always be there, taunting her, making her wish he cared for her as more than just a friend.

  As she pushed the button for the elevator, she heard another door down the hall close. The office was deserted. She’d thought everyone had left earlier.

  Everyone except Alex. Her heart gave a little jolt when she saw him walking toward her. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile to her lips. “Hi. I thought I was the last one leaving.”

  Alex shrugged into his coat as his gaze met Jennifer’s. “I took a call that lasted longer than I’d planned.” He straightened his collar. “Are you all set for tomorrow?” he asked, still a little concerned she was going to try to back out. Earlier in the week she’d suggested he go alone, insisting he didn’t need her with him. Alex had put an end to that idea as soon as she’d come up with it. He was looking forward to skiing, but he had to admit his main motivation for going was to spend some time with Jennifer, learning more about her.

  This had been the longest week of his life. He’d made up his mind to keep his hands off of her, but fate had been dealing him a hard time. They’d had meetings scheduled together every day. Now that he knew what it was like to kiss her, all he could think about was making love to her. And if making love came close to the intensity of her kiss…

  “I haven’t packed a thing,” Jennifer confessed. “I’ll be up half the night.”

  Drawn from his musings, Alex glanced at the briefcase in her hand. “Don’t even think about bringing your briefcase with you,” he warned. “This isn’t a working trip.” He wanted her to have a good time. She wouldn’t if she thought about work while they were there.

  “But I—”

  “No buts, Jennifer.”

  His warning came with a good-natured wink, but there was no doubt he meant what he said. “All right,” she replied grudgingly. There went her idea of making it a working date.

  “This is time off,” he reminded her. “For you and me. We’re going to relax and enjoy ourselves.”

  Only not as much as he wanted. During the week he’d caught himself imagining what it would be like to feel her soft skin beneath his hands, to be inside her when she cried out his name. Each time his thoughts had wandered, he’d had to rein them back in. Still, he couldn’t see the harm in a stolen kiss or two. His gaze lowered to her mouth and his body tightened. But what if she accepted his kisses? Wanted more?

  The ding of the elevator car arriving jarred him back to reality. He’d told himself all week he could go through with this date and still keep his hands off of her.

  Hell, he was in trouble.

  Jennifer’s doorbell rang at five the next morning. Her pulse raced in anticipation of seeing Alex.

  So much for being able to control her attraction to him.

  Hurrying to the door, she opened it. Alex stood in front of her, casually dressed in jeans, a shirt and a thick jacket, his dark eyes full of excitement

  “So you’re not a morning person?” he commented, taking in her sleepy eyes and the mug of coffee in her hand. He’d never have known. By the time he saw her at work each day, she was dressed for business, her shoulder-length hair twisted in a fancy knot behind her head. Even when they’d attended a conference or an out-of-town meeting, she’d been alert and eager to get down to business by the time he saw her in the morning.

  Jennifer groaned. “You are?”

  “How can you not enjoy the start of a brand-new day?” he asked cheerfully, his gaze taking in the way her jeans gloved her body. Her white sweater was fitted and hugged her breasts, making Alex appreciate the designers of the fashion industry. They must have had Jennifer in mind when they’d created that sweater.

  “I do enjoy it,” she quipped, “from my bed.”

  His mouth went dry. Alex had struggled all night long to keep thoughts of taking Jennifer to bed out of his mind. In an instant his control snapped and his mind reeled with images of her lying next to him, her long legs intertwined with his. He cleared his throat. “I get most of my planning done between five and seven, usually when I’m jogging.”

  Rolling her eyes, Jennifer waved him inside. She’d known he was a jogger. It kept his body in excellent shape. Her gaze slid over him, taking in his lean shoulders, slim torso and long legs. Her awareness of him kicked into high gear. “I believe in exercise, but only after I’ve had coffee. Would you like a cup?”

  “Hmm? Uh, no,” he answered, distracted by the mental vision of her in bed, coming awake slowly, her hair spread around her shoulders. He didn’t need the caffeine. Just thinking about spending time alone with her had his adrenaline already pumping through his veins.

  Stepping into the room, Alex checked out her living room. He’d never been here before, but it definitely reflected Jennifer’s touch. Stylish with a French country theme, every item was in its place. Then a wall across the room caught his eye. It held frame after frame of pictures. Most likely her family. One in particular caught his attention. “Are these your parents?” he asked.


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