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Swallowing His Pride

Page 4

by Serena Pettus

  “There are a few open seats at these,” Dylan offered, pointing out two at the Sex in the City slots. “We could sit here and keep an eye out for the others to come open if you’d like.”

  “Yeah, that would be fine.” The only problem was there were four of them. “Lynn, what do you think?”

  “I wouldn’t mind playing a little video poker myself. Those are right over there. Are you cool if I wander over there, or are we sticking to the six-foot rule still?”

  “What’s the six foot rule?” Liam asked.

  Lynn simply arched a plucked brow in his direction. “Ever heard the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’?”

  “Yeah, my mom used to tell me that all the time. Why?”

  Dylan chuckled. “Don’t mind him, Lynn. I think he was dropped one too many times as an infant.”

  “Hey!” Liam shot back.

  “Well, if Sam is good with it, I’ll head over to the video poker,” Lynn said. “I guess you could tag along if you want. It’s not your table games, but there’s a double up feature that’s horribly addicting.”

  “Then let’s go check it out.”

  Liam half-dragged Lynn off then, and Sam and Dylan quickly claimed the empty seats they’d spotted. Both inserted money into the machine, chose their bets and began playing.

  “There are so many lines, I’d never know if I won anything if the machine didn’t tell me.” Sam loved the new computerized slot machines, but they were really confusing at times.

  “I know what you mean, but it’s still fun to play.”

  “So what do you do for a living?” Sam asked as she kept pressing her spin button.

  “I oversee a large group of people and basically ensure that things run smoothly, there’s no fighting and everybody gets their jobs done. Things like that.”

  “So you’re in management?”

  “You could say that. What do you do?”

  “I’m a teacher. I was a substitute while I was married and for the first year after my divorce began, but I just landed a full-time position near where my new ranch is. I’m really looking forward to starting too.”

  “What grade do you work with?” Dylan asked, and Samantha was surprised to see he appeared to be genuinely interested. Her ex-husband certainly hadn’t cared. He’d griped and complained non-stop about the cost of her classes while she was in school, despite the grants she’d had.

  “I’ll be starting with the first grade this year. At that age, they’re like little sponges just soaking up everything, so it’s a really great place to begin. I’m hoping to get my classroom set up in a few weeks, so I guess I’ll be working on my new house until then.” And boy, was she looking forward to it all. A new home and a new life awaited her back in Texas. The possibilities were endless.

  “That sounds great. I’m actually looking at investing in a hotel pretty soon. It’s why my brother and I are here in Las Vegas. We’re looking at all the perks the larger resorts use to attract guests and hoping to incorporate some of them into our own establishment.”

  “Wow, that’s quite an undertaking.” And very impressive, too. It just went to show, you couldn’t judge a book by its cover, because she wouldn’t have guessed these two men would be building a hotel, let alone one with any of the amenities offered by the luxury accommodations on the strip. “So where are you hoping to build?”

  Dylan gave her a sideways glance, almost as if he were uncomfortable with answering her question. “Well, it’s going to be a private resort of sorts. Mostly for clients who value discretion and security.”

  “So it’s for the rich and for celebrities?”

  Samantha was so caught up in their conversation, that when her slot machine began to ring out and flash, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “You won!” Dylan shouted.

  “I did?” She couldn’t really tell what she’d won, because she was playing a dime machine with about twenty different win lines, but the credits were still counting and the total was climbing quickly. “Oh my gosh! Lynn is going to flip!”

  “It looks like it’s done, but now, you have to wait for the attendant. See, there’s a message on your screen,” Dylan pointed out. “If I’m figuring this right, you just won about seven grand.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Seven thousand dollars! With that kind of money, Sam could afford to get her furniture as soon as she got home instead of waiting for the lawyers to get the money from the divorce into her account.

  Without thinking, she threw her arms around Dylan’s neck and gave him a big hug. She’d just realized what she’d done when his came around her waist and he gave her a squeeze in return. In an instant, her nipples pebbled, her breathing quickened and she felt an overwhelming urge to kiss him stupid.

  How the hell did that happen?

  Pulling back, she looked up into his golden eyes and smiled. “I can’t believe this!”

  “Believe it. Here comes someone from the hotel,” he said as he pointed behind her.

  Turning, Samantha saw a gentleman in a crisp white dress shirt with a dark vest, which had the hotel’s logo embroidered on the chest, approaching her with a big smile.

  “Congratulations!” he offered. “I’ll be processing your winnings for you today, but I’ll need to get a little information from you to get this going.”

  Over the next several minutes, Samantha filled out the proper tax form to claim her winnings, signed for her money and accepted the cash payment from the attendant before heading off to find Lynn.

  Of course, that proved to be harder than it should have. “Where in the world can they be?” Sam asked. “Lynn said they would be by the poker machines.”

  “Maybe, they’re looking for us too,” Dylan offered. “Let’s try to call them. I’ll check with Liam, and you can try Lynn.”

  Both pulled out their cells and tried to call then text both Lynn and Liam, but neither of them answered. “It’s noisy in here so there’s a chance that they didn’t hear their phones, but we can keep looking and try again in a few minutes,” she said.

  “Okay. I’m not worried about Liam, and I know he’ll look after Lynn, but he should be answering his phone. I know he can hear it.” Dylan frowned. “Would you like to get a drink at the bar while we wait for them, or do you want to walk around?”

  “A drink sounds good. Lynn will probably check her phone soon and see that I called anyway. In the meantime, I’ll text her that we’re at the bar.”

  * * * *

  Seated at the busy bar, Dylan took in the sort of graceful dance of the bartender and servers as they moved around each other with a practiced ease. He would have to send some of his employees for training, before they learned the flair these folks displayed.

  The waitresses glided in and out of the small bar area, popping off bottle tops and loading their trays as they waited for the bartender to fix their mixed drinks.

  “This time, the drinks are on me,” Samantha announced.

  He couldn’t help but smile at her. She was such an amazing woman, a wonderful jumble of contradictions and hidden mysteries. At their first meeting, she’d been so shy her acceptance of his drink offer had stunned him.

  Liam had been all too pleased at the news of their double date. He still refused to tell Dylan what he knew of the strange reaction from Dylan’s inner lion to the tiny woman sitting next to him. Liam claimed he only had an idea of what it could mean, but Dylan would make him talk.

  “So, what would you like to drink? Another vodka and cranberry?”

  “You remembered my drink?” She smiled up at him, and he heard his cat purr in his head.

  “Sure.” He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “I also remember how well you can dance.” His teasing brought a flush to her cheeks that had nothing to do with the alcohol she’d consumed. Could she really be this innocent?

  Giving his arm a playful little shove, she replied, “Are you picking on me? And here I thought you might be a true southern gentleman.”

; Oh, the thoughts flitting through his mind were far from gentlemanly, that was for sure. Images of her sweet curves on display as she lounged on the massive bed back in his suite, the two of them tangled up in each others bodies, exploring with hands, lips…teeth.

  Damn, he was getting hard just thinking about it, but she deserved more than a quick romp. No, Samantha was special, that much was crystal clear in his lust-fogged brain.

  “I can be the poster child for manners. It was Liam who flunked out of charm school,” he drawled, kicking up his country twang a bit. “As many times as our momma smacked him upside his head, I’d suspected brain damage if I didn’t know how thick-skulled he was.”

  She laughed at his small joke, and he relished the sound.

  “Is Liam your only sibling?” she asked.

  “Yes. How about you?”

  “I’m an only child. Mom wasn’t too thrilled with her post-pregnancy body and told my dad that she would not be having any more children,” she explained. “She was always exercising and dieting. Whenever I asked about a brother or sister, she’d tell me that she wasn’t about to ruin the years of work it had taken to get her body back.”

  Christ! What kind of mother said something like that to a child? “There’s always adoption,” he offered, feeling lame. “I hope to have children of my own someday. I just need to find the right woman.”

  “I’m hoping to have lots of kids, myself. It’s part of the reason I purchased the ranch.”

  Now, they were heading back into less depressing territory. “Tell me about it. Do you plan to farm? Own horses?”

  Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled, her excitement shining. “It’s perfect. There are roughly fifty acres and at least thirty pecan trees scattered all around the house, with one large oak that shades half of the roof. I have quite a bit of wooded land and even a creek that runs along the property line. Right now, I’m just planning to get the tractor running, so that I can keep the weeds and wild grass under control, but someday, I hope to own a few horses. I want to have a nice vegetable garden near the house, for sure. Maybe a few pets to keep me company, too.”

  Company? So, she’d be living on fifty acres on her own? Dylan’s protective instincts surged to the forefront. “I suggest a security system as well, if you’re staying out there all alone.” He didn’t like the idea of her being alone in the middle of nowhere with no protection. “Do you own a gun?”

  Samantha had just opened her mouth to answer him, when the bartender stepped up to the bar before them.

  “Sorry about the wait. What can I get for you?” he asked.

  “I’d like to try something new, but fruity,” she answered.

  Dylan couldn’t take his eyes off of her profile. The way her slender neck arched back as she glanced up at the bartender left him wondering what her face would look like if her head was thrown back for a totally different reason. “I’ll have whatever she’s having.”

  “I’ve got just what you two need. Give me a sec.” And he was gone, moving over to the many bottles lining the wall.

  “So,” Dylan said, repeating his earlier question, “do you own a gun?”

  “Um, no. I’ve shot one before—my dad taught me—but it’s been years.” She fidgeted in her seat, looking a little unsettled. “Do you really think I’ll need one?”

  Shrugging, he replied, “Well, there’s all sorts of wildlife lurking about on open properties in Texas. Deer, coyotes, fox, raccoons, wolves and even the occasional bear from time to time. You just never know, and you should keep a pistol with you, especially if you go exploring your land alone.”

  “Actually, that sounds like a good idea. I’m not big on killing animals of any kind, but if they’re dangerous, it would be nice to have protection,” she conceded.

  “Just firing it into the air is enough to scare most animals away. Those that don’t run are probably sick.”

  “I’ll be careful. Maybe, I’ll get a big dog. I was originally planning to get a cat.”

  Well, this was interesting. “So you like cats?”

  “Yeah, I prefer cats over dogs, simply because they’re more independent. Besides, I think felines are fun. Who can resist a quirky little kitten that’s getting into everything? It beats the hell out of having a dog that chews up everything.”

  “Odd as this may seem, seeing as I’m a guy and should prefer dogs, I actually get along much better with cats. I just don’t seem able to mesh well with any kind of canine.”

  Just then, the bartender returned with their drinks, placing the two fruity cocktails before them with a flourish. “Sex on the beach and a Wallbanger,” he announced. “You two lovebirds have fun.”

  Dylan’s laughter startled Samantha, and he tried to cut it short but failed miserably when he saw that she’d blushed clear to her roots.

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed, sweetheart,” Dylan soothed, his hand settling over hers where it rested on the bar. “I’m honored that anyone thinks I could have a chance with you.”

  Her brows drew together, her look of disbelief telling him she wasn’t accustomed to receiving compliments. Had her husband never flattered her?

  “I tell you what… How about we finish these drinks then walk around for a bit? Maybe, we’ll find Liam and Lynn.”

  Giving a nod, Samantha downed her drink quickly and stood. The fact that she hadn’t said a word since the bartender’s comment and the way she seemed to be withdrawing agitated his lion half.

  The big cat didn’t want this female getting away, and neither did he, so Dylan tossed back the girly concoction he’d been served and reached for her hand before they walked. When her slender fingers threaded with his, he let out a relieved breath. Now, he needed to get her talking again.

  “So, are you an avid runner? I couldn’t help but notice how good your form was in the gym this morning.” At her arched brow and little smirk, heat entered his face. She’d totally caught on to his lame conversation starter. Damn. Had a woman ever made him blush?

  “I’ll let you slide on that sad excuse for leering at me earlier,” she laughed. “But yes, I do run a lot. It’s the only exercise I enjoy besides dancing.”

  It was getting late, but Dylan couldn’t help but want more time with her. He wasn’t foolish enough to think she’d blow off her friend for him, but he still asked, “Will you be running in the morning? I’d love to see you again. My brother and I are here until Sunday.”

  “We’re leaving Sunday, as well,” she replied. “I’m planning on running again tomorrow, but I’m not sure if Lynn will be up for it. No doubt, she’s a bit drunk by now, otherwise she wouldn’t have wandered off.”

  Obviously, Samantha was getting worried about Lynn, and frankly, Dylan wondered where the hell Liam had gotten off to. “Let’s try their phones again and see if we can get them.”

  Samantha dialed, held the phone to her ear then gave him a frustrated look. “It went straight to voicemail. Either it’s dead or she accidently shut it off again.” Huffing out a breath, she muttered, “I should put her on a leash.”

  Not a bad idea. Perhaps, he’d get one for Liam, as well. Just when he was ready to give up on his own call, Liam answered with a breathless, “Hello?”

  “Where the hell are you?” Dylan demanded. He’d better not be dipping his dick in a showgirl when he was supposed to be with Lynn!

  “I’m trying to keep up with your girl’s crazy-ass friend! A few shots of tequila and she’s thinking this is the Coyote Ugly bar.” There were some shuffling sounds then a muffled, “Quit climbing that! We’re gonna get kicked out of here if you don’t calm down, darlin’.”

  Next Dylan heard an indignant, “Don’t you darlin’ me! I need to find Sam,” Lynn slurred over the line.

  “Is Sam with you?” Liam asked.

  “Of course, she is.”

  “Good. Put her on the phone.”

  Dylan handed Samantha his phone with a shrug, not really sure if this was normal behavior for Lynn or not.

sp; “Hello?” Samantha’s eyes widened at whatever she heard, before narrowing to slits. “Put her on. Lynn Edwards, have you lost your mind? No? How about your phone?” She sighed, rubbing her forehead, before speaking again. “Fine, just stay put, and we’ll be there in a minute.”

  Dylan accepted his phone, giving her a moment, as she seemed to be struggling with her irritation.

  “This is my fault,” she grumbled.

  “How do you figure? She’s an adult, she can make her own decisions and mistakes, and if my guess is right, the hangover heading her way will be punishment enough.”

  “No doubt,” Samantha agreed. “Well, if the offer still stands, I’ll take you up on the gym in the morning. It looks like I’ll be flying solo though.”

  Dylan splayed his hand at the small of her back as they navigated the crowded casino again. “Absolutely. So, where exactly are those two anyway?”

  “Lynn said they were in the center of the casino floor at a bar.”

  Dylan couldn’t help but laugh. The casinos were huge, with bars scattered about, so there was no telling where Lynn and Liam were exactly. Of course, he could always call Liam, but it sounded as if he had his hands full with Lynn. Besides, having Samantha to himself for a little longer was a definite plus in his book.

  He couldn’t help but touch her whenever the chance presented itself. The feel of her being so close soothed him in the most wonderful way. Every muscle relaxed, he felt the stress he’d been carrying melt away, and his give-a-damn switch was quickly flipped to the off position. Dylan didn’t have a clue what it meant, but he was all for finding out.

  Cheers erupted ahead of them, and both he and Sam looked up in time to see a very intoxicated Lynn dancing on the bar top.

  Holding back his amusement at the horrible version of the Macarena Lynn performed, Dylan turned to find Samantha stifling a giggle as she aimed her phone’s camera toward her friend. “This will be great to show her later. I doubt she’s going to remember any of this tomorrow.”

  Moments later, security made their way towards Lynn as Liam tried his best to coax her down.


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