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TORMENTED: Bratva Fury (book 1)

Page 10

by Alexi Ferreira

  I’m starting to feel the ache on my upper arm and shoulder as I continue, but I ignore it, as I see how much he’s enjoying it. “Turn,” I say. It is a pleasure for me to massage his magnificent body with all his sculptured muscles. When he turns, he keeps his eyes closed as he places his arms next to his body. I see his splendid cock standing at half-mast, and I know that it won’t take much to get him ready for me. I start by massaging his lower legs and then upper legs until I get to his crotch. By now, he’s fully erect, and I smile as it twitches against his stomach.

  By now, my panties are wet with evidence of how much I want him. Before he can realize what I’m doing and stop me, I slip off my panties and straddle him as if I’m going to massage his chest. When I’m in position, I take his cock in my hand and place it at my entrance. His eyes shoot open. “Malysh?” he grunts, but I’m already sliding down his hardness. “Fuck.” His eyes squeeze shut as he holds his breath.

  “Relax, let me do this,” I purr as I widen my legs at the fullness I’m feeling.

  “We . . . shouldn’t be doing this yet,” he grunts, but his hands are holding my waist as I lift slowly and then slide back down excruciatingly slow. A groan is ripped out of his chest as I continue to move. As I lower myself again, I rotate my pelvis and tighten my muscles. “Fuck, Jade.” His fingers will leave bruises, but I’m loving it. I place my hands on his chest and pinch his nipples as I plunge down.

  “Fuck, malysh, I’m going to come,” he roars, and then he takes over by lifting me up and down his cock with a rhythm that has me gasping my release at the same time that he roars my name, and I feel jets of his essence coat my insides as I slump down against his chest.

  His arms enclose me in his embrace as he holds me close against his chest. I can hear his heart beating loudly under my ear as we come down from our high. His cock is still hard inside my body as he strokes his fingers over my back. “Are you okay?” he asks, concern in his voice.

  “Mmm, never been better,” I whisper, and feel his chest rumble with his chuckle.

  “You are perfect, lyubov moya, just perfect,” he murmurs, making me smile in contentment.


  “I want men at every entrance. Everyone gets frisked, no exceptions.” I don’t know why I would allow this when we still haven’t found Salazar, but I know that I can’t postpone this any longer. Vlad has been working out for this fight for months now. To postpone the fight again means that Vlad will have to forfeit, and that is unacceptable, as he has never been beaten before. There is also a lot of money riding on this fight, very rich people coming from all over to watch.

  “Nik, you will be at Jade’s side at every second. Andrei, I want two sharp shooters,” I order. “One there behind that pillar on the first floor, and the other on the balcony behind us facing inside.” We are standing in the arena where the fight will be held later tonight, and I have men inspecting every nook and cranny of the area.

  I see Vlad approaching, Boris a few steps behind him. “Good to see you’re better,” I say as they stop before me. Boris inclines his head in acknowledgment. I must be honest; knowing that Boris has Vlad’s back calms me a little. Boris is a good soldier and friend to Vlad. He will make sure to keep him safe.

  “All the men are in place. No one will get in or out without us knowing,” Vlad reports. I had asked Vlad to organize the men outside and make sure they were aware of every car coming in and out of the parking.

  “Are the sniffer dogs patrolling already?” I ask. We have a couple detection dogs just for these types of events to detect if there are any explosives. They have become very useful a time or two in the past.

  “They arrived about half an hour ago and are already on the ground.”

  I look at my wrist and see that there are five hours to go until the match. Time to let Vlad get into his zen. “Go do your thing, brat; I will see you later before the fight,” I say. He nods and starts to turn but then stops.

  “Is Jade coming?” he asks with a raised brow.

  “As if I could stop her,” I grumble, and see him smile before he continues on his way. Jade has been so excited about watching Vlad fight that I couldn’t in all fairness stop her from coming. Since the incident, I try to be home early and work from the office there, even though Jade doesn’t say anything, but I know she feels safer with me around.

  She has been wiggling herself into all my men’s hearts; I see them go out of their way to please her, even Nik, who is so aloof. It has been funny seeing her try to get Nik to talk to her. She has also tried to set him up with her friend Lara a few times, but he manages to make himself scarce every time she’s around.

  Jade made me promise not to tell him that Lara was coming with us to the fight. There was an afternoon that Lara came for lunch and Jade insisted that Nik frisk Lara. Vlad was there at the time and revealed that Lara had the biggest smile and made sure that Nik checked every possible area of her body. Nik apparently maintained his stony composure, but that doesn’t stop the guys from teasing him. That was the day Nik started to avoid Lara.

  “Boss, the band is here,” one of the guys says, bringing me back to the present. I make my way towards the door that leads to the back where trucks unload. As I walk out the door, I see the lead singer and the guitarist making their way towards me.

  “Mr. Vasiliev,” Jordan, the lead singer, greets. “We’re here to check sound and go through a few songs to make sure that everything will be fine.”

  “Jordan,” I greet. “Is everyone in your party already here, or will there be anyone else arriving later?”

  “Everyone who is supposed to be here is here,” he confirms.

  “Good.” Looking over at one of my men who is responsible of making sure that everyone who is supposed to be here today is checked and confirmed, I nod, letting him know that they are to be checked. “If you have any problems, just let one of my men know, and they will contact me,” I state as I shake hands with Jordan.

  When I’m happy that everyone knows what they have to do, I call Andrei and Nik, and we make our way to the club. I know that Jade isn’t home, as Silvia and some of the women decided to treat Jade and get her hair and makeup done for tonight. They will be at her mother’s apartment, and I’m to pick her and Lara up there.

  That will give me enough time to go over the hotel drawings with Nik and Andrei. I want the hotel to burn to the ground like Salazar’s prostitution houses did, but there is another matter that I want to talk to them about. As we make our way towards the office, Maria comes around the corner and crashes into me.

  “Oh my.” She gasps as she lays her hands against my chest as not to fall. My hands automatically go to her waist to hold her up. She looks up at me in surprise. “Alexey, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Her hand moves from my chest to my neck, and she moves closer to me, but I take a step back.

  “Are you okay?” I ask. When she nods in acknowledgment, I step away. “If you’ll excuse us.” I continue on my way to the office. We lay out the drawings of the hotel and start planning how to breach Salazar’s security systems. The basement is only one way in and out, so it will be difficult, but the lobby has three entrances. “I want a smoke bomb to go off so all the guests can be evacuated before the fires break out. I want this to look like an electrical issue, so no mistakes.”

  “We need to get men they don’t know to go in as guests,” Nik suggests as he looks at the layout of the rooms.

  “Maybe have three couples book into different floors at the hotel. Like that, they won’t suspect anything,” Andrei says.

  “I don’t want our women involved in something like this, so I suggest we get girls from Rosita. She keeps a short leash on them, and they know how to keep their mouths shut,” I propose. Once the men know what I want, I reveal what else I’ve found out.

  “I’ve been informed that Salazar has a few fishing trawlers off the coast of Durban. Apparently these trawlers are how he gets the women who have been kidnapped
out of the country.” For a while now, I suspected Salazar was involved in the skin trade, but only recently did the Elementals confirm it for me. I have agreed to help them close down this trade, especially when it’s the Keres MC, their rivals, and my enemies who are helping Salazar by kidnapping the women from all over the country and then handing them to Salazar for trafficking.

  “The fucker,” Nik grunts angrily, surprising me, as Nik isn’t one for showing any kind of emotion. That just makes me think that something in his past must be related. “How do you want to do this?”

  “First, I want to know where they’re keeping the women before they take them to the boats. Once we know their movements, we can plan to take them down,” I state. “I want you two to speak to all our connections and see if anyone knows anything.”

  “We will find them,” Andrei promises.

  “Don’t underestimate them. Remember how long we have been looking for Salazar and still no sign of him?” I warn. “I have some business to attend to. Go have a drink in front, and I will be with you as soon as I finish.” I roll up the plans of the hotel and go sit behind my desk as they leave. Picking up my phone, I dial the Elementals.

  “Alexey,” Draco greets. “What can I do you for?”

  “I need you to help us out with a job; I can’t have it traced back to us,” I state.

  “When do you want to meet?” he asks. Draco does not talk business on the phone, and I admire him for it. With all the new technologies, we never know who might be listening.

  “I can send the chopper for you tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” he answers, and disconnects. Leaning back against my chair, I close my eyes and sigh; I need to find Salazar and end him once and for all. I’m against the skin trade; my men know that we don’t hurt women or children. If any of my men hurt a woman or a child, they know they will die at my hand, like the fucker who thought he could touch Jade. Thinking of Jade, I smile. Now that she’s been feeling more at home, her sassy personality has kicked in.

  Picking up my phone, I text her. How’s it going?

  She answers instantly. It’s going okay, but I’m so excited for tonight.

  Why? What’s happening tonight? I say, and smile, waiting for her reply.

  Not funny, Alexey, not funny at all. I can just imagine her standing there looking at her phone and frowning.

  Couldn’t help myself. I chuckle.

  You’re going to pay for that, just you wait. Now let me finish getting ready! I throw my head back and laugh at her audacity. Never has anyone thought of dismissing me, but this little slip of a girl does it all the time.

  Looking down at my watch, I see it’s time to leave. I need to take a shower, get ready, and then pick up my woman from her mother’s apartment. Since the incident, her mother has been off, but I understand she’s worried about the life I lead and the roll her daughter has in it.

  An hour later, I’m standing before Jade’s mom’s apartment, waiting for them to open the door. Jade opens the door, and I lose all thought when I see her. Her hair is platted loosely down one side, adorned with white flowers. Fuck me; her dress has a scooped neckline that shows way too much cleavage for my peace of mind. The dress is black and tight in all the right places, ending at her thighs. She’s standing in strappy high heels that show off her sexy legs. When my eyes return to her beautiful face, I see a cheeky smile. “So, what do you think?”

  “I think we are staying home,” I grunt, which makes her laugh as she steps towards me and kisses me on the lips. My arms go around her waist, and I pull her tighter against me as I devour her mouth. I only pull back when I hear the women laughing from behind Jade. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go upstairs to our room?” I whisper against her ear, which makes her giggle.

  “Afterwards,” she teases. Just then, I hear Nik groan from behind me. Looking up, I see Lara walk towards us, a naughty smile on her face as she looks over my head at Nik.

  “Hello, Lara, nice of you to join us,” I greet.

  “Thank you for taking me,” she murmurs.

  “Shall we go?” I say as I place my arm around Jade’s waist and start to guide her towards the lift, but then I hear Lara.

  “Don’t you need to frisk me?” she asks. Looking over my shoulder, I see her looking up at Nik expectantly. When I look at Nik’s face, I can’t help myself and break out laughing at his look of surprise.

  “No, I doubt you could hide anything in that dress,” he grumbles as he follows us. When we enter the lift, Andrei is waiting inside for us.

  We make our way to the SUV. I help Jade and Lara in and then go around so I’m sitting next to my woman. Looking back, I see that Andrei and Ivan are in the Mustang behind us, and Nik has taken the wheel. “Let’s go,” I say in Russian, and then we speed out of the garage and into traffic.

  When we arrive at the venue, I see my men all strategically placed. Nik drives around and stops at the back entrance. He steps out of the car and looks around before opening the door for Lara to step out. Andrei is already opening my door as he looks around; I step out and then help Jade to the ground. “You’re looking beautiful,” I murmur as I guide her around the car.

  “You’re not looking too shabby yourself,” she teases as we pass the door. The sound of all the people who have already arrived reaches us with a roar as we continue down a passage, but instead of entering the arena, I make my way towards where I know Vlad will be waiting to be called.

  Boris is outside the door. As we approach, he opens the door and steps back. “Boss,” he greets, and then his eyes travel over Jade and Lara before he looks at Nik.

  “Boris, how is he?” I ask before walking in.

  “Wanting to get in the ring. You know how he is,” he says. I walk in and see Vlad’s trainer talking to him solemnly. Devon used to be a great fighter in his day. Besides me, Devon is one of the few people Vlad listens to. His head is bent as he looks at his hands, but when he hears us, his head snaps around, and then he smiles when he sees Jade. Jade has become like his younger sister. I can see the affection my brat holds for her.

  When Jade was recovering, Vlad spoilt her by bringing her different gifts every day. I’m pleased that my woman and my brother get along so well. Jade knows that Vlad has a sweet tooth and always makes him little treats to have when he comes over, which is nearly every day.

  “Alexey,” Devon greets as he shakes my hand.

  “How’s he doing?” I ask as I look over at Vlad.

  “He’s good. Impatient like always, but good,” Devon says as he also looks over at Vlad. who is now speaking to Jade and Lara.

  “Devon, stop talking about me and let me introduce you to my brat’s woman,” Vlad calls with a smile on his face. “She’s never been to a fight before.”

  “Hello, young lady. I hope he doesn’t disappoint you,” Devon teases.

  “Oh, he knows that if he doesn’t win, he doesn’t get any more treats,” she teases.

  “So,” Devon says with a frown, “it’s your fault that Vlad here has been putting on weight?”

  “Nooo.” Jade has a worried look at Vlad, making Devon, Vlad, and I laugh. “Not funny,” she grumbles, but there’s a smile on her face. I take her hand and pull her closer to me, kissing her forehead. Looking around, I notice that Lara has left. When I raise my eyebrows at Boris, he grins and nods outside, letting me know that she’s stepped out to be with Nik.

  She’s a persistent one, but I don’t think she’ll get through to him. I have never known Nik to sleep with a woman for more than once, and he only chooses the ones he knows he will never have to see again.

  “Shall we go and let Vlad concentrate?” I say, looking down at Jade’s beautiful face.

  “Oh, okay. Vlad, be careful,” Jade says with a frown. Vlad nods and throws her one of his grins.

  “Be careful out there, brat. You have this,” I say in Russian to Vlad as I let go of Jade, step up to him, and give him a hug with one arm.

  “I will m
ake you proud,” he replies, also in Russian, before I let go. I nod, turn, and guide Jade out and towards our seats. Nik takes the front, Jade and Lara are on each side of me, and Andrei and Ivan are behind us. As we walk towards our seats, there are a few influential men who stop us to greet me and chat. I’m talking to one of our politicians on my payroll when the band starts to play before the fight.

  “If you’ll excuse us,” I dismiss, and don’t stop until I have the women sitting at our seats in the front row. Nik is standing before a pillar next to our row, Andrei is sitting next to Lara, and Ivan is sitting behind us.

  I hear Lara and Jade excitedly talking about Justice, the band playing; I look around at the arena that is full to capacity, and my jaw tenses when I notice some of the men looking at Jade. When they encounter my stare, they quickly look away. One thing about being who I am is that not many men will stand up to me.

  “Alexey?” I feel Jade’s hand on my leg. “What’s wrong?” she asks close to my ear so that I can hear her over the noise of the music as she notices my tense body. I take her hand in mine and squeeze lightly.

  “Nothing,” I answer with a slight smile to appease her, but I see her suspicious look before she nods and looks back at the ring as the band plays their last song. “Do you want to meet the band?” I ask, as I can see she enjoys them. Her eyes widen when she looks at me, and then she nods happily, making me smile. I look behind me and motion Ivan to approach. “Get someone to let the band know that they’re invited to join us at the Ace of Spades after the fight.” Ivan stands and moves to do my bidding. A half hour later, the ring has been cleared and the fighters are being presented. I can see the wonder and anxiety on Jade’s face as she looks at Vlad’s opponent.

  “He’s so big,” she says worriedly.

  “Don’t worry, malysh, Vlad knows what he’s doing.” And then Vlad is being presented and is walking down towards us. Before he enters the ring, he looks over at me, bows his head, and brings his fist to his chest in acknowledgment.


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