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A King's Ransom

Page 6

by Shawn Bailey

“He’s fourth in line, behind the emperor’s two sons and his father, Jung-Woo.”

  “Wow,” Andy said. “I could be the manager of the emperor of South Korea.”

  “A son by him would be fifth in line,” Tory added.

  Andy laughed. “Slim chance of that happening.”

  “Not really,” Tory said. “Artificial insemination or surrogacy have been helping gay men to have children, but hopefully that’s far in the future.” They ended up back at Albertson Entertainment, and Tory took him with him to a meeting.

  * * * *

  “What’s going on?” Andy asked Tory as they entered one of the studios later.

  “A mini photo shoot,” Tory answered.

  “I thought they were just going to try on their new costumes.”

  “Yes, but wait until you see them. I just couldn’t resist.”

  They had on suits designed by a Korean designer. Hanako had on a blue suit, while Chika was all dolled up in green. They even had Ra Day in the photo. He had on a black suit with a burgundy shirt beneath it. “Where is Ae-Jong?” Andy asked.

  Tory pointed toward the entrance. Right on cue, Ae-Jong appeared looking sexy a red suit with a black and white multi-print shirt beneath it.

  “Wow,” Andy said. He’d never really been a red guy until now. Ae-Jong looked totally hot in that color.

  Tory chuckled. “Yeah, I thought you might say that.”

  Ae-Jong joined his friends for a group photo, then they posed for individual shots.

  “He’s very photogenic,” Andy said, watching Ae-Jong pose.

  “Yes, not to mention he’s rocking that suit.”

  It was true, from the front and back. The red suit just made that butt look tempting. And he acted like a natural-born model, mugging for the photographer who seemed to be having a ball taking pictures of the royal singer. After the photo shoot, he took the guys to lunch in the cafeteria in the building. Everyone chose noodle dishes and salads.

  “Let me guess, you’re all vegetarian, too.”

  “Yes,” Ra answered for the group.


  “No, we do eat eggs and consume dairy products. Ae-Jong loves ice cream.” Ra pulled out his wallet and showed Andy a picture.

  Andy gasped. It was a photo of a very young Ae-Jong eating an ice cream cone. He looked about six.

  “Prince Jung-Woo took the picture and gave it to me,” Ra said.

  “I can’t believe you still have that,” Ae-Jong said.

  “It is a very special event in time, Ae-Jong,” Ra said. “It was a moment that you weren’t Prince Kim, but just Jongie. It’s not very often one gets to see that part of you.”

  “You’ll have to forgive Ra,” Ae-Jong said. “He gets emotional over the smallest thing.”

  “I think it’s sweet,” Andy said, looking down at the photo. Ae-Jong was a beautiful child, too. For a moment he could imagine what his and Ae-Jong’s child could look like.

  Ra put the wallet away.

  “What your favorite flavor of ice cream?” Andy asked Ae-Jong.


  “I’ve never heard of it.”

  “Then you haven’t lived until you tried it. Do you like ice cream?”

  Andy nodded. “I used to sneak and eat it and hope I didn’t gain weight. Tailors and seamstress get very angry if they have to redo an outfit. My favorite is vanilla. And for the record, I’m a vegetarian, too.” Andy didn’t fail to miss the little eye-play between Ae-Jong and Ra. “What? Your manager has something in common with you. Ra? Do you have any hobbies?”

  “Rock climbing,” Ra answered.

  “I love that, too,” Andy said. “Maybe you and I can go one of these days when we have some free time. How about you Chika?”

  “Archery,” Chika answered.

  “Are you any good?”

  All four of the young men nodded.

  “He’s the best,” Ra said.

  “What about you, Hanako?” Andy asked.

  The idol smiled sweetly. “Knitting.”

  The others laughed at him.

  “Are you any good at it?”

  “It keeps me focused and helps me deal with stress. My grandmother taught me,” Hanako answered.

  “I’d like to see some of your work. I hear it gets pretty cold here in the winter. Maybe you can knit me a scarf.”

  Hanako smiled. “Something to go with your eyes. I like their color.”

  “Thank you. I’d like that very much. Keep right on doing it, no matter what other people think,” Andy said to him. Hanako rewarded him with another big smile.

  But he didn’t get one from Ae-Jong who was busy studying him while he ate his salad.

  “Ae-Jong? What do you do for a hobby?”


  “Geek,” Chika teased.

  “Do you have a telescope?” Andy asked.

  “Yes,” Ae-Jong answered.

  “He has an observatory in his wing,” Ra corrected. “It was a birthday gift from Unc.”

  “Unc?” And asked.

  “My uncle,” Ae-Jong answered. “That is what he lets all of us call him.”

  “I like astrology, too. My mother gave me my first telescope for my birthday. I don’t have an observatory, but I used to look out at the stars from my bedroom window at night.”

  “You said used to,” Ae-Jong said.

  “I haven’t taken it out of the box in a long time.”

  “You are welcome to come over and check out the stars from my observatory whenever you need a break,” Ae-Jong offered.

  “Thank you. I might have to take you up on that.” He winked at Ae-Jong, and the idol’s eyes twinkled a bit, but he did not smile. What else do you guys do for fun?”

  “Martial arts,” Hanako answered.

  “What? Are you guys any good at it?”

  “Not quite as good as Jongie, but we try,” Chika answered. “That is our real job.”

  “Mr. Albertson makes you fight?”

  Three heads shook again.

  “Not that job, our real jobs.”

  “What is?”

  “Protecting Ae-Jong.”

  “What does he need protecting from?” Andy asked. “Oh!” Reality hit. “Are you in danger?” he asked the prince.

  “Not that I know of,” Ae-Jong answered.

  “But that doesn’t mean he’s not,” Ra said. “Now, it’s our turn to ask the questions.”

  “Okay,” Andy said.

  “Do you know Finn Bergmann?” Chika asked.

  “The underwear model?”

  Chika nodded.

  “Yes. Do you want to meet him?”

  “Yes,” Chika answered.

  Ra went next. “Yukizumi.”

  “What about them?”

  “Do you know them?”

  “Yes, but not very well,” Andy answered.

  “They’re our rivals,” Ra said. “Especially Tomahiko Akiyama.”

  Of course, he knew this, but he wanted to get their side of the story. “Why?”

  “Because Tomahiko is an arrogant bastard,” Ae-Jong answered.

  “Aren’t most lead singers a bit arrogant?” Andy asked.

  Ae-Jong rolled his eyes at him. “Very funny, manager. But no. Yukizumi are martial artists, and they come here to compete when they’re not on tour. We always beat them even when we go to compete in Tokyo.”

  “Did they come in for The King’s Ransom Competition?” Andy asked.

  Ae-Jong shook his head. “I don’t think so. That was a special competition for masters and black belts only.”

  “But they are coming for Unc’s anniversary celebration,” Ra said. “Unc thinks it’s time we all become friends since we work for the same boss now.”

  “And you four are against it?”

  Four heads nodded.

  “Tomahiko always talks down to me like I’m a child just because he’s taller than I am,” Ae-Jong said.

  “Well, try not to get into a fight and embarr
ass your uncle and your family at the celebration,” Andy said.

  “What if he starts with me first?” Ae-Jong asked.

  For just a moment he sounded like a kid. “A grown-up would ignore him and walk away.”

  Ra chuckled sarcastically. “That will never happen, Andrew. Our Ae-Jong is very stubborn.”

  The waiter came by with a dessert tray.

  “Ooh, ice cream,” Ae-Jong said happily. He chose a green kind.

  Andy did the same thing.

  Ra didn’t pick a dessert.

  “Are you dieting?”

  Ra shook his head. “I don’t like sweets.”

  Hanako and Chika both chose chocolate cake.

  “Try not to let them eat too much, especially Ae-Jong. Sweets make him hyper, and he has a hard time falling asleep.”

  “Is that true?” Andy asked Ae-Jong as he watched him swirl his tongue around the spoon.

  Ae-Jong shrugged.

  Andy figured he wouldn’t answer honestly. He wouldn’t either if it meant getting ice cream, or not. Andy tried some of his. He frowned. It was a strange taste, and not to his liking.

  “You don’t like it?”

  “No.” Andy gave his ice cream to Ae-Jong. He got rewarded with a toothy smile and two pink cheeks.

  “Don’t fall for it,” Ra warned. “Those dimples are deadly.”

  Hanako and Chika nodded in agreement.

  Ae-Jong ignored them and went right on enjoying his treat.

  Andy took out his phone and took a picture of Ae-Jong eating his ice cream.

  “What are you doing?” Ae-Jong asked.

  “Making memories,” Andy answered as he put the phone away.

  Ra took the singers back to the palace after work and Andy went to the hotel to pack up his things. Then he showered and crawled into his bed. He’d had just as much as he could handle for one day.

  Chapter Seven

  “Andy, this is Dazed’s new driver, Ji-Hu Lee,” Tory said the next day when he came to pick Andy up for work.

  Ji-Hu was a young South Korean male about thirty or younger, about average height, five seven or eight, and thin. He was dressed in black chauffeur’s uniform and stood outside an expensive black town car.

  “Ji-Hu, this is Andrew Green, Dazed’s new manager.”

  Both men bowed.

  “It is nice to meet you,” Ji-Su said in English.

  “It is nice to meet you, too,” Andy said.

  The chauffeur held the door open for them. Andy climbed in the back first, followed by Tory. Ji-Hu closed the door and went around to the driver’s side and got in behind the wheel. He drove away from the curb.

  “I thought it was part of my job to drive Dazed around.”

  “Normally, this is true,” Tory said. “But since you’re famous, too, your safety also has to be top priority. Plus, Ji-Hu knows his way around Seoul better than anyone I know. Ra can drive you guys around on Ji-Hu’s days off.”

  Andy didn’t complain since Tory was probably right about this. On the other hand, he did know that if he ever got into a car accident with a South Korean driver, he would be the one ticketed just because he was a foreigner. He relaxed in the seat. Dazed had the day off. Today he was going to the office to meet with Luke Austin and Adam Montgomery. Edward got to sleep in since technically he was there on vacation.

  Ji-Hu dropped them off at Albertson’s Entertainment. Andy and Tory went inside the beautifully decorated building. They rode the elevator up to the tenth floor where the administration office was located. Tory went to his office to check on his messages. Andy went down to the conference room where he found Adam and Luke waiting. There was hot coffee and pastries. Andy served himself. Tory joined them shortly.

  “I got the fellows together to give you some pointers on managing an idol. I’m going to put my two cents in first. Get to know each member and their family. Win their trust, and you should be okay. Adam is going to start it off.”

  Andy was so glad he brought a tablet and pen with him.

  “Lesson number one, appearance,” Adam began. “That should be easy since you’re a former model. Never look less than perfect no matter what you’re doing with them. Always wear a nice suit. It looks more professional, and the fans can identify you from the roadies.”

  “No long hair,” Luke said. “Find a barber or a stylist you like and stick with him or her. You’re not much older than the members of Dazed, so you might want to hook up with the dude who does their hair.”

  “Always rule with an iron hand,” Adam said. “This is a business, and it’s best to establish up front who is boss. If not, a six-year-old will think he is the boss of you.”

  Both Luke and Tory laughed. Adam spoke of six-year-old fashion model Kalen Kerry, the younger brother of Frankie and Jonas Kerry who Adam also managed. Andy had worked with Kalen before. The kid was very professional for his age, had his own fashion line and modeled for numerous fashion designers, including Andy’s ex-boss, Giovanni Bassett. Like Ae-Jong, Kalen loved ice cream, and his uncle Adam.

  Luke took over. “Death is the only acceptable excuse to cancel an appearance or a concert. Having PMS is not an acceptable excuse, especially if your idol is male.”

  Apparently Tomahiko or one of the other two members of Yukizumi had tried this.

  Luke tried to keep from smiling. “I almost believed Tommy until I went and looked it up. Apparently, the TV appearance he was trying to get out of coincided with watching his favorite drama on television.”

  “What did you do?” Andy asked.

  “I introduced him to the DVR,” Luke answered. “Then I dragged his ass to the television station so he could perform with his group.”

  “Don’t fall in love with your idol,” Adam said. “This only works out if your idol isn’t a stubborn demon.”

  Andy smiled. He’d hung out with Frankie before and didn’t think he was that bad. Both Frankie and Jonas were more street-wise than some of Tory’s other singers because they were both once homeless. Adam took them and Kalen in and the rest is history.

  “Never smile at another guy when you’re with your idol, especially if your idol is a martial artist,” Luke said. “Karate chops to the throat and the neck hurt.”

  Andy couldn’t control his laughter any longer. “Okay, I’ll remember that.”

  “Another very important rule. Don’t make out or dance with your idol in public,” Tory said. “And if you can’t control your body, always wear a suit jacket that comes down to your knees to hide your shame.”

  Andy didn’t get it immediately. “Oh! Check. Don’t be gay in public.”

  “Protecting your idol’s reputation is very important. Only a few people know these guys and their idols are gay,” Tory said. “Noel and Edward are our only openly gay couple.”

  “Why is it so important that the public doesn’t find out?” Andy asked.

  “Because my singers have thousands of female fans, and each young lady wants to marry one of my idols. This keeps them coming to the concerts and buying their CDs and merchandise. This would end if word ever got out that they were dating guys.”

  “How come Noel is excluded from this?” Andy asked.

  “Ah, well he came out of the closet when he was in junior high, and his fans already knew before I signed him,” Tory answered.

  “I have one,” Luke said. “Never call your idol a twink. Because if you do, then you won’t get any sex and you’ll end up sleeping alone.”

  “Always be respectful and make them feel the world revolves around them because it does,” Adam said. “They are idols, the crème of the crop and they should be treated that way.”

  “Always take the blame and apologize first,” Luke said.

  “Show some interest in your idol’s work. Share a hobby with them. Don’t take them to the gym with you. They can dance and do acrobats, but they can’t bench press worth a shit,” Adam said.

  “Tommy can,” Luke bragged.

  “Yeah, until he broke a
nail,” Adam teased. “Frankie and Jonas drew too much attention the last time I took them to the gym with me. Guys stopped working out to see them running on the treadmill or riding the bike in their cute little athletic outfits. They look like they should be competing in the Junior Olympics.”

  “Don’t talk about their personal lives to reporters, or give out their address and phone numbers,” Luke said.

  “I got one,” Tory said. “Don’t treat them like women, unless your idol is female.”

  Both Luke and Adam agreed with him.

  “That wakes up the evil in them,” Adam said. “They put you in your place quickly. Frankie is very masculine even though he keeps house and cooks. He is quick to remind me that plenty of men keep house and cook, just not me.”

  “Sometimes it’s hard to tell with the makeup, earrings, and false fingernails,” Luke said.

  “Dicks are dead giveaways,” Tory said.

  “True,” Andy agreed. These guys are so funny. “Now I’d like to ask a question. “How do you handle fan control?”

  The fellows stopped joking.

  “That’s another reason we work out and keep in good physical condition,” Adam said. “If the stage is stormed or fans break through security at the airport, just pick up your idol and run. Just pretend he or she is a football. It might sound stupid, but their lives depend on it.”

  “That’s easy for you since Frankie is a shorty,” Luke said. “I grab Tomahiko’s hand and run with him. It is good that he stays in shape, too. And he can fight. He’s knocked me on my ass a couple of times when we spar.”

  “I have three charges,” Andy protested. “I can’t carry all of them.”

  “The decision is easy, Andy,” Luke said bluntly. “Protect the one you’re fucking.”

  “Those other two are trained bodyguards just like you are,” Tory explained to Andy. “Plus, they know the drill. Protect Ae-Jong at any cost.”

  So, these guys knew he and Ae-Jong had been intimate. He wondered if Edward knew, too. After the meeting, Tory took them to meet Si-Jun Ryu, the music arranger in one of the music rooms. All Andy knew about music was what he liked.

  “Si-Jun, these are three of my managers, Adam Montgomery, Luke Austin, and Andrew Green. Andrew will be taking over as Dazed’s manager.”

  All three of them bowed.


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