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A King's Ransom

Page 9

by Shawn Bailey

  * * * *

  Tory called an early morning meeting. As a model, Andy kept some pretty late hours, out clubbing and socializing, and he was dragging home from partying at eight in the morning instead of being in a conference room.

  Edward, Luke, and Adam were also present, looking blurry-eyed from being summoned at such an ungodly hour. He suspected they were also used to this, too.

  “Sorry for the early wakeup call, but we’ve just received a large shipment from America from Giovanni Bassett.”

  Giovanni was a famous designer and Andy’s ex-boss. “What is it?” Andy asked.

  Tory went behind a partition and rolled out a rack. Upon the rack was five garment bags. “Our outfits for the emperor’s celebration. Apparently, they’re from his new Andy Green line.”

  “My retirement gift,” Andy admitted. “He named a line after me.”

  “No gold watch?” Tory asked.

  Andy shook his head. “Forty percent of the profit.”

  “Not a bad deal. Let’s see what he sent us. We have fitting rooms right down the hall.”

  Andy remembered. That’s where Ae-Jong and the others had changed for the impromptu photo shoot. Each one of them dashed into a changing room, only to emerge later in their new outfit.

  “You’re going to be rich,” Tory said, admiring his new black tuxedo. He looked young and playful. “This is so comfortable. I like the way the material moves with me.”

  Edward looked quite debonair in navy. “I feel like James Bond.”

  Luke’s tux was dark green. He checked out his appearance in a mirror. “It brings out the color in my eyes and the fit’s not bad either.”

  Adam looked equally handsome in a tobacco-colored tux.

  Andy’s tuxedo was dark gray. He liked the fit.

  Giovanni had included shoes, socks, and other accessories. And no one needed any alterations.

  “It does pay to be friends with a designer,” Tory bragged.

  “Two designers,” Andy replied, holding up one of Gerard Tyler’s business cards. “Gerard is the designer, not Giovanni.”

  “And to think I wanted to fire him from The Kerrys because I thought that fashion designing would interfere with his music. But Frenchie, as Adam calls him, has proven to me that he is more than capable of handling more than one job. He has a couple of feature songs on The Kerrys’ upcoming CD, and he and Giovanni are about to celebrate their second anniversary together.”

  How well Andy remembered. Giovanni and Gerard had fallen in love so quickly it took everyone by surprise. They’d gotten married in a private ceremony in Manhattan before Gerard had to return to New Orleans. Giovanni had followed him and surprised him for Valentine’s Day. Then he decided to move to Louisiana to be with Gerard.

  The five of them changed and put back on their regular clothing. Some other idols arrived. Besides Dazed, Tory had acquired some Chinese trainees.

  “Gentlemen, this is RVSP.” He introduced them all by name as the five-member group appeared. “And last but not least is Meyong Sun, the lead singer.”

  Andy gawked. Holy moly, the kid was gorgeous. He was about Ae-Jong’s height, with a similar build, and like Ae-Jong, Meyong had dark hair and brown eyes.

  The singer did a double take, obliviously recognizing him. He bowed. “Aren’t you the fashion model, Andy Green?” he asked in English.

  “Yes, but I’m retired now and working here as a manager.”

  Meyong looked at Tory. “Can he be our manager?”

  Tory tried to hide his smile. “I don’t know. He’s very new, and you would have to share him with Dazed.”

  Meyong ran his gaze over Andy like he was checking out the package. Then he looked Andy in the eye and smiled. “We don’t mind sharing as long as we get equal attention.”

  The other four members nodded in agreement.

  Andy was anything but stupid. He knew the young man was interested in more than just being managed by him. And had he not been involved with Ae-Jong, he would have been flattered.

  “We’ll see,” Tory said. “You guys better get to your classes before you are late.”

  The five guys bowed again and then walked away. Meyong looked back once, smiled and then went off with the others.

  “What do you think about taking on this group?” Tory asked Andy. “They’re young. Meyong is the maknae, and he’s barely eighteen.”

  “How barely?” Andy asked.

  “He just turned eighteen last month. The eldest is twenty-one.”

  “I don’t know,” Andy replied. “I just starting to get to know the members of Dazed.”

  “Yes, I understand, plus Ae-Jong might get jealous,” Tory said.

  “Why would Ae-Jong get jealous?” Edward asked.

  Neither he nor Tory told him the truth.

  “Because he’s used to getting his way,” Andy answered. “He’s the number one singer in my program at the moment, and probably wouldn’t like moving aside for this young man.”

  Tory smirked at his lie.

  “Who were those two guys you were with last night at the rehearsal?” Andy asked Tory. “Do they have something to do with the emperor’s celebration?”

  “They’re not a part of it but have been invited to it. One is Fai Haung, he’s a prince from Shanghai. The other is Deming Ang. His father Ga is Emperor Rin’s good friend. Deming is the older brother of the Chinese actor Cheng. I’m thinking about signing him to my company. You do remember him. He’s the one Ae-Jong flew to see when we first arrived.”

  “What is their relationship to Dazed?” Andy asked.

  “Friends,” Tory answered. “From what I can gather, Dazed and Ra spend time in Shanghai and Hong Kong and vice-versa.”

  Tory knew god damn well that was not what he was trying to ask him.

  “Deming and Ae-Jong are very close,” Edward replied. “I think Deming would like to be more than just friends with Ae-Jong. I remember some of his visits. They spent a lot of time together and have a lot of interests in common. Ae-Jong’s personality changes around this guy.”

  “Is he a threat?” Andy asked. “I mean, would he try to harm him?”

  Edward shrugged. “I think the other two members of Dazed and Ra Day would challenge any guy who tried to get close to Ae-Jong.” He paused. “Tory forgot to throw in that actor Cheng is also a martial artist and that Ae-Jong often trains with him.”

  “Ah, so that’s where the ninja stars come from,” Luke muttered.

  Andy frowned. Yes, these guys are a threat.

  Chapter Nine

  “I’m hurt, Ae-Jong,” Fai Haung said. “You flew all the way to Hong Kong to see Cheng, and you did not come to Shanghai to say hello to me.”

  Fai Haung had grown handsome as fuck since the last time he’d seen him over a year ago. Not that he’d ever been bad looking. He, like Ae-Jong, had cut their butt-length hair, but unlike Ae-Jong, Fai had grown taller and manlier. “It wasn’t a social visit,” Ae-Jung replied. They were all in the guest’s wing, and these guys were on tables getting massages while Ae-Jong stood around watching.

  “Don’t feel hurt,” Deming said as the masseuse worked out the kinks in his back. “He was at our palace, but he only had time for Cheng. And to start a war in Africa.”

  Fai chuckled. He had a deep sexy voice like Andy. “So, I heard. King Kashmi wants to make him number one wife.”

  “Really?” Ae-Jong asked. “Interesting.”

  “So what. I’ve offered him the same thing,” Deming said.

  “Yeah, but Kashmi doesn’t have to wait for his parents to die to do so like you do,” Fai reminded him.

  “Your parents are still alive, too,” Deming reminded him.

  “It is foolish of you to tease Ae-Jong with a throne since he already has one,” Fai said to Deming.

  “I would make him my only mate, and I would keep him so sexually satisfied he wouldn’t look at another guy.”

  Ae-Jong ignored that. “You know King Kashmi, Fai?”

sp; “Yes,” Fai answered. “He and I attended the university together. He’s from Zimbabwe. He’s thirty, single, and a shrewd businessman.”

  “Is he rich?”

  “Very,” Fai answered. “He has one of the largest diamond mines in South Africa.”

  “What are you losers up to?” Ra asked as he entered the suite.

  “Ah, the nanny has arrived,” Fai teased.

  “Very funny,” Ra said.

  “I was just offering Jongie a piece of my world,” Deming answered.

  “He’s bragging on the size of his penis again,” Fai said. “Will you tell him to give up? Everyone knows that Ae-Jong loves me.”

  Ae-Jong tried to keep a straight face. “What’s up, Ra?”

  “Nothing. I just came to check on you to make sure I wouldn’t find you in a compromising position with these guys.”

  “Hmm, both of us, servicing Jongie at the same time?” Fai asked. “I’m okay with that. What about you, Deming?”

  “Sorry, but I’m not into sharing,” Deming answered. “It’s bad enough he talks to Cheng.”

  “Speaking of which, why didn’t you guys bring him with you?” Ae-Jong asked.

  “He’s working on a movie. He’s going to try to make it to Unc’s anniversary celebration if the movie wraps up in time.”

  “Have you heard from Andrew?” Ae-Jong asked Ra.

  “Who is Andrew?” Fai asked.

  “My new manager,” Ae-Jong answered. “We kind of ran out on him today to hang out with you guys.”

  “Andrew? That’s an American name,” Deming said. “Wasn’t your last manager a foreigner, too?”

  “Yeah, and my boyfriend,” Ae-Jong said.

  “Yuck,” Fai replied.

  “He was a CIA agent, too, Fai,” Deming said. “You should have seen him. The guy was built like a mountain, and he’s one hell of a martial artist.”

  “I heard ex and was,” Fai said. “What happened?”

  “The bastard cheated on me,” Ae-Jong said.

  “Ooh, is he blind?” Fai asked.

  “No,” Ra answered. “Just a cheat. You will get to see him at Unc’s celebration. He is escorting his soon-to-be husband, Noel Charles.”

  “Another American name,” Fai said.

  “Once again, I have to ask you if this guy is blind. Ae-Jong is hot and sexy and has that nice ass. What does this Noel Charles look like?”

  “’A gorgeous redhead with green eyes and freckles. He also has a nice ass,” Ra said.

  Ae-Jong hissed at Ra.

  “Irish?” Fai asked.

  “Yeah,” Ra answered. “Plus, he isn’t a tease like Ae-Jong.”

  “You mean Ae-Jong did not have sex with the CIA agent?” Deming asked excitedly.

  “Nope,” Ae-Jong answered. “I was saving it for someone special.”

  “I am honored,” Fai said. “Ow, that hurts,” he told the masseuse. “I’m delicate.”

  “No, he meant me,” Deming argued.

  “You guys are horrible,” Ra said. “Kings are offering diamond mines for that booty. Can you guys compete with that?” Ra asked.

  “You haven’t answered my question, Ra, about Andrew?”

  “He went to another concert with Soo Park,” Ra said.

  “Whose?” Ae-Jong asked. He’d learned recently that their managers had gone to see the female group Star Dust.

  “Charmed,” Ra answered.

  Ae-Jong turned up his nose. Charmed was another girl group from one of the top three companies.

  “Then Soo is taking him to an after-party given by Tae-Ho Park.”

  “The enemy?” Ae-Jong asked.

  “What is a Tae-Ho Park?” Fai asked.

  “He’s the owner of Paradise Entertainment, one of the biggest agencies in Asia,” Ra explained.

  “That is a smart move,” Fai said. “He will be meeting a lot of influential people while keeping an eye on the competition.”

  Ae-Jong wondered what time Andrew would be back. He had an itch that needed scratching.

  Hanako arrived to call them to dinner. The two male masseuses left, and Fai and Deming wrapped in their robes to cover their nude bodies.

  Ae-Jong did not miss the way Fai ran his gaze over his friend.

  “Love the new hair, Hani,” Fai said.

  Hanako blushed. He always did that when Fai talked to him, even as a child. “Thanks. Unc told me to call you guys to dinner.”

  Fai and Deming headed to the shower room to get dressed.

  Ae-Jong and Ra followed Hanako. The other two would catch up later.

  * * * *

  Andy was so damn glad when the concert and the after-party ended. Ji-Hu had picked him up and driven him home after they saw Soo off. He handed Andy a bottle of wine.

  “What’s this?” Andy asked.

  “It’s a gift from Ra,” the chauffeur answered.

  Andy shrugged, got out of the car and went inside his home. There was a small pair of shoes in the genkan that he knew wasn’t there when he left. He entered his bedroom and found Ae-Jong waiting in bed for him.

  “How did you get in here?” Andy asked. He added, “Not that I’m not glad to see you.” He put the wine bottle on the nightstand next to the two wineglasses.

  “My father owns the place, remember. How was the concert?”

  “Loud,” Andy answered as he undressed. He slipped into the bathroom, showered and returned to his bedroom with a bath towel wrapped around his waist. He removed it and crawled into bed.

  Ae-Jong immediately attacked him and went down on him. He even tried to mount him before Andy could put on a condom.

  “Who gave you sweets?” Andy asked, pushing him away until he’d covered his cock with one of the new Barely There rubbers he’d purchased for Ae-Jong’s pleasure a couple of days ago. Sweets not only made Ae-Jong hyper but horny, too.

  “Hanako,” Ae-Jong answered. “He said it was sugar-free.”

  “He lied?”

  Ae-Jong nodded. “Hurry and put it in me, Andrew.”

  “Get on your knees so I can prepare you.” He reached under the pillow and pulled out the tube of lube. He kept it there since Ae-Jong been visiting him quite frequently.

  Ae-Jong lay across Andy’s lap instead of getting on his knees.

  Andy poured some of the lube into his palm and dipped a couple of fingers from the other hand inside. He eased them into Ae-Jong’s behind.

  Ae-Jong moaned.

  The prince was so hot he was melting the lube as fast as Andy could get more inside of him. Instead of hurrying, he took his time finger-fucking him until he had Ae-Jong moaning with pleasure.

  Ae-Jong slid off Andy’s lap before he could come. His cock had hardened and looked like it was ready to pop. He got on his knees. “Take me, please.”

  Poor thing has to be in sexual misery. Andy moved behind him in traditional doggy-style fashion. He mounted Ae-Jong’s hindquarters so he could give it to him nice and deep. He plunged, and Ae-Jong cried out passionately.

  “Fuck, Andrew. That feels so damn good.”

  The accent just made it sound even sexier. “How much do you want?”

  “All of it,” Ae-Jong answered.

  Andrew slid his cock out to the head and then thrust the entire length inside this time.

  “My gosh!” Ae-Jong’s knees shook. “What are you doing? I can’t take it. More, Andrew. Don’t stop. Make me yours.”

  He wasn’t coming. Usually, deep thrusting did the trick. Andy eased out, poured himself a glass of wine and rethought his strategy. He entertained the idea of tying Ae-Jong to the bed but didn’t think that would work. Wait. He emptied the glass and then sat on the bed again. “Get across my lap.”

  “Huh?” Ae-Jong asked.

  Andy looked down. Ae-Jong’s cock was at twelve o’clock and leaking pre-cum. Andy patted his lap, and Ae-Jong lay across it again. Andy gave his butt cheeks a hard smack.

  “Ow!” Ae-Jong howled like a wounded puppy. “What are you doing?” He ru
bbed the sore spot. “Hmmm, I mean that hurts.”

  “Liar.” Andy whacked him again.

  Ae-Jong’s dick moved against Andy’s leg, getting it sticky. He whacked him hard several more times until the cheeks turned a bright red.

  Ae-Jong slid off his lap, rubbing his sore bum. He was really leaking now. Andy wished he could capture the sight with his camera. Ae-Jong looked vulnerable, gorgeous, and desirable all at the same time. Ae-Jong attacked him, kissing him passionately. Andy pushed him away and went down on him. Ae-Jong’s cock tasted delicious. The prince moaned lustfully as Andy sucked on his cock and diddled him with his middle finger.

  “Not enough, Andrew. I need you inside of me.”

  Andy knew what he needed. Both of them had gotten a clean bill of health from the doctor they sneaked off to after their first time together. Andy withdrew his fingers and removed the condom.

  Ae-Jong lay down on his back, closed his eyes and spread his legs.

  Andy eyed him like a piece of candy. The prince was sexy as fuck. He moved in between the gap, lifted Ae-Jong’s bottom and pushed inside the little hole again.

  Ae-Jong’s lids flew up. “What’s that?”

  “Bare male,” Andy answered as he made love to Ae-Jong unsheathed.

  “I like it,” Ae-Jong said. “It’s nice.”

  “Yeah,” Andy said. No more groans, just some grunting and moans of pleasure. Ae-Jong moved with him, rolling his hips and that ass while Andy humped and thrust. “Ae-Jong, your ass is the bomb.”

  They were both pretty sweaty after several minutes of hot passion. Ae-Jong’s bangs clung to his forehead. Andy had to brush them away from his eyes. He started moving his behind faster. That usually meant Ae-Jong was close to erupting.

  “I think I’m, oh!” he never finished the sentence.

  Andy felt Ae-Jong’s body jerk. He looked down. Ae-Jong was coming. Andy moved his cock faster inside of Ae-Jong’s ass after witnessing that beautiful sight. He pulled out just as he began shooting spunk. “Ah!” He sprayed Ae-Jong’s bottom instead. Then he crashed down on top of him.

  “Interesting,” Ae-Jong said. He went silent.


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