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Worst Case Scenario

Page 11

by Chenell Parker

  “Good evening,” Toi spoke politely. She gave Kalani a hug before wrapping her arms around Stori’s waist.

  “Hey, my Stanka. How was church?” Stori asked before kissing her cheek.

  “It was good. Can I go by Maddie and Hannah for a little while?” Toi asked.

  Maddie and Hannah were two sisters who lived across the street from them. Their mother was a single parent and she took good care of Toi when she visited. They were always inviting her somewhere and Stori felt comfortable letting her go. They had been staying over there for three years now and Toi clicked with them instantly.

  “Yeah, go change out of your dress first,” Stori replied.

  “Can we eat pizza tonight since you didn’t cook anything?” Toi asked.

  Stori had spent the majority of her off day cooking up candy for Remo and Nas. The shit was selling faster than she could make it, so she doubled up on her ingredients to make more. Toi was used to seeing pots on the stove but there were none that day.

  “Pizza it is.” Stori smiled before Toi walked away.

  “Toi is so sweet. Lady better not try to take credit for nothing when she becomes something special. You know the deadbeat parents always come out of the shadows for shit like that,” Kalani said.

  “Lady better keep that same energy that she got now. A phone call a day and a visit four or five times a year will suffice. My baby said she’s gonna be a pediatric nurse and I’m gonna make sure of it,” Stori said, right as Gavin came walking down the steps.

  “What’s for dinner baby?” Gavin asked as he walked up and hugged her from behind. Stori was almost done curling Kalani’s hair. She had to work the bar and she was already dressed in the club’s shirt with some leggings.

  “Toi wants pizza,” Stori replied.

  “What about what Gavin wants?” he asked while kissing her neck.

  Stori wanted to feel something, anything, but it just didn’t happen. Her neck was one of her hot spots and Gavin couldn’t even make her wet by kissing it. He stuck his tongue in her ear and all Stori felt was a little tickle.

  “I hope Gavin wants pizza too because that’s what we’re eating. I can get you some wings or something else off the menu if you don’t want that,” Stori offered.

  Gavin was happy that her back was turned because the frown on his face couldn’t be contained. Stori always disregarded his feelings and that shit drove him crazy.

  “I don’t want nothing from the pizza spot. It’ll be nice if I get to pick the meal every once in a while,” Gavin noted.

  He sounded like a jealous bitch to Kalani but she stayed out of their business. Kalani liked her best friend’s husband but she had never seen that side of him before. For as long as she’d known Stori, she and Toi had been doing the exact same thing. She understood that Gavin was her husband now but he had that only child syndrome bad. Stori did all that she could to make Toi feel loved and wanted. She never wanted her sister to feel like she was thrown away by her, the same way she often felt about Lady. She was fourteen years old and Gavin’s overgrown ass should have understood that. He was acting as if he and Toi were rivals fighting for Stori’s affection.

  “It’s not even that serious Gavin. If you wanted something else, that’s all you had to do was say that. Toi is not hard to please at all,” Stori replied.

  “Okay, well let’s eat Chinese,” he replied.

  “That’s cool.” Stori shrugged like it was no big deal.

  “Thanks baby,” Gavin replied with a satisfied smile on his face.

  Kalani couldn’t believe her ears. Remo always called him a fuck boy and she was starting to see it for herself. He seemed pleased that Stori was letting him choose the meal. He was acting like he’d accomplished something serious. Kalani never thought she’d dislike Gavin for any reason but she couldn’t stand him at the moment.

  “I’m leaving Stori. I have my phone and my house key,” Toi said when she came back downstairs.

  “Okay baby. Do you mind if we eat Chinese tonight instead of pizza?” Stori asked.

  “No, I don’t mind,” Toi said sweetly, right as someone knocked on the shop’s door.

  “I know damn well they see that big ass closed sign out front,” Stori said as she finished Kalani’s hair.

  Toi looked out of the windows and squealed in delight before she opened the door.

  “Summer! I missed you so much.” Toi smiled as she grabbed the baby’s car seat and took her out of it. Summer was eight months old now and a little bigger than when Toi last saw her.

  “What’s good Misty? I’m closed today and I already told you that Toi can’t babysit anymore,” Stori spoke up.

  Misty sat two huge duffle bags on the floor, along with Summer’s diaper bag. Gavin’s heart was beating out of his chest and he was praying that Misty wasn’t on no bullshit.

  “That’s cool, her daddy can watch her,” Misty smirked while looking at Gavin.

  She was fed up and at the end of her rope. After searching online all night, she and Milan ran into a brick wall while trying to find something on Gavin’s parents. She was looking for people who she knew nothing about and it did nothing but frustrate her. Misty was tired of missing work while Gavin got to live a carefree life. She didn’t give a fuck about his feelings and she cared even less about Stori’s. She was going to the club and make some money.

  “Bitch, who is her daddy? Inquiring minds want to know. That pussy got more miles on it than a triathlon!” Kalani yelled as she jumped up.

  “You shut the fuck up and mind your business. Gavin, get your daughter. I have to work,” Misty said as she hurriedly rushed out the door and into Milan’s awaiting car.

  “Did that bitch just say your daughter? Did I hear that right Gavin? Summer is your baby? The same fucking baby that you had my little sister babysitting. Is that what I just heard?” Stori asked as she pulled her long sew-in into a knot at the top of her head.

  “Stori, baby, just let me explain,” Gavin pleaded with a shaky voice.

  “Nah nigga, explain this ass whipping that you’re about to get!” Stori yelled as she punched him in the face.

  Gavin grabbed his nose as the blood gushed in between his fingers. Stori didn’t mind swinging on anybody, so he wasn’t even surprised. When Kalani saw that her friend wasn’t done, she kicked off her slides and got ready to put in work with her. As soon as Gavin tried to come at her, Stori and Kalani charged at him. They punched, scratched and kicked every part of his body that they could. Toi was screaming for them to stop and Summer was wailing to the top of her little lungs. When Gavin fell to the floor, Stori grabbed her hot flat irons and started hitting him with them until they fell apart.

  “Ahhh! Fuck!” Gavin screamed as the hot tools connected with his skin.

  “Stori! Stop, please!” Toi cried as she pulled her sister’s shirt.

  She had strapped Summer back in her car seat as she attempted to break up the fight. Hearing her baby sister sound so broken snapped Stori back to reality. She was breathing hard and so was Kalani. Stori felt bad when Toi buried her face in her chest and cried.

  “I’m sorry Stori. I didn’t know that she was Gavin’s baby, I swear,” Toi sobbed, breaking Stori’s heart.

  “Don’t cry baby. I know you didn’t know and I’m not mad at you. Go upstairs and wait for me, okay?” Stori said, trying her best to sound like her normal self.

  “Will you be okay?” Toi asked worriedly.

  “I’ll be fine baby. I’m coming up in a minute,” Stori promised her with a forced smile.

  Toi nodded and reluctantly went upstairs. Gavin’s pathetic ass struggled but he was finally able to stand. Stori grabbed his keys that had fallen on the floor and removed her house and car keys before throwing them at him.

  “Get your baby and get the fuck out of my house. You can come back and get your shit whenever I’m available,” Stori fumed as she looked at him in disgust.

  “Baby, please, just hear me out,” Gavin begged.

“Just leave Gavin. If you know what’s best for you, you’ll walk out that door and don’t look back,” Stori gritted.

  “Is it that easy for you, Stori? The least you can do is talk to me. I fucked up and I was wrong, but I swear that was my first and last time stepping outside of our marriage,” Gavin said through his swollen, bloody lips.

  Stori opened her drawer and grabbed her gun. She pointed it directly at his head without an ounce of fear in her eyes. If she did love him, Gavin couldn’t tell. Stori was emotionless as she threatened his life like it was nothing.

  “I’m giving you a choice. You can either walk out on your own or get carried out in a body bag. What’s up?” Stori asked him.

  Gavin wanted to continue pleading his case but he was no fool. Stori had her own little arsenal of weapons hidden throughout the house. Even Gavin didn’t know where all of them were. Misty was a dirty bitch but she would get hers soon enough. Gavin had never been alone with Summer and he didn’t know what to do. She was sitting in her car seat looking around like she was just as confused. Although he was in pain, he limped over to the car seat and managed to pick it up. Once he had the bags secured in his hand, Stori pushed him out and slammed the door behind him.

  “Aww friend. I’m so sorry about all of this. It’s okay to cry. You know I got you,” Kalani said as she pulled Stori in for a hug. She rubbed her friend’s back, trying her best to comfort her. Kalani was waiting for her shirt to be saturated with tears, but that never happened. When she pulled back and looked at Stori, her eyes were as dry as cotton.

  “Are you okay boo?” Kalani asked her.

  “I’m fine,” Stori replied nonchalantly.

  “You don’t have to be strong in front of me, Stori. You can cry if you want to. I know it hurts,” Kalani said.

  “Bitch please. I’m not hurt and I’m not about to cry. I’m pissed the fuck off.” Stori frowned.

  “Okay, I’m lost,” Kalani said with her face twisted in confusion. Stori didn’t look like she even cared about what had just happened.

  “I’m pissed that my sister was put in the middle of Gavin’s bullshit. I’m pissed that I had that bitch Misty sitting in my shop and didn’t know what was up. I’m pissed that I fucked his ass like a porn star for two hours this morning. And most of all, I’m pissed that I stayed with a muthafucker that I didn’t even love for so long. I wanted a way out and he gave me a damn good one,” Stori rambled.

  “Well, look on the bright side. At least you didn’t have no babies for his ass,” Kalani said.

  “Thank God for that. I just want to make sure that Toi is okay. She really loved Summer,” Stori sighed in frustration.

  “Go see about her while I clean up this mess,” Kalani offered.

  “I thought you had to bartend tonight,” Stori reminded her.

  “Girl, fuck that bar. You and Toi are way more important. I’ll let Remo know what’s up. I should tell him that Gavin hit me.” Kalani frowned.

  “Gavin is a bitch but he doesn’t deserve to die,” Stori laughed as she headed up the stairs.

  She found Toi lying in her bed facing the wall. When Stori laid next to her, she turned around to look at her.

  “Is he gone?” Toi asked.

  “Yes and he’s never coming back,” Stori promised.

  “Good. I hate him for what he did to you. I can’t believe that he Summer’s father.” Toi frowned.

  “That makes two of us. But, listen Toi, I don’t want you to feel bad about this. You didn’t know and neither did I. You know I would have never agreed to let you babysit if I did. None of this is your fault and I’m not mad at you. You’re my baby and I love you,” Stori said as she kissed her forehead.

  “I love you, too.” Toi smiled.

  “It was just me and you long before Gavin entered the picture and it’ll just be the two of us again,” Stori noted.

  “If I ask you something, will you promise not to get mad?” Toi inquired.

  “Do I ever? You can talk to me about anything. You know that, don’t you?” Stori asked.

  “Yes, I do.” Toi nodded.

  “Okay, so what’s up?” Stori questioned.

  “Was it Gavin who I heard in the room with Misty that day?” Toi inquired.

  That entire situation had slipped Stori’s mind but she now wondered the same thing. That nigga was doing his thing right up under her nose and she never suspected a thing. She couldn’t wait to talk to Kalani about what Toi had just said. She had forgotten all about that situation.

  “I don’t know baby. Maybe it was.” Stori shrugged.

  “Do you love Gavin?” Toi asked, taking Stori by surprise.

  “Do you think I love him?” Stori countered.

  “Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I think he annoys you a lot.” Toi shrugged.

  Her baby sister was very smart and observant. Stori didn’t even think Toi picked up on how she felt about her husband but she obviously did.

  “I told you that I would never lie to you and I meant that. No, I don’t love Gavin but I really tried to. I got comfortable with him but that shouldn’t have been enough. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve. When you grow up and decide to date or get married, make sure it’s for love and nothing else,” Stori said.

  “Okay.” Toi nodded with a smile.

  “Are you okay Stanka?” Stori asked.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Are you sad Stori?” Toi asked her.

  “Not at all. If you’re good, then so am I,” Stori said as she got up from the bed.

  “Remo said that I can always call him or Nas if I need anything,” Toi said as she followed Stori out of her bedroom.

  “I’m sure you can but what do you need?” Stori asked.

  “Nothing but maybe I can ask him to beat Gavin up,” Toi said seriously, as Stori doubled over with laughter.

  “No baby, I don’t want you to do that. Call Maddie and Hannah to see if they can come over for a while. We can order pizza and pig out on junk food,” Stori said.

  “Yay!” Toi yelled excitedly as she ran back to her room to get her phone.

  Stori smiled when she heard her on the phone talking and laughing with her friends. Kalani came upstairs a little while later and they ordered some food. Toi’s friends came over and they had a good time. Once everyone ate, Stori and Kalani enjoyed a bottle of wine while the girls danced and sang karaoke. The smile on Toi’s face was genuine and that was all that Stori wanted. If her baby sister was happy, then so was she. Finally being rid of Gavin was also something to make her smile. She was good on money, so his finances wouldn’t be missed either.

  “So, about that hookup,” Kalani leaned over and whispered in Stori’s ear.

  “Bitch, Gavin is gone but I’m still a married woman. It’s only been a few hours. And don’t tell Remo about what happened. I know he’ll be trying to find me a new man tomorrow,” Stori laughed.

  “Fuck tomorrow. He’ll be trying tonight. The nerve of Misty to be all up in your shop getting her hair done knowing that she was fucking your husband.” Kalani frowned.

  “That doesn’t bother me as much as them having my little sister babysit her. That was a line that they should have never crossed. It’s all good though,” Stori said as she nodded her head, deep in thought.

  “So, it’s a no on the hookup?” Kalani asked.

  “It’s a hell no,” Stori laughed.

  She enjoyed the company of men but she wasn’t pressed or desperate to get one. Not every man could be trusted and she had Toi to think about. She was good on a hookup. She had to officially get rid of Gavin before she did anything else. Once that was done, she would probably think about dating again. Until then, it was just her and Toi and she was good with that.

  A fter driving around looking for Misty all night, Gavin finally pulled up to his parents’ house. He knew that her pathetic ass was in the club because he saw her car parked out front. He couldn’t go inside with a baby and he couldn’t leave Summer in the car alone. H
e tried calling Nas a few times but he didn’t answer. Gavin ended up parking in front of Misty’s house waiting for her to return, but she never did. When he went back to the club, her car was gone and so were most of the others. Nas was still there but he had turned his phone off.

  It was now a little after seven that morning and Gavin was exhausted. He stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things since Stori didn’t let him take anything from the house. He wanted a shower and a bed more than anything but he knew that would have to wait. Gavin dreaded having to go into his parents’ house but he really had no other choice. He didn’t know the first thing about taking care of a baby. Misty had packed Summer more than enough stuff, so he didn’t know when she planned to come back for her.

  “Fuck it,” Gavin said as he eased his aching body out of the car.

  Stori and Kalani had really done a number on him but he couldn’t even be mad. He had done the unthinkable and his wife had a right to be upset. He was scared about what the future held for him and Stori. He loved his wife more than anything and he couldn’t see himself with anyone else. Gavin was a fool for cheating on her and he had lots of regrets. He prayed that once she calmed down, they could have a talk and try to repair what he had broken.

  “Come on pretty girl. Time to go meet your grandparents,” Gavin said as he got Summer’s car seat out of the car.

  He walked up the steps to his parents’ home and rang the bell. The fresh aroma of coffee could be smelled, even though the door hadn’t been opened yet.

  “Who is it?” Gavin’s mother, Karen, sang from the other side of the door.

  “It’s me ma,” Gavin replied. He heard her fumbling with the locks before the door was finally opened.

  “Gavin! Oh, my God! What happened to your face?” Karen screeched.

  Gavin had cleaned up the dry blood from his face with some of Summer’s wipes. He still looked a hot ass mess even without it. His nose was swollen and his lip looked almost twice it’s normal size. He had scratches everywhere and his eye had a black ring forming underneath it. No one would have ever believed that two women as small as Kalani and Stori would have done so much damage.


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